DATE: Sat Dec 20 16:38:54 PST 1997
DATE: Sat Dec 20 16:30:32 PST 1997
FROM: re-runs DATE: Sat Dec 20 15:58:26 PST 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: DATE: Sat Dec 20 15:57:38 PST 1997 I want to know what measurement you use to differentiate a dream from that which is cynically called reality. Is it the colors, the sounds, the wild improbabilities? Or the unsequestered jumble of occurrences put together as if by some amateur editor? I have dreams where the sky might be salmon pink and I wake up and it is. But somehow you know when its' happening for real, some kind of shodawy impermanence haunts the dreamscape. And the charactors what of them? They so passively give up existence after their scene is over. Worse than a mayfly's few hours of precious life, these dream-folk seem shakily transform before our eyes and then are ruthlessly cut off or vanish into fading memoy. Do they, on any level at all enjoy autonomy or feel joy or pain? I know for sure that I am not the author or the director of some of the bit parts and guests stars that slide through my uncunscious mind, and I also remember the reluctance of one or two of them to relinquish their borrowed imagined five seconds of being. They knock down the panels and escape from the dream world into something more tangable and several days later can still be capable of inspiring fear or lust. Perhaps this is the object of their existance, their way of evolving from the thought to idea to belief. Still better a life of misery - at least solid flesh nand blood misery-than the chancey occupation of mthe dreambeings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: m DATE: Sat Dec 20 14:07:47 PST 1997 Sorry wb, hi...have a good one.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:23:23 PST 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:21:44 PST 1997 There's evil in this board. It doesn't load right anymore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:18:53 PST 1997 Dun' werkin'. mooch, you ignoring me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: mooch DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:09:52 PST 1997 Hey rOb,glad to hear you've recieved the mail...any new gigs?...I havent been online very much lately..looking forward to your cd...whats new Queenie? hope your whiplash is feeling better..hi to Myk and Wax..and Volt..(that probably wasn't your rotten writing a bit earlier,you write much better than that)have a good Christmas everyone ...later -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb. DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:57:33 PST 1997 Queenie! Hey, we've all been awaiting your iminent arrival. We knew you'd come back to us one day! Welcome back! So, Orange....fancy yerself a MacManus fan, eh? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:27:41 PST 1997 Hello? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: willybee DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:01:23 PST 1997 Queenie!!!Youre back, we've missed you so!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Queenie DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:56:43 PST 1997 Of course now there's no one to talk to. I'll try back later after I do my christmas shopping today. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Queenie DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:49:53 PST 1997 In case anyone is wondering, my phone was disconnected for a while. But I've paid my obscene $1200 bill and now I'm back. So....What'd I miss? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Queenie DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:43:58 PST 1997 Hi Everybody!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:35:13 PST 1997 Doh!, willy's working today. Working at home making big money, stuffing envelopes. har har har!! Lovely story, even I couldn't come up with something that twisted.(I'm now feeling regret for the evil that I have done on this board), Really!! Was that the real Sleepy? Hey Orange peel, leave Costello alone. Hmm, guess it's back to work. I'm getting the feeling back too my lips. Check back later. luv' you all, xoxoxo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Orange DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:21:31 PST 1997 Doh! Duh! and other sounds of exclamation. Robyn is the soundtrack of my, sad, lonely,life. what's with the Costello "veronica" line earlier? he sucks. Queen Elvis - get a life Declan and a sense of humor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Sleepy DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:17:35 PST 1997 Nice one, Orange. So, tell me about yourself (like I don't already know every minute detail). Do you like Robyn? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Orange DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:16:37 PST 1997 hey. what's with the aaaa's? there's 25 other letters you know. don't discriminate it's not big and it's not clever. unless, of course, youve spilled coffee on your keyboard and that's all you can type. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Sleepy DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:13:14 PST 1997 Hello. I've been shopping. I've got a real, human being with me. I'm going to let them say hello. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: :) DATE: Fri Dec 19 19:55:03 PST 1997FROM: DATE: Fri Dec 19 14:27:19 PST 1997 Don't be lonely and depressed. It makes me feel sad. And, don't eat too many M&M's or you will get fat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb. DATE: Fri Dec 19 13:39:03 PST 1997 Pink Moon is really good. Thanks to all who reccomended it. It seems to be the perfect album to listen to when you're lonely and depressed, which I often am. "Now I'm darker than the deepest sea," Wow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Mary Ann DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:39:25 PST 1997 YOU tell him EaTrom! dont get pushed around by a cat in a box! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: EaTrom DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:37:22 PST 1997 yes it will. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Shroedingers cat DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:34:59 PST 1997 Dont worry, if you knock it off, it'll never hit the floor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Shroedingers cat DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:34:57 PST 1997 Dont worry, if you knock it off, it'll never hit the floor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:32:43 PST 1997 will do!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: McLuedt DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:32:05 PST 1997 Merry Christmas!to alla yeh coffee swillin',pen stealin',pastry eatin',apartment dwellin',shut-ins. Have a chip for me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:29:32 PST 1997 I'm leaving, I'll just keep feeding my fantasies about those two..... oh well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: WB DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:28:16 PST 1997 Two minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:26:35 PST 1997 DOH!