Now gimme money
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:09:42 pm)
Chewing Wax:
I'm going home.
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:11:10 pm)
The planes are flying low today.
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:14:34 pm)
Can we go out for ice cream now?
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:21:29 pm)
Did I say "low"? I meant to say "ohmygodduckandcoverfuckingLOW".
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:25:37 pm)
Time for smoking.
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:26:42 pm)
Ok, I'm here. What'd I miss?
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:30:52 pm)
Your golden opportunity to be a Frank Principle Patron.
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:34:44 pm)
Detlef Sping:
Are you gleaning again?
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 5:57:40 pm)
I gleaned two donations so far.
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 6:17:25 pm)
Glean this.
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 6:41:07 pm)
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 6:48:18 pm)
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 7:01:46 pm)
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 7:06:58 pm)
Quote of the show: "It could've been worse, I could have been Sting."
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 11:01:18 pm)
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 11:28:17 pm)
Chewing Wax:
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 11:53:45 pm)
Fucktard? Is that a pet name you've developed for Decoy? A means to show affection.
(Tue May 7, 2002 - 11:54:09 pm)
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 12:10:20 am)
Chewing Wax:
Queenie is mine. All of you boys stand off.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 12:26:19 am)
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 12:49:24 am)
Queenie's Hate Mail of the Week:
You & Your site suck. I have been looking around on your site for a few weeks. Looking for musicians, reading articles etc. After reading your article on REO and Styx. I realize you guys are fucking fools. While I am of an older generation that grew up on that music, I do like a lot of modern music as well. I was totally surprised when all you can do is criticize the hair of the people there. And make fun of anything, and everthing about the show. While I was never really a fan of their music, it is just bullshit that in the next article, "Rob Zombie" was given a fair review. I mean REO and STYX are actually decent musicians while Zombie is a fuckin hack. I sorta like a song or two by him, but he truly sucks. So all you can do is make jokes about the other shows? Fuck you and your bitch ho....... I suppose you think Korn is God? Fuck you and your gay ass site
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 1:28:24 am)
Clearly he is overcompensating for his bad mullet.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 1:28:51 am)
My reply:
I appreciate your feedback. However, I'm afraid that I cannot take the wordsof someone who thinks it's OK to tell a perfect stranger to fuck themselvesseriously. It is not within my interest to try and satisfy you or anyoneelse with the manners and reading comprehension skills of a monkey.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 1:29:08 am)
James Dean would walk around telling everyone to fuck off.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 1:47:58 am)
Yeah, well... he was a rebel.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 1:53:27 am)
He was a dog. He was a walking, talking cliche'. He portrayed an image, and in the end, his inability to live up to that image got himself and others killed. Some teenager and his girlfriend if I remember correctly. They were just out on a date. But thanks to James Dean and his childish irresponsible behavior, they're dead.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 2:05:57 am)
Trivia! Do you know the name of the car in which he died?
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 2:08:35 am)
1953 Porsche Spyder. The first rear engined porsche made. Too much car for that bot. He couldn't handle.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 2:09:22 am)
Yeah, but do you know the car's NAME?
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 2:10:36 am)
Nicknamed "The Little Bastard," the silver 1955 Porsche Spyder 550...one of only 90 built-- carried the iconic screen rebel to his grave on September 30, 1955.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 2:20:51 am)
It was mid-engined, not rear. Well, I had the car right.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 2:21:50 am)
No fair looking it up.
(Wed May 8, 2002 - 2:24:16 am)