FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:34:09 PST 1997
cool, rob.... heh heh, i didn't take offense from it, no matter the author! sometimes it sounds like a fair a--essment! i'm gonna read the stuff i missed now....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:24:02 PST 1997
I'm really back now. wb - you sick f--k. A big huge sick f--k.
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:03:02 PST 1997
Oh, you mean a flying disc made of rotating opposing anal sphincters, neodymium, and barium
ferrite lip magnets. I see, that would explain the diarrhoea.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 10:02:09 PST 1997
Myk, the 'monkey spank' thing was not me. mooch, got your order.....I'll put it in the post first thing Monday morn.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:56:45 PST 1997
Mary Ann, The jets from the blackhole accretion disc is explained
by the dipole anti-gravity. The spacetime distortion at the
pole of the rotating blackhole creates antigravity force
which dominates the attractive force beyond certain
critical rotational frequency, come on Mary Ann!, think it through.
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:51:23 PST 1997
That still doesn't explain Noether's theorem (which states the spatial
translational invariance brings forth the momentum
conservation) does not apply for this case because of the
breaking of the translational gauge symmetry in general
relativity for this system, Jack.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:47:28 PST 1997
spice it up a little
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:44:57 PST 1997
Hey!!The locally created virtual negative mass creates local
spacetime distortion which enables the axially asymmetric
spacetime contraction in the vicinity of the system in
accordance with the Alcubierre's conjecture, pal.
FROM: shemforhash
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:42:16 PST 1997
FROM: Lucifer
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:41:07 PST 1997
Purchasing souls, top $$$ paid.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:37:31 PST 1997
You know, I really hadn't thought about it .
it's as if you've been under some sort of McCheese mind-control... It's
starting to make sense, the cattle mutilation, the aliens, the mime-like
clown, the global presence of McDonalds... It's one of the most powerful
presences on our planet. Oh my GAWD it's an eeevil conspiracy Mary Ann, I tell
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:34:47 PST 1997
how do I respond to that?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:28:14 PST 1997
In regards to your private message,If I was presented with a gel-like material,
with white blood cells and gut flora, my first surmise would be that
been supplied with a sample of well, diarrhoea . The gel matrix would be mucilaginous gut secreted gunk,
blood cells contaminating possibly from minor damage produced by the
infection, and the increased populations of the two gut flora species, Mary Ann.
FROM: Doh!
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:27:22 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:27:01 PST 1997
Goodbye Sleepy, got me license. Hello Myk.
FROM: my heart
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:26:12 PST 1997
It's the season of love and giving. Great is the spirit to forgive than to harbor bad will. I forgive you.xoxo
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:26:07 PST 1997
Mmm. Beautifully put. I've been really busy, that's why I've been quiet. Don't take it personally. Have a good weekend.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:26:00 PST 1997
lovely imagery, willy. well, this is that time of day... the night has just begun in London! ah, London.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:24:44 PST 1997
bye sleepygirl! sorry i was out so much. have a fine weekend... relax!
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:22:42 PST 1997
I've come to notice when it's just Sleepy and me, she dissapates like smoke being exhaled from a whores lungs.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:22:36 PST 1997
I'm going home now. Bye.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:16:49 PST 1997
Hi Myk.
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:15:12 PST 1997
Hi EaTrom, I found your message from your post on the
Configuration of Light list. Nice web site!! I look forward to reading
your articles. The more stuff we can get on Ascension, the better.
(the rest of this message is private) How long have you had this site?
I can't believe I just found it!! I just started viewing the FOL tapes. I
got sidetracked from Mer-ka-ba breathing because of other healing
work, but I am getting back on track. I will let you know when I am
ready for more instruction. Namaste. In Love, Light & Service,
FROM: Mary Ann
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:15:02 PST 1997
Hi EaTrom, I found your message from your post on the
Configuration of Light list. Nice web site!! I look forward to reading
your articles. The more stuff we can get on Ascension, the better.
(the rest of this message is private) How long have you had this site?
