FROM: silly jism
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:26:55 PST 1997
I am now listening to the Butthole Surfers- Pshychic..Powerless..Another Mans Sac...further notices as events warrant.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:22:35 PST 1997
Maybe it is hiker. Now I'm not so sure. rOb??
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:22:16 PST 1997
I get so excited that I screw it up. Wisconsin BIKER.
Now I'll really stop and I mean it this time.
FROM: A Wisconsin Hiker With A Cue Ball Head
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:21:35 PST 1997
Wishin' he was home in his Wisconsin bed cause there's fifteen feet of snow in the East...Colder than a well diggers a--. It's colder than a well diggers a--.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:14:20 PST 1997
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:13:07 PST 1997
OK, I'll stop now.
FROM: I'll be your Matilda
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:12:54 PST 1997
I begged you to stab me, you tore my shirt open and I'm down on my knees tonite...
FROM: A Stranger
<It takes one to know one>
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:11:15 PST 1997
Only suckers fall in love with perfect strangers.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 20:08:15 PST 1997
rOb...Is "Small Change" not one of THE greatest albums ever made or what??? I'd give my left nut (if I HAD nuts) to see him in concert. And all I want for Christmas is for Andy Partridge to get over it and tour again!! In fact, they should all play together!! In my back yard!!
FROM: hooded
DATE: Tue Dec 30 19:43:05 PST 1997
keep exchanging e-mail pictures, each time being a little more flirty and KAZAMM! Cupid will visit
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 19:27:21 PST 1997
Geez, for a while there, this was turning into a Waits lyric-a-thon. My love for Queenie grows and grows. How about it, EaTrom, look into the future: will Queenie and I EVER get together?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Tue Dec 30 19:07:07 PST 1997
Hello Roy , My name is EaTrom, I'm Here to help you get back to the R.E.M. board. Please just stand on the yellow rubber line and I'll a--ist you. By the All seeing Eye of Agamoto!!, lets be off.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 18:57:30 PST 1997
They then by using holographic equipment to direct
images into my sense of vision. In this way they are able to animate my
visual memories, changing the actual images of people,into dancing poodles using a
computerized "morphing" program. I've suffered and continue to suffer
being forced to mentally witness very painful imagery, or mental pictures
directed into my head at the hands of others involving among numerous
kinds of
other horrible imagery.
The previous paragraph is almost too exactly similar to
If anyone reading doesn't know it already; The human body is electrical
nature, and it is the "media" for reality. Brain cells are rat transistors,
organized into regions, which can be generalized upon for function, etcÖ
etcÖ Computers also contain shimmering transistors; they are switches that are on
after an electrical threshold is reached, and anything below that
threshold is an off state. Brain cells use the flux of salts to transmit stuff.
FROM: Big Spider Breath
DATE: Tue Dec 30 18:46:23 PST 1997
List of Capabilities - What They Do & How They Affect Me
The following is a list of capabilities that the remote-control device
has, according to what I've experienced for the past couple of years:
Continuously bounce sound waves off of large objects within earshot,
within the walls of either my cranium, or something within my sense of
hearing within my brain. The purpose of this is to wear me down,
emotionally, mentally, and physically in all ways possible in the form
of round the clock verbal abuse, negative affirmations - It's Actually working.
FROM: Melvin
DATE: Tue Dec 30 18:39:30 PST 1997
whew!::this board is getting as stinky as lebanese chick peas with garlic.
FROM: silly jism
DATE: Tue Dec 30 18:26:00 PST 1997
Ralph- give me a spanner, I'm going in.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 18:08:23 PST 1997
You won't let me in anymore. There is a big wall around you and I can't get over it. How do I find a way to talk to you?
FROM: Don't you hate people that say
DATE: Tue Dec 30 17:04:22 PST 1997
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 17:04:01 PST 1997
Looking back, I realize I should have said CHANGE into a nine year old Hindu boy.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 17:02:13 PST 1997
3:00 am
FROM: Hooded
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:56:38 PST 1997
Quick, someone What time is it in France, I want to call a buddy!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:48:51 PST 1997
I don't know if you will ever get this message. No matter what happens, love, I'll never stop caring about you until the day my life no longer exists.. You mean the world to me.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:27:45 PST 1997
Just turn down your bed, crawl inside your covers, lay your head on your pillow, I will kiss you goodnight, and then you will fall fast asleep.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:19:16 PST 1997
Go to sleep! It's late.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:17:35 PST 1997
Maybe I should come back another time?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:12:15 PST 1997
You're confused. I said " bite your neck and kiss you all over your body." Not "Bite your body and kiss your neck" Actually the later wouldn't be bad either.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:09:10 PST 1997
Just thinking of you can sometimes can stir up these aching feelings. And, tonight I can't control these feelings, so you better watch out. I'll sneak in your bedroom window and have my way with you.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:07:29 PST 1997
Bite my body and kiss my neck all over my body??