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Myk Murphy DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:25:12 PST 1997 i'm betting against it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: EaTrom DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:25:11 PST 1997 DOH!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Mary Ann DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:23:58 PST 1997 EaTrom,you failed to concentrate, To be able to hold 10^23 discrete levels of charge in a "transpacitor" (i.e. 10^23 discrete voltage levels), we need: 10^23 electrons! I checked. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:23:45 PST 1997 I'm never gonna find out, am I? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:22:26 PST 1997 don't eat beef, or pork. no McD's for me, unless it's fries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Myk Murphy DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:21:15 PST 1997 mr wax, thanks for handing me that one to answer! heh heh... well... both sleepy and cushca are beautiful women, about THIS tall [holds up one hand into the air] and they look like this [holds up photos]. was that helpful? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:21:12 PST 1997 close, it's pens. I do it unconscientiously though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: EaTrom DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:20:15 PST 1997 It's as if you've been under some sort of McCheese mind-control.and your cat is hungry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: EaTrom DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:16:24 PST 1997 wb, accretion disc is explained by the dipole anti-gravity. Stop stealing pencils or you will be fired. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:15:02 PST 1997 EaTrom, what about me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:13:16 PST 1997 r0b-"And they call her a name that that never get right and if they don't nobody else will" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: EaTrom DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:13:06 PST 1997 Yes, buy the truck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:10:23 PST 1997 sorry, it makes more of an impact in a room full of "live" men. some women DO NOT like that joke though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb. DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:09:46 PST 1997 Hey, EaTrom, you never told me my future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: EaTrom DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:08:47 PST 1997 come on Mary Ann!, think it through. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:08:28 PST 1997 Somehow, wb, I just fail to see the humour in that statement. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:07:23 PST 1997 that's o.k. r0b, I'm sure you'll find a women with holes in her head to fit the rocks in yours. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:06:41 PST 1997 AND I just spilled M&M's all over the goddamned keyboard! I am in a p--sY mood! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb. DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:05:11 PST 1997 By the way, in a totally unrelated bit of tragedy, the former lovely and talented Wendy is now the lovely and talented has-nothing-to-do-with-rOb Wendy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:04:25 PST 1997 c'mon 3:30!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:03:42 PST 1997 Strange thing about N.D., he was PATHETIC. A little silly introvert, throw a guitar at him, make him play and suddenly he's catapulted to someone of great stature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb. DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:02:48 PST 1997 Wow. It looks like the rObster finally did something right for once. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:59:32 PST 1997 good job r0b, you'll love it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:59:01 PST 1997 Hey rOb. Pinkamoon. I want to listen to it NOW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb. DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:58:57 PST 1997 I'm curious as to what Sleepy and Cushca look like as well, but I don't think I need to know their cup size. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:58:26 PST 1997 Myk- that's why I got one -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:50 PST 1997 I'll let Myk take this one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: rOb. DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:49 PST 1997 Just got Pink Moon. From the photo in the booklet, Mr. Drake was not a bad lookin' lad. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:25 PST 1997 whAt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:10 PST 1997 Give me a (vague if you must) description of whot Cushca & Sleepy look like. I would prefer approx. cup please! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Myk Murphy DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:55:32 PST 1997 voltaic is quite smart in one sense: he posts an email address that is "his", but it is one of those web browser based free email services, so he can avoid the risk of getting "bombed" by those who don't like him. that sort of service is great for those who want a secondary email address that is "flame-proof". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:54:09 PST 1997 Oh who cares. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:53:38 PST 1997 Hey alt. I don't think Voltaic was McLeudt. Too funny. So there must be another, the one at work today. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:53:09 PST 1997 I'm still horny!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:51:37 PST 1997 I only posted as McLuedt twide, both harmless. They did not insult! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: alternity DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:50:26 PST 1997 I am just a person C.W. It did get weird around the time of EmpTron's post.It was certianly interesting mumble jumbo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:50:12 PST 1997 This whole game is pointless. CW emails the rest of them, they know he is the only other one (other than anon.) that still participates anymore. This is my final word on the situation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Myk Murphy DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:49:58 PST 1997 alternity is alternity. i remember his website. nice guy, and he's "doc-mented", as it were. heh. wb: you were mcleudt, right? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:47:53 PST 1997 masage? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: there I go again forgetting to sign my message DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:47:01 PST 1997 Oh it was me! I am in a daze and just forgot to sign that last masage. Fill you with leaf mold, and sardines and gause, and hay -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:46:36 PST 1997 Who was McLeud? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:45:44 PST 1997 Myk, despite opinions I REALLY have cleaned up my act. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:43:35 PST 1997 I think it's time to face the horrifying possibility that there is yet a fourth anon posting here. Voltaic isn't clever enough to come up with that EmpTron or whoever the hell it is. Who is alternity anyhow? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:41:00 PST 1997 wb - stop whining. You made the bed. And when we do surpass RS, we should have a big party or something, at Myk's place. It's centrally located. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Myk Murphy DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:44 PST 1997 willy, you wander from the exceedingly polite to the loathesomely foul. i admire your range, but now i must ask: why? i don't mean to ask rudely, i'm just curious as to what inspires you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:25 PST 1997 THOSE damnit, not that -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:12 PST 1997 Fair is as fair does. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:38:46 PST 1997 NO, it doesn't sound fair. That meaningless words were coming from one of the biggest "problem" posters in these parts. On another note this board is going to pass up R.S. soon! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Myk Murphy DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:35:21 PST 1997 yeah, that sounds fair. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:30:35 PST 1997 shake-shake-shake, shake your bootie! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:24:11 PST 1997 Sorry. I didn't say I was sure it was you. I just said there was a good chance. I think that's fair. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:20:12 PST 1997 I've done nothing on this board today that can be considerd inappropriate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: wb DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:18:36 PST 1997 hey!!!! why blame me? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:11:39 PST 1997 Do you think that was sarcasm? And it's It's A Wonderful Life, not Miracle on 52nd street, but who's counting? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Myk Murphy DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:08:56 PST 1997 another avid reader of the board. too bad it wasn't signed.... gee, who could it have been? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:59:09 PST 1997 I had to come back to re read The Waitresses message.I loved that. It enriched my life. Christmas will never be the same.I love you for posting that.Keep it up.You gonna come back,,,I really miss you.Your words tore through my cerebral cortex like otherwordly shrapnel..Man!! I AM still reeling..gosh I am rereading it here again for the 5th..count them Five ..sheezh..I don't say this to many people but, I LOVE YOU. Well done!Did you go to college? You're probably not Capricorn.And the way you went on and on about Merry reminded me of Miracle on 52nd street .when he runs through the streets saying that very Phrase.I havent seen the movie ever, just a short commercial for it's ??th re-run.Oh and the part about meeting someone randomly..That to me basically wraps up the whole state of the universe.Thank you for being in this same world as me.Its good to know there are people out there like you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:55:24 PST 1997 While waiting in line for the DMV cashier, I was amused to hear Oh Holy Night being played on a steel drum in the back ground. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Chewing Wax DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:53:24 PST 1997 Not I. Although I think there is a very good chance it is wb that's doing it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM: Myk Murphy DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:40:42 PST 1997 yeah, but he still favors vulgar postings, a
DATE: Sat Dec 20 16:33:29 PST 1997
A clean archive.
DATE: Sat Dec 20 16:30:32 PST 1997
FROM: re-runs
DATE: Sat Dec 20 15:58:26 PST 1997
DATE: Sat Dec 20 15:57:38 PST 1997
I want to know what measurement you use to differentiate a dream from that which is cynically called reality. Is it the colors, the sounds, the wild improbabilities? Or the unsequestered jumble of occurrences put together as if by some amateur editor? I have dreams where the sky might be salmon pink and I wake up and it is. But somehow you know when its' happening for real, some kind of shodawy impermanence haunts the dreamscape. And the charactors what of them? They so passively give up existence after their scene is over. Worse than a mayfly's few hours of precious life, these dream-folk seem shakily transform before our eyes and then are ruthlessly cut off or vanish into fading memoy. Do they, on any level at all enjoy autonomy or feel joy or pain? I know for sure that I am not the author or the director of some of the bit parts and guests stars that slide through my uncunscious mind, and I also remember the reluctance of one or two of them to relinquish their borrowed imagined five seconds of being. They knock down the panels and escape from the dream world into something more tangable and several days later can still be capable of inspiring fear or lust. Perhaps this is the object of their existance, their way of evolving from the thought to idea to belief. Still better a life of misery - at least solid flesh nand blood misery-than the chancey occupation of mthe dreambeings.
DATE: Sat Dec 20 14:07:47 PST 1997
Sorry wb, hi...have a good one..
DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:23:23 PST 1997
FROM: wb
DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:21:44 PST 1997
There's evil in this board. It doesn't load right anymore.
FROM: wb
DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:18:53 PST 1997
Dun' werkin'. mooch, you ignoring me?
FROM: mooch
DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:09:52 PST 1997
Hey rOb,glad to hear you've recieved the mail...any new gigs?...I havent been online very much lately..looking forward to your cd...whats new Queenie? hope your whiplash is feeling better..hi to Myk and Wax..and Volt..(that probably wasn't your rotten writing a bit earlier,you write much better than that)have a good Christmas everyone ...later
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:57:33 PST 1997
Queenie! Hey, we've all been awaiting your iminent arrival. We knew you'd come back to us one day! Welcome back! So, Orange....fancy yerself a MacManus fan, eh?
DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:27:41 PST 1997
FROM: willybee
DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:01:23 PST 1997
Queenie!!!Youre back, we've missed you so!!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:56:43 PST 1997
Of course now there's no one to talk to. I'll try back later after I do my christmas shopping today.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:49:53 PST 1997
In case anyone is wondering, my phone was disconnected for a while. But I've paid my obscene $1200 bill and now I'm back. So....What'd I miss?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:43:58 PST 1997
Hi Everybody!!
