Chewing Wax:
I'm taking the afternoon off. Have a great weekend everybody. Bye.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 12:01:49 pm)
Balázs Bernát :
The birds may be attracted to your hair gel, it seems they enjoy it very much, let me tell you.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 12:03:18 pm)
Bye. Have fun.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 12:04:57 pm)
Myk Murphy:
a great filmmaker? perhaps, but it's not that hard to achieve greatness in a medium that panders to the lowest common denominator. "big name" film is mostly crap. king may not have achieved greatness on the printed page, but at least he has a world of serious and literate competition to which he can be compared.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 12:08:56 pm)
Myk Murphy:
see ya, waxboy. enjoy the weekend!
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 12:09:14 pm)
I'm logging out now. Have a good weekend everyone.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 12:27:21 pm)
Because they long to be close to you..In reference to Chewing Wax's earlier question.Thanks....
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 1:39:49 pm)
I was shadow boxing earlier in the day...
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 1:41:35 pm)
Was this just broken?
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:15:52 pm)
Chewing Wax:
Nice work Decoy.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:16:16 pm)
Myk Murphy:
what the hell happened to BSDR? the entropy is complete, it seems. what a mess.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:16:19 pm)
Myk Murphy:
yeah, it was just broken. i just got back in a few minutes ago. heh heh... that's why i checked out bsdr, and then ran in terror.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:16:57 pm)
Chewing Wax:
It's the Lounge elves at work.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:17:36 pm)
Chewing Wax:
I'm going there now.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:17:51 pm)
Chewing Wax:
That's some crazy stuff they're cooking up in there, but at least they all seem to be getting along.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:25:02 pm)
Chewing Wax:
Has anyone seen theo lately?
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:27:32 pm)
Myk Murphy:
yes, it appears to be civil, which is certainly good. no, i haven't seen theo in quite some time. did he mention going anywhere?
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:30:17 pm)
Its fixed, you ingrates. We now have a poll! Are you excited?
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:34:10 pm)
I feel a little sorry for Queenie, there.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:35:41 pm)
Myk Murphy:
i was so excited that i took the poll! it was fun and informative.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:37:38 pm)
Chewing Wax:
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:40:16 pm)
Chewing Wax:
One hundred years apart. Isn't that cool? I think it's cool. Sorry.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:42:37 pm)
Myk Murphy:
not a whole lot of progress after a century, wax. where are the elevators and solar panels and futuristic roof helipad? the subaru and the boat are a nice touch, of course.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:44:24 pm)
I think I can make out a curb break and a driveway under the snow in the first one. Finally, the evidence you've been looking for.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:46:36 pm)
It appears to be a fireball crashing into the house.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:46:47 pm)
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:47:54 pm)
That's a space ship that used its phase re-aligner to shift the house two feet to the right around the chimney.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:48:32 pm)
Thats amazing.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:49:13 pm)
I could have really used one of those.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:49:44 pm)
I think you can get them at Central Tractor.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:50:32 pm)
there must be a ghost fireplace up on the second floor.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:51:24 pm)
Chewing Wax:
I'm sitting next to the ghost fireplace. See that bay along the side on the second floor. I'm waving. Here's a good picture
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:53:55 pm)
Nope, there isn't. That must have been a major job. I wonder if there was fire - that's the only way I can image it being worth doing.
(Fri Feb 4, 2000 - 2:54:16 pm)