FROM: Enilorac
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:40:21 PST 1998
John Taylor - if you want to nuke this board, why dou you spend so much time reading it and posting messages on it? ANd what was so awful about my question? I just want to understand which mind is writing which message.
FROM: Enilorac
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:37:41 PST 1998
And Sleepy is chums with Tim Keegan. I think this is a wonderful board.
FROM: John Taylor
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:36:30 PST 1998
I read the post from "Enilorac" about me and "Voltaic" and this is a perfect example of why I would just as soon nuke this board. Who cares? I am John Taylor. My email is m, if you have any desire to contact Chris email me and I will forward it to him. Chris and I will be on the next Glass Flesh tribute (hopefully).
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:34:54 PST 1998
EaTrom is trying very hard to understand the glory of this board and the players..attracted here I'm starting to think It MUST be Aliens at work.
moochs' Back is still sore but now it's bearable. He's getting a new chair.
FROM: Enilorac
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:33:59 PST 1998
All connected through this s--tty board.
FROM: John Taylor
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:29:32 PST 1998
Chris can speak for himself -- he's been here before, and he's the one who showed me the Harper site, actually. But it sounds like the same guy. Whoever found that old posting of mine will be happy to know I have since found Chris. He was in a band with Morris, I think, and Andy. And he recorded the first Soft Boys demo, which is on the Rykodisc compilation (the first track I think).
FROM: Enilorac
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:27:28 PST 1998
Hey m - how's the back? How's the truck? Am I confused or did Voltaic admit to being John Taylor and then take it back. Does Ea Trom understand any of this anymore?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:22:56 PST 1998
I have been kicking around recording studios for years mostly the homemade,crazy wired variety. if that Chris is the same Hamburger I had a beer with late 70s early 80s when we (our studio) was putting together Vancouver Complication album, lots of wires and mayhem. he may remember Active Dog studio and If Its the same Chris Hamburger he, knew mutual Demented friends.
FROM: Enilorac
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:21:14 PST 1998
Ah, I forgot. You are multitudes.
FROM: Enilorac
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:19:46 PST 1998
If you want the name back, just say so. I won't use it again.
FROM: John Taylor
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:19:05 PST 1998
Pungo: do I know you? If any of you are interested in intelligent chat regarding the artist named on a web page, try Roy Harper's site. I don't have the address but I am sure you can find it at Yahoo. Bye.
FROM: Nimrod
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:18:30 PST 1998
All done. You know what? I love this message board. It's international and tapped right in to the pulse of RH news. Nothing will get by this board. This board rules.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:13:38 PST 1998
Or you are the guy posting as me earlier...d--k
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:13:05 PST 1998
Pungo, what's the deal? You aren't the soft and friendly guy you used to be....the one who named me. I've growed up and realized my parent isn't perfect.
FROM: punGo
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:09:21 PST 1998
I'm going now John. I'm going now forever. I have to go. My job here is done. I brought you back out form the cold lonliness of anonimity. I'll love you forever John. YOU were the third mind my love.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:08:12 PST 1998
rOb, did this happen to you? not when you were posting the C.D. to me, I hope. Nothing yet..
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:08:00 PST 1998
m, I think this board is garbage. You have more on your mind than you are saying, so help me out. Yes I know Chris (Hamburger) Alexander, and his family in Marin. Hi Jonathan, hi Lucy and Claudia!
FROM: rOb's favourite beats.
<Number three of fifty nine.>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:05:28 PST 1998
Boom boom chakalaka boom boom.
FROM: pungo
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:05:16 PST 1998
John - Don't you remember how it used to be? We all got along? Everyone just posted their messages to Robyn in our youthful innocence, thinking that perhaps he would read them? We can't go back to those days can we? Oh John, I miss you so.
FROM: Real Life rOb.
<Volume Three-Fifty-Seven.......>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:04:15 PST 1998
--Can I help you sir? He's obviously a dolt, I can see that right off.
--Maybe you can, I sez, playin with him.
--Do you need to mail a letter? I can't believe this guy. Do I need to mail a letter? Why the hell else would I be in a f*&(ing post office? Sheesh!
--Get a life, yellz at him. He doesn't seem to like that one bit.
--Don't you make me go postal,! He screams, apparently proud of his little pun.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:00:43 PST 1998
This is a very small world if you knew how small you would laugh.
yeah, we are all asholes, thats life.
FROM: Real Life rOb.
