FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 4 10:43:27 PST 1997
Mark McKinney has had somewhat of a downward spiral since the Kids disbanded. His stint on SNL was horrible, probably due to the fact that Lorne Michaels didn't let him write anything. He just used him sparingly. I think, however, Kevin was the funniest Kid. Too bad his career hasn't been the greatest, either. National Lampoon's Senior Trip? Come on, Kevin, get with the program.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 10:17:35 PST 1997
Oh, and Decoy - I took pictures of you passed out at the party the other weekend. That c--ktail dress you had on was lovely.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 10:16:36 PST 1997
Decoy - no. I'm not trying to impress anyone with my stupid brothers good fortune. It does not reflect on me in any way. Now, him getting me in to watch a taping of The Simpsons would be used to impress.
FROM: Decoy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 10:10:10 PST 1997
Bye, sleepy. Of course, petite mal, am too lazy to spellcheck (or too busy). It explains my squelchy fondness somewhat. I was feeling a little bit continental and a little bit psycho. CW - your brother is what?! That little ... Are you just trying to impress people? I guess I believe it, its just like hime to get a big schmooze payoff like that - lucky stiff. No point in stewing I guess. Bye the way, I have pictures of CW in garters - unfortunately, they're under his pants.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 10:01:55 PST 1997
CW:- I'd have to fight a thousand Japanese schoolgirls to get to that! I'll just observe cooly from a distance. Bye.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 10:00:23 PST 1997
Bye Myk. Bye Sleepy. Have fun with your lovely mouth.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:59:34 PST 1997
Calm down precious, it's coming.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:58:35 PST 1997
Bye Myk. Bye everyone. I'm going off into London town. Oxford Street, here I come....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:58:25 PST 1997
Working Chestshelfle Films
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:57:39 PST 1997
He works for Working t-tle Films, a subsidiary of Polygram. They are rolling in money from the success of Bean. It did well beyond their wildest expectations.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:56:33 PST 1997
i gotta run off to the expo thing. still waiting for that email, cushca. see you folks tomorrow.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:55:42 PST 1997
cool, wax! how does he get to hobnob with the famous sorts? you never did tell us what he's doing out there in LA.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:54:23 PST 1997
wax in knee socks. hmmm... scary stuff about the spice movie, rob, the sort of thing nightmares are fashioned from.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:53:51 PST 1997
I make a motion that there will be no more mention of the Spice Girls on this board. A movie? Now that really is a joke, right? My brother is flying to London today and going to a Christmas party that John Cleese and Terry Gilliam are supposed to attend. But what of Robyn?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:53:18 PST 1997
My last comment was for CW. Oh, rOb - Mark McKinney - why???? He's the most talented Kid, in my opinion.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:50:49 PST 1997
I knew it!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:50:34 PST 1997
Speaking of the Spice Girls, I heard through the rumour mill a few months back that Elvis Costello was going to be in the Spice Girls movie. After having a coronary, I realized that it was only a rumour. Now, I just read that John Cleese (!) and Mark McKinney (why, Mark, why?) are co-starring in the Spice Girls movie!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:48:31 PST 1997
I'm back. This board just goes straight down hill after I leave. I bought sea food salad. I don't know why. It's yummy though. And I'll be damned, I am wearing knee socks.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:46:25 PST 1997
kidding or not, email me about the air force thing, cushca! i'm surprised that you know so few americans. they seem to outnumber the british in London during the summer! i've known quite a few british folks, since it's not uncommon for them to come to dc. hell, even robyn did some time here.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:45:20 PST 1997
Anyone got anything to say about Robyn?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:43:24 PST 1997
Do you mind? The bosom response was for Sleepy......
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:41:42 PST 1997
gee, cushca's chest shelf is all wet, and i can't concentrate on work again. damn, damn, damn!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:41:16 PST 1997
Urgh. Cushca is dancing like a Spice Girl.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:39:52 PST 1997
I just had a thought; Myk and CW are the only Americans I know (apart from someone high up in the Air Force, but that's another story...)
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:36:03 PST 1997
All stored away safely from the harsh winter weather..
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:34:48 PST 1997
...and the photocopier, and the printer, and the family of refugees........
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:33:16 PST 1997
So that's where the stapler disappeared to...
FROM: Dr.petite Mel
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:32:57 PST 1997
seizurewise it's petite mal.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:32:45 PST 1997
Yeah, but I didn't really spill that much because it all landed on my chest shelf. So there.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:31:50 PST 1997
Cushca. You are gross - oh, tea dribbler, tissue girl.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:30:22 PST 1997
Sleepy is dribbling. As you can imagine, it's not a pretty sight.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:28:59 PST 1997
by the way, i loved your explanation of the social politics of the office fridge.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:27:49 PST 1997
oh, i doubt you're a disappointment, sleepy. you obviously enjoy your studies. woody allen, eh? groovy. i dig his work.
