Detlef Sping:
I think Scotland yard is playing the tape I sent you Froupie, expect a knock on your door.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:02:31 pm)

Detlef Sping:
and a straight jacket.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:02:50 pm)

jim steinman is an american treasure.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:03:10 pm)

they wont make it to the door.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:03:26 pm)

jim steinman? are you crazy? that man should be shot.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:03:47 pm)

oh no, tom cried? that's so sad. there's nothing worse than a man crying.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:03:52 pm)

he misses her
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:04:03 pm)

froupie you shut your face hole!
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:04:06 pm)

Detlef Sping:
driving to Satan Island with Tom? that should be interesting
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:04:15 pm)

no make me!
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:04:28 pm)

you shut yer cakehole bon jovi lover!
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:04:48 pm)

(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:04:52 pm)

Detlef Sping:
she knows kung fu.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:05:08 pm)

i know ju-jitsu
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:05:39 pm)

Detlef Sping:
Oh right. and yubiwaza
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:06:18 pm)

and i've got a voodoo doll so dont mess with me motherbanger!
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:06:22 pm)

Tom is a cryer though so its no big deal. This is sort of funny, Tom is managing a softball team and they're playing my roommates softball team on Sunday. Joe's best friend is on Julia's softball team, so JOe goes to the games - thats how Julia knows Joe and thats how I met him at that bar. So since I'm going to be recording all weekend I bet Joe is going to be at that softball game and tom will be there and he'll most likely mock out Julia really bad because he can't stand her. Could be interesting.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:06:24 pm)

Detlef Sping:
Thank God for Yubiwaza
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:06:43 pm)

I know pilates
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:06:49 pm)

your life is a soap opera bela..
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:07:08 pm)

Yeah, Satan Island.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:07:14 pm)

Detlef Sping:
It sounds like Queenie should film it.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:07:39 pm)

i feel sorry for tyom, but yknow, he blew it.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:07:48 pm)

life moves on.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:07:54 pm)

Detlef Sping:
I'd go to see it.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:07:59 pm)

queene wont be able to film anything i'm going to tie her up in yoga knots until she begs for mercy
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:08:22 pm)

Tom could rip Joe to shreds verbally. I went to one of the softball games with Joe and he yells a lot of stuff like a manager would, so I can see JOe yelling a lot and tom yelling back like who the fuck are you dickhead or something. Good times.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:08:46 pm)

that was kind of hot
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:09:09 pm)

i'll call up ricks radio show and let her yelp for help down the line.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:09:19 pm)

Detlef Sping:
I hope he doesn't go, y'know, Insane.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:10:31 pm)

Detlef Sping:
rip Joe to shreds verbally and otherwise.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:11:12 pm)

Detlef Sping:
tear him a new one.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:11:33 pm)

I don't think Julia's softball team won a game yet. Whatever, its all the stupid bars in Williamsburg - a bunch of assholes.
(Thu May 6, 2004 - 12:11:47 pm)