<Volume Thirty-Seven.....>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 13:00:40 PST 1998
--You only play Archers of Loaf over and over, she says, while dangling the cigarette butt in my face.
--What about you? I scream..--You only play that damn Sarah McLachlan crap over and over and over! I want some f%#&ing dissonance!
--You are such an idiot! she yells, on her way out the door. I pick up the closest CD to me and hurl it at her on her way out. As the disc shatters against the wall, I shuddder.
--Ach. That's my Archers CD.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:58:33 PST 1998
m! I do. But you learned his name from this dreadful board didn't you?
FROM: John Taylor
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:57:56 PST 1998
Bye. Live and let live. What happened here?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:57:16 PST 1998
You know Hamburger huh?
FROM: Real Life rOb.
<Volume Two....>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:56:28 PST 1998
--I don't like golf, I sez.
--Well, it's not golf. It's like golf, only you use frisbees. He sez this with a grim look on his face.
--I don't like golf. I don't even really like frisbee. I'm starting to get annoyed.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:55:36 PST 1998
Oh John, what happened to you? Why did you become so bitter and evil?
FROM: John Taylor
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:55:19 PST 1998
Like I said: You are all a--holes. Anyway, hi Chris, he Bayard, et al. What happened to Robyn Hitchc--k's message board. Looks like an idiot convention here.
FROM: John Taylor
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:53:59 PST 1998
Robyn! Thanks for the great music. I met you at the Warfield in SF during your Respect tour. I was with Chris Alexander.
We talked a little but you are such an important musical energy for me that I was virtually tongue-tied. When I saw you at the
Great American in SF a couple years before, it was the greatest show I'd ever seen. Anyway, I've lost touch with Chris
...pass on this email address if you know where he is.... I miss him, he's a great person. Thanks again for all the honesty
and beauty and skill it is so so rare and precious.
FROM: Real life rOb.
<Volume One......>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:53:57 PST 1998
--You eva play frisbee golf? Mike asks between drags off his Winston.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:52:27 PST 1998
FROM: John Taylor
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:50:53 PST 1998
I am me, last I checked, but who are you?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:49:03 PST 1998
Oh! you ARE John!! Hey John!!.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:47:39 PST 1998
No I a--ure you. I blur very little .
FROM: John Taylor
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:46:42 PST 1998
You guys are all a--holes.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:45:51 PST 1998
EaTrom, give it up. This is about the 25th time this merrigoround has started, with identities being blurred by someone who, frankly, could be you.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:45:18 PST 1998
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:44:43 PST 1998
pungo, are you talking to me, or to the person posting as Voltaic today, which is not me.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:44:34 PST 1998
Well, I'll call you Jimmy then.
When did you first post here,Jimmy?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:43:42 PST 1998
Eatrom: I posted in the first archive, but duh probably posted before me, having nothing better to do than live here.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:42:48 PST 1998
When you ask Voltaic a question, you are asking an imposter a question today.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:42:10 PST 1998
What game?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:42:05 PST 1998
Who posted to this board first of you two??
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:42:02 PST 1998
I believe EaTrom. He and Vic Flange are truthful and full of integrity. Hey Voltaic. Are your eyes twitching yet? Can you feel your blood pressure rising? Which do you think the webmaster would mind more. People posting under other peoples made up names, or freaks who cut and paste entire 50k chunks to fill up archives?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:41:11 PST 1998
You are right. I don't own a name. But what is your point, you silly freak? You have no redeaming reason for doing this but you have the aire of righteous indignation. Then you try to create the impression that you are me. You try to torment me but the reason is that I supposedly did something wrong. Now that's hypocracy. Not only that, every thing I have ever said here seems far too important to you. Ya freak. You are not interesting enough to pull this off; all you do is look lame and then stamp my name on it. You are no better than me so get off your high horse you idiot.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:41:08 PST 1998
No, I'm just watching really.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:37:41 PST 1998
Do you people who say "I gotta go," and "I will just watch" really think you're fooling anyone. We know you simply go into the next room, change your dress, and come back in as someone else.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:37:06 PST 1998
Oh, I'm sure the Warner Brothers Records webmaster has nothing better to do than listen to the psychotic whining of some freaked out pathetic loner. You hypocrite. You were the original anonymous poster. You don't own this name. You gave it up. Oh Mr. Webmaster. They other kids are being mean to me. Oh mr. webmaster, they aren't playing the game fair.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:36:05 PST 1998
Hey, "Pungo," that's the pot calling the kettle black, you silly freak.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:34:50 PST 1998
Shhh. I think he's gone. Doh!