FROM: Lion Signals
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:06:42 PST 1997
Must leaf. Other options. ROar!
FROM: Duh, Fuh. Kuh, Uh
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:06:03 PST 1997
And that may twice belief the end of trying, over using hilt balm.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:04:48 PST 1997
I think underneath triple twice rich yellow ozone crutch stickers in a thistle binder with ten folds running wonderful corps. There are blanched variable aspect blown quick in under red.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:03:31 PST 1997
I've changed my mind. I think I will come over and bite your neck and kiss every part of your body.
FROM: d--k Chaunairy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:01:57 PST 1997
Scotch Tipping: It's rewarding a poor waitress with a quarter under a quickly reversed glass of cheap booze--the only way the quarter can be extracted is to spill the drink, thus soiling naugohyde luxury.
FROM: Connie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:00:41 PST 1997
Drinking anti-freeze again Willy?
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 16:00:06 PST 1997
Hello. What's Scotch Tipping?
FROM: Guru Bob Checking on the Transitioning WB
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:59:28 PST 1997
Connie, how are the surgery scars where your "thing" used to be?
FROM: Lorraine
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:59:08 PST 1997
FROM: McLuedt
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:57:58 PST 1997
If I catch ya buggers liftin' me kilt I'll throttle ya so hard yer grand-rats 'll be born stupider than ya 'er, and that's a fact, duh...
FROM: Connie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:57:46 PST 1997
me, the former wb, live in an orbiting Orgone Chamber high above the earth, laptop and samsung
CD player close at hand; and a tremendously magnificent view of the deliriously somnambulent
world beneath me...I vacation in cleveland, Ohio. dingy little bowling alley with an almost famous
waffle making machine collecting fuzz and grease in the lobby. Must lie down.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:56:51 PST 1997
I was saying, "I know too."
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:53:26 PST 1997
What were you saying "no" to?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:53:14 PST 1997
Duh, I really then a red sour card driving, but that was how many dogs dancing right handed him a revolver, so a catsup trial pizza.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:51:11 PST 1997
You're not making any sense. Why don't you lie down and sleep for a while.
FROM: Dyk's Septic Service
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:51:07 PST 1997
Anybody know where I can find free web space? I got some crap to store there.
FROM: Dyk Klark
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:49:17 PST 1997
ravey by Scotch tipping: not drink but find red haired McLuedt and grab ankles and lift swiftly and watch and laugh.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:48:57 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:48:01 PST 1997
I don't bite. I promise.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:47:59 PST 1997
Duh, I agree don't know, but how many trying to catch a blade cramp on my bridge eyeless sliver? There was a data board like green and running with no eyelashes. Then we all came back there, duh.
FROM: Ted is dead
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:46:11 PST 1997
Any ravey tips for new Year in London?
FROM: EatRam[an]
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:45:42 PST 1997
Duh, I predict a load and I am getting off now from work. Go down on the time I walloped the scam, there was a trio of Black cats trying heavenly to be trying to, and all of that.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:37:26 PST 1997
Nice CD worth listening to, "Coastal" by The Field Mice.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:36:02 PST 1997
Sorry about that I hit post before I finished. I think I'm really losing my mind now.
FROM: the cat's name is Figero
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:34:11 PST 1997
an album
FROM: Miss you
DATE: Tue Dec 30 15:09:11 PST 1997
...Oh I know I'll never lose affection for people and things that went before, I know I'll often stop and think about them, In my life I love you more.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:55:09 PST 1997
Thank you for your deep deep respect and Interest.
Now I will tell you of a cat, not just any cat. but a cat of vast humanlike Knowledge And do you know what that cats name was? Go ahead and Guess. Go ahead. You'll be very surprised.
FROM: Turn Into A Nine Year Old Hindu Boy
<Get Rid Of Your Wife>
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:52:10 PST 1997
Christ, you don't know the meaning of heartbreak.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:50:55 PST 1997
I trust all you fellas to do me no harm.
FROM: Smellin' Like a Brewery
<Lookin' Like a Tramp>
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:50:12 PST 1997
Ain't got a quarter, got a postage stamp
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:49:54 PST 1997
Queenie, we all know what happens when you use irony here. Watch your mail box!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:49:19 PST 1997
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:49:18 PST 1997
I wasn't being literal..Although, for that sort of thing I recommend UPS.
