FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:46:00 PST 1997
Your notion, that since I am offended by your slimy insinuation that I must be capable of doing the crime, is like the arguement that "only people with something to hide have a problem with privacy." It only works in fascist countries, you little f--k. I am no more capable of committing such crimes than you are. If you don't apologize I am going to notify the webmaster that people are wrongfully accusing other people of actual crimes on this board. No this is not a joke, you totally fuking retarded kunt.Your notion, that since I am offended by your slimy insinuation that I must be capable of doing the crime, is like the arguement that "only people with something to hide have a problem with privacy." It only works in fascist countries, you little f--k. I am no more capable of committing such crimes than you are. If you don't apologize I am going to notify the webmaster that people are wrongfully accusing other people of actual crimes on this board. No this is not a joke, you totally fuking retarded kunt.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:38:39 PST 1997
Willybee, the fact that you are capable of saying that a second time is truly incredible. What are you, a total lobotomized idiot? You can't go around casually implying people have done such horrendous things. That's illegal, you f--king idiot. We've all been mining the veins of fiction here. But you've grabbed something off the morning paper and implied I had something to do with it. What a total jakoff.
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:35:17 PST 1997
Before I go into my story writing mode, I would like to go on record as saying I don't think children being abused is funny.
In my area there are two early teenage girls missing since Thurs. Satan have you been visiting me?.......It's a sick world,
I'm just a SMALL part of it.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:34:08 PST 1997
I have identified myself as much as anybody here. I dare that leech to post even a pseudonym like the rest of us. Remember everybody, I did post an email address a few weeks ago. Yes, I did it -- originally -- facetiously; nevertheless it was a willing gesture and a real email address. You can reach me directly whenever you want. This other f--k, though, has never identified himself. Everything is a sick joke to him. I simply fought back. He got tired of losing the fight and decided to act like the f--king demon that he is.
FROM: Willybee
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:32:57 PST 1997
It was me you idiot. Now I'm sure you abducted those two girls. The guilty always over react.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:28:40 PST 1997
Last night an anonymous poster (the one trying to get Satan to hate him for the last three weeks--anon2) commented that he doesn't think child abuse is funny (a child abuser wouldn't either, you germ) and in the same breath as mentioning a couple of missing teens, said, "Have you been visiting me, Satan....". That's was so funny I decided anon2 was really as low as they come. He truly has earned my hate, something I told him was too valuable to give him. He won it by implying I was capable of crimes against children. He, I am sure, is shaking with pride: his is a truly evil presence posts on this board. Remember, while I have had an ever-changing list of names that gave you some view of me, he has never once offered anything related to Robyn (oh, except a running list of the songs on Trains when I accused him of not knowing a thing about Robyn), and he has never identified himself. Some of you think he's me. But most of you know there is more than one anonymous, and the one of which I speak is a sc-m sucking low-life jakoff bastard. Revel in that t-tle, you f--k, you have earned my hate by stooping to the lowest possible level. You truly are a f--king s--t-sucking bastard.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:25:01 PST 1997
Yeh. What she said.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:24:41 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:24:06 PST 1997
Which gutless wonder posted that then? Stop being anonymous. Johnny Boy posted yesterday at 16:07 if you can be bothered to look. And it wasn't me.
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:20:33 PST 1997
Who's Johnny Boy, Chewing Wax? You seem to know more than you pretend.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:18:28 PST 1997
At least I got the album right. Thanks Sleepy, I feel better now. I have I Used to Say I Love You in my head.
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:11:57 PST 1997
I guess I'd better read the previous postings..what's this child abuse thing?..I've never seen referances to that on this board,maybe I just missed it..well I suppose I should do some work as well,..nah! I'm going to have anouther coffee and see if that wakes me up..GLUG!..see you..later.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:10:40 PST 1997
Hi CW, hi m. Quite busy at the moment and my boss is on the warpath. CW - you haven't done anything wrong lad. The song was "Another Bubble" - my favourite track on Fegmania! I've no idea how that child abuse thread started either.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 08:03:53 PST 1997
Hey m. Yes, it's been a strange morning. I feel like I'm to blame. Got to go do some work.