FROM: Outta here
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:21:10 PST 1997
Secrataries are kicking me out.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:20:18 PST 1997
I stumbled across a really filthy Italian alternative dictionary earlier today. My lovely Italian teacher recommended it. She's teaching the language to someone who's going to be in a Woody Allen film. I must be such a disappointment to her after that.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:20:09 PST 1997
i'd like a nice beer from a local microbrewery, wax. local to you, of course. do be prompt about it!
FROM: Mr. Perv.
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:19:50 PST 1997
Duct tape, two d batteries, some twine and a apple.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:17:59 PST 1997
Speaking of which, I'm going to the store. Anybody want anything? You have three minutes to respond and then I'm off.
FROM: Voice without a mind
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:17:29 PST 1997
I know, but I'm not telling.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:17:19 PST 1997
In the fridge - where all baguettes live happily together. They play with the butter and the milk. The chocolate bars don't mix with the other foodstuffs though. Snooty, they are.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:16:30 PST 1997
yeah, moll. i can never remember french phrases, except for ones involving politics and diplomacy, like coup d'tat or rapprochement. wax's phrase is not to be confused with "petit mall", which means "small shopping center with cute boutiques and all that crap". they build plenty of that nonsense around here lately.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:14:17 PST 1997
I want to know where she was keeping it.
FROM: Groovy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:14:12 PST 1997
FROM: Decay
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:13:33 PST 1997
Garbage, all of it garbage!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:11:18 PST 1997
make sure she shares the baguette, cushca! she wouldn't go get you some chocolate? damn. i'm enjoying this.. soon you'll be calling each other "witchface" again! heh heh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:04:20 PST 1997
Decoy - that was it. The something or other was moll. Let me know if you want Myk to have your e-mail address.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 09:03:57 PST 1997
First of all Sleepy refuses to go downstairs and get me some chocolate, and now she whacks out a bloody great baguette from nowhere. I'm wasting away......
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:55:38 PST 1997
Prego, Chewing Wax.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:53:13 PST 1997
Decoy! so good to hear from you. you never write. actually, decoy, in all seriousness, drop me an email, since i believe i may have lost yours. oops. or have wax gimme it. whatever.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:52:57 PST 1997
Hi Decoy! What are you talking about?!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:51:58 PST 1997
I do like Mark Eitzel, but today everything seems likes a struggle. He's a very edgy performer. I quite like it when there's an occasional element of fear about a performance. Julian Cope and even Natalie Merchant fall into that category. Maria McKee is another great performer in that respect. I remember her leaning into the crowd once and 'walking' across the audience with her hands. Not one person dared to touch her anywhere. There were many declarations of love though.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:50:42 PST 1997
boy, i hope she meant me! hi cushca.
FROM: Decoy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:50:27 PST 1997
I'm having a le petit moll.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:49:31 PST 1997
i don't know mark eitzel. i just got off the phone with a pal who has a cool local band here in dc. he's living such a relaxed life: rock climbing and playing bass for the band. his "real" job is to take people out climbing. i can't wait to go over and check out his house since his roommate (lead singer) set up a studio in the basement. mixers 'n stuff are fun! woohoo!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:46:28 PST 1997
And where is my honey-bunny coochie then?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:43:09 PST 1997
Mark Eitzel is always a struggle for me as well. Thanks for talking Italian for me. Hmm. I think I need food.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:40:58 PST 1997
I've got to struggle through a Mark Eitzel gig first though. Wake up, sleepyhead. I need some of that cold night air.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:36:53 PST 1997
Inky shiny. Actually, his hair was crap last time I saw them. But it's about the music, not the hair. Oh, yes. I'm feeling a bit more lively. zzzzz Oh, spoke too soon......
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:33:32 PST 1997
shimmering guitars, yeah. a lovely mouth, definitely yeah. but shiny hair? ugh! heh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:26:51 PST 1997
Oh, I'm so tired. I'm too tired to rock. "Please don't rock me tonight", as the Fountains of Wayne might say. zzzzzz Maybe those shimmering guitars and shiny hair and that lovely mouth will make me wake up.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:15:27 PST 1997
yo hable` espanol hace cinco minutos, mi dulce bonita. el giggle.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:11:30 PST 1997
"I spoke Italian five minutes ago, dear/sweet".