FROM: Hepper
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:49:02 PST 1997
Attachments are so messy.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:48:31 PST 1997
Hello. Can I send "crap" as an attachment? Or do I have to snail mail it?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:47:58 PST 1997
We're doing it freestyle.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:47:56 PST 1997
Send me crap!
FROM: Guru Bob
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:47:34 PST 1997
Re: ky & rubber gloves: if you're a sissy.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:46:58 PST 1997
Hello. What's an anal sphincter?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:46:57 PST 1997
The kind of exam that requires rubber gloves and KY Jelly?
FROM: Tired Bus Station
<An old pair of shoes>
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:46:23 PST 1997
It's nothing but an invitation to the blues.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:46:18 PST 1997
That wasn't Chewing Wax. I know, cuz he's giving me an exam right now!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:45:36 PST 1997
on a bike ride to the moon.
FROM: Andy Partridge
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:45:04 PST 1997
Yeah, those were some good times.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:44:25 PST 1997
second best: o-ring
FROM: Connie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:44:23 PST 1997
Baby Jane...are you mad at me? I wasnt the one who told you to drop was a no name
again...personaly I think that we can say whatever we feel...good god I am going to a live chat with
Richard Simmons..ohhh he ie Sooo fun ,Connie
FROM: P. Oopoo C. Ushion, PhD
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:44:12 PST 1997
Did my doctoral on anal sphincters. Best euphamism: gasket.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:44:00 PST 1997
Hey CW...(if that is in fact really you...lord knows I can never tell the difference)...I have only been able to get three fellas so far to send me their pictures. I bet Sleepy would if I asked!
FROM: The Duke of Stratosphear
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:43:57 PST 1997
And you WILL be mine!
FROM: Sphincter Erstaz
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:43:15 PST 1997
FROM: Dukes of Sphincter
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:42:45 PST 1997
Great Album
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:42:00 PST 1997
Queenie, you are, baby, you are. How's that chat/photo gallery coming?
FROM: 25 O'Clock
<That's when you're going to be mine>
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:41:49 PST 1997
We'll be together till the end of time.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:41:22 PST 1997
Golly. Isn't "Anal Sphincter" a silly term? Like, how terrifying would it be if someone mistook their anal sphincter for any of their other sphincters?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:40:53 PST 1997
What's going on around here?
FROM: Guru Bob comments to Duh
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:39:52 PST 1997
Rattle again, ya are!
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:39:05 PST 1997
Voltaic's favorite thing is the deep, deep, deep devotion some t.u.r.d. on this board has....polk audios, jack pallance, etc, etc....that is someone reading every sorry archive this afternoon simply to display disgust for something I did. What a loser. What a complete and utterly patheticly boring dufus.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:33:14 PST 1997
Sorry I was talking on the Rod Lounge , to that nutty Connie.Hairballs?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:31:17 PST 1997
The patterns come and go, get stronger and weaker, but
never go away. since they are not distracting and dont seem to be
causing any harm I just ignore them. thats what I do. they are
kind of entertaining when your bored and broke.whats wrong with your cat?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 14:08:49 PST 1997
Oh EaTrom - Will my cat make it through the night? He's very sick and I'm worried about him.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:54:03 PST 1997
hum a few bars.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:53:22 PST 1997
has anyone seen my cat Jick?
FROM: I'm off
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:40:16 PST 1997
more browser based mail huh!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:38:57 PST 1997
go ahead. Flame me if you want.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:32:31 PST 1997
Everyone...come chat come chat!! #queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:27:24 PST 1997
you know it.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:25:48 PST 1997
So what's your e-mail butt wipe?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:25:18 PST 1997
I had to leave for a second but now I'm back. I DID open a room on irc.
FROM: please
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:25:16 PST 1997
now open a window, gak!!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:25:04 PST 1997
what do you care? You can't smell or hear them. It's fun for me. Fun and free and if I'm feeling really naughty, I try and light them on fire!!!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:24:08 PST 1997
Do you really think anyone would care? Let me put your mind at ease, they don't! There are no flamers on this board, people act so idiotic, like they're email is so important. BIG FUKKIN DEAL!!!!
FROM: please
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:23:47 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:21:57 PST 1997
you know
FROM: Anon
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:21:29 PST 1997
I can't chat without giving my precious identity away.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:21:22 PST 1997
I know.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:20:34 PST 1997
anybody could have opened that room.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:19:18 PST 1997
She's not answering though.