I can't believe I just found it!! I just started viewing the FOL tapes. I
got sidetracked from Mer-ka-ba breathing because of other healing
work, but I am getting back on track. I will let you know when I am
ready for more instruction. Namaste. In Love, Light & Service,
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:14:42 PST 1997
.......and then there was one......... undead,undead,undead,undead,undead,undead,undead, Bela Lugosi's Dead.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:14:39 PST 1997
.......and then there was one......... undead,undea,undead,undead,undead,undead,undead, Bela Lugosi's Dead.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:12:36 PST 1997
yes, of course that wasn't me. gee, i hate faux Myks! they're so vulgar. oh well, what should i expect? heh heh. my job isn't exactly "monkey spank", rob, but it's quite busy lately. changes almost daily, but the money is good, so i can't complain.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:09:49 PST 1997
World Timer my arse, World Wrong Timer is more like it.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:07:17 PST 1997
Hm, my watch is wrong. 300.00 bucks and it's JUNK!!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:05:01 PST 1997
In London it's the time under 'post' plus 8.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:03:47 PST 1997
Sleepy-what time is it in Lodontown?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:02:31 PST 1997
Oh, fun and games.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:01:47 PST 1997
hello Volty
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:01:34 PST 1997
If you stare really hard at her, you'll just scare her, surely.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:01:17 PST 1997
does anyone here like Bauhaus?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 09:00:37 PST 1997
If I looked hard enough, she'll go with me.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:57:22 PST 1997
oh well, guess I'll just stay in.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:53:42 PST 1997
Go for it, wb. It's hard to find a decent date nowadays.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:52:46 PST 1997
I think I'm going to take the secretary out to lunch (if she'll go with me). She's sweet, smart, beautiful, just incredible. I'm sure if I looked hard enough, there is something we have to have in common.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:50:04 PST 1997
I'd love to ask her (or Sleepy for that matter) for a cup of coffee (or thier favourite beverage).
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:49:31 PST 1997
it's going on lunch, hmmm, go out, stay in?
FROM: Wax on
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:49:15 PST 1997
You lips ?????
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:48:22 PST 1997
Can I just say that Cushca is absolutely fabulous. I wish she was here.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:47:42 PST 1997
Yes. I got that one.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:47:23 PST 1997
Although that wasn't me...I would be curious if Cushca would take me up on amy offer I might offer her.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:47:04 PST 1997
that last on was me, Sleepy now I'm confused.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:46:04 PST 1997
Welcome V. We don't often get to chat.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:45:47 PST 1997
now a faux r0b?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:45:33 PST 1997
Bye CW. Have a good weekend. wb - straight after I posted, I thought it was probably (Bruce) V.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:44:36 PST 1997
Myk must have a real monkey spank job.
think Cushca-Cushca-Cushca would take me up on my offer?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:43:27 PST 1997
I've come to believe nothing is about sex, even sex.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:43:22 PST 1997
I'm back briefly. Not that anyone missed me. I'm off to the DMV for a new drivers license. Wish me luck. I probably won't be back before you leave Sleepy, so have a great weekend. See if you can order EYE from Rhino itself at Gotta go.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:42:00 PST 1997
the Myk posting was not me!
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:41:00 PST 1997
Strong! there that's better.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:40:58 PST 1997
Why do I get the slight tingling sensation that the last post by Myk really wasn't by Myk? Thanks, Sleepy. I hope I do enjoy it.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:40:40 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:40:25 PST 1997
mighty syrong words, Myk.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:40:24 PST 1997
Tsk. Tsk. Still can't get no satisfaction, wb?!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:39:44 PST 1997
Nick won't disappoint you rOb. Just listen to that guitar, that voice... Bye.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:39:02 PST 1997
Don't worry r0b, if you don't like it, I'll suck your penis as a way of payment.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:38:47 PST 1997
you'll enjoy it, I'm sure. noboby else here? or are you all ignoring me? if the latter is true post "1"
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:37:15 PST 1997
All right.....payday! Payday! Well, I'm off to pick up Pink Moon. If it's not all you people have purported it to be, I'll hold each of you responsible.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:36:31 PST 1997
don't laugh at them, you'll see!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:35:14 PST 1997
Great. Looking forward to it.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:34:52 PST 1997
usually not.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:34:05 PST 1997
r0b check is in the mail, no not yet but within a few days.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:33:55 PST 1997
Do you just not read what you type before you hit 'post'? You could cut down on a lot of typos that way, I'm sure.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:32:56 PST 1997
thet? should really checck my postings better before I post them.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:32:00 PST 1997
No, thet know it's me.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:31:03 PST 1997
Geeeezzzus! I do hope no one thought I posted that.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:30:42 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:29:19 PST 1997
You've ghot soft skin. I like the insides of your thigh, I running my tongue up them to your snatch. You lips were dry a second ago, now they're faintly wet, not dripping. They teasing me like I'm some kind of animal needing to reproduce. I'm resisting though. My penis is hard kids can imagine the rest! On a good note, this is my last disgusting prose, I've grown quite bored of them. I'm sure you all have too.