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:10:04 PST 1997
what did that sentence mean? "if you speak italian, something happens in 5 minutes?" please share!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:07:31 PST 1997
Well, that's that then.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:03:25 PST 1997
Ho parlato italiano, cinque minuti fa, bello.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:03:09 PST 1997
spanish comes in a close third, sleepy, but only when spoken in the Castillian dialect by the central and northern spaniards. my spanish teacher made advances toward me in college. i should have obliged... maybe my B could have been an A.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:01:25 PST 1997
French is the best. Definitely. French rocks a big one.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:01:24 PST 1997
Yes. I was going to suggest a bit of Italian.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:01:07 PST 1997
Julian Cope was considerate enough to record my favourite song in French.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:00:34 PST 1997
The Chunnel has made Britain so continental.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 08:00:17 PST 1997
German doesn't sound very sexy, does it? French and Italian. They're the best.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:58:44 PST 1997
wow. such a renaissance woman. care to visit Washington? i believe i can keep you entertained.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:58:07 PST 1997
Not German.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:55:57 PST 1997
oui, baby.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:55:40 PST 1997
...und wo ist der Meerschweinchen also???
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:55:35 PST 1997
Never mind. You can keep talking French for me if you'd like.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:55:25 PST 1997
Cushca - non mi piace. Sono stanca. Non vedo l'ora di vedere Silver Sun.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:54:21 PST 1997
i love this place.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:52:28 PST 1997
Alors, est-ce qu'on va parler en Francais cet apres-midi???
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:50:40 PST 1997
Dejeuner? Pain?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:50:26 PST 1997
whew... i'm a bit winded after all this... um... giggling! no, wax, the french would sound foolish saying "sumzing or udder". giggle yet again.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:50:08 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:47:25 PST 1997
What do the French call it? Le petit something or other?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:46:44 PST 1997
Cushca - you've made Myk pass out...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:46:06 PST 1997
cushca, you slay me. i'll suffer that small death for you as often as you like. keep it up.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:40:17 PST 1997
Unfortunately, it's something that girls like us have to get used to......
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:35:32 PST 1997
yesterday i read the story about spice girl Geri Halliwell (aka Ginger Spice), who declined to curtsy to the Queen (big faux pas) due to concern that her breasts might fall out of her dress. what a riot.
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:33:21 PST 1997
That was me.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:32:48 PST 1997
You're a prime offender, Mr Murphy. Tee, hee.
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:32:44 PST 1997
What? Where? I'm going to stop looking soon.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:32:04 PST 1997
when cushca gets the urge, i'm always attentive! heh. send me an email, please... you always write such wonderful things! no, silly wax, it's a real song, but a very silly song it is. tsk... wax and sleepy are whispering secrets without me! one can only guess what evil plans they are hatching.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:29:34 PST 1997
Look at that! Look! Look!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:29:06 PST 1997
Yes. Yes we are.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:28:17 PST 1997
He didn't lie. Men are so visual.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:19:39 PST 1997
If he said "no" he was lying.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:18:27 PST 1997
I know that urge.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:17:56 PST 1997
CW - can you guess what the answer to the question was?!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:16:34 PST 1997
Still here. I am observing silently. No doubt I will soon have an urge. To write that is.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:13:36 PST 1997
Where did everybody go?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:08:20 PST 1997
Got it. Happy days.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:05:54 PST 1997
Sleepy slipped in. Still no reply. I'll let you know as soon as I get it. Grooving with the top down.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:04:26 PST 1997
I've never heard that song. I've no idea what you are talking about. I think you are making it up.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 07:03:33 PST 1997
Myk - thanks for the e:mail. CW - can you tell me if you eventually get my reply, please?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 06:38:43 PST 1997
hey sleepy: lobster man is on that ol' '91 9:30 tape i have. i don't remember much of the words of that one, though i did like the end where the lobsters choose which human in the tank to eat.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 06:33:41 PST 1997
"Now Arnold Schwarzenegger called up my mum; he said 'Dear Lady, do you think that I'm dumb?' 'Not really Arnold dear' my mother replied.." and I can't remember the rest of the words. That's from Lobster Man, but I last heard it six years ago.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 06:31:43 PST 1997
is it too early in the morning for that sort of thing, ol' Stodgy Wax? heh heh. sorry, i'm in a gleeful mood... i've decided to rejoice in the absurdity of my current existence.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 06:18:14 PST 1997
Myk, lower the tone why don't you. Thanks for lyrics and spelling. You can pretty much stick any old lyric in there and it works. Playing with the lobster.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:56:48 PST 1997
yeah, mucho shame. just hearing your voice (er, in a way) is enough for me, cushca! i wouldn't complain, however, if the discussion degraded a bit. the bit about you on the sink is quite entertaining, cushca! giggle.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:52:06 PST 1997
Pecking at the lightbulb - there's a few more words...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:50:01 PST 1997
Hi CW, Myk. I'd say woah-oh, CW. Oh, Silver Sun - ahhhh. Shame about the Sundays, Myk.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:49:50 PST 1997
Hello there matey. Not in the mood eh? Well what could me and Sleepy do to cheer you up then? (No stationery cupboard conversations allowed).....
