Chewing Wax:
New Years sarcasm. Happy days.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 1:45:41 pm)
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 1:56:31 pm)
Chewing Wax:
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 2:41:43 pm)
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 2:50:34 pm)
Mrs Dr GB:
Same as it ever was.......
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 2:54:12 pm)
Whoppers and Goobers
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 3:39:00 pm)
To clarify -- when I said that the cartoon could only be British, I didn't mean it as an insult... I only meant that they don't say "knackered" around these parts.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 5:00:34 pm)
Myk Murphy:
upon further review of my car, it appears that nothing needs to be welded. while it isn't the quietest car on the road, it doesn't seem to have any specific exhaust leaks. that was a nice surprise.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 5:14:33 pm)
Put up some stills on frankprinciple.com of the work we did this past weekend. Good times.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 5:29:39 pm)
Support bacteria .. it's the only culture some people have.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 6:10:10 pm)
It's the faces on the tadpoles that make that comic funny. I vote that the swinging mammary glands down there replace the tired martini glasses. I've got a head-ache
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 6:59:21 pm)
Happy New Year!
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 8:33:05 pm)
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 8:36:02 pm)
Goodbye pretty foreign currency.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 8:38:13 pm)
I bet the Italians are relieved that they can finally knock all those 00000's off of their prices.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 8:40:44 pm)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/business/newsid_1737000/1737050.stm#belgium "It's good that people want to touch and feel the euro." Excellent!
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 8:43:08 pm)
"Dmitri, a tourist arriving from Russia by train, said: "We'd vaguely heard about this European money but thought it was all happening later, that it was just some kind of far-off dream."
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 8:47:33 pm)
And a final curio from Luxembourg: "Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker recently said he expected no hitch to the currency swaps, partly because Luxembourgers had little "sentimental or erotic attachment" to their own currency. "
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 8:52:39 pm)
Did you ever find a source for your purple crystals for the water purifier? I amlooking for a similar source and stumbled across this site in the process. Any direction toward a good Retail outlet would be much apreciated. Thanks...maybe??
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 9:37:23 pm)
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 9:38:23 pm)
Myk Murphy:
purple crystals? i'm intrigued. hello, sleepy. i'll miss the strange currencies, too. i don't think they were too erotic, although i suppose they could buy you anything you'd like.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 9:45:54 pm)
Myk Murphy:
due to a recent shuffling of stuff, i've got 80 german marks sitting on the table adjacent to my office PC. one 50, one 20, and one 10 marks bill... and they're all terrified of the day that i go to my bank to convert them to dollars. they know that their time is up. i never return home from europe with so much cash (about $38) but i screwed up somewhere. i don't think i'll trade in my 20 austrian schilling note... it's only worth about $1.25, i think.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 9:50:47 pm)
What's the currency, Kenneth?:
The 1st January 2002 will arrive, and finally the reality of this new currency will be here. Make sure that you are not taken by surprise, and that you are ready for the changeover. The biggest challenge for most people will be learning new values in euro. As from 1 January 2002 you will be getting euro notes and coins and the old notes and coins will be withdrawn within a very short time. In most countries this will be by 28 February at the latest, and in reality the first two weeks from 1 January 2002 will be the vital period. Learning in advance the value of the euro notes and coins will give you a real advantage in being at ease with the currency. Making an effort to look at the euro prices which are now widely displayed is a good way of starting to learn. We recommend that you should know, as at 1 January 2002, the following figures in euro: your weekly or monthly income, your major outgoings and cash payments, the equivalent amount of your weekly shopping and expenses. You can use the conversion rates to calculate these, and we recommend that you make the calculations and stick them on your fridge door, or somewhere handy, and keep a copy in your wallet for when you go shopping. You can have additional confidence in the prices on display where the "Euro logo" is shown. Your Government will be mainly responsible for ensuring the smooth changeover and for information to the public, therefore it is important to check out your national euro website, which will give you the most up to date practical arrangements and advice.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 11:02:58 pm)
I've got a bunch of pesos. I used to use them as tips in bars.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 11:40:58 pm)
Isn't there a couple of South American countries that use the Ameican dollar as currency? Paraguay maybe? Something like that.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 11:42:38 pm)
Hmm. Maybe they were just accepting payments in the U.S. dollar.
(Tue Jan 1, 2002 - 11:48:29 pm)
(Wed Jan 2, 2002 - 3:51:52 am)
Mrs Dr GB:
It makes me feel old, this new currency business. I'm going to be one of those people that says "Yes, but how much is that in real money? All this euro nonsense...I remember when you could leave your front door open.....honest neighbourhoods....taking pop bottles back to shop for a shilling a piece....
(Wed Jan 2, 2002 - 5:16:37 am)
Myk Murphy:
Yeah, h, ecuador uses the dollar, and until recently argentina tied their peso to it. If only they had swallowed the bitter pill of total dollarization. Good morning! A new year is upon us.
(Wed Jan 2, 2002 - 7:42:00 am)
Potassium Permaginate is only avilible in my area at great retail cost, and in small 10 pound jars. I eventually gave up.
(Wed Jan 2, 2002 - 8:32:51 am)
Gosh, they act like the new currency won't have numbers on it and no one will know what each bill is worth. True enough, I doubt America could handle that kind of a shaking. We can't even add a new coin here and there to spice things up, like SBA dollars; disaster.
(Wed Jan 2, 2002 - 8:38:04 am)
And I get the potassium permaginate from the local water conditioner company that installed the system. Look in the yelow pages under water. I refuse to endorse that company becasue they sold me something else that doesn't work.
(Wed Jan 2, 2002 - 8:39:54 am)
Myk Murphy:
Water conditioning?
(Wed Jan 2, 2002 - 9:19:29 am)