FROM: wb
DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:35:13 PST 1997
Doh!, willy's working today. Working at home making big money, stuffing envelopes. har har har!! Lovely story, even I couldn't come up with something that twisted.(I'm now feeling regret for the evil that I have done on this board), Really!! Was that the real Sleepy? Hey Orange peel, leave Costello alone. Hmm, guess it's back to work. I'm getting the feeling back too my lips. Check back later. luv' you all, xoxoxo
FROM: Orange
DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:21:31 PST 1997
Doh! Duh! and other sounds of exclamation. Robyn is the soundtrack of my, sad, lonely,life. what's with the Costello "veronica" line earlier? he sucks. Queen Elvis - get a life Declan and a sense of humor.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:17:35 PST 1997
Nice one, Orange. So, tell me about yourself (like I don't already know every minute detail). Do you like Robyn?
FROM: Orange
DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:16:37 PST 1997
hey. what's with the aaaa's? there's 25 other letters you know. don't discriminate it's not big and it's not clever. unless, of course, youve spilled coffee on your keyboard and that's all you can type.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:13:14 PST 1997
Hello. I've been shopping. I've got a real, human being with me. I'm going to let them say hello.
FROM: :)
DATE: Fri Dec 19 19:55:03 PST 1997FROM:
DATE: Fri Dec 19 14:27:19 PST 1997
Don't be lonely and depressed. It makes me feel sad. And, don't eat too many M&M's or you will get fat.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 13:39:03 PST 1997
Pink Moon is really good. Thanks to all who reccomended it. It seems to be the perfect album to listen to when you're lonely and depressed, which I often am. "Now I'm darker than the deepest sea," Wow.
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:39:25 PST 1997
YOU tell him EaTrom! dont get pushed around by a cat in a box!
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:37:22 PST 1997
yes it will.
FROM: Shroedingers cat
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:34:59 PST 1997
Dont worry, if you knock it off, it'll never hit the floor.
FROM: Shroedingers cat
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:34:57 PST 1997
Dont worry, if you knock it off, it'll never hit the floor.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:32:43 PST 1997
will do!!
FROM: McLuedt
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:32:05 PST 1997
Merry Christmas!to alla yeh coffee swillin',pen stealin',pastry eatin',apartment dwellin',shut-ins. Have a chip for me.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:29:32 PST 1997
I'm leaving, I'll just keep feeding my fantasies about those two..... oh well.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:28:16 PST 1997
Two minutes
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:26:35 PST 1997
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:25:12 PST 1997
i'm betting against it.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:25:11 PST 1997
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:23:58 PST 1997
EaTrom,you failed to concentrate, To be able to hold 10^23 discrete levels of charge in a "transpacitor" (i.e. 10^23 discrete voltage levels), we need: 10^23 electrons! I checked.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:23:45 PST 1997
I'm never gonna find out, am I?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:22:26 PST 1997
don't eat beef, or pork. no McD's for me, unless it's fries.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:21:15 PST 1997
mr wax, thanks for handing me that one to answer! heh heh... well... both sleepy and cushca are beautiful women, about THIS tall [holds up one hand into the air] and they look like this [holds up photos]. was that helpful?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:21:12 PST 1997
close, it's pens. I do it unconscientiously though.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:20:15 PST 1997
It's as if you've been under some sort of McCheese mind-control.and your cat is hungry.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:16:24 PST 1997
wb, accretion disc is explained by the dipole anti-gravity. Stop stealing pencils or you will be fired.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:15:02 PST 1997
EaTrom, what about me?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:13:16 PST 1997
r0b-"And they call her a name that that never get right and if they don't nobody else will"
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:13:06 PST 1997
Yes, buy the truck.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:10:23 PST 1997
sorry, it makes more of an impact in a room full of "live" men. some women DO NOT like that joke though.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:09:46 PST 1997
Hey, EaTrom, you never told me my future.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:08:47 PST 1997
come on Mary Ann!, think it through.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:08:28 PST 1997
Somehow, wb, I just fail to see the humour in that statement.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:07:23 PST 1997
that's o.k. r0b, I'm sure you'll find a women with holes in her head to fit the rocks in yours.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:06:41 PST 1997
AND I just spilled M&M's all over the goddamned keyboard! I am in a p--sY mood!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:05:11 PST 1997
By the way, in a totally unrelated bit of tragedy, the former lovely and talented Wendy is now the lovely and talented has-nothing-to-do-with-rOb Wendy.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:04:25 PST 1997
c'mon 3:30!!
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:03:42 PST 1997
Strange thing about N.D., he was PATHETIC. A little silly introvert, throw a guitar at him, make him play and suddenly he's catapulted to someone of great stature.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:02:48 PST 1997
Wow. It looks like the rObster finally did something right for once.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:59:32 PST 1997
good job r0b, you'll love it!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:59:01 PST 1997
Hey rOb. Pinkamoon. I want to listen to it NOW
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:58:57 PST 1997
I'm curious as to what Sleepy and Cushca look like as well, but I don't think I need to know their cup size.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:58:26 PST 1997
Myk- that's why I got one
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:50 PST 1997
I'll let Myk take this one.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:49 PST 1997
Just got Pink Moon. From the photo in the booklet, Mr. Drake was not a bad lookin' lad.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:25 PST 1997
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:10 PST 1997
Give me a (vague if you must) description of whot Cushca & Sleepy look like. I would prefer approx. cup please!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:55:32 PST 1997
voltaic is quite smart in one sense: he posts an email address that is "his", but it is one of those web browser based free email services, so he can avoid the risk of getting "bombed" by those who don't like him. that sort of service is great for those who want a secondary email address that is "flame-proof".