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:43:01 PST 1997
i'm not in the mood for today. oh, to hear a few words of encouragement from Cushca! sleepy: glad to hear you'll be jammin' to silver sun. i know you dig 'em.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:39:11 PST 1997
Or would you say, woe oh woe? Gotta let this hen out. You see my quandary?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:34:37 PST 1997
Hey Myk. Tricks are alright. It's Thursday. Can't be all bad. I've got Listening to the Higsons in my head. Trouble is I only know a few of the words. Whoaohoh.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:30:17 PST 1997
bummer. i missed the Sundays playing at the 9:30 last night. none o' me pals wanted to go.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:29:12 PST 1997
heh heh sleepy. good morning, you two. how's tricks?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Dec 4 05:21:03 PST 1997
Good morning. Yeh. Silver Sun tonight. That makes me happy. Can't talk now. Need coffee.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 03:52:14 PST 1997
Presidents of the United States OF America. Not the band America. Oh, leave it...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 03:51:15 PST 1997
What a useless selection of tapes we've got in the office. Alanis Morrissette (?!), Oasis, Gloria Estefan (??). Hang on, we've got the Presidents of the United States and America and Pizzicato 5, however. Hmm, Pizzicato 5, I think. Later...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 03:43:24 PST 1997
Hello and goodbye Mr Bee. Have a good day.
DATE: Thu Dec 4 03:42:35 PST 1997
DOH! willy's gotta go to work, must support his middle class white trash lifestyle!DOH! luv' ya' babe's!
DATE: Thu Dec 4 03:32:35 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Dec 4 03:21:32 PST 1997
Good morning. Oh, so tired. I'm going to see Mark Eitzel and then Silver Sun tonight. Gotta wake up... Jellypop Perky Jean, I love you...
FROM: hooded
DATE: Wed Dec 3 20:37:45 PST 1997
nice thoughts jimmy, just make sure love doesn't turn around and bite you in the! If your talking about a person. If you are talking about your innerd gut emotions, the stuff that makes the day roll around, makes an hour seem as short as a few minutes, makes everyday people the best of friends for a 1/2 hour or so in passing. I think your right. Feeling a little better today, I think I'll get my cd player back. We talked civil to one another for the first time in weeks. LAWYERS SUCK!!!!! Goodnight all, its a mystic trip! Invisible Hitckcoc.k tonight.
FROM: jimmy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 20:07:59 PST 1997
Where does Love dwell? To find this treasure, you have to
neutralize the hurt and anger through the spoken word, in
order to invite Love as a much needed and vital nourishment .
. . . . into your heart.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 20:02:39 PST 1997
Well, I was going to leave a message, but now I'm either too frightened or sickened to do so. G'night. See y'all tommorow.
FROM: a little damp right now, not too cold yet
DATE: Wed Dec 3 19:41:55 PST 1997
Jeff a real professional load pie House is filling in nicely
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 19:16:22 PST 1997
that wasn't you, willy? color me surprised. whoever it is, please discontinue using variations of my name for sick purposes. silly rabbit.
FROM: willybee
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:38:30 PST 1997
This is not me doing this s--t! ER sorry about the southern jokes r0b, bad north humor ( an attempt at humor anyway). Satan POGUE MAHONE!!!
FROM: Myk Murfy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:32:57 PST 1997
Y'know, I f--ked a dog once.
FROM: Sick Sex Freak
<close friend of GP!>
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:31:31 PST 1997
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:25:22 PST 1997
Hoo hoo haa haa ahaa!!
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:23:22 PST 1997
FROM: Agent Skull-Eye
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:15:34 PST 1997
Flo', hit the delete button behind the address until only is showing. Hit return or enter. Wait for the
graphics to finish loading, click on "message boards," and choose Jeff Foxworthy. All of your jokes will seem as witty and wry
as a Buffalo Double to the folks that somehow, some way find that message board (is it included in the ms i explorer "toolbar
favorites" for some regions? ... how else could those people, who apparently think they are SPEAKING to Jeff through their
keyboards, find the damn thing?). Re: Alien evidence quackery, and the conspiracy theories based on previous conspiracy
theories ad nauseum....Conspiracy theories are a passion of mine. Anybody ever read: "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" or Umberto
Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum"?