FROM: Poopenheimer's Angry Colon.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:18:46 PST 1997
I'm not just angry, I'm fukkin' p--sed!!! You should see what this a--hole eats everyday! Nuthin' but beans! I tell ya, if I had arms and legs, I'd kick his sorry a--!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:18:32 PST 1997
WoW, she did!
FROM: Poopenheimer
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:17:41 PST 1997
Please (poop!) excuse my flatulence (poop!). I have an angry (poop!) colon.
FROM: Poopenheimer
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:16:48 PST 1997
This board is (poop!) getting funnier and funnier as (poop!) the day wears on.
FROM: huh?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:16:12 PST 1997
uuuuuh.. huuuuh.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:15:48 PST 1997
I can't chat at work, but we should do it soon. sometime next year maybe, heh heh.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:15:41 PST 1997 hotel
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:15:15 PST 1997
I just opened a room called Queenie
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:14:38 PST 1997
Maybe the drooling part.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:13:31 PST 1997
We could do it RIGHT NOW
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:13:29 PST 1997
Queenie - I doubt that was the real Chewing Wax who said he was f--ting and drooling. He's too cool for that.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:13:10 PST 1997
When will we have a realtime chat again?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:11:40 PST 1997
Cold, very cold Volty.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:11:39 PST 1997
Hey Voltaic, stop using Myk to defend me. Wait, that was me using Myk to defend me. This isn't me. Oh I am so confused.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:09:43 PST 1997
Really, Willybee?? Well, it ain't that bad. But I've recently crossed over into the "plus" sizes. OF course, anything over a size 10 is considered "plus" meaning that a normal woman should be about a size 6 or 7 and that is what an attractive woman is expected to be. This is the world I live in. I should have lived in Renoir's world. He would have loved my t-ts. Man, I'm in a wierd mood. Myk, was it you that said you went to my husband's website and listened to the real audio? That was nice of you to do, thanks, man!
FROM: pungo
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:09:40 PST 1997
Oh yummy! Cookies. I love cookies. I wonder what kind of cookies Robyn likes the best. He is awsome don't you all think? I AM THE THIRD MIND
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:09:30 PST 1997
hello Queenie, I doubt if that was the real wb, he's a nut though. how's the demon spawn?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:08:38 PST 1997
I'm thinking of making it a tequila kind of evening. Ring in the year with my good buddy Jose Cuervo and his buddies Mr. Lemon and Mr. Salt
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:07:11 PST 1997
Is everyone ringing in the new year with hot cocoa and vanilla cookies?
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:06:44 PST 1997
Queenie, is that really you? I'd love you if you weighed three hundred pounds!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:04:51 PST 1997
Of course, Chewing Wax, I often imagine you f--ting with food falling out of your mouth...
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:04:44 PST 1997
too stupid to think up anything better huh? Good for you. That's your thumb up your anal sphincter by the way. You were fishing out that peanut butter jar and forgot about what you were doing.
FROM: gerbil Jim
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:03:07 PST 1997
the office weel
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:02:48 PST 1997
I'd forgotten about that giant sick up the a-- phaedrus. I wonder where that pathtic pretentious fuk face is.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:01:45 PST 1997
I was a teenage whiffer!
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:01:04 PST 1997
you are alt
FROM: not that loon, wb.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 13:00:16 PST 1997
became bitten and full of what?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:59:35 PST 1997
the real Chewing Wax leaves the office weel before this.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:58:39 PST 1997
The real anon wants to know where that poor guy, pungo, is. He's the one that you guys thought was me. I thought he was
harmless enough. But your paranoia got the better of you and now he's gone. Too bad he didn't have the inner-strength of
phaedrus and simply stick it out. Of course this will be the last "the real" for a while 'cuz the Chew-Lemming will now begin
posting as the "real anon" in order to build up his apparently burgeoning morals charge against me. Manufacturing evidence
again, are we, stooges, tssk tssk. Goes against so many of your quaint little laws doesn't it?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:58:20 PST 1997
Damn double posts!!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:57:35 PST 1997
Who the fuk cares, I'm outta here. Have a nice new years everyone.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:57:25 PST 1997
Who the fuk cares, I'm outta her. Have a nice new years everyone.
FROM: Jack Pallance
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:56:24 PST 1997
I too have a perfect replica of an airline lavatory in my Burbank mansion.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:55:12 PST 1997
I always forget that alternity is one of the worst anons out there. That makes perfect sense. Chewing Wax isn't an anon. He was just kidding about that. He's too naive. It's obviously alt. Ha!