FROM: rOb/
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:29:06 PST 1997
Evidently, she was taken aback by Robyn finding the devil in the nude, in his food, et al. So, she trashed it.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:26:13 PST 1997
I had it on cassette, and a friend of mine "borrowed" it, only to have it meet it's fate at the hands of his fundamentalist mother.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:25:14 PST 1997
Oh, goody! Time for a smoke break!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:24:41 PST 1997
That's the only album of Robyn's that I don't have on CD.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:23:27 PST 1997
I'm still looking for a CD copy of Queen Elvis. I can't find that damn thing anywhere!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:22:17 PST 1997
Hi rOb. Good idea.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:21:42 PST 1997
Also of note, at everyone's request, when I get paid this afternoon, I'm gonna run out and pick up a copy of Pink Moon.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:20:31 PST 1997
Ok, I'm back. Gawd, I just love that Ziggy Stardust guy.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:05:36 PST 1997
Waagh. Too hot. Too hot. Big jumper.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:01:04 PST 1997
directed at Myk's
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 08:00:06 PST 1997
I'm back. Real job and all that. My previous Wa? was directled at Mytk's brief enterance. Which would have made sense if Sleepy hadn't jumped in in front of me which she always does.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:51:14 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:50:58 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:50:29 PST 1997
I'm gone!!!!!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:50:07 PST 1997
No, wb, I don't think she'd be interested. You know it's just Adam, Rob Newman or Hugh Fearnly-Whittingstall.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:48:21 PST 1997
I've got a real job too. I've perfected the art of doing two things at once.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:47:54 PST 1997
Sleepy, think Cushca-Cushca-Cushca would take me up on my offer?
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:46:58 PST 1997
Myk must have a real job
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:46:44 PST 1997
... losing the plot. Who's asking which question?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:45:22 PST 1997
Hi and bye Myk.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:45:05 PST 1997
inappropriate behavior at work
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:44:32 PST 1997
Wa? What was that?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:43:54 PST 1997
Her favourite insult to dumb men is always monkey spank.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:43:24 PST 1997
sorry i've been out for a bit. be back when i can. b take Cushca's advise from yesterday.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:42:34 PST 1997
I'm not saying the next bit!
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:41:25 PST 1997
great, now I'm horny
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:41:12 PST 1997
Feel like asking a tree for an autograph...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:40:17 PST 1997
Bye rOb. Hey! Soft Boys intro.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:40:10 PST 1997
With a huge bowl of Cap'n Crunch, I amble off towards the den, to sit back and watch Ziggy Stardust: The Motion Picture.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:39:37 PST 1997
damnit CAPTAIN,
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:38:53 PST 1997
damnit, I'm giving her all I've got to give!!!!!!
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:38:03 PST 1997
1-2, good to be here, 3-4...sure is..
FROM: Sulu
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:37:56 PST 1997
Sheilds Up captain!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:37:46 PST 1997
See yah rOb.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:36:36 PST 1997
Well, fellers...gonna go for a while. If you people leave before I get back, have a good weekend, be careful, and all that stuff.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:36:31 PST 1997
My last posting related to the glorious Pammie.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:36:15 PST 1997
true, but what the hell. when I'm horny only one thing matters!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:35:47 PST 1997
I'm pleased you said that CW.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:35:29 PST 1997
Sleepy - RH Message Board made flesh is a disturbing thought.
FROM: Spock
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:34:45 PST 1997
Bones I am altered dammit. What can I do I am a Doctor not an engineer.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:34:18 PST 1997
Ew. She's a scank.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:32:31 PST 1997
I dream I'm doin' twins that look like Pamela Anderson!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:32:23 PST 1997
What does real mean?