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:34:40 PST 1998
I just sent this request to the webmaster. Doubt if they will do anything, but I did request it.... "Please consider adding an ip number of the posters on the Robyn Hitchc--k message board. There is an element that insists on posting as other people on the board. If the actual ip number were posted along with the message, at least those who read messages would be able to compare those numbers with previous postings under that name. Thank you!"
FROM: pungO
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:33:45 PST 1998
Hey - I gave my chum _________ that name. Don't you use it, you imposter. Hey Voltaic! What do you do, you freak? Do you just sit at your computer all day watching this board waiting for someone to taunt you? Then you react. It's uncanny. You are a really really strange and twisted freak. And when was you last "relevant" posting, as you so pretentiously put it.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:32:12 PST 1998
All This confuses even EaTrom.I'll just watch.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:30:24 PST 1998
I do it simply because it bothers you. It is the easiest way, and besides, you disavowed this name right after John Denver died.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:29:53 PST 1998
Oh! Thanks V.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:28:47 PST 1998
EaTrom: flash to you: "Voltaic" is not Voltaic today. Today, Voltaic is someone else. I am Voltaic when I choose to be.
FROM: Vic Flange
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:28:15 PST 1998
Not here, as such.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:27:49 PST 1998
If I am stupid then why do you use my name when you argue with me? Slumming it?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:26:56 PST 1998
How does someone "have" social interaction?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:26:18 PST 1998
I fear you are correct mr.V.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:25:54 PST 1998
And I suspect the "third mind" is a pretentious subject, eh? Why did you bring it up after all these months? Were you threatened once again by an idea you couldn't understand?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:25:46 PST 1998
talking a poll?
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:24:58 PST 1998
No. You are far far too stupid to be an educator. That would require social interaction which is something you clearly do not have. I'm talking a message board poll. How long until he blows a brain, wigs out and fills this archive up with cut and paste. It's only a matter of time.
FROM: Vic Flange
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:24:40 PST 1998
Hey, it's your life.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:22:59 PST 1998
What's wrong with being willy/wally?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:22:01 PST 1998
doh! punctuation. Sorry, teach.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:21:37 PST 1998
What's wrong with grammar school teachers? Is that your problem, you hated your grammar school teacher? (I am not an educator)
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:21:29 PST 1998
Upon what do you base that conclusion.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:20:58 PST 1998
You just imitate his incredible talent with puncuation as a tribute, right?
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:20:44 PST 1998
What exactly is wrong with writing what exactly do you base that conclusion on? I suspect you are a grammar school teacher.
FROM: Vic Flange
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:20:08 PST 1998
This isnt wally now .I dont know where he went, I have a good Guess though.He's a God there.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:19:02 PST 1998
You are hardly the third mind. Perhaps the third urethra.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:18:14 PST 1998
Re: more intelligent than you, who are using my name.... For starters, I would never write, "What exactly do you base that conclusion on?"
FROM: pUngo
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:18:09 PST 1998
I'm not Willybee. I'm pUngo! I'm puNgo! I AM THE THIRD MIND!!!
FROM: Headless Chicken
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:17:39 PST 1998
Oh perfect master..
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:15:31 PST 1998
Hey Willy, how's the gay porn biz?
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:15:04 PST 1998
You are more intelligent than me? What exactly do you base that conclusion on?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:14:56 PST 1998
I will be the dog if you suck.
FROM: Nimrod
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:14:28 PST 1998
Do you know what "Nimrod" means? It is not putdown, except by those almost as smart as Beavis and Butthead.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:13:39 PST 1998
Why? Are you going to get down on all fours and pretend to be a dog?
FROM: ratttle!°
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:13:04 PST 1998
I suspect that yes, because I am more intelligent than you, I do find myself more angry than you about "all of this." Which means: you're too much of an idiot to get mad when I really insult you; you only get angry when I am "pretentious."
FROM: Nimrod
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:12:40 PST 1998
Jerk off spelled back wards is ffo krej
FROM: Bitch
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:11:20 PST 1998
Hey satan, still sucking neighborhood dogs?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:10:49 PST 1998
Satan's the name, eh?