FROM: Jack Pallance
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:52:53 PST 1997
I had a very evil eye.
one that actually was from Turkey, as a young child, but have lost it
since. Anyway, its purpose was to actually 'reflect' the evil eye
away. If your not going to turkey anytime soon, you may have to
construct your own. Unfortunately I dont have that info on hand.But
I did see it in a Turkey travel book at Barnes and Noble recently.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:51:14 PST 1997
Peace alt and Happy New Years. You gonna get drunk?
FROM: alt.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:47:47 PST 1997
I wish you all peace!
FROM: pungo
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:44:04 PST 1997
Guru Bob, you seem familiar to me. Did you come to this area once? Do you have wonderful bright and tasty Polk Audio Speakers? Yummy noise huh? If you post as Chewing Wax and Myk and Willybee, how will I know who you are and how will you know if it's mee or not? After all, I am the THIRD MIND. I think James Joyce said that once.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:43:06 PST 1997
Go rot wb.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:41:53 PST 1997
That wasn't me being Myk. That was me being Chewing Wax. No wait. That wasn't me being me, but I was being pungo and voltaic
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:38:44 PST 1997
yeh well, first of all I do use caps sometimes, when I'm not being lazy. Second of all, wax never says yah
FROM: pungo
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:37:44 PST 1997
Hey Myk! You beltway freak you. How's it going? School has kept me away from the board but I'm on vacation now! Whoopie! I really miss you guys! Isn't Robyn the absolute greatest?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:36:07 PST 1997
Myk doesn't use caps. lost again wb, you're worse than V.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:34:31 PST 1997
Of course it's really me, you silly kitten. Heh heh giggle giggle tee.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:32:16 PST 1997
Yah it's me Myk, was that really you?
FROM: pungo
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:31:37 PST 1997
Remember the old days? Way way way way way way back? Then voltaic became bitten and full of venom and hatred and attacked us all. It was all so good natured until then.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:30:23 PST 1997
Wax? Is that really you?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:29:39 PST 1997
What the Fuk are you talking about Myk? You don't know what the fuk you are talking about. We'd all love each other. What we post is our real inner selve. The only important part. Sure you can't hear me f--ting and see the food dripping out of my mouth, but that stuff doesn't really matter in the long run.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:28:26 PST 1997
c-u later Queenie.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:27:21 PST 1997
Queenie yeah, a delusion of sorts. I'm sure most of us would dislike each other if we knew each other in (real life). what we see here is an extremely small portion of the real person.
FROM: Guru Bob
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:25:37 PST 1997
Stupid bitch. That wasn't me.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:24:13 PST 1997
I'm warning you. If you keep posting as me you won't know who is on the board and who isn't. I was always the victim I was always the victim. Remember when I cut ans pasted the entire huge article about the death of John Denver and cleverly switched his name for mine. I am multitudes! I think James Joyce once said.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:22:45 PST 1997
I have to go. See you cats later.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:22:07 PST 1997
Do you think we labor under the delusion that the friends we make on the Internet would like us less if they knew how we really looked? The truth is, I've made these friends just by talking. I don't think any of these people would all the sudden stop speaking to me if they really knew how fat I was. I should just be myself and stop sending out pictures from last year (pre-quitting-smoking). But I do so enjoy the way people think I'm "cute" now.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:17:21 PST 1997
(D)on't, (s)should I am starting to type as badly as that loon, wb.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:15:41 PST 1997
no queenie you on't, I am hidious creature, nature hasn't been kind to me. I scare my own mother away. I know this is free space(for now) but there are limits to the obscenities that sshould be posted.heh heh
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:08:27 PST 1997
And I would like a picture of you, too Myk!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:07:49 PST 1997
Because I'm obsessed about it.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:04:54 PST 1997
Yah, what he said.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:04:27 PST 1997
Queenie it does make us wonder why you're always talking about pictures and weight.
FROM: Note about Duh
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:03:33 PST 1997
Queenie, re: no known photographs of anon (duh): that's because of the hideous scars on what remains of his face, thanks to self-inflicted wounds created in a sorry insurance scam gone wrong.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:02:08 PST 1997
Well, all I know is that you guy/guys is/are afraid of letting the rest of us know what you're really like. But I'm not one to talk. I've been emailing everyone pictures of me 50 pounds ago.
FROM: Guru Boob
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:01:37 PST 1997
Oh, one more thing: if you insist on trying to convince everyone that you're me, I will post as Myk, Chewing Wax and Willybe exclusively for the next week. You can all eat me! Ha Ha! Ha! Chicken Salad All 'Round!
FROM: Volt-Bouy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 12:00:02 PST 1997
Bye (RATTLE!) LOVE YOU ALL, even though you smell like s--t.