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:31:27 PST 1997
coulour? you're not the real CW are you?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:31:14 PST 1997
My dreams are like that too, CW. Only most of the time, actors play the part of my friends and family.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:31:05 PST 1997
CW - and then you realise that it is the RH Message Board made flesh... Bye alt.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:30:22 PST 1997
ha ha!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:29:45 PST 1997
I dream in coulour. Fabulous epic dreams of glory with multiple characters, all distinct personalities, interacting independently and I, as the dreamer, have absolutely no idea what they are going to do or say next.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:29:23 PST 1997
Damn thing would have to be an ugly little hunk of plastic.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:29:01 PST 1997
that's cute.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:28:19 PST 1997
I wonder what a doll of me would look like? I wouldn't mind having an action figure made about me.....Rockin' rOb, with kung-fu action grip guitar hand!
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:27:41 PST 1997
I'm still dreaming, or so I'm told.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:25:46 PST 1997
Just woke up from a beautiful dream where I was a superstar. There were rOb albums, rOb videos, little rOb dolls that say cute things when you pull their strings. And there I was, in the middle of it all.
FROM: altoid
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:25:41 PST 1997
No sleepy..I rerely dream because my REM cycles are out of wack from alcohol and what have-you.I wanna see Rob..I woke up this morning and sang along to "I used to say I love You", "Autum is your last chance" and "I often Dream of trains" it did wonders for my hangover.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:25:21 PST 1997
I think he's strange, if he wasn't an entertainer he would be an outcast.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:25:12 PST 1997
It's freezing in here. I've just turned up the heat. My hands are ice cubes. Very nice description of RH.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:23:48 PST 1997
Hello rOb. Everything's fine. How are you?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:23:44 PST 1997
Yeah, he {Robyn} does have an alien quality to him, doesn't he?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:22:43 PST 1997
My God, it's like a furnace in this building. Why am I wearing a huge jumper?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:22:31 PST 1997
G'morning, fellows (and fellowettes). How's everything here in Robynland?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:20:52 PST 1997
Tempting offer, of course, but no kids thanks.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:19:29 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:19:09 PST 1997
I was observing Robyn a few weeks ago, whilst he was just sitting in a chair, smoking. He really is so elegant and other wordly.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:18:17 PST 1997
Sleepy I'm looking for females to bear my love children, I've been monitoring your behavior closely. You seem like the perfect subject, interested? It pays well.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:16:01 PST 1997
Robyn is very grey these days. It suits him though. He looks really happy.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:15:21 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:14:19 PST 1997
EaTron, explain spiritial magic. that line makes no sense.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:14:07 PST 1997
hair... I hope that's what he means.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:13:31 PST 1997
Ah. Grey!! Doh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:13:15 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:13:08 PST 1997
WOW, even I have some gray. Just a little though.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:09:42 PST 1997
Nope. Decoy is all grey but not me. Not a bit of it.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:08:55 PST 1997
grAy, both really
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:07:59 PST 1997
CW, any grey yet?
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:07:04 PST 1997
EaTrom- is Robyn god? does he exist in all of us?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:06:39 PST 1997
I do hope you've all sent off your Christmas cards to Robyn in good time.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:04:21 PST 1997
EaTrom - go to hell you bastard. This site is for discussion of Robyn Hitchock only.
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Fri Dec 19 07:02:33 PST 1997
Let me introduce myself; my name is EaTrom. I have been practicing Spiritual Magic for the past
several years. I discovered the internet and found many others here who felt as I did. I then
discovered the wonder of being able to bring Joy and Healing to others through my talents. I have
many clients all over the world whom I have a--isted in their concerns.Ask me anything.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:56:52 PST 1997
Hey alt. Myk - we aren't showing our age. It's on the radio every year. I bet if you turn on you local "classic rock" station and listen for a couple days they will play it.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:55:49 PST 1997
Some girlies in England covered that song a few years ago, but it wasn't as great as the original.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:55:09 PST 1997
Hi alternity. Did you dream in colour?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:54:45 PST 1997
i love it! thanks! ...i love it when you guys show your age! giggle.
