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ONE DAY'S POSTINGS: 8/30/2024 - FIRST TO LAST 5 Posts Total BACK

Myk Murphy:
Labor day weekend is pretty much here. I'm back down at the beach, but this time no shed will be shingled. The littlest Murphy brought her friend with her, so two sixteen year old girls will run amok. Maybe they'll see Joe this weekend, he's around for a few more days, I think. I feel like we're stalking him, as we had to pass his place in DC (until January, anyway) to get here tonight, since both sides of the beltway were a stormy mess and we cut through the city.
(8/30/2024 12:08:44 AM ET)

Evening bastards.
(8/30/2024 4:59:47 PM ET)

Mr C has the wrestling on telly and was chatting to me about it although i wasn't listening properly. I misheard and genuinely thought he said one of them was called Arsehole Whizzbang which I honestly think is a tremendous name for a wrestler.
(8/30/2024 5:00:38 PM ET)

In fact, Arsehole Whizzbang can be my wrestling name. My entrance music will be Crazy Horses by The Osmonds and people can chant my name along with the chorus.
(8/30/2024 5:01:22 PM ET)

Myk Murphy:
That's a perfect name for a presidential candidate. Definitely lends itself to impassioned chanting! Only opera has more drama than pro wrestling.
(8/30/2024 6:24:06 PM ET)