FROM: hooded
DATE: Wed Dec 3 15:32:11 PST 1997
CW- chicago is great thanks for asking, a little damp right now, not to cold yet, only low 30's. If you want to take in a cubs
game look me up, or you could venture into my part of town to watch real professional baseball. (its a standing joke between
Sox and Cub fans. Do they pull the same jokes between the Mets and Yankees?) The post break up goatee is filling in nicely, I
sent her a tape of "She Dosen't exist anymore" hope it doesn't p--s her off to much, I still want my cd player back!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 15:28:09 PST 1997
Now wait a minute. Not all southerners are incestuous morons. Granted, there are quite a few, but not all. As a matter of fact,
there's a town not far from the city where I live....well, let's just say that they consider 'Deliverance' to be a love story.
FROM: Flo'
DATE: Wed Dec 3 14:06:40 PST 1997
Ain't nuttin rong wiff been southern, besides daddy says I kiss the best!
FROM: daisy bomb
DATE: Wed Dec 3 14:03:50 PST 1997
Well, as a native Texan transplanted to Chicago (aka, Antarctica, according to my relatives) I'd have to say that no, there's
nothing inherently wrong with being from a Southern state. I'm still not about to move back within this lifetime, however.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 14:00:40 PST 1997
You nailed it right on the head, Myk. It's all a plot to take over the South so we don't try to secede again.
FROM: a--aulted peanut
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:42:22 PST 1997
I happen to like boiled Cleveland.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:41:33 PST 1997
what an odd afternoon i missed! rob: nothing wrong with being southern... soon so many yankees will infiltrate the "new techie
south" that the distinction won't matter much anymore. finally... total victory for the north! occupation! try to think of it as a new
period of Reconstruction, but with better computer jobs! giggle.
FROM: Man With a Buffalo Chip on His Shoulder
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:16:25 PST 1997
Get it off, get it off!
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:14:20 PST 1997
This is a public service announcement from D.A.M. Mothers against Dyslexia....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:12:51 PST 1997
Pecan rolls? I'm outta here. See ya later rOb. I think I have to order your disk. Take care -
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:11:14 PST 1997
But I do have the 'privilege' of being named after a great Civil War hero. Trouble is, all the drugs I took in (and out of) High
School, I don't remember who's side he was on.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:10:48 PST 1997
Don't feel bad, most YANKEES hate southerners!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:08:38 PST 1997
We don't have a lot of Yankee pride. See, most Southerners hate Yankees, seeing as how they kicked our a-- in the Civil
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:05:55 PST 1997
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:05:25 PST 1997
Probably not, once a scrub always a scrub!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:05:27 PST 1997
There's only a couple o' Stuckey's that I know of, and there all close to the highway, trucker hangouts. But I happen to like
boiled peanuts, they's down right tasty!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:05:05 PST 1997
There's only a couple o' Stuckey's that I know of, and there all close to the highway, trucker hangouts. But I happen to like
boiled peanuts, they's down right tasty!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:57:55 PST 1997
But can you take the Cleveland out of the boy?
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:56:10 PST 1997
r0b, sure you can. It takes close to 75 lashings though!
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:55:09 PST 1997
Carolina's huh, birthplace of Piedmont blues!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:51:45 PST 1997
Hey rOb. That's right. I forgot you were a cracker. Yankee pride and all that. Do you have a lot of Stuckey's where you are?
Pancake Houses? Boiled peanuts?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:44:06 PST 1997
That's such a Southern phrase, isn't it. "I'll tell you flat out," I"m sorry, I couldn't help it. I am Southern. What's that they say,
you can take a boy out of the South, but you can't take the South out of the boy?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:41:51 PST 1997
Jeez, everybody's got that pre-millienium tension, talking about UFO's and Mother Ships. I'll tell you guys flat out, the only
Mother Ship I believe in, is the one George Clinton's on.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:18:49 PST 1997
Touching quote by Robyn in the new MOJO, along with an excellent review of the Nick Drake bio. See you.
FROM: John Bigboot'e
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:18:36 PST 1997
It's not my God damned planet monkey boy.
FROM: 0o-o0
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:17:21 PST 1997
In the disc Bob Mothman crawled inside, the reactor was a sphere, about the size of a medicine ball. The top half of it was
visible in the middle of the floor.Eyewitnesses alleged that Mothman could fly without flapping his wings, and could match the
speed of an automobile trying to flee at 100 miles an hour.
FROM: John Warfin
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:04:37 PST 1997
Home is where you wear your hat.