FROM: alternit
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:54:31 PST 1997
What the fuuck Tee Waitress..that was one weird post..Oh and a good hungover morning to you all
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:53:16 PST 1997
Now I think I'm almost ready to go Christmas shopping. We need snow though. You and Oblivions for everybody.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:50:11 PST 1997
I've never really known all the words. I just sang it with my friend down the phone!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:48:58 PST 1997
I couldn't resist.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:47:02 PST 1997
FROM: The Waitresses
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:44:48 PST 1997
"Bah, humbug!" No, that's too strong
'Cause it is my favorite holiday
But all this year's been a busy blur
Don't think I have the energy
To add to my already mad rush
Just 'cause it 'tis the season.
The perfect gift for me would be
Completions and connections left from
Last year, ski shop,
Encounter, most interesting.
Had his number but never the time
Most of '81 passed along those lines.
So deck those halls, trim those trees
Raise up cups of Christmas cheer,
I just need to catch my breath,
Christmas by myself this year.
Calendar picture, frozen landscape,
Chilled this room for twenty-four days,
Evergreens, sparkling snow
Get this winter over with!
Flashback to springtime, saw him again,
Would've been good to go for lunch,
Couldn't agree when we were both free,
We tried, we said we'd keep in touch.
Didn't, of course, 'til summertime,
Out to the beach to his boat could I join him?
No, this time it was me,
Sunburn in the third degree.
Now the calendar's just one page
And, of course, I am excited
Tonight's the night, I've set my mind
Not to do too much about it.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year.
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
But I think I'll miss this one this year.
Party dashing through the snow
Cos I bundled up too tight
Last minute have-to-do's
A few cards a few calls
'Cause it's r-s-v-p
No thanks, no party lights
It's Christmas Eve, guttery laugh
Turned down all of my invites.
Last fall I had a night to myself,
Same guy called, halloween party,
Waited all night for him to show,
This time his car wouldn't go,
Forget it, it's cold, it's getting late,
Trudge on home to celebrate
In a quiet way, unwind
Doing Christmas right this time.
A&P has provided me
With the world's smallest turkey
Already in the oven, nice and hot
Oh damn! Guess what I forgot?
So on with the boots, back out in the snow
To the only all-night grocery,
When what to my wondering eyes should appear
In the line is that guy I've been chasing all year!
"I'm spending this one alone," he said.
"Need a break; this year's been crazy."
I said, "Me too, but why are you?
You mean you forgot cranberries too?"
Then suddenly we laughed and laughed
Caught on to what was happening
That Christmas magic's brought this tale
To a very happy ending! "
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Couldn't miss this one this year!
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Couldn't miss this one this year!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:42:00 PST 1997
i don't remember which one it is.... type me a few lines!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:39:38 PST 1997
Hi. I'm back. I love, love, love that Waitresses song, CW. I remember forcing all my schoolfriends to learn the words and sing it with me.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:37:39 PST 1997
i'm trying hard to see the connection, wax.... trying! giggle.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:36:41 PST 1997
i remember a band that called itself "Christmas". i recall that they did a tune with great lyrics: "Richard Nixon sees you, Richard Nixon sees THROUGH YOU..." i only heard the song once or twice, but the song was quite memorable. heh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:31:15 PST 1997
The idiots were watching a Richie Rich cartoon on television. You see the flow eh?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:30:10 PST 1997
My favorite Christmas song is the one by The Waitresses
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:29:24 PST 1997
a discussion about Howard the Duck? tres obscure, monsieur wax.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:27:53 PST 1997
Excellently done. Brilliant in it subtlety.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:26:24 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:25:17 PST 1997
I had two desserts - one of them was one dessert too many for me.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:20:15 PST 1997
Oh Sleepy - please tell what dessert choice you made whilst incorporating a reference to RH.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:17:25 PST 1997
I'm back. I was trying to prove to my colleagues that Howard the Duck was a comic book before it was a movie. The search took me deep into the comic book nether world. Oooh.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:14:47 PST 1997
Guess not, I'm gone!!
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:07:46 PST 1997
Is anyone here?