FROM: Your god of the message board, thanks for the renewed new years worship. I love thee.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:10:27 PST 1998
Bye willy and anon 3, ya pricks. Gotta go.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:10:22 PST 1998
At least I'm posting with a name you bitch. Why not own up?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:09:35 PST 1998
one slight whip of the cord, and the activity here goes on for hours and hours and hours. rattle
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:08:41 PST 1998
McLuedt, still got those ugly shaving cuts on your legs?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:07:53 PST 1998
Duh, how's it going, ya bastard?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:07:34 PST 1998
Voltaic, how's the pair of polks doing these days?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:07:12 PST 1998
Dorrie, how's that colon problem?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:06:50 PST 1998
Hi Willybee.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 2 12:01:56 PST 1998
In all the places and all the world, there is nothing I wouldn't do to annoy you.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:59:03 PST 1998
on this leaf? surely.
FROM: Roger
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:25:48 PST 1998
Oh where are you now, p---y willow who smiled honestly?
FROM: Mr. Abbey Road
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:23:48 PST 1998
The version of 'Opel' included here is one of nine which
were attempted, but this determination would not result in an
official release; until now.
The song is a gem, one of Barrett's finest, and it's elongated,
closing refrain is positively haunting. 'Clowns and Jugglers'
meanwhile would resurface on 'The Madcap Laughs' under a
new t-tle, 'Octopus', but this earlier take features Syd's first
vocal and guitar which was later overdubbed by the Soft Machine
- mike Ratledge, Hugh Hopper and Robert Wyatt, something
they also did on two tracks which did appear on 'Madcap', 'No
Good Trying' and 'Love You'. Barrett's irregular timing made
the task somewhat difficult, but there's no denying the exciting
edge the combination gave.
Waters and Gilmour tried eleven takes before they formed a
satisfactory 'Golden Hair'. A short poignant piece, even the
outtakes boast a distinct beaty at the persistance (the song was
tried at every stage in the recording) finally succeeded.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:20:53 PST 1998
two entirely different things.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:14:32 PST 1998
Roger yes, Rogered no.
FROM: psychonaut
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:14:28 PST 1998
FROM: psychonaut
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:13:12 PST 1998
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:12:04 PST 1998
Syd Barrett's last session he can't sing anymore. He's gonna have to be Roger now, for the rest of his life. Ooh. And it feels like 1974
FROM: Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett
<ectachrome plane>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 11:08:37 PST 1998
Dorrie, the ectachrome plane and fly refs. were from an old ,well,weeks old that sort of thing,uhh, C.D. that was released in 1988 called OPEL.. but you have to be ,well, familiar with my work It's a bit patchy and ropey but I enjoy it that I'm better.Heh.
FROM: the flies
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:54:35 PST 1998
I see.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:53:48 PST 1998
What? None of this is clear to me at all.
FROM: fly spokesperson
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:49:43 PST 1998
FROM: the flies
<scoop up meat>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:46:45 PST 1998
an empty way to dry tears.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:43:22 PST 1998
FROM: the flies
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:38:47 PST 1998
I see.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:38:28 PST 1998
yes,I can creep into cupboards, sleep in the hall. ectrachrome plane.
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:38:22 PST 1998
Python's last series and the Gaurdian said, "the stench of rotting minds". Oh what else could you smell back then? You didn't have to inhale too hard. You could smell their heads festering in the back yard. And when Nixon left the Whitehouse you could hear people say, they'll never rehabilitate that mother no way. Whirry whirry goes the helicopter out of my way. I've got a president to dump in the void ooh, and it feels like 1974
FROM: pUngo
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:34:25 PST 1998
Hey Dorrie. Gosh you're stupid. I mean, you are dumb as a post. Hey Ea Trom. Are you grooving on an inner plane?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:32:03 PST 1998
In what sense?
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:30:10 PST 1998
What's a box? EaTrom, where are you?
FROM: bright -red Robo boy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:30:05 PST 1998
stay away from the laughing light, dude.
FROM: rOb's dogs....
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:28:36 PST 1998
Yap! Yap! Yap! Yap!
FROM: Doctor Strange
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:28:08 PST 1998
Oh thanks Dr.D!! I spoke to soon.
very knowledgable. 5-MeO is always in my lunch box it's citrusy delicious!
FROM: Dr. Boogles
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:24:59 PST 1998
Warning this is counterindicated with the intake of anti tussive cough syrups
FROM: Doctor Strange
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:22:55 PST 1998
This is the psychedelic used by "Temple of the true cough syrup inner light" church.
