After erecting the tower structure and supporting equipment, the astronauts will return to the shuttle airlock when the pair of blue-and-gold solar panels unreel from their carriers like window shades. If their is a deployment problem, the spacewalkers will be prepared to use special power tools to help extend the wings.
The shuttle astronauts are taking special precautions because the solar arrays, the biggest ever unfurled in space, have a theoretical chance of causing a dangerous electrical arc between themselves and the station. Because the arrays generate about 200 volts of unregulated direct current, there is a potential danger of electrocution for spacewalking astronauts from unwanted electrical discharges, said Jeff Onerous, the NASA space station flight director. With the buzzing and the popping and the cold vacuum of space exploding clavin hey hey hey.
(Thu Nov 30, 2000 - 1:13:41 pm)