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:54:09 PST 1997
Oh who cares.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:53:38 PST 1997
Hey alt. I don't think Voltaic was McLeudt. Too funny. So there must be another, the one at work today.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:53:09 PST 1997
I'm still horny!!
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:51:37 PST 1997
I only posted as McLuedt twide, both harmless. They did not insult!
FROM: alternity
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:50:26 PST 1997
I am just a person C.W. It did get weird around the time of EmpTron's post.It was certianly interesting mumble jumbo.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:50:12 PST 1997
This whole game is pointless. CW emails the rest of them, they know he is the only other one (other than anon.) that still participates anymore. This is my final word on the situation.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:49:58 PST 1997
alternity is alternity. i remember his website. nice guy, and he's "doc-mented", as it were. heh. wb: you were mcleudt, right?
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:47:53 PST 1997
FROM: there I go again forgetting to sign my message
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:47:01 PST 1997
Oh it was me! I am in a daze and just forgot to sign that last masage. Fill you with leaf mold, and sardines and gause, and hay
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:46:36 PST 1997
Who was McLeud?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:45:44 PST 1997
Myk, despite opinions I REALLY have cleaned up my act.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:43:35 PST 1997
I think it's time to face the horrifying possibility that there is yet a fourth anon posting here. Voltaic isn't clever enough to come up with that EmpTron or whoever the hell it is. Who is alternity anyhow?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:41:00 PST 1997
wb - stop whining. You made the bed. And when we do surpass RS, we should have a big party or something, at Myk's place. It's centrally located.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:44 PST 1997
willy, you wander from the exceedingly polite to the loathesomely foul. i admire your range, but now i must ask: why? i don't mean to ask rudely, i'm just curious as to what inspires you.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:25 PST 1997
THOSE damnit, not that
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:12 PST 1997
Fair is as fair does.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:38:46 PST 1997
NO, it doesn't sound fair. That meaningless words were coming from one of the biggest "problem" posters in these parts. On another note this board is going to pass up R.S. soon!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:35:21 PST 1997
yeah, that sounds fair.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:30:35 PST 1997
shake-shake-shake, shake your bootie!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:24:11 PST 1997
Sorry. I didn't say I was sure it was you. I just said there was a good chance. I think that's fair.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:20:12 PST 1997
I've done nothing on this board today that can be considerd inappropriate.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:18:36 PST 1997
hey!!!! why blame me?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:11:39 PST 1997
Do you think that was sarcasm? And it's It's A Wonderful Life, not Miracle on 52nd street, but who's counting?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:08:56 PST 1997
another avid reader of the board. too bad it wasn't signed.... gee, who could it have been?
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:59:09 PST 1997
I had to come back to re read The Waitresses message.I loved that. It enriched my life. Christmas will never be the same.I love you for posting that.Keep it up.You gonna come back,,,I really miss you.Your words tore through my cerebral cortex like otherwordly shrapnel..Man!! I AM still reeling..gosh I am rereading it here again for the 5th..count them Five ..sheezh..I don't say this to many people but, I LOVE YOU. Well done!Did you go to college? You're probably not Capricorn.And the way you went on and on about Merry reminded me of Miracle on 52nd street .when he runs through the streets saying that very Phrase.I havent seen the movie ever, just a short commercial for it's ??th re-run.Oh and the part about meeting someone randomly..That to me basically wraps up the whole state of the universe.Thank you for being in this same world as me.Its good to know there are people out there like you.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:55:24 PST 1997
While waiting in line for the DMV cashier, I was amused to hear Oh Holy Night being played on a steel drum in the back ground.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:53:24 PST 1997
Not I. Although I think there is a very good chance it is wb that's doing it.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:40:42 PST 1997
yeah, but he still favors vulgar postings, as he is a vulgar fellow. did you post that one regarding wb?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:37:31 PST 1997
Hey Myk. What's very odd is that the Chewing Wax post that wasn't me (09:27:01 PST 1997 ) was perfectly normal. He's setting it up so we can't even trust normal regular postings to be the people we think it is. Sick. Disturbed. Evil.
FROM: re-runs
DATE: Sat Dec 20 15:58:26 PST 1997
DATE: Sat Dec 20 15:57:38 PST 1997
I want to know what measurement you use to differentiate a dream from that which is cynically called reality. Is it the colors, the sounds, the wild improbabilities? Or the unsequestered jumble of occurrences put together as if by some amateur editor? I have dreams where the sky might be salmon pink and I wake up and it is. But somehow you know when its' happening for real, some kind of shodawy impermanence haunts the dreamscape. And the charactors what of them? They so passively give up existence after their scene is over. Worse than a mayfly's few hours of precious life, these dream-folk seem shakily transform before our eyes and then are ruthlessly cut off or vanish into fading memoy. Do they, on any level at all enjoy autonomy or feel joy or pain? I know for sure that I am not the author or the director of some of the bit parts and guests stars that slide through my uncunscious mind, and I also remember the reluctance of one or two of them to relinquish their borrowed imagined five seconds of being. They knock down the panels and escape from the dream world into something more tangable and several days later can still be capable of inspiring fear or lust. Perhaps this is the object of their existance, their way of evolving from the thought to idea to belief. Still better a life of misery - at least solid flesh nand blood misery-than the chancey occupation of mthe dreambeings.