FROM: Voltaic is a Saint, you are a booger
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:59:10 PST 1997
For the record, I never wanted to torment anyone. Actually, I have always been the victim. This is the detail all of you forgot way way way way back...I was complaining, originally, about the fact the Myk Chew et al were BORING. That's all. You should all thank me. But you won't. Instead you spend time trying to make people think you're me, because you are incapable of creating your own identity, in this or any other forum in life. So Rattle tinkly funking tee, you piece of s--t stained rag.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:56:41 PST 1997
Hello. What is "cultural neutrality"? Is that the long-lost Nivana album!?!
FROM: Guru Bob
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:55:29 PST 1997
Professor, once again you have crystallized your soul perfectly. Rattle!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:53:33 PST 1997
Awwww, come on Volty. Don't be such a Nancy Boy. I'll send you one of me...
FROM: Anon
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:52:10 PST 1997
Ah Queenie, there are no known photographs of me
FROM: Professor Know It All
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:51:12 PST 1997
One remarkable thing about Mr. Voltaic's thesis is that it becomes quickly apparent that he loses his cultural neutrality and quickly becomes the victim of those he attempts to torment. In the end it is Mr. Voltaic himself that is the tormented one. What is even more remarkable is that throughout this immensely long and boring thesis, Mr. Voltaic is completely oblivious to this obvious situation.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:47:46 PST 1997
Good morning, Anon. So when do I get a photo of you?
FROM: Anon
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:46:19 PST 1997
Hey Queenie! Good morning to you. Sleepy has gone off into the foggy London evening to wreak her usual havoc.
FROM: Guru Bob
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:45:02 PST 1997
Dorrie, Fester is a type of martial arts weapon. If you see one, you will know (back away from the dangling shiny things...)
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:44:03 PST 1997
What are you fellas up to this morning? (And Sleepy!!)
FROM: One more semester on this project. Look for my thesis, "Tormenting Message Board Addicts To See What Makes Them Tick -- A One Year Study" in late '98 at
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:43:52 PST 1997
Consider thee a-rattled, all of you (that's both of you).
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:43:00 PST 1997
What's fester mean?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:42:17 PST 1997
Zeeek - die a horrible death and fester in your shallow grave
FROM: Chortling Wank
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:41:39 PST 1997
Stop it you! buzz off. Dangit! Stop it! You didn't rattle me! I am ignoring you! [waaaaaaaaahhhhh!]
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:40:51 PST 1997
the empty socket can then be filled with fish entrails and salted vinegar which must be replaced every forth night and twice more on the full moon week.
FROM: Dyk Jerky
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:40:40 PST 1997
Re: Myk=Voltaic. Doh! You got me!
FROM: Zeeek
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:40:10 PST 1997
Oops. That was from me, Zeeek
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:39:52 PST 1997
What's with all the picture discussion? You guys into pictures? This ain't no gall'ry. You erstaz mucous fans of Robin Hitchcork.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:39:22 PST 1997
All of a sudden I'm pretty damned sure that voltaic and Myk are the same guy.
FROM: Dorrie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:39:05 PST 1997
Hello. Is Mr. V Vinegar Joe?
FROM: E Veal Ivan
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:38:24 PST 1997
Then wipe the socket with wet ones.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:37:24 PST 1997
V-oltai-c. Clever bouy
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:36:41 PST 1997
wb: You've been rattled (mantrose! c'mon, hodad!)
FROM: oltai
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:36:16 PST 1997
I think all three of us are here now. What a party. I brought the chips!
FROM: Yummy!!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:35:38 PST 1997
Yummy! I missed the Hot Toddies this Holiday Season, but Chinese Chicken Salad and Evil Eye Toddies will make up for that! f--kin' A!
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:35:03 PST 1997
like a mantrose? you mean mongoose.
FROM: MorTea
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:34:33 PST 1997
EaTrom: EatMeTeatMeTinkleTokenTrickle!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:33:56 PST 1997
heat a sewing needle, preferably a large one over a candle unti the tip is read hot. Insert while hot into the afflicted eye. The vitrious will emerge. Collect this liquid and serve in a light broth to the cursed one. Patch the eye. It will dry and fall out over the ensuing weeks.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:33:51 PST 1997
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![duh] more gay porn please, wanker-phelge
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:33:16 PST 1997
Mr.V how nice to hear from you. Is wb annoying you? concider the source.
FROM: Joe Erstaz
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:32:57 PST 1997
Chinese Chicken Salad all 'round! Dyk, Chex and wankerbee, come eat me!