Apparently it is not scheduled. Does anyone know where I can find more
information about this peppy relative ?
FROM: Dr. Drugs
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:20:02 PST 1998
The drug is a constituent of many of the same South American snuffs and drinks that contain other psychedelic indole
deriviatives, it is often found in the same plants as 5-MeO-DMT, and Indians add a substance containing it to drinks
containing harmala alkaloids. DMT is the major constituent of the bark of Virola calophylla, mentioned above; it is also found
in the seeds of Anadenanthera peregina; in the seeds of the vine Mimosa hostilis, used in eastern Brazil to make a drink called
"ajuca" or "jurema"; in the leaves of Banisteriopsis rusbyana, which are added to the harmaline drinks derived from other
plants of the Banisteriopsis genus to make "oco-yage"; and in the leaves of Psychotria viridis, also added to the
Banisteriopsis drinks. Like 5-MeO-DMT, DMT must be combined with monoamine oxydase inhibitors to become active
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:17:41 PST 1998
Dopey, There is the off-chance of methylating some impurities to give some incredibly
unpleasant neurotoxin, of course. Stay out of malls.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:15:53 PST 1998
What's DMT?
FROM: Dopey
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:13:46 PST 1998
Does anyone know if the root bark of Desmanthus Illinoensis actually
contains 0.34% DMT and 0.11% N-methyltryptamine?
If so, then 60 grams of root bark from JLF can lead to 204 mg of DMT and
66 mg of N-methyltryptamine. Which is 11.33 mg of DMT for a dollar. Much
more cost effective than a Psycho Viridis extraction: (given a 0.13% DMT
content) 30 gm of leaves at $20 (from JLF) leads to 39 mg of DMT and
1.95 mg for a dollar. And a bag to hurl in.
FROM: McLeudt
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:11:21 PST 1998
Arghh - I need some chips.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:10:07 PST 1998
who is Claire?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:04:22 PST 1998
So rOb, you found your dogs' cocaine did you. breathe slowly and center,
FROM: punGo
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:03:52 PST 1998
Hey rOb - I meant funny strange, not funny ha ha. Sorry I wasn't clear. How about them pictures of Claire???
FROM: Revitalized rOb.
<A rebirth of Messianic proportions.>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 10:00:33 PST 1998
Wow....I feel, fuzzy,, REBORN!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:59:13 PST 1998
Pokin....pokin my nose where it don't belo--oh---oh--ho--ng! Poking my nose....where it don't be---loooooooooooooonnnnnnnnng!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:57:29 PST 1998
Funny fellow, you say, hm? I'm getting all kinds of compliments this year. Just the other day, the owner of a very well known record store here in SC called me a 'indie-rock god!' I was so all I have to do is figure out what is this indie rock of which he speaks?
FROM: pUngo
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:56:53 PST 1998
Hey fegmaniax!! Why does everyone just ignore me? Isn't Robyn the greatest? I love his silly lyrics the best.
FROM: Scene from 'rOb: the movie'
<With cameo by superstar Icky Mettle!>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:54:49 PST 1998
(Dark winds are blowing, we see rOb, forlorn, sitting under the tree)
rOb (he waxes poetically): Oh, woe....I am here all alone under the tree again. Whatever am I to do?
(From the sky comes Icky Mettle! rOb jumps up to welcome the stranger from the sky!
rOb (now happy, full of energy): Oh, welcome! Welcome to my tree!
Icky Mettle (spitting in rOb's face): Go to hell, you cheeky bastard!
FROM: pUngo
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:51:18 PST 1998
Hey rOb - you're a funny fellow you know that? Any new pictures of Claire to put up in the gallery? I need more for my collection.
FROM: News Breaking rOb.
<You hear it First!>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:48:20 PST 1998
Sounds are on their way! Check back soon!
FROM: Illiterate rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:47:16 PST 1998
FROM: F,Foont
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:46:14 PST 1998
Nice rug!No sounds ?
FROM: Poetry Slammin' rOb.
<with kung-fu grip action!>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:46:09 PST 1998
I see.....the stars.....the stars...see me.....(bows head thoughtfully, only to snap the head back, up...a new purpose in life: finish the poem)......the STARS, I say, see ME. And only I care. Thank you....(bows gracefully, and exits the stage, to hob-knob and drink cappucino)....