DATE: Sat Dec 20 14:07:47 PST 1997
Sorry wb, hi...have a good one..
DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:23:23 PST 1997
FROM: wb
DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:21:44 PST 1997
There's evil in this board. It doesn't load right anymore.
FROM: wb
DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:18:53 PST 1997
Dun' werkin'. mooch, you ignoring me?
FROM: mooch
DATE: Sat Dec 20 13:09:52 PST 1997
Hey rOb,glad to hear you've recieved the mail...any new gigs?...I havent been online very much lately..looking forward to your cd...whats new Queenie? hope your whiplash is feeling better..hi to Myk and Wax..and Volt..(that probably wasn't your rotten writing a bit earlier,you write much better than that)have a good Christmas everyone ...later
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:57:33 PST 1997
Queenie! Hey, we've all been awaiting your iminent arrival. We knew you'd come back to us one day! Welcome back! So, Orange....fancy yerself a MacManus fan, eh?
DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:27:41 PST 1997
FROM: willybee
DATE: Sat Dec 20 10:01:23 PST 1997
Queenie!!!Youre back, we've missed you so!!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:56:43 PST 1997
Of course now there's no one to talk to. I'll try back later after I do my christmas shopping today.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:49:53 PST 1997
In case anyone is wondering, my phone was disconnected for a while. But I've paid my obscene $1200 bill and now I'm back. So....What'd I miss?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:43:58 PST 1997
Hi Everybody!!
FROM: wb
DATE: Sat Dec 20 09:35:13 PST 1997
Doh!, willy's working today. Working at home making big money, stuffing envelopes. har har har!! Lovely story, even I couldn't come up with something that twisted.(I'm now feeling regret for the evil that I have done on this board), Really!! Was that the real Sleepy? Hey Orange peel, leave Costello alone. Hmm, guess it's back to work. I'm getting the feeling back too my lips. Check back later. luv' you all, xoxoxo
FROM: Orange
DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:21:31 PST 1997
Doh! Duh! and other sounds of exclamation. Robyn is the soundtrack of my, sad, lonely,life.
what's with the Costello "veronica" line earlier? he sucks. Queen Elvis - get a life Declan and a sense of humor.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:17:35 PST 1997
Nice one, Orange. So, tell me about yourself (like I don't already know every minute detail). Do you like Robyn?
FROM: Orange
DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:16:37 PST 1997
hey. what's with the aaaa's? there's 25 other letters you know. don't discriminate it's not big and it's not clever. unless, of course, youve spilled coffee on your keyboard and that's all you can type.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Sat Dec 20 08:13:14 PST 1997
Hello. I've been shopping. I've got a real, human being with me. I'm going to let them say hello.
FROM: :)
DATE: Fri Dec 19 19:55:03 PST 1997
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 17:59:09 PST 1997
This kind of crap sickens me go away.your future is very are about to get very sad chimp deadbeat.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 16:40:43 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 16:40:38 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 16:40:33 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 16:40:28 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 16:40:08 PST 1997
FROM: ????
DATE: Fri Dec 19 16:21:01 PST 1997
Like p--sing on an ant hill, watching the isects run for their lives.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 16:09:32 PST 1997
Nice story, you sick f--ker. Why don't you put a gun to your head and fire? Only takes one shot. Feel free to die at your leisure.
