Myk Murphy:
i dig his love spit love work. which song was it? as for you, theo, just make sure of one thing: will her change to your terms be a genuine change that she sees as healthy, or simply one to keep the relationship functioning? don't stay together for the sake of staying together. (ok, off my soapbox now.) i hope it works out well, theo.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 10:23:18 am)

Meat for thought:
Bacteriologists at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute in Pretoria , South Africa are baffled as to what is causing hunks of meat to glow and frighten rural villagers in Northern Province, says the African Eye News Service. Villagers have begun speculating about omens, miracles and curses causing the odd meat. Northern Province police had taken it from an alarmed pensioner, Alilali Mulaudzi. She'd purchased the meat and rubbed salt on it to cure it, storing it on her roof. "That night it began to glow", and she took it to police. The following week, Jackson Phalanndwa, from another nearby village, had the same experience after buying two hunks of meat from two separate butchers. He salted the meat and put it on his roof, only to wake up at 3 a.m. and find it glowing. Police also confiscated his meat for study.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 3:38:03 pm)

Sounds like an X-File.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 4:54:42 pm)

Myk, the song is called "Jigsaw" and it has left me forever changed.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 4:54:58 pm)

You're goofy.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 6:08:46 pm)


(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 8:26:20 pm)

Myk Murphy:
i sit here listening to "jigsaw" in the dark, in the basement. it's funny how the song keeps the "circus carnie" tune always lurking in the background without being too absurd. not one of my favorites on this album, but points for them for pulling it off. "please" and "half a life" are wonderful songs on this one.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 10:41:35 pm)

Myk Murphy:
thanks, queenie, for reminding to give LSL's CDs a spin again.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 10:42:21 pm)

Myk Murphy:
let it be known that today's band activity is making results. we did the bulk of a 3-song demo disc (to get live gigs) today, and should finish it on tuesday (still working the full album, of course). soon we'll have a website up, i hope, and then song clips will be downloadable and all that. kinda fun.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 10:45:09 pm)

This is a coontie.
(Sun Feb 17, 2002 - 11:50:53 pm)

I just watched a fascinating yet upsetting as all hell show on PBS about obesity in America. Talked a lot about how on average people view over 10,000 television commercials encouraging them to gorge on pizza and fast food and potato chips and at the same time are overwhelmed with just as many advertisements stating that thin is attractive and fat is shameful and how it fucks with the psychology of people, especially little kids.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 3:04:48 am)

Oh, about the LSL song. While not being the most amazing song ever recorded, what makes it special to me is that if I had a personal conversation with Richard Butler and asked him to create for my film the perfect song, "Jigsaw" would be it.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 3:09:21 am)

So what angers you more? The good looking people telling the world what YOU should look like? Or the fast food and junk food makers taking advantage of poor, weak, helpless, dumb people who can't control their own eating habits and feel the need to eat everything they see? Would you have been so upset by this program if you weren't obese yourself? Or would you be on the flip side making fun of the fat people who lack the ability to even control the simplist of urges? The word is moderation.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 4:39:13 am)

Good morning:
Todays agenda: Founding a new nation.

(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 7:37:07 am)

Mrs Dr GB:
I could do that. As long as someone else did the paperwork. Will I have an official title?
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 7:44:31 am)

Myk Murphy:
good morning, mrs dr "mother of our country" gb. that would make a fine title. i have the day off, mostly. i assume that the british are laboring to keep the global economy moving while we relax.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 8:22:47 am)

You'll be the Potato Queen. Queen of all things spud related.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 8:26:02 am)

We? There is no "we". I have to work today. I actually have to go in today. It's Monday after all.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 8:27:33 am)

Myk Murphy:
after all that time off, heruka, working on presidents' day is the least you could do. how's the new job coming along, anyway?
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 8:32:26 am)

Fine. It's not all that much different from being unemployed. I still don't go in every day. It's good to be productive though. I do miss dealing with people on a regular basis. The job is neato. It's harder than it should be, considering I haven't a clue as to what I'm doing.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 8:36:02 am)

Myk Murphy:
well, do what i do and just fake it while you learn the skill on-the-job. i've had to do that a few times, lemme tell ya.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 8:42:18 am)

My boss knows I know nothing about it. What the hell could I possibly know about municipal sewer systems? Nothing. That's what. But it's interesting.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 8:53:01 am)

Myk Murphy:
i suppose that's the kind of job where they expect to train you on the job. if i was your boss and reviewing resumes, i doubt i would easily find "municipal sewer system specialist" credentials. what do you with the sewers? maintenance, construction, environmental?
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 9:16:18 am)

Mrs Dr GB:
A job that's not so different from being unemployed? That sounds very nice indeed. Does your company have a UK branch?
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 9:23:13 am)

Detlef Sping:
You handle sewage?
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 9:48:35 am)

Chewing Wax:
Good morning. I'm learning on the job. Let me get this straight. Moderation. It's true.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 10:01:32 am)

Chewing Wax:
Good morning Sping of Ohio
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 10:01:51 am)

Oh please, you wrote that nameless response to Queenie. We all know you're a big old coward.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 10:04:12 am)

Chewing Wax:
Me? Not me baby. I'm not up that late.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 10:04:36 am)

CW wrote that nameless response.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 10:04:38 am)

Yes you.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 10:04:58 am)

Chewing Wax:
I didn't.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 10:05:30 am)

Chewing Wax:
I bet you did.
(Mon Feb 18, 2002 - 10:05:46 am)