FROM: gazeena#2
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:01:54 PST 1997
Who will laugh.....indeed:
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 11:02:21 PST 1997
Wow Decoy. It's all so clear now. Thank you. And when the Mother ship comes and our infant World Defense System is
unprepared to defend the planet, who will be laughing then?
FROM: Decoy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:55:47 PST 1997
You'll all love this.. I was listening to Art Bell on the radio while driving down I-90 on Sunday night. Did you know that all the
emerging information that has been cleverly secreted away since 1947 regarding extraterrestrial visitation is planted. It's
intended use is as clandestine evidence to convince the world's countries to commit to a new global order in which there is one
defensible planetary entity and all sovereign states are united. 1947 marked the inception of the CIA, the Roswell thing, and the
creation of Israel. Some group has been preparing us for the millenium by stockpiling bogus evidence for years. As it is
gradually brought out, the hoax seems real and the group becomes positioned to comply with the masses' eventual and
voluntary request to defend the planet as one government. I suppose it would be okay as long as the USA is in charge.
Anyway, Question : Is Robyn a part of the conspiracy, or is his music merely being used as a vehicle to further it's aims? If so,
what songs are evidence of this?
FROM: Willybee
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:33:46 PST 1997
Time for my medicine!
FROM: \†0†/
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:30:23 PST 1997
FROM: Agent Skull-Eye
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:29:46 PST 1997
The present board, a newly developing archive, may come to be known as "Area 51."
FROM: The I Haas Zit
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:27:46 PST 1997
So happy to bring joy into the world.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:18:55 PST 1997
Ha Ha HA HA HA Ha. Oh my God. I think I've busted a gut laughing so hard. Oh that is rich.
FROM: The Eye Has It
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:15:58 PST 1997
Check under your bed, CW
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:15:12 PST 1997
Oh man! Now I really want it. Where could it have gone?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:12:02 PST 1997
A funny thing about pornography, that is, not pictures or anything. Bye.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:08:52 PST 1997
The e:mail has faded into obscurity. It involved pornography.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:08:16 PST 1997
Sorry about that extra "c" there.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:07:22 PST 1997
Bye Sleepy. I really want that mail. Sorry Cuschca. You should really blame Sleepy though. She told.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:06:22 PST 1997
sorry, cushca! all in good fun. i wouldn't worry too much.... most americans can't even tell you what state Chicago is in. i'm
serious! cool deal, sleepy! see ya later.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:01:55 PST 1997
Thanks everyone for being so merciless about the Texas thing. I don't claim to have any defence, but even so.......
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:01:01 PST 1997
I'm going home soon. I a--ume the e:mail didn't reach you, CW. I think our e:mails must be incompatible. WLA - I'm going to
see Robyn next Tuesday in London. Myk - Leicester is quite a way north of London - equidistant to Birmingham. Birmingham,
Alabama, that is... Bye.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:00:51 PST 1997
testing testing 1,2,3...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:40:51 PST 1997
Hmm. I'll send it again.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:40:33 PST 1997
cushca: only if the pie is placed in a cannon specifically designed for propelling mince pies at very high speeds. to date, i can't
find a manufacturer of this sort of weapon. hmmm... why do you ask? heh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:39:03 PST 1997
Yes Cushca. Yes it is.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:38:57 PST 1997
sleepy: how far from the center of London is Leceister? is it in Texas? heh heh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:37:40 PST 1997
Hey Myk. No Sleepy, nothing yet. Your previous one came very quickly.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:37:24 PST 1997
Is it possible to cause a severe head injury with a mince pie?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:36:06 PST 1997
Hi Myk.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:33:57 PST 1997
sorry i've been gone. bad day today. sleepy: glad to see you've come to a consensus on your choices for Cushca's Robyn
Experience! i'm so pleased to hear that Cushca is in high spirits today.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:33:11 PST 1997
Did you get my e:mail, CW?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:27:39 PST 1997
Could have been Voltaic, turning over in his sleep.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:20:58 PST 1997
Bye m. Hi wb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:20:07 PST 1997
Lullaby baby on the tree top...
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:20:42 PST 1997
Did you all think I was gone? No, I have been lurking...waiting for the right time to strike!
FROM: City Slogans, 23rd in a series...
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:18:58 PST 1997
Chicago: Home of the Buffalo Slaparound, wherein Chicagoan's surround out-of-towners visiting from Buffalo and play keepaway with their wallets.