FROM: ???guess??? (hint, it ain't wb or voltaic)
<tis' I anon, #3-wb's stories Suck>
DATE: Fri Dec 19 15:54:20 PST 1997
The sun streamed through the window and soaked the air with bitter yellow gas. I lay twisted and naked on the bare stained mattress in the center of the floor. Without opening my eyes, I reached down and pulled the crumpled blanket up around my face. Behind my eyelids, pools of yellow pain throbbed, then mixed with red. Inside the sealed container of my skull, my brain lay soaking in a stagnent solution of urine and ammonia. I forced myself not to breathe deeply, which would cause my heart to race, then explode in my chest. The acc-mulated poisons of the nights drunkenness cohered into a constricting black hole between my eyes. My breath was ripe with the aftertaste of vomit and the sour leaked residues of an anonymous woman's c--t, now turned to paste in my mouth. I threw the blanket away from me. I could still smell her scent on it, like a some dog that had marked it's territory. In my delirium, I'd thought her taste was sweet, like her body was filled with sugar, leaking from each pore. As we invaded each other on the mattress I licked her skin for the taste, like a naked groveling cretin at a salt lick. She mourned like a tortured inmate in a padded cell, in long unbroken exhaltations unenc-mbered by consonants, possessed by a satanic force, spreda-eagled clawing to get born from her c--t. I still heard her voice "OH! I love the way you do me, yeah yeah yeah, chew on my little clit, oh yes, oh yes" as if I'd applied the correct sensory stimulus needed to engage the behavior-response mechanism of a sexual episode, leading to a possible spasmodic release of tension. I recall passing out down ther, in and out of consiousness, chewingn the inside of her thigh, sucking on a button of the mattress like my mothers t-t, then realizing she left. Little Monica came in jumping on my mattress, "Uncle Chew-y Uncle Chew-y, daddy wants you to get up and push me on my bike!". She knocked out the wind as she straddled my naked stomach, and for a moment not realizing who or where I was. I ground into her as she sat on my crotch. She sensed something strange and ran out of the room. Turning away from the now burning sunlight, I closed my eyes. Listening to her wheels creak on the driveway, I drifted back to sleep. I awoke some time later. There's a point when you wake up from a drunk, in perfect clarity. The synapses in your brain feel greased, and the distinction between your conscious and subconscious mind evaporates. The noise of her wheels was gone, I crawling out of bed, wrapped myself in the blanket end walked into the dimly lighted hallway. Sneaking like a escapee from the prison I heard faint grunting from the living room, which was in the front of the house near the door. They were on the couch. He was kneeling behind her with his back to her. He'd pulled her dress up around her neck-the miniture version of a hippie smock. He was choking her in rythm of his pumping. I presumed she was screaming for me, but he'd put masking tape over her mouth so it sounded distant. Like something leaking from another dimension, where little girls get raped into infinity, wher hell becomed the tedious norm. Please forgive me, I didn't do anything. I just stood there peeking around the corner, watching, unable to move, as he tore into. As I stood there I imagined I could feel the tight wrongness of her flesh. I crept back into my room and close the door. Eventually I heard the front door close. I felt urine rushing from my penis, forming a warm sea of sickening pleasure between my legs. And drifted back to sleep. her
DATE: Fri Dec 19 14:40:46 PST 1997
Don't be lonely and depressed. It makes me feel sad. And, don't eat too many M&M's or you will get fat.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 14:27:19 PST 1997
Don't be lonely and depressed. It makes me feel sad. And, don't eat too many M&M's or you will get fat.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 13:39:03 PST 1997
Pink Moon is really good. Thanks to all who reccomended it. It seems to be the perfect album to listen to when you're lonely and depressed, which I often am. "Now I'm darker than the deepest sea," Wow.
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:39:25 PST 1997
YOU tell him EaTrom! dont get pushed around by a cat in a box!
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:37:22 PST 1997
yes it will.
FROM: Shroedingers cat
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:34:59 PST 1997
Dont worry, if you knock it off, it'll never hit the floor.
FROM: Shroedingers cat
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:34:57 PST 1997
Dont worry, if you knock it off, it'll never hit the floor.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:32:43 PST 1997
will do!!
FROM: McLuedt
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:32:05 PST 1997
Merry Christmas!to alla yeh coffee swillin',pen stealin',pastry eatin',apartment dwellin',shut-ins. Have a chip for me.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:29:32 PST 1997
I'm leaving, I'll just keep feeding my fantasies about those two..... oh well.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:28:16 PST 1997
Two minutes
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:26:35 PST 1997
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:25:12 PST 1997
i'm betting against it.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:25:11 PST 1997
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:23:58 PST 1997
EaTrom,you failed to concentrate, To be able to hold 10^23 discrete levels of charge in
a "transpacitor" (i.e. 10^23 discrete voltage levels), we need:
10^23 electrons! I checked.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:23:45 PST 1997
I'm never gonna find out, am I?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:22:26 PST 1997
don't eat beef, or pork. no McD's for me, unless it's fries.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:21:15 PST 1997
mr wax, thanks for handing me that one to answer! heh heh... well... both sleepy and cushca are beautiful women, about THIS tall [holds up one hand into the air] and they look like this [holds up photos]. was that helpful?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:21:12 PST 1997
close, it's pens. I do it unconscientiously though.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:20:15 PST 1997
It's as if you've been under some sort of McCheese
mind-control.and your cat is hungry.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:16:24 PST 1997
wb, accretion disc is explained by the dipole anti-gravity. Stop stealing pencils or you will be fired.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:15:02 PST 1997
EaTrom, what about me?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:13:16 PST 1997
r0b-"And they call her a name that that never get right and if they don't nobody else will"
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:13:06 PST 1997
Yes, buy the truck.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:10:23 PST 1997
sorry, it makes more of an impact in a room full of "live" men. some women DO NOT like that joke though.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:09:46 PST 1997
Hey, EaTrom, you never told me my future.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:08:47 PST 1997
come on Mary Ann!, think it
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:08:28 PST 1997
Somehow, wb, I just fail to see the humour in that statement.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:07:23 PST 1997
that's o.k. r0b, I'm sure you'll find a women with holes in her head to fit the rocks in yours.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:06:41 PST 1997
AND I just spilled M&M's all over the goddamned keyboard! I am in a p--sY mood!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:05:11 PST 1997
By the way, in a totally unrelated bit of tragedy, the former lovely and talented Wendy is now the lovely and talented has-nothing-to-do-with-rOb Wendy.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:04:25 PST 1997
c'mon 3:30!!