FROM: Guru Bob
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:32:07 PST 1997
Re: no one is being rattled: just keep saying it over and over again, like a mantrose, and it will never happen.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:31:17 PST 1997
Re: the itchy eye: Wipe with wet ones
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:30:51 PST 1997
rattle !
FROM: santa=satan
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:30:44 PST 1997
Nice name, duh.
FROM: Gunter
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:30:12 PST 1997
I sure my son has some how been givin the evil eye . Do you have a
cure for that ?
FROM: Dear Duh: Eat Me
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:30:03 PST 1997
Re: voltaic ignoring goading postings--you are the goader, which makes your posting a joke. Har har. Funny!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:29:58 PST 1997
No one is being rattled at all. No one is being rattled at all. I'm pretty sure it's spelled erstaz anyhow. It means, to imitate, as in imitate monty python.
FROM: This Can of Bees!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:28:22 PST 1997
Rattle f--king Tee! I can't believe how easily I can anger this Can of Bees! Happy atavistic ersatz new year buddies! You are all AMY-Chairs!
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:25:51 PST 1997
Neither of us are wb are they?
FROM: Vic Flange
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:24:27 PST 1997
Can I get some very good pictures of you two? Volty boy, old pal.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:20:58 PST 1997
go on Do your worst.
You're not fooling anyone I know.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:18:24 PST 1997
Nice one Volty boy. You're not fooling anyone you know.
FROM: Myk Murphie
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:17:01 PST 1997
wb - hold on buddy. I'll send you my picture of Cushca in a second. I hope you don't mind. I digitally altered it a bit. Heh heh.
FROM: Vic Flange
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:16:24 PST 1997
can I get some very good pictures of you two. E-MAIL ME.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:15:31 PST 1997
if Doh!
FROM: ”ggvitor
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:15:11 PST 1997
Stinking Scottish persons. Couldn't make a proper souvlaka is their lives depended on it
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:12:47 PST 1997
Two? There are two of us? Where?? Where?? Who just left? What's going on here? Where am I? Why was that recipe so hard to read and understand? Do you really need that much egg plant?
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:12:02 PST 1997
doh!!send me anything!!
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:09:23 PST 1997
they don't look like the same person to me either
and if I ran both images through the image processing software I have,
it will say its a poor match but I haven't bothered with it and won't
unless I can get some very good pictures of you two. E-MAIL ME.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:09:18 PST 1997
Cute metaphor.
FROM: wb
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:08:35 PST 1997
foul Doh!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:07:14 PST 1997
Oh willybee, if only it were so. You've sworn off this board before, as have I. We both come back like cheating husbands, begging for forgiveness and then cheating again.
FROM: Tid bit
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:05:51 PST 1997
Creating two personas and having them argue with each other is lonely and stupid and really pathetic, but sometimes necessary
FROM: willybee
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:04:58 PST 1997
Goodbye Voltaic, have a nice life. I may peek in accasionaly.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:04:19 PST 1997
fowl = ducks
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:03:59 PST 1997
stinking rotten fowl lying sack of cat sick
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:03:25 PST 1997
misspelled word pointing out is annoying but petty and should only be resorted to if you've run out of better ideas.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:03:21 PST 1997
I am gone forever and ever! Really this time. They are all yours.
FROM: eal Wo
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:02:53 PST 1997
HEY!! follow the sp00k rotation !
FROM: Partial crdit
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:02:25 PST 1997
you missed "got fetch"
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:02:16 PST 1997
thers more-keep looking
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:01:31 PST 1997
gotta love a classic
FROM: wat dat?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:01:02 PST 1997
sacrifise? you funny ok joe
FROM: Classic misspelling attack
DATE: Tue Dec 30 11:00:29 PST 1997
red it?
FROM: The Ideal Worker
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:57:47 PST 1997
At work I'm dead flesh, waiting to be eaten. I enjoy feeling that way. I want someone else to inhabit my body, I want them to use me. My time, otherwise is useless. My only ambition is to more pliable, more inert. I want my mind to be open to my supariors. I want them to be able to red it at all times, then they'll punish me for my involuntary hatreds. If they punish me correctly, they'll wipe my mind clean. That will feel good.
FROM: In Swedish ya?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:56:44 PST 1997
You two are not nearly as funny as I am. Come and learn from the master. There is much to do before the new year. There are all sorts of ways to torment. You can got fetch interesting morsels from the archives and cut and paste them. It's like reliving the past! Or, you can do a really inspired job of imitating your enemy. This victimizes the others who don't know it's not the real thing, but if you get your enemy to ring out "that wasn't me!" it's worth the sacrifise. I personally don't like the big bulk cut and pastes. They are just stupid, but to each his own. Or, you can respond to L. No one knows what's going on but it's fun. There are other tricks but it's too early to learn everything. This has been your first lesson.