FROM: webmiser
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:04:46 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 06:00:11 PST 1997
FROM: Peepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:59:11 PST 1997
Hmm. Dilemma. Possum Pie or venison jerky?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:56:02 PST 1997
Oh, my. I split an infinitive.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:55:35 PST 1997
Voltaic wouldn't be posting at this hour of the morning, wb. CW is probably drinking coffee and telling Blue off.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:53:22 PST 1997
Hmm. Dilemma. Chocolate 'pudding' or creme fraiche forest fruits desert?
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:45:05 PST 1997
Good Morning Volty or CW, whichever wrote that story.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:43:28 PST 1997
Wow. No gay porn. Nicely done wb.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:42:05 PST 1997
Thanks. Presumably he was filled with dark green energy.
FROM: Mrs. Resinbags
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:39:54 PST 1997
He was driving back from the all night chemists. His wife's boils had erupted again and a special ointment was required. She was a large demanding woman and he lived in fear of her. She was even more dangerous when her pustules were inflamed. As he motored down the empty road he caught a glint of something out the corner of his eye. He pulled the old Ford over and walked back to where he'd seen the odd light. There it was. A dark green crystal globe lying in the wet grass. Perfectly round. Perfectly green. When he held it up to his eye he saw a round green world. Running back to his car he heard some traffic approaching. A wave of paranoia flooded over him. He fell to the ground and hid from the lights. The car passed by without slowing down, a Buddy Holly song blasting out into the night air. He slowly stood up and got into his car and began driving away from his house and out of the city at full speed. One hand on the wheel, the other holding the globe to his eye. He was driving in a round green world where no one could bother him ever again.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:38:36 PST 1997
I would've commented on the dancing but I haven't a clue of what anyone looks like.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:36:58 PST 1997
It's a show well worth seeing, all new this year. New costumes and such, I've seen it three times and I don't know what to expect. That's about it for now, hmm not much to say yet. More coffee.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:33:24 PST 1997
howdy, wb. i saw the nutcracker in junior high school, i think. hell of a good show. that rat king rocked. ah, the image of sleepy and cushca dancing to roxy music and the b52s... life is good! giggle.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:26:03 PST 1997
I don't think I've ever been to see the Nutcracker. Maybe when I was very young.
FROM: wb
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:14:37 PST 1997
Voltaic and I achieved same time posts yesterday, I'm still on a high from it. Nutcracker tonite, Wooooooo-Hooooo!! Doh, no Cushca!! Oh ya' good morn.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 05:04:32 PST 1997
The mail it just keeps coming and coming and coming, IT NEVER STOPS!!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 04:59:34 PST 1997
Morning Myk and wb. Cushca was such a little trooper even making it to work yesterday. More coffee now. Thanks for the e-mail Sleepy.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 04:59:32 PST 1997
Hi Myk. Hi wb.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 04:58:31 PST 1997
I'm very well thanks. The party was really good - Cushca came along too. We were both sober and danced beautifully to Roxy Music and the B52's.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 04:56:19 PST 1997
good morning, you 2. well, i'm glad that cushca has done the wise thing and stayed home. no use extending her illness.
DATE: Fri Dec 19 04:55:23 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 04:50:03 PST 1997
Hi Sleepy. Poor Cushca. How are you feeling?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Dec 19 04:48:11 PST 1997
Good morning, CW. No Cushca again. Sigh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Dec 19 04:43:08 PST 1997
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Thu Dec 18 15:57:32 PST 1997
Go to hell,EaTron.
FROM: EaTron
DATE: Thu Dec 18 15:56:20 PST 1997
Eatrom is the false prophet,nya,nya.
FROM: EaTron
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:56:18 PST 1997
"Trouble rather the tiger in his lair than the sage amongst his
books For to you kingdoms and their armies are mighty and
enduring, but to him they are but toys of the moment to be
overturned by the flicking of a finger." -eaTron
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:53:13 PST 1997
You're going nuts you idiots.
FROM: pooni Smith
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:52:11 PST 1997
I just arrived and have not read any articles yet. My
wife and I are on Proazc 20mg in am and trazadone 50 mg at night.
We are monitored by a Board Psychiatrist.Whats happening to us?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:49:46 PST 1997
To hell with you.