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:59:23 PST 1997
Good morning all, everyone happy,as well as chaste? the sun is trying to shine it's weak red rays through our hazy morning sky.the birds are coughing..the police are pepper spraying the university students..all is quite normal here....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:54:41 PST 1997
Hi Cushca. Where's Sleepy?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:53:44 PST 1997
What was that comment about child abuse about anyhow? I think Johnny Boy was confused about something.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:52:40 PST 1997
I neither understand nor llike this game very much.
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:44:56 PST 1997
Anon2: Yes, you can tend to "win" an argument by insinuating complicity in unspeakable crimes. Touche. You are such a stud. f--k you.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:38:17 PST 1997
I'll just go out for some coffee or something and leave you two alone. It isn't Strawbery Mind is it?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:31:58 PST 1997
tell me more about your chastity and purity, cushca. i'd love to hear anything you have to say!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:30:04 PST 1997
heh heh wax... damn work got me for a bit.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:29:34 PST 1997
I would just like to confirm that Sleepy is indeed chaste and pure. Probably.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:20:51 PST 1997
Willybee you evil bastard. What did you do with all my friends?
FROM: whiskers
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:14:36 PST 1997
willybee do you know anything about those spray products to keep cats away from
furniture? I was thinking of getting one, but the label says to spray every 2
days and the warnings are horrific! Don't get it on skin or eyes etc, don't spray
on food.....I'm worried about it being safe for the cats? How can it be??
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:13:52 PST 1997
French? Is it on Fegmania!?
FROM: Victor Hugo
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:11:31 PST 1997
Enfant! Si j'etais roi, je donnerais l'empire, Et mon char, et mon sceptre, et mon peuple a genoux, Et ma couronne d'or et mes bains de porphyre, Et mes flottes, a qui la mer ne peut suffire, Pour un regard de vous! Si j'etais Dieu, la terre et l'air avec les ondes, Les anges, les demons courbes devant ma loi, Et le profond chaos aux entrailles fecondes, L'eternite, l'espace, et le cieux, et les mondes, Pour un baiser de toi!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:06:37 PST 1997
Oh, I know that one. Thank damn it think. But, concerning you bafflement. It was very silly. You said "always" to answer my question. That's a lyric from Somewhere Apart. Just goofy on my part. Sorry. I know this song. I can hear it.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:05:19 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 07:00:07 PST 1997
The lyric reference baffled me. Here's a real one:- "She's only an illusion, shimmering inside your heart."
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:53:44 PST 1997
I warned you I was in a strange mood. I tried to get more coffee but the pot was empty. What part, exactly, has you baffled. Oh. Never mind.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:50:24 PST 1997
I'm still chaste and pure.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:49:43 PST 1997
CW - have some more coffee. You're leaving us baffled. We'll get some tea. Reconvene in 5 darlings...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:48:51 PST 1997
hey, i was once chaste and pure!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:46:05 PST 1997
No. Just Sleepy's amazingly vivid descriptions.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:45:12 PST 1997
Sleepy. If that's a lyric question, Somewhere Apart. Ha!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:44:34 PST 1997
You've never actually seen me, have you........?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:42:26 PST 1997
Oh Cushca. I didn't me you. You have been a pillar of dignity, chaste and pure. Myk, on the other hand....
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:40:44 PST 1997
CW - always.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:40:07 PST 1997
Oh cool. Thanks. I don't feel like doing any work today. You ever get that?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:39:59 PST 1997
Myk - Thank you for extending your well wishes on what is a particularly grim afternoon in London.
