Detlef Sping:
Duct tape.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:02:58 pm)


(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:06:24 pm)

Good Luck with the snow Wax...Remember, It's a winter wonderland.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:08:06 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Thanks mooch.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:11:09 pm)

Detlefs crazy.. dont let him near the dog, get the proper dog stuff at that animal shelter you volunteer at, they'll know what to do for ear holes from hell..later
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:11:49 pm)

Good, your house hasn't been flattened..I hear Toronto on the radio bragging about how much they're helping Buffalo out..What are they doing, making coffee?
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:14:21 pm)

sending looters?
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:15:00 pm)

Chewing Wax:
They selling us doughnuts and tooks for half price.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:15:05 pm)

Keep your eye on them..
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:15:25 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Oh I am.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:16:25 pm)

Post a current pic of your yard if you are looking for something to do as you slowly go snow crazy.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:17:21 pm)

Electric fence.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:18:09 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I'll get the film developed tomorrow. I'll post them tomorrow. I hope they come out. All white.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:18:10 pm)

Build a snow dry dock for your boat.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:19:23 pm)

Dont you have a digital cam that you can just download?
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:20:09 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Did Heruka say he thinks I'd bore him in person?
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:20:16 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I haven't replaced the digital camera that was stolen last year.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:20:49 pm)

Did he? I'm not exactly sure .. he was kind of talking.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:21:43 pm)

Chewing Wax:

Just imagine this same picture, only the snow up to the bottom of the porch windows. And a white lump where the boat used to be.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:22:04 pm)

Oh right, the floor guys.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:22:32 pm)

Chewing Wax:
And a five foot drift on the top of the porch roof.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:22:33 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Yeh. Floor guys. Fuckers.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:22:48 pm)

wild deep.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:23:17 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I'm going to go help the neighbor shovel their driveway out. Later. Thanks for your advice about the Toronto people.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:24:06 pm)

you might want to knock some of that snow off..
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:24:09 pm)

Watch em good ..later
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:24:42 pm)

Roofers and floor guys. felons.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:27:09 pm)

Yes, Heruka said that he doesn't think that Decoy and CW would be too interesting in person, too geeky. He and Queenie should meet up. Me, I just chill out, I can hang out with anyone man.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 5:45:27 pm)


(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 7:09:43 pm)

Chewing Wax:
what the...?
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 7:24:47 pm)

A cozy little home..it is.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 8:03:52 pm)

3 floors and a basement right?
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 8:04:31 pm)

Chewing Wax:
And a tunnel.
(Sat Dec 29, 2001 - 9:01:11 pm)