FROM: Spingitiy
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:49:07 PST 1997
I recieved my TBI on 8/6/95, motorcycle vs roof of
car, i didnt win. Damaged the root though, but the roof was easily
repaired. N not me!!!!! Was doin good, till knee surgey, caught
infection and it affected my train of thought. Now I got to get back
on the road I was doin good on. But need some help, this is harder
than the injury. That was nothin, I came along quick. From what
neuro-pychologists,pysiologists, and doctors siad!!!!! I ran out of
feul to feed my engine, need some more. But do not know what it
was taking, unleaded, petrol, or jet feul Maybe you, or someone can
help!!!!! me
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:48:33 PST 1997
To hell with her.
FROM: Jack FiFi
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:46:47 PST 1997
I think that my x-fiance has depression and it might be
the reason why she called off our wedding. It makes me a little sad
to realize that now. what do you think eaTron?
FROM: EaTrom
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:42:18 PST 1997
Let me introduce myself; my name is EaTrom. I have
been practicing Spiritual Magic for the past several years. I
discovered the internet and found many others here who
felt as I did. I then discovered the wonder of being able to
bring Joy and Healing to others through my talents. I have
many clients all over the world whom I have a--isted in
their concerns.Ask me anything.
FROM: Ricky Boy
DATE: Thu Dec 18 14:31:55 PST 1997
no more Tommy boy movies?
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:26:27 PST 1997
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:26:12 PST 1997
WOW, same time posts! Must be a first.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:25:32 PST 1997
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:25:25 PST 1997
Me too. Good Bye.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:25:25 PST 1997
why not , no-one knows or cares at this time of the day.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:24:15 PST 1997
his days were numbered, a glutton he was. I'm gone!
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:23:27 PST 1997
So, what prompted you to posts as anon again?
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:21:44 PST 1997
Gosh. He was only 33.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:19:10 PST 1997
there's a pretty sight.
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:16:30 PST 1997
Garrotted with piano wire. They found David Spade passed out next to him with an empty bottle of Mescal in his hand and the worm stuck up his nose
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:14:13 PST 1997
heart attack? too much bacon!
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:12:07 PST 1997
Just came over the wire
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:11:08 PST 1997
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:10:17 PST 1997
Ahhh damn. Chris Farley is dead.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:08:04 PST 1997
FROM: τίτ
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:07:04 PST 1997
FROM: wb, yep' it's me
DATE: Thu Dec 18 13:04:19 PST 1997
Obviously it did.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:58:11 PST 1997
I gotta go. wb - that last bit didn't fool anybody you know. Tomorrow I guess.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:33:17 PST 1997
Fall on you knees and hear the angels mmmmming ARGHHHH!
FROM: Ratt Ling yk Mur
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:31:04 PST 1997
it just creates trouble.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:29:02 PST 1997
gee, that's an enlightened statement. who writes this sort of thing? why would an educated individual stoop to such vulgarities? we oughtta cattle prod him while he sings "O Holy Night". whattaya think, wax?
FROM: Ratt Ling yk Mur
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:28:02 PST 1997
It's suggested that if you intend to eat the servants later on, it's
often best not to give them names at the start. The problem is that
once servants do have their own names the old folks and the kids tend to
get irrationally fond of them, and it just creates trouble.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:27:49 PST 1997
There you go, bitch
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:26:48 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:26:29 PST 1997
Who wrote that? Give you IP address every time you hypocrite.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:25:03 PST 1997
Myk and Chewing Wax: Blow Me.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:23:02 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:22:27 PST 1997
I'm going to go home soon. My computer has no microphone. I'll swap tapes with you. Your RH concert tape for a tape of a--orted Zues noises.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:07:57 PST 1997
enjoy the bath, mooch. i won't be taking too much time off next week, wax, thought i'll take a few days off around new year's to do that atlanta trip. that will be nice. and you? record a wav file of zeus on your pc and email it to me!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:05:18 PST 1997
I like that mooch guy. How often his web weasel has found something interesting. And everyday I go to the Vancouver site to see how it looks there. Usually dark when I get into work. A hot bath sound like an excellent idea. I wonder if I could set it up to play my Play Station from the tub.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 12:02:13 PST 1997
Hi Myk,Mr.Wax..whats new?..I hope youre all healthy and happy..the board is interresting I clicked on every once and a while..and YOW!!!V,how are you in sunny Cal.?it's very strange weather here, very warm..sunny even..we're not used to this in Dec.A quick Hello to Sleepy that mex turkey and tequila..woa!..well I'm off (and not just the pain pills and coffee)HOT bath time...see you,..later
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:59:30 PST 1997
Blue and Zues have arrived for a visit. If you massage Zues' face, he makes a sound like a motorboat engine stuck in the shallow weeds. I'm going to tape it someday. It must be sampled.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:56:38 PST 1997
Thanks Myk. He really is a terrible hypocrite. But enough of him. He matters not. Do you have time off next week?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:54:07 PST 1997
ya know, wax, your posting earlier (post 2 of this future archive) is dead on. sometimes i forget how long the abusiveness has been a part of life here. i have no sympathies for him, because he only lives to disrupt.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:51:34 PST 1997
Hello mooch.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:51:25 PST 1997
hi mooch! sorry for the mess here. hope that back gets fixed up soon. keep playin' that ol' fender!