FROM: Agent Skull-Eye
DATE: Wed Dec 3 18:15:34 PST 1997
Flo', hit the delete button behind the address until only is showing. Hit return or enter. Wait for the graphics to finish loading, click on "message boards," and choose Jeff Foxworthy. All of your jokes will seem as witty and wry as a Buffalo Double to the folks that somehow, some way find that message board (is it included in the ms i explorer "toolbar favorites" for some regions? ... how else could those people, who apparently think they are SPEAKING to Jeff through their keyboards, find the damn thing?). Re: Alien evidence quackery, and the conspiracy theories based on previous conspiracy theories ad nauseum....Conspiracy theories are a passion of mine. Anybody ever read: "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" or Umberto Eco's "Foucault's Pendulum"?
FROM: hooded
DATE: Wed Dec 3 15:32:11 PST 1997
CW- chicago is great thanks for asking, a little damp right now, not to cold yet, only low 30's. If you want to take in a cubs game look me up, or you could venture into my part of town to watch real professional baseball. (its a standing joke between Sox and Cub fans. Do they pull the same jokes between the Mets and Yankees?) The post break up goatee is filling in nicely, I sent her a tape of "She Dosen't exist anymore" hope it doesn't p--s her off to much, I still want my cd player back!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 15:28:09 PST 1997
Now wait a minute. Not all southerners are incestuous morons. Granted, there are quite a few, but not all. As a matter of fact, there's a town not far from the city where I live....well, let's just say that they consider 'Deliverance' to be a love story.
FROM: Flo'
DATE: Wed Dec 3 14:06:40 PST 1997
Ain't nuttin rong wiff been southern, besides daddy says I kiss the best!
FROM: daisy bomb
DATE: Wed Dec 3 14:03:50 PST 1997
Well, as a native Texan transplanted to Chicago (aka, Antarctica, according to my relatives) I'd have to say that no, there's nothing inherently wrong with being from a Southern state. I'm still not about to move back within this lifetime, however.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 14:00:40 PST 1997
You nailed it right on the head, Myk. It's all a plot to take over the South so we don't try to secede again.
FROM: a--aulted peanut
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:42:22 PST 1997
I happen to like boiled Cleveland.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:41:33 PST 1997
what an odd afternoon i missed! rob: nothing wrong with being southern... soon so many yankees will infiltrate the "new techie south" that the distinction won't matter much anymore. finally... total victory for the north! occupation! try to think of it as a new period of Reconstruction, but with better computer jobs! giggle.
FROM: Man With a Buffalo Chip on His Shoulder
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:16:25 PST 1997
Get it off, get it off!
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:14:20 PST 1997
This is a public service announcement from D.A.M. Mothers against Dyslexia....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:12:51 PST 1997
Pecan rolls? I'm outta here. See ya later rOb. I think I have to order your disk. Take care -
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:11:14 PST 1997
But I do have the 'privilege' of being named after a great Civil War hero. Trouble is, all the drugs I took in (and out of) High School, I don't remember who's side he was on.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:10:48 PST 1997
Don't feel bad, most YANKEES hate southerners!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:08:38 PST 1997
We don't have a lot of Yankee pride. See, most Southerners hate Yankees, seeing as how they kicked our a-- in the Civil War.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:05:55 PST 1997
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:05:25 PST 1997
Probably not, once a scrub always a scrub!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:05:27 PST 1997
There's only a couple o' Stuckey's that I know of, and there all close to the highway, trucker hangouts. But I happen to like boiled peanuts, they's down right tasty!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 13:05:05 PST 1997
There's only a couple o' Stuckey's that I know of, and there all close to the highway, trucker hangouts. But I happen to like boiled peanuts, they's down right tasty!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:57:55 PST 1997
But can you take the Cleveland out of the boy?
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:56:10 PST 1997
r0b, sure you can. It takes close to 75 lashings though!
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:55:09 PST 1997
Carolina's huh, birthplace of Piedmont blues!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:51:45 PST 1997
Hey rOb. That's right. I forgot you were a cracker. Yankee pride and all that. Do you have a lot of Stuckey's where you are? Pancake Houses? Boiled peanuts?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:44:06 PST 1997
That's such a Southern phrase, isn't it. "I'll tell you flat out," I"m sorry, I couldn't help it. I am Southern. What's that they say, you can take a boy out of the South, but you can't take the South out of the boy?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:41:51 PST 1997
Jeez, everybody's got that pre-millienium tension, talking about UFO's and Mother Ships. I'll tell you guys flat out, the only Mother Ship I believe in, is the one George Clinton's on.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:18:49 PST 1997
Touching quote by Robyn in the new MOJO, along with an excellent review of the Nick Drake bio. See you.
FROM: John Bigboot'e
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:18:36 PST 1997
It's not my God damned planet monkey boy.
