Not mechanical engineering. But nuclear and aeronautical engineering programs.
(Wed Apr 16, 2003 - 5:28:28 pm)

Him. But the rationale still stands. This guy won't commit a crime like again. He already did what he wanted to do. So now we're determining a punishment. If he's only against the death penalty, then his statement about detering crime lacks any logic.
(Wed Apr 16, 2003 - 5:41:57 pm)

(Reuters) - Greek police said they arrested 106 anti-Iraq war demonstrators after two hours of violence close to the scene of an EU summit in Athens on Wednesday. Protesters threw Molotov cocktails, stones, bricks and paint at police and the Italian, French, British and U.S. embassies. "This is a very large number of arrests. We have very rarely detained so many people, not even at soccer matches," a police official told Reuters.
(Wed Apr 16, 2003 - 5:44:00 pm)

Someone should tell these nitwits that the war is pretty much over. And up to this point, it's been an astounding success. Whether the Irqis can shake the bndage of fantaicism and step into the mdern era remains to be seen however.
(Wed Apr 16, 2003 - 5:45:57 pm)

And so I type with a cigar in one hand. Pah.
(Wed Apr 16, 2003 - 5:46:22 pm)

I, however, think they can. To think they can't would be cynicism and bigotry. Is Islam so reprehensible that it cannot accept human rghts and dignity? I don't think so.
(Wed Apr 16, 2003 - 5:48:16 pm)

where's the w.m.d.s?
(Wed Apr 16, 2003 - 9:21:41 pm)

I finally did it. I finally bought cigarettes online. I just saved $44 on one carton.
(Wed Apr 16, 2003 - 10:26:13 pm)


The disease? Musical snobbery, and the virus is spreading. What used to be a title only given to the most astute indie rocker is now finding more and more victims as the general population's taste in music worsens. Where an art rocker dressed in black used to be easily identifiable, the music snob now comes in all forms of appearance and musical taste. The music snob must be defined as one with an intense love for a certain flavor of music, often to the point of borderline obsession. And it isn't always a question of appreciating music, because equally important to the music snob's identity is an intense repulsion for any genre of music that he or she sees as a scar to musical ingenuity.

Obscurity. This is perhaps the most obvious clue. If a conversation about music with someone turns into a frantic listing of bands until one of you has not heard of the named group, you very well could be at risk of being a music snob.

Classics. You must have a working knowledge of classic albums and early influences. But, because you are a music snob, this trait must surpass the big titles by any band. In other words, familiarity with Sgt. Pepper won't get you too far. Claiming you know a lot about the history of rock and then not being able to support is a sure fire way to lose all respect when in the company of fellow snobs. Don't be surprised if you are ostracized or the object of extreme ridicule from there on out.

Bragging. What makes a music snob separate from one who enjoys good music is often revealed in this step. A music snob goes out of his or her way to make everything they know about music accessible to whomever is in earshot. While one who simply enjoys good music can contribute to a musical discussion, the music snob feels it necessary to reveal everything they know about the topic. This includes battles with other music snobs, and an addiction to showing off your musical trivia knowledge (guest performers, set lists, etc.) at every chance.

Guilty Pleasures. Image is important to a music snob, so he or she must not admit to liking artists that don't fit into his or her category of acceptable music. Therefore, his or her intense attraction to the music of Hanson must not be acted upon. This can result in musical denial and closet listening, revealed when a close friend finds a very worn album hidden within the trenches of the music snob's sock drawer.

Friends. The music snob often refuses to associate with people that are more knowledgeable in the history of rock. If music snob A's area of specialty is underground hip-hop, he or she would most likely be better friends with music snob B, who enjoys indie rock in the post-punk variety, than say with music snob C, who also likes underground hip-hop. Whether A or C knows more is not important. The plain fact is that A and C's relationship would never be able to bloom, because they would constantly be competing for the underground hip-hop championship belt.

CD Collection. If you have ever gone to the living space of a new acquaintance, seen their CD collection, and ran away horrified and scarred for life, there's a very good chance that you are a music snob (unless they had a wide selection of Creed, then your bolting is completely admissible). However, chances are you would not be in that situation, because you would have already spoken with your new friend about their musical tastes prior to entering their home. If you didn't discuss their musical tastes before entering their home, you might want to question your music snob status.