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:03:42 PST 1997
Strange thing about N.D., he was PATHETIC. A little silly introvert, throw a guitar at him, make him play and suddenly he's catapulted to someone of great stature.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 12:02:48 PST 1997
Wow. It looks like the rObster finally did something right for once.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:59:32 PST 1997
good job r0b, you'll love it!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:59:01 PST 1997
Hey rOb. Pinkamoon. I want to listen to it NOW
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:58:57 PST 1997
I'm curious as to what Sleepy and Cushca look like as well, but I don't think I need to know their cup size.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:58:26 PST 1997
Myk- that's why I got one
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:50 PST 1997
I'll let Myk take this one.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:49 PST 1997
Just got Pink Moon. From the photo in the booklet, Mr. Drake was not a bad lookin' lad.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:25 PST 1997
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:57:10 PST 1997
Give me a (vague if you must) description of whot Cushca & Sleepy look like. I would prefer approx. cup please!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:55:32 PST 1997
voltaic is quite smart in one sense: he posts an email address that is "his", but it is one of those web browser based free email services, so he can avoid the risk of getting "bombed" by those who don't like him. that sort of service is great for those who want a secondary email address that is "flame-proof".
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:54:09 PST 1997
Oh who cares.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:53:38 PST 1997
Hey alt. I don't think Voltaic was McLeudt. Too funny. So there must be another, the one at work today.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:53:09 PST 1997
I'm still horny!!
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:51:37 PST 1997
I only posted as McLuedt twide, both harmless. They did not insult!
FROM: alternity
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:50:26 PST 1997
I am just a person C.W. It did get weird around the time of EmpTron's post.It was certianly interesting mumble jumbo.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:50:12 PST 1997
This whole game is pointless. CW emails the rest of them, they know he is the only other one (other than anon.) that still participates anymore. This is my final word on the situation.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:49:58 PST 1997
alternity is alternity. i remember his website. nice guy, and he's "doc-mented", as it were. heh. wb: you were mcleudt, right?
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:47:53 PST 1997
FROM: there I go again forgetting to sign my message
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:47:01 PST 1997
Oh it was me! I am in a daze and just forgot to sign that last masage. Fill you with leaf mold, and sardines and gause, and hay
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:46:36 PST 1997
Who was McLeud?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:45:44 PST 1997
Myk, despite opinions I REALLY have cleaned up my act.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:43:35 PST 1997
I think it's time to face the horrifying possibility that there is yet a fourth anon posting here. Voltaic isn't clever enough to come up with that EmpTron or whoever the hell it is. Who is alternity anyhow?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:41:00 PST 1997
wb - stop whining. You made the bed. And when we do surpass RS, we should have a big party or something, at Myk's place. It's centrally located.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:44 PST 1997
willy, you wander from the exceedingly polite to the loathesomely foul. i admire your range, but now i must ask: why? i don't mean to ask rudely, i'm just curious as to what inspires you.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:25 PST 1997
THOSE damnit, not that
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:39:12 PST 1997
Fair is as fair does.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:38:46 PST 1997
NO, it doesn't sound fair. That meaningless words were coming from one of the biggest "problem" posters in these parts. On another note this board is going to pass up R.S. soon!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:35:21 PST 1997
yeah, that sounds fair.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:30:35 PST 1997
shake-shake-shake, shake your bootie!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:24:11 PST 1997
Sorry. I didn't say I was sure it was you. I just said there was a good chance. I think that's fair.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:20:12 PST 1997
I've done nothing on this board today that can be considerd inappropriate.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:18:36 PST 1997
hey!!!! why blame me?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:11:39 PST 1997
Do you think that was sarcasm? And it's It's A Wonderful Life, not Miracle on 52nd street, but who's counting?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 11:08:56 PST 1997
another avid reader of the board. too bad it wasn't signed.... gee, who could it have been?
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:59:09 PST 1997
I had to come back to re read The Waitresses message.I loved that. It enriched my life. Christmas will never be the same.I love you for posting that.Keep it up.You gonna come back,,,I really miss you.Your words tore through my cerebral cortex like otherwordly shrapnel..Man!! I AM still reeling..gosh I am rereading it here again for the 5th..count them Five ..sheezh..I don't say this to many people but, I LOVE YOU. Well done!Did you go to college? You're probably not Capricorn.And the way you went on and on about Merry reminded me of Miracle on 52nd street .when he runs through the streets saying that very Phrase.I havent seen the movie ever, just a short commercial for it's ??th re-run.Oh and the part about meeting someone randomly..That to me basically wraps up the whole state of the universe.Thank you for being in this same world as me.Its good to know there are people out there like you.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:55:24 PST 1997
While waiting in line for the DMV cashier, I was amused to hear Oh Holy Night being played on a steel drum in the back ground.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:53:24 PST 1997
Not I. Although I think there is a very good chance it is wb that's doing it.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:40:42 PST 1997
yeah, but he still favors vulgar postings, as he is a vulgar fellow. did you post that one regarding wb?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:37:31 PST 1997
Hey Myk. What's very odd is that the Chewing Wax post that wasn't me (09:27:01 PST 1997 ) was perfectly normal. He's setting it up so we can't even trust normal regular postings to be the people we think it is. Sick. Disturbed. Evil.