FROM: F. Foont
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:43:51 PST 1998
Jasper, I'm headin' over.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:43:47 PST 1998
The hills are alive with the sound of Griswold.....
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:42:02 PST 1998
New Page shaping up, nicely.
Check it out!
FROM: F. Foont
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:42:00 PST 1998
WoW TwO softlys!!
FROM: F. Foont
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:41:06 PST 1998
The sun is shining the birds are coughing softly to themselves.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:40:50 PST 1998
As I sit here surfing the internet, my coworker across from me is softly snoring.
FROM: F. Foont
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:39:30 PST 1998
The first Friday of the new year should be a holiday, "New Year Slack Mental Health Day "or something.
FROM: pungo
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:37:22 PST 1998
Hey F. How's it going out there in La La land? Seen any good bands lately? Isn't Robyn the very very best?
FROM: F. Foont
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:35:33 PST 1998
Whats up rOb? bamboozled?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:35:26 PST 1998
What in the wild wild world of sports is going on around here?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:32:46 PST 1998
Uh, yeah.
FROM: rOb.
<A wonderful transformation.>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:32:05 PST 1998
FROM: rOb.
<A wonderful transformation.>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:31:50 PST 1998
FROM: y poodle
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:31:11 PST 1998
Teach em' good Joe!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:29:39 PST 1998
No, no, no....the Random Ant wanted Mike to be in the band, portraying the Spider........ah, I shee, said the creature, still smiling after his first human beer. --Goesh down smoover than the shtuff we drink, he said.
I couldn't stand it anymore, being cooped up with a drunk mythological creature was one thing. Having to be so on such a bright beautiful Sat--day made the proverbial 'bad situation' worse! Ach!
FROM: painfully stupid
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:28:50 PST 1998
Is this the O or the 0 rOb? what happened to Mrs. Thagstone, your dog?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:25:19 PST 1998
Anyone know what Syds (doh!) I mean Robyns up to? The soundtrack for his movies out in a month isn't it?
I've heard tell the Floyd BBC sessions are coming out. Way cool! Party on, uh, well, whoever.
And I got the job. Way cool. Teachings as close to not working as..uh, not working.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:24:03 PST 1998
Errrrr.....I don't know what to say. My poodle's doing fine, Mrs. Thagstone, thank you very much.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:23:49 PST 1998
I think I'll stick it out for a full day. Maybe I'll just sleep at my desk.
FROM: Heruka (a plague of humanity)
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:20:21 PST 1998
I swing back and everyone disperses!
FROM: Heruka aka badgerboy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:17:21 PST 1998
Hugs and kisses to ya' Cushca-Cushca-Cushca!
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:15:48 PST 1998
Don't know about you Wax, but I'm leaving work early. Man, what a day!!!
FROM: duhg
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:15:09 PST 1998
Badger Boy is a weenie
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:15:05 PST 1998
It was tiring work; luckily I had Sleepy here to make me cups of tea. She pleases her mistress when she tries. You have a good one too.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:13:50 PST 1998
Have a great weekend. Well done putting badgerboy in his place.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:12:16 PST 1998
Only just.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 09:09:00 PST 1998
Bye Vic. Cushca - you still here?
FROM: EaTrom
<The allseeing EYE of Ag@moto>
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:59:24 PST 1998
Got to go and keep an EYE on McLuedt.
FROM: duh
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:59:04 PST 1998
FROM: Frank Tweazer
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:58:45 PST 1998
I,F,rank . Intentionally didnt' drink much onewyearseve. some bubbly with,orange juic e.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:57:15 PST 1998
Hey you guys, let's send each other pictures and then talk about them on the board. That way visitors will think they are missing something (namely, pictures of us, and you know we're ALL supermodels!)
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:55:59 PST 1998
Sorry, Wrong Heruka. Frank.
FROM: Frank Tweazer
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:54:13 PST 1998
Heruka, you are so funny. Where's the pickle?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:52:51 PST 1998
I,EaTrom, hope Myk makes it safely out of the mountains of Atlanta? Home of Americas FIRST cocaine based soft drink.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:46:25 PST 1998
Hello matey. Looks like it's just me and you.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:40:55 PST 1998
bye Heruka and God's speed
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:39:33 PST 1998
Bye Sleepy - Hey Victrom - Sorry, I'd given the answer out already. You get no points. Sorry. All judges decisions are final.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:35:50 PST 1998
I'm gone, there's evil to dispell in this world.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:35:49 PST 1998
Hi Vic. Bye Vic. All have a good weekend.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:34:00 PST 1998
What happened to Cushca-Cushca-Cushca?