FROM: If a baseboard dug...
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:52:45 PST 1997
6-8 pers
Drygt 1 kg medelstora auberginer
50 gr sm–r
ca 700 gr k–ttf”rs
ca 1 dl vitt vin
3 skalade och hackade tomater el 1 burk tomater (1/2 kg)
3 msk hackad persilja
2 dl riven ost
salt och peppar
2 rÂgade msk str–br–d
2 ”ggvitor, l”tt vispade
olivolja till stekning
2 ”ggulor
1 ”gg
6 dl bechamelsÂs
Sk”r auberginerna i drygt centimetertjocka skivor. Salta dem och lÂt dem stÂ
i en timme.
Fr”s l–k tills den mjuknar. Tills”tt k–ttf”rsen och 4 msk vatten.
Koka och r–r om. Tills”tt vin, tomater persilja, salt och peppar.
LÂt blandningen sjuda under lock i ca 45 minuter. Ta av k–ttf”rsblandningen
frÂn v”rmen och tills”tt str–br–d och ”ggvitor och r–r om v”l.
Sk–lj och torka av auberginerna. Stek dem l”tt i olivolja p bÂda sidor.
Sm–rj en ugnsfast form p ca 25 x 40 x 5 cm, str– str–br–d och t”ck sedan
botten med h”lften av aubergineskivorna. Bred –ver k–ttf”rsblandningen och
t”ck med resten av auberginskivorna.
Vispa ihop ”ggulorna och ”gget och r–r ned blandningen i bechamelsÂsen.
Tills”tt osten och h”ll blandningen –ver auberginerna s att den t”cker
fullst”ndingt. Str– –ver lite extra ost och gr”dda i ca 175 graders
ugnsv”rme i ca 45 minuter eller tills ytan blivit gyllenbrun.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:52:11 PST 1997
I'll be back tomorrow.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:49:31 PST 1997
Happy New Year. I'll be there with a very long nose in 1998.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:48:03 PST 1997
you are beyond reason
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:43:56 PST 1997
dull, dull, dull
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:43:40 PST 1997
Bye all, don't drink too much, or do. I don't give a flying rats a-- anymore.
FROM: sunarU
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:43:37 PST 1997
Huh. Hello sp00k, who did you replace.
I don't have time to follow the sp00k rotation so
could be please list it for those of us who believe
, please.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:43:02 PST 1997
go to the movies, see a show, just try to meet people
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:42:18 PST 1997
you are so f--king boring
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:42:10 PST 1997
who you?
FROM: wb has this paranoid single-minded obsession
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:39:43 PST 1997
you who?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:37:12 PST 1997
Aah, it is you.
FROM: Uranus
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:37:00 PST 1997
wb has this paranoid single-minded obsession?what is it?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:36:53 PST 1997
Ah, well. Voltaic is not here, so there is little point in continuing with this conversation. Have a Happy New Year and don't throw it back in my face. Life is too short for this. We men can always be relied upon to f--k up a good thing. Good bye.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:34:50 PST 1997
Don't give me that. I am NOT CW. Only wb has this paranoid single-minded obsession that if it's not Voltaic, then it must be CW.
FROM: fluffy bee
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:34:47 PST 1997
Sorry, you have the wrong deadbeat.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:32:35 PST 1997
I do love you CW.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:32:30 PST 1997
Let's make him relevant again then. Out of interest, the REM message board is full of even less relevant postings. It is not just a failing of this board.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:31:38 PST 1997
You are, maybe.
FROM: Wallys' Grammerpa
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:31:30 PST 1997
HEY!!Move the boat.Cheezeball!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:31:14 PST 1997
"The way you treat eachother really makes me feel ill and if you want a fight then you're just dying to get killed". Listen to the man. Take the weight off.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:30:46 PST 1997
Robyn is largely irrelevent on this board.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:29:16 PST 1997
I want to speak to Voltaic. Not you, wb.
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:28:26 PST 1997
Sorry, you have the wrong person.
FROM: Wallys' Grammer
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:27:58 PST 1997
Move the boat, deadbeat!!
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:27:41 PST 1997
I thought the reasoning behind being on this board was a mutual love of Robyn's work. How can you therefore go off to another board?
DATE: Tue Dec 30 10:25:37 PST 1997
I'm feeling very animus toward the people on this board, perhaps it is time to change boards.