Possession. One of the most tell tale signs of a music snob is possession of a certain band or album. Music snob A and music snob B may both love band C. If this is the case and this realization does not allow the two snobs to bond, chances are there will be a messy blurting out of facts and other completely unrelated musical trivia, which will probably make the two snobs appear pathetic and obsessed rather than musical appreciators.

Godliness. The inability to understand that others have a love affair with music as intense as yours is both obnoxious and the most potent music snob trait. The snob uses music to separate him/herself from others instead of using it as a bridge to meet more musically astute and intelligent people, and that's just sad. And scary. And pathetic.

What you can do to un-snobbify yourself: accept the fact it is okay to like some uncultured music; be kind to people with no taste (just don't discuss your newest album purchases with them); express your opinion but realize that an opinion, is all that it is. Just remember, it's good to love your music; it's bad to think you're a god. No one likes a music snob, not even other music snobs.

So the inevitable question is: does it matter what type of music you are snobby about?

While obscure bands used to be an integral element in finding a music snob, with the world's growing interest in pop, can a music snob now encompass those who refuse to listen to anything but the Billboard Top Ten?

I suppose I could say that anyone who relies on contemporary American pop and dislikes anything that isn't played by Clear Channel is an idiot, but then that would align me with the music snob. Musical snobbery is only the result of an opinion, and everyone is entitled to their own… just don't expect me to listen to yours.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 12:46:06 am)


I buy my cigarettes online all the time.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 5:55:29 am)

Yippee! You can't see me
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 7:28:30 am)


(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 7:45:24 am)

Good morning. I hate my job more and more every day. Sad. I have to start looking for something else. I feel bad working with people who take this stupid job so seriously.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 9:22:21 am)

i'm bored and reading vogue. my horoscope says:
"you''re disillusioned enough to soon be confronting compromises you once accepted without a word". hmmm.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 9:31:08 am)


(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 9:38:45 am)

Mmmm, half and half over oatmeal.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 9:47:22 am)

I need a massage. Once again, I'm all stressed out.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 10:04:19 am)


This small robot walks on the human body to generate a pleasant, tickling sensation. It has two motors and rubber feet for a good grip on the skin. When it encounters a slope that is too steep, it will steer until a safe level is found, and it will continue its way.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 10:10:36 am)


(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 10:11:35 am)

he appears to have fallen asleep with a shuttlecock on his chest.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 10:15:35 am)

it must have been an exhausting game of badminton.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 10:18:32 am)

(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 11:09:19 am)

My stomach hurts. I think it may have been the fried chicken I had for breakfast.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 11:49:09 am)

Im thinking of ordering some of this to smoke occasionaly as I have quit recently and don't want to get back into a pack a day habit

(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 12:13:44 pm)

I've been ordering my cigars online for a while now. I thought I would be saving huge amounts of loot, as I now buy them at half the price per stick than the retail store sold them, but I'm smoking a lot more now. I want to try a pipe.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:04:43 pm)

Myk Murphy:
Good morning, wage slaves. Sorry to hear that the job is getting worse, bela. Mine is kinda worse, too, but i made my exit from the predecessor at a good time.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:04:50 pm)

bela just whines about anything. don't listen to her.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:08:38 pm)

I think the 9 - 5 thing isn't really for me. I am pretty much a wage slave.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:09:18 pm)

That's what they ALL say. You know, the word "career" was an invention of the corporations.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:14:37 pm)

Heh. Thats funny. I don't know Heruka, I really don't want a career. I'm not that sort of person I guess.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:17:15 pm)

I mean, I have a lot of friends that are really in to their jobs and whatnot, like my friend is going to MIT in the fall to the Sloan school and he just talks about the money he'll make and what he could do and all this and I'm all you're crazy that sounds awful. he says he'll take me out to expensive places when hes rich so thats cool but who knows if things will pan out for him. THey haven't so far and he has like 2 masters. I don't really know.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:19:14 pm)

I don't really care either, I tell him I'm happy for him. Whatever.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:19:43 pm)

I enjoy working on MY schedule. I could have found a real job after all this time, most even would have when things became tight. But I'm more productive when I'm not forced into anything. I'd rather have a deadline than a time clock.
(Thu Apr 17, 2003 - 1:20:47 pm)