FROM: 0o-o0
<Groom Lake>
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:17:21 PST 1997
In the disc Bob Mothman crawled inside, the reactor was a sphere,
about the size of a medicine ball. The top half of it was
visible in the middle of the floor.Eyewitnesses alleged that Mothman could fly without flapping his wings, and could match the speed
of an automobile trying to flee at 100 miles an hour.
FROM: John Warfin
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:04:37 PST 1997
Home is where you wear your hat.
FROM: gazeena#2
DATE: Wed Dec 3 12:01:54 PST 1997
Who will laugh.....indeed:
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 11:02:21 PST 1997
Wow Decoy. It's all so clear now. Thank you. And when the Mother ship comes and our infant World Defense System is unprepared to defend the planet, who will be laughing then?
FROM: Decoy
<AREA 51>
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:55:47 PST 1997
You'll all love this.. I was listening to Art Bell on the radio while driving down I-90 on Sunday night. Did you know that all the emerging information that has been cleverly secreted away since 1947 regarding extraterrestrial visitation is planted. It's intended use is as clandestine evidence to convince the world's countries to commit to a new global order in which there is one defensible planetary entity and all sovereign states are united. 1947 marked the inception of the CIA, the Roswell thing, and the creation of Israel. Some group has been preparing us for the millenium by stockpiling bogus evidence for years. As it is gradually brought out, the hoax seems real and the group becomes positioned to comply with the masses' eventual and voluntary request to defend the planet as one government. I suppose it would be okay as long as the USA is in charge. Anyway, Question : Is Robyn a part of the conspiracy, or is his music merely being used as a vehicle to further it's aims? If so, what songs are evidence of this?
FROM: Willybee
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:33:46 PST 1997
Time for my medicine!
FROM: \†0†/
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:30:23 PST 1997
FROM: Agent Skull-Eye
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:29:46 PST 1997
The present board, a newly developing archive, may come to be known as "Area 51."
FROM: The I Haas Zit
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:27:46 PST 1997
So happy to bring joy into the world.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:18:55 PST 1997
Ha Ha HA HA HA Ha. Oh my God. I think I've busted a gut laughing so hard. Oh that is rich.
FROM: The Eye Has It
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:15:58 PST 1997
Check under your bed, CW
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:15:12 PST 1997
Oh man! Now I really want it. Where could it have gone?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:12:02 PST 1997
A funny thing about pornography, that is, not pictures or anything. Bye.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:08:52 PST 1997
The e:mail has faded into obscurity. It involved pornography.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:08:16 PST 1997
Sorry about that extra "c" there.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:07:22 PST 1997
Bye Sleepy. I really want that mail. Sorry Cuschca. You should really blame Sleepy though. She told.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:06:22 PST 1997
sorry, cushca! all in good fun. i wouldn't worry too much.... most americans can't even tell you what state Chicago is in. i'm serious! cool deal, sleepy! see ya later.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:01:55 PST 1997
Thanks everyone for being so merciless about the Texas thing. I don't claim to have any defence, but even so.......
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:01:01 PST 1997
I'm going home soon. I a--ume the e:mail didn't reach you, CW. I think our e:mails must be incompatible. WLA - I'm going to see Robyn next Tuesday in London. Myk - Leicester is quite a way north of London - equidistant to Birmingham. Birmingham, Alabama, that is... Bye.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 10:00:51 PST 1997
testing testing 1,2,3...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:40:51 PST 1997
Hmm. I'll send it again.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:40:33 PST 1997
cushca: only if the pie is placed in a cannon specifically designed for propelling mince pies at very high speeds. to date, i can't find a manufacturer of this sort of weapon. hmmm... why do you ask? heh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:39:03 PST 1997
Yes Cushca. Yes it is.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:38:57 PST 1997
sleepy: how far from the center of London is Leceister? is it in Texas? heh heh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:37:40 PST 1997
Hey Myk. No Sleepy, nothing yet. Your previous one came very quickly.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:37:24 PST 1997
Is it possible to cause a severe head injury with a mince pie?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:36:06 PST 1997
Hi Myk.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:33:57 PST 1997
sorry i've been gone. bad day today. sleepy: glad to see you've come to a consensus on your choices for Cushca's Robyn Experience! i'm so pleased to hear that Cushca is in high spirits today.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:33:11 PST 1997
Did you get my e:mail, CW?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:27:39 PST 1997
Could have been Voltaic, turning over in his sleep.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:20:58 PST 1997
Bye m. Hi wb.
DATE: Wed Dec 3 09:20:07 PST 1997
Lullaby baby on the tree top...