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:48:48 PST 1997
hello all, rOb did you get my order?I sent it over a week back is getting better...slowly...still no sitting tho...lots of laying about on the rug playing my strat.(thank God for it!)havent been near my comp is going to hell..but what can you do? when I can..later
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:46:45 PST 1997
Nice logo. Thanks. You know I meant the recording, not the performance right?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:37:57 PST 1997
Cassettes of 'A Shower..' are no longer available. I'm also out of the outtakes cassette. Sorry. Long live ENO!
FROM: rOb.
<Instructions for purchase.>
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:35:12 PST 1997
On my page...there is a link that says..."DoonGa! DoonGa! news, order DoonGa! products" Click on that link and admire the DoonGa! logo that Mike(from Lowbot) and I lovingly created. If, for some reason, you can't find it....yeah....e-mail me.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:32:12 PST 1997
rOb - where's the address to send the $$ for the CD? I can't find it anywhere. Should I e-mail ya?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:32:11 PST 1997
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:31:01 PST 1997
Recording quality? Well, seeing how it was my first album, I'm pretty happy with it. There are still a few spots on there where I just cringe whenever I hear it ('All Because of You' springs immediately to mind). All in all, however, I'd have to say it's a decent outing.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:29:12 PST 1997
There are far too many commas in that post I made recently. Sorry.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:28:24 PST 1997
rOb - How did the recording quality of you CD turn out? Are you happy with it?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:27:47 PST 1997
Oh, yeah...there are still CD's left. Not many, but enough to go around.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:26:56 PST 1997
No gigs until after the new year. Supposed to play at some festival here in Greenville on Jan. 2. Not sure what it is, or what it's for, but, hell, it's a paid gig. I'm hoping to introduce the new FULL band (sort of my Egyptians).
FROM: Doh!
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:23:13 PST 1997
FROM: wb
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:21:05 PST 1997
Wow, still fightin'! r0b, site address please. Still have cd's left? gotta go!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:20:56 PST 1997
Hello rOb. Any gigs coming up?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:17:57 PST 1997
Wow, a shiny new archive. Anyhoo, it would cost me almost $500 to pay for the studio time. Turns out the studio is just a dingy eight track in a bad section of town. The money is collected from all the acts on the CD to pay for the CD itself. Forget that! I only spent about $250 for my entire album (more if I have to print a second run....).
I am a frugal rocker, yes?
FROM: "Sven" is a nice name,
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:16:27 PST 1997
We're not just laughing at you. Voltaic,We're just laughing.
You make a mockery of frightened, moralistic incredibly boring and useless boards. That's just it.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:15:09 PST 1997
Come on Voltaic. You are the hypocrate. You may not be the only one doing the ranting, but you started it. The others are copying you to mck you and p--s you off. You started it because you decided unilaterally that this board was not being used for it's proper purpose and was being abused by Myk, Sleepy and me. You started arriving every afternoon to disrupt our postings. Instead of pointing the discussion toward RH, you began posting junk that had nothing to do with RH at all, just for the sake of disruption. You are like the lunatic who goes into an abortion clinic and shoots the workers.
DATE: Thu Dec 18 11:12:56 PST 1997
Chewing Wax; if you have felt fear as a result of an anonymous message board, get help quick.