CW - I am truly hurt at your suggestion that I have flirted, am flirting or will flirt at any point in the forseeable future on this message board. And all this after I've been so nice to you.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:39:00 PST 1997
Please forgive me. I'm in a funny mood today. I want to say something about the stuck photo but I guess I don't have to.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:37:36 PST 1997
CW:- he only plays one song, but he talks for a while!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:34:52 PST 1997
I'm just really looking forward to the tape. None of this internet flirty stuff for me. It's all about the music. That's all I've ever cared about. Does he play Jewels for Sophia? No. Don't tell me. I want it to be a surprise.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:24:37 PST 1997
You're both going to be unlucky recipients of a dire photo of me. Myk will get a picture of Cushca as well. I must warn you that the picture stuck itself to the one above it (?!) and I had to prise it off. None of Cushca's beautiful features were damaged though.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:19:45 PST 1997
i believe sleepy gave in and sent one of herself too! this is true, sleepy, isn't it?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:17:18 PST 1997
You are such a charmer. I can't wait for my Cushca picture.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:12:02 PST 1997
morning, wax! yeah, alarms are not dependable, i've found. if you're reading this, cushca, i hope you are having a magnificent afternoon.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:08:57 PST 1997
lovely science projects you 2 have growing in your respective labs. i let the aluminum cans multiply on my desk because i take them all to the recycle bin in one trip. as for the office, the carpet looks like someone brought a car in for an oil change.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 06:02:50 PST 1997
CW - Doesn't sound like an unreasonable request. We had a half empty Snapple bottle sitting on a cupboard for a month before someone threw it away. We watched it change colour daily.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 05:56:35 PST 1997
I've gotten my coffee and I'm sipping it gingerly. I just wish my colleague would throw away his Coke bottles half full of tobacco spit. Is that too much to ask?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 05:52:33 PST 1997
Morning CW. I saw an interesting show in '85 at the mud-filled Milton Keynes Bowl: - REM, the Ramones, Billy Bragg, Spear of Destiny (urgh), Faith Brothers (who I loved) and er, U2.
DATE: Wed Nov 26 05:48:35 PST 1997
The Shining and John Carpenter's The Thing. Coffee.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 26 05:47:22 PST 1997
Hello my little droogies. Queenie's comment made me remember Where the Buffalo Roam as one of my favorites. I'm very late to work. Stupid alarm. Coffee.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 05:45:37 PST 1997
Hi Myk. I enjoyed reading all the favourite bands and gigs chat last night.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 05:31:49 PST 1997
good morning! quiet one. glad you dig sugar and husker, sleepy!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 04:53:53 PST 1997
Oh, my. I sound like a hippy. I missed Betty Blue out of my favourite film list yesterday. I love Sugar as well and some Husker Du. Mmm... lunch.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 03:57:03 PST 1997
Cushca says that sounded like Phoebe from 'Friends'. Is that good or bad?! Flowers (and coffee) for everyone.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 03:45:44 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 03:45:25 PST 1997
Do whatever makes you and everyone else happy. Love you to.
DATE: Wed Nov 26 03:42:26 PST 1997
Gotta go, luv' ya'.
DATE: Wed Nov 26 03:40:56 PST 1997
The insanity of something else.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 26 03:38:01 PST 1997
Are you referring to the insanity of life or the insanity of something else?
DATE: Wed Nov 26 03:32:08 PST 1997
Need an opinion. Is it better to just give in to the insanity and enjoy for all its worth, or keep on fighting?
DATE: Wed Nov 26 03:25:43 PST 1997
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Nov 26 00:21:31 PST 1997
Beer and Loathing on the Robyn Hitchc--k message board tonite!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 23:43:24 PST 1997
Hello, all. Just checking in...
FROM: Thanks, Ken! Sounds like someone we know.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 23:05:30 PST 1997
Still, at any given time, and in any given culture, most adults tend to inhabit the landscape of one particular worldview.Ý The reason is simple enough: each worldview is, indeed, a personís world.Ý To lose that world is to experience a type of
deathseizure.Ý To surrender a worldview is a psychological earthquake somewhere around 7.0 on the internal Richter scale, and most people avoid this at all costs.
But sometimes, under exceptional circ-mstances... or in
exceptional artists... higher or deeper worldviews break through the crust of our ordinary perceptions, and the world is somehow
never quite the same again.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 22:38:58 PST 1997
Beck: Don't let me scare you away from the Jazz Butcher gig! I just know P. Fish is/was in some band called 'Sumosonic', and from the sound clip and website it sounds/looks like space/techno stuff (not for me - Spiritualized totally fulfills my cravings for that brand of noise)- now, if the gig is billed as 'Jazz Butcher', it may well be a reunion type gig with the old material - I heard he DID play San Fran w/Max Eider a few months ago, so. . . .if you're in the neighborhood, check it out - and report back! : ) / OK, Sleepy, I'll go check out that Silver Sun clip! . . . Thanksgiving day would be ideal to chat here - except I'm visiting sis in Atlanta. / Queenie, we're playing "Rumors" right now, yes we are!