FROM: Vic Flange
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:33:15 PST 1998
Hey wax, Sleeping Knights o'Jesus.
Hello Sleepy and Cushca!!it's 1998!!Odd-boy mousebadger, move the boat.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:32:53 PST 1998
I'm going home now. Be good everyone. Bye.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:31:24 PST 1998
SKOJ! Oops.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:31:02 PST 1998
That's alright then! I can just imagine everyone in the cafe screaming and pointing at my screen! SNOJ. Dammit. I should have know that....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:30:31 PST 1998
Damn - the stupid hotmail server wouldn't download your stuff. I'll try later.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:28:17 PST 1998
I'll send no crap. SNOJ-thats right, duh!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:26:27 PST 1998
Yeh Heruka - I got yout mail. Havne't downloaded attachments yet. Uh - my song was Sleeping Knights of Jesus.
FROM: Odd-boy Mousebadger
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:25:53 PST 1998
wb is dead!! long live Odd-boy Mousebadger !!!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:24:43 PST 1998
If this e:mail baby works, will you e:mail me (nice things - not naked pictures!) Heruka? Thanks CW. Is it safe - as they say in Marathon Man? Just like the good doctor in New York City....
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:21:52 PST 1998
*sniff**sniff* the smell of death (the board died).
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:20:30 PST 1998
I got some mail...yes. And wrote back twice. Come to think of it, I think it's "don't WASTE any faith on me".
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:20:29 PST 1998
Cynthia Mask- mine was Veg.Friend
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:20:17 PST 1998
CW - yes you were right. I can't think of your song..... Drat! Ooh! I've set up an e:mail thang too! I'm going off to an Internet cafe to see it it works.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:18:46 PST 1998
CW- get your mail?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:17:00 PST 1998
Sleepy - you have e-mail on the way
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:15:21 PST 1998
Done and done. Sleepy - was I right on the song? Anyone know mine?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:12:16 PST 1998
That wasn't me!!!! Bad Cushca.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:11:50 PST 1998
Cushca can't post at the moment; she is far too distraught from that torrent of abuse. Badger.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:09:02 PST 1998
Cushca-Cushca-Cushca, I love you-really I do.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:06:45 PST 1998
CW you got mail on the way, I hope.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:06:02 PST 1998
Actually, I don't find it boring at all. Where did Sleepy go?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:04:40 PST 1998
Oh Cushca - you just have to give cabbage a chance. At first I didn't like it, but now it goes down easy.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:04:23 PST 1998
Ooooh, H! I'd punish you for that if I didn't think you'd enjoy it. TURN THE FANS OFF, FOR GOD'S SAKE! I can draw things out for as long as necessary but if this is getting boring for me, I'm sure as hell it's boring everyone else too.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:04:13 PST 1998
I will kiss the daughter of my ______ ____?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:03:35 PST 1998
If you believe in nothing honey, it believes in you. For God's sake don't place any faith on me. Anyone?
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 08:03:27 PST 1998
I will sit and wonder with my _______ ___?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:59:21 PST 1998
Do I swallow what? Cakes - yes; vodka - yes; chocolate - yes; cabbage - no.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:59:13 PST 1998
I doubt if that was r0b.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:59:03 PST 1998
baby, it might sound dodgey now
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:58:32 PST 1998
Ooh, browser mail. big deal. No I didn't start it, I (and most everyone else) just get exteremely tired of the *click*. One of whom hasn't a clue on the man himself, clit!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:57:18 PST 1998
Sounds Great
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:56:38 PST 1998
Cushca - do you swallow?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:56:22 PST 1998
He lives and breathes on systems that nobody can supply.
And you're immune to everything except the butterfly
Yeah... Any idea?
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:56:13 PST 1998
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:55:46 PST 1998
I have a new e-mail addresss.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:55:37 PST 1998
Well the badger started it; not me.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:54:23 PST 1998
Well - this is getting needlessly nasty.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:51:16 PST 1998
...yes, and back in the real world you wouldn't be lucky enough...
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:48:45 PST 1998
Cushca-BLOW ME!!!
