Main Entry: jit·ney
Pronunciation: 'jit-nE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural jitneys
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1903 1 slang : NICKEL 2a(1)
2 [from the original 5 cent fare] : BUS 1a; especially : a small bus that carries passengers over a regular route on a flexible schedule
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 12:23:35 pm)
Chewing Wax:
You mean you haven't noticed that thing always parked out front? The license plate reads MYKSPNUTS
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 12:24:45 pm)
Chewing Wax:
Ooh. A story.
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 12:25:20 pm)
Dr GB:
I learned: 1. don't dress like a Russian prostitute. This girl in the bar did and she looked like she was a Russian prostitute, even though I later found out that she wasn't. 2. Don't talk bullshit about astrology. This prostitute was saying: "You're a Gemini aren't you". "No" "What are you then?" "A Scorpio". This went on with everyone and each time she got it wrong she said, "I bet you're born at the beginning/end of your sign, so you pick up traits of the previous/next sign", "that's because sign X is opposite your sign, that's why I thought you were an X", "I bet your moon is in Y, that's why I thought you were .....". I couldn't stop myself. I asked if any of her planets were in Uranus. Puerile, I know.
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 12:29:46 pm)
Myk Murphy:
i'm a fool to have chalked that up to coincidence. of course, it's no surprise that my message board friends ride the little bus.
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 12:31:02 pm)
Myk Murphy:
puerile, but charming. as always.
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 12:32:01 pm)
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 12:40:08 pm)
Myk Murphy:
nice ride.
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 12:50:57 pm)
Chewing Wax:
If you have the means, I highly recommend that you pick one up.
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 2:08:47 pm)
Myk Murphy:
"is that your new ferrari car?" ..."i think i'll wait for the jitney!" - r. waters
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 2:37:39 pm)
Chewing Wax:
Memo: Shallots are wonderful. They are fruits... and they are vegetables.... and the are fresh from the ocean.
(Mon Jun 12, 2000 - 8:29:59 pm)
Dr GB:
MY DAY by Dr GB1. I was supposed to send something to everyone and I completely forgot, and now everyone in the building is whining about how they weren’t consulted. Luckily our e-mail system is notoriously shite so I just sent it with a note saying "From enquiries received I think this may not have reached you all originally"….ahem.2. I rang someone to cancel a meeting: they’ve traipsed over here anyway because their office can’t pass on messages. Waste of time.3. As I walked through reception after getting rid of this man, I heard the Russian prostitute waiting by the lifts. I’ve walked up to the fourth floor just to avoid her.The End.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 6:06:24 am)
My Day by Sleepy. 1. Woke up with massive headache. 2. Examine piece of black fluff on floor of hall. 'Fluff' turns out to be spider I have trodden on. 3. Try to extricate mangled spider from rug. Some legs remain in rug. 4. Turn rug over.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 7:54:37 am)
Myk Murphy:
my day by myk. 1. woke up feeling ok. 2. drove to work in small vehicle, cautious to avoid foolish drivers in large vehicles. 3. checked mail and net, noting how my morning has been less frustrating than others i know. 4. look forward to this morning's frustration: a presentation to a hostile group.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 8:23:26 am)
Chewing Wax:
.... still sleeping....
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 8:36:16 am)
Chewing Wax:
poor spider
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 8:58:21 am)
Myk Murphy:
my day by Spider. 1. woke up and walked around a bit. 2. die horribly due to blunt force trauma from human shoe. 3. have bodily remains desecrated and scattered.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:11:47 am)
Chewing Wax:
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:12:20 am)
Barry & Barry:
1. Woke up. 2. Measured fetid beard. 3. Dressed like a tramp. 4. Put packed lunch, books, rail ticket, money, flask of tea in beard. 5. Went to work.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:21:31 am)
1. Woke up. 2. Got outta bed. 3. Dragged a comb across my head. 4. Logged on to Decoy's Lounge.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:28:39 am)
Morning blah blah blah.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:30:53 am)
Chewing Wax:
Was that a thinly veiled reference to drug use?
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:31:39 am)
Myk Murphy:
isn't everything?
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:38:33 am)
Chewing Wax:
I thought it was a telescope
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:42:18 am)
Never. But I had a dream last night that Wax lived in his parents house, but it wasn't his parents house and it was in the country and not in the suburbs. Wax and I were there outside drinking some cold beers in the summer sun talking about things we like to talk about. And Sleepy came to visit while she was in the neighborhood for some reason, she was very quiet and communicated mostly with knowing smiles and nods. Wax was cooking a giant roast beef on the grill and it smelled delicious. Myk showed up after a while, too.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:42:45 am)
It was way less than a pound of weed.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:43:30 am)
Chewing Wax:
I had that exact same dream
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:45:26 am)
That sounds just like Sleepy. And where the fuck was I?
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:46:06 am)
Afternoon beard-bearers.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:46:20 am)
During a 40-minute limousine ride into the capital, the two leaders chatted and "sometimes held hands in a show of personal respect," according to Park Joon-young, the South Korean presidential spokesman.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:46:52 am)
Chewing Wax:
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:54:50 am)
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:55:09 am)
The prolific flare-producing sunspot group #9026 unleashed another moderately strong SolarElvis flare on June 10. The eruption was accompanied by a partial halo coronal mass ejection (CMEhunka burnin love) that might be Earth-directed and arrive in the vicinity of our planet on June 13.
(Tue Jun 13, 2000 - 9:58:16 am)