Queenie's quote of the day:
"Using Netscape because you don't like Bill Gates is like riding a unicycle on the freeway because you disagree with the politics of Henry Ford."
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 1:48:03 am)
Evolution. Progression or Regression?
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 2:11:23 am)
tired.... very very tired.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 5:12:40 am)
Tired... very very tired. Also.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 5:23:35 am)
Tired... very very tired. Me too.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 5:24:23 am)
Where are my fucking Young Fresh Fellows albums? I'm just going to lock Scott McCaughey in a room and make him sing all the songs onto a tape for me.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 5:27:20 am)
Mrs Dr GB:
Might I go home now please?
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 5:44:23 am)
Yes. You are excused.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 5:53:38 am)
And take that chocolate wrapper with you.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 6:20:46 am)
and just how are you going to get hold of Scott? Also, they won't be the same without Tad. Maybe you shold try and get them all in a room, say a studio type thing, and then get them to sing. Or just ask Scott nicely and see if he has some cd's about his person.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 6:34:09 am)
Morning all. gads what a day, its already 65 degrees. Heading for 85. Got the sticks in the trunk! Queenie. Get Dreamweaver and turn on the cross browser compatible option and get on with it. And get ready to tell the customer they can't have it the way they saw it on their nephew's computer.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 8:30:05 am)
bog off
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 8:50:19 am)
it's cld and wet here
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 8:50:32 am)
so cold i can't type properly
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 8:50:47 am)
I think I may have a cold.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:07:43 am)
Chewing Wax:
Good morning.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:23:07 am)
Mrs Dr GB:
But of course it is. It's 65 degrees. How could it not be good? I am however getting lots of mileage out of my Queen Mother umbrella, so that's something.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:28:58 am)
Chewing Wax:
I'm sorry it's cold and wet and cushca is sick. If it helps, I have 1240 gibberish e-mail messages this morning from a freaked out computer somewhere in Detroit.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:37:32 am)
Chewing Wax:
100 copies of this:Subject: Errant run of track
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 5:27:43 EDT
Status: U
GCN missing; Error filling track.idx field
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:39:35 am)
Chewing Wax:
I mean, 1000 copies.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:39:45 am)
Chewing Wax:
Anyhow, I had a dream that Sleey and Cushca came to visit Buffalo and didn't have a really good time. I made them watch hockey on television and go bowling.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:47:08 am)
Chewing Wax:
Sleepy. It's my computer. It's still downloading e-mail. Sorry.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:47:49 am)
Mrs Dr GB:
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:49:20 am)
Hi! I went out last night but nothing interesting happened.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:55:13 am)
Chewing Wax:
That's a great story
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 9:56:49 am)
Yes. Yes it is.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 10:04:30 am)
Summer in Times Squ. I can't handle it. Already the stupid tourists.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 10:07:33 am)
it could be a film
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 10:08:39 am)
protesters are gathering in Oxford circus, you can tell they're not tourists as they haven't got backpacks and they know where they want to go.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 10:09:44 am)
if they were clever anti-capitalists they wouldn't have shown up at all. Then they could have mocked all the boarded up shops and police activity and shown what a waste of money it all was, but no... and no doubt they'll start fighting soon as it's unlikely they'll go for a coffee in Starbucks to get out of the rain.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 10:11:25 am)
I hope not. I saw the worst acting ever yesterday. Some asians were filming this woman running down the sidewalk looking all horrified. It was terrible acting, but really hilarious to watch.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 10:12:00 am)
Horrified Asians are nothing new here..Howdy, Jolt drinkers.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 10:18:11 am)
Chewing Wax:
Jolt. Made in Rochester, NY. Or at least it used to be. That Bowfinger was a good movie.
(Tue May 1, 2001 - 10:22:11 am)