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:48:04 PST 1998
Don't care, and besides you're lying.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:47:13 PST 1998
Well make up your mind, you mouse.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:45:47 PST 1998
And in all truthfullness Heruka, I haven't got photos of either Sleepy or Cushca. I've been taunting you because I'm mean and nasty and evil and I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:45:46 PST 1998
I'm also sure I would be disappointed. I haven't decided completely yet.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:44:23 PST 1998
CW: - I knew it wasn't you. Jayne was born with those on, apparently...
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:43:07 PST 1998
Sleepy - I wouldn't call you a dolt. I've been searching on Jayne Middlemiss. Strange, my results were a bunch of British nude celebrity pages. She had red stars over her nipples.
FROM: Cushca and Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:43:02 PST 1998
Let's settle this to make you feel a bit better, shall we? I'm such a monstrously ugly pig-dog that I wouldn't dare send my photo to anyone in case they never spoke to me again. It has happened that people have seen me and been rendered speechless, such is the extent of mine and Sleepy's grossness. We work spinning all day in a darkened room somewhere in the Tower of London simply because it is too dangerous for normal people to look upon us. Please make donations payable to........
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:42:40 PST 1998
What are you going to put on it?
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:41:33 PST 1998
Yes, it should take about a week or two.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:40:22 PST 1998
Heruka - are you setting up a homepage?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:38:41 PST 1998
Sure thing Cushca, I have no problem sending my photo to anyone. Why do you?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:38:28 PST 1998
Cushca - Cushca - Cushca. Jayne/Aqua/Joanne. Ted, Woody and Junior. I need tea. Sorry.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:37:07 PST 1998
Life would be much more peaceful if I could be uglier so that model scouts wouldn't stop me on the streets anymore to ask for my portfolio. Like I said odd-boy, back to the badger page.
FROM: Chewung Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:36:37 PST 1998
'cause you're a dolt!?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:36:37 PST 1998
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:36:11 PST 1998
'cause you'rea dolt!?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:35:32 PST 1998
Or maybe, Joanne Whalley...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:35:14 PST 1998
Or maybe that girl from Aqua...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:34:28 PST 1998
Why on earth did I post that?
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:34:26 PST 1998
Yeah, right.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:33:29 PST 1998
Let me a--ure you rOb, the photos are worth begging for.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:33:26 PST 1998
I'd like to look like Jayne Middlemiss. Fully clothed, though.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:32:43 PST 1998
Hooray! Cushca's done her dominatrix hair-do.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:32:14 PST 1998
r0b-you would be greatly disappointed.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:31:38 PST 1998
Thank you Master CW. I am happy to have pleasured you.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:30:37 PST 1998
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:30:29 PST 1998
Maybe it's broken. Try it on Sleepy's computer.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:30:16 PST 1998
Why don't you get back on the "Guess The Weight of the Badger" page. I hear they have a raffle going too.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:29:55 PST 1998
CW-you are corrct, I thought about it after it was sent.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:29:30 PST 1998
Thank you for that image Cushca. You've made me happy.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:28:50 PST 1998
No P! No P! God damn it! That's what happens when you've got your bosom against the screen and you're trying to type around it.
FROM: Feeling animus
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:27:51 PST 1998
More, there can be only one reason why they are unwilling to send photo's. Like it is some big FUKKIN' deal, right!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:27:37 PST 1998
CW - I am pthrusting myself against the screen and pushing send, but nothing is happening. What am I doing wrong?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:26:38 PST 1998
Heruka - you're confusing arrogance for something else. I was bragging and rubbing it in. There's a difference.
FROM: Sleepy and Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:25:11 PST 1998
rOb:- you can find a strong likeness of us at:-
Cusha is the one on the bike.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:24:26 PST 1998
There's that arrogance.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:23:42 PST 1998
Sad face, me maka sad face.
FROM: Joe(y)
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:23:25 PST 1998
Pretty song that. Layter.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:23:01 PST 1998
I have pictures. Ha ha ha ha ha.
FROM: Obsidian blade waver
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:21:47 PST 1998
I'm not selling anything, nor would I want to have anyone
bothered by the same garbage that gets under my skin. I just want to see
your pictures . So if ya got em, lay em on me.
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:21:35 PST 1998
OOOOOOOHHHHHHH. Time of the month?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:21:29 PST 1998
Just hold the photo up agasint the screen and press Send.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:20:41 PST 1998
I win!!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:20:34 PST 1998
rOb - we don't have the facility here to send photographs. Heruka - please don't get grumpy.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Fri Jan 2 07:19:48 PST 1998
Oops, its been sent. Queenie has a picture of me.