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:38:48 PST 1997
human!A damnit not E
FROM: willybee
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:34:37 PST 1997
There are some very vicious people 'round here.On another note Sleepy=demigod taken humen form.
FROM: Rudy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:28:13 PST 1997
just as long as he doesn't have foaming tulips....
FROM: Gunther
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:25:57 PST 1997
lieber!!My dog has no nose..
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:22:58 PST 1997
lowCal. You too?
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:20:32 PST 1997
From Cal. You too!
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:18:41 PST 1997
Satan-Denying his own identity.
FROM: your friend from Cleveland
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:16:12 PST 1997
sub-turkey and foaming tulips Happy thanksgiving!!
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:15:56 PST 1997
The child abuse thing was taken out of context.
FROM: Ed Einstein
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:13:43 PST 1997
the green corridors of WQeeds?
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:13:31 PST 1997
Boy are you angry!
FROM: Steve Kilbey
<facsimile transmission>
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:10:58 PST 1997
The actor spends his days in a warm mist. He roams the cartoon woods, wading through emerald green clover and foaming tulips. He alights from the train covered in a moss, a quiet breeze floating up from the blushing south. The walls drip, drip, drip, Unlimited calm rends the hive. The cars overgrown in vines and creepers. Great hands of ivy strangle the cinemas and the real estate offices. Mainstreet overthrown by a mutiny of vegetation. WQeeds embroider the crumbling pavements and sidle up the long offices. The car park is a bird sanctuary, fish swim in the muddy basements. The actor plays the last man rather well. Five pound notes fly away down the streets and whirl above the city. The houses burst open and cast up their treasures. March has come...Spring or Autumn? Germination silent and ceaseless, the shrewd roots probing, cracking and pushing on and on through the fertile darkness. The actor falls asleep in a grassy plaza and wakes up days later, refreshed. He quickly forgets the distant, noisy dreams and wanders off down the green corridors.
FROM: Ed Einstein
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:10:55 PST 1997
or even on leave?..
FROM: Satan Has Another Bulletin for Anon2, the Ultimate Lonely Jerkoff Idiot
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:08:03 PST 1997
And if you think, my anonymous pile of s--t, that I was cherubini, how would you explain the sub-turkey-iq vocabulary and spelling. Looks more like something your friend from Cleveland would type with one hand.
FROM: This Satan Loves Children, You s--t Stirring Rat-Assed Soul-Shrivelling Vampire s--t.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 21:02:34 PST 1997
I don't know what these people are referring to -- this child abuse thing -- but as somebody mentioned a little earlier, the only children abused here are adults who find this den of Hitchc--kerie of their own free-base induced will. Since I don't bother reading what I've missed if it's f--ther than a couple screens down, perhaps someone can enlighten me. Did "someone" show it's true self and spew out some pedophilic drivel? And that's really nice to bring my board name up in the same breath as the mention of missing children. Way to stir up the s--t, jakoff. That is lower than anything ever said about anybody else on this board. It's one thing to jab at each other; it's another to suggest truly criminal complicity with sick and pathetic people. My little s--t stain, guess what: I don't think "abusing children" is funny either. Just in case any of you are referring to that drivel about picking up a Greek sailor, how could a child be "on leaf from the navy"?
DATE: Tue Nov 25 20:23:08 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Nov 25 19:51:50 PST 1997
Before I go into my story writing mode, I would like to go on record as saying I don't think children being abused is funny. In my area there are two early teenage girls missing since Thurs. Satan have you been visiting me?.......It's a sick world, I'm just a SMALL part of it.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 19:46:15 PST 1997
HMMM. I think I willwrite a story. See you when I return, well considering that theres nobody here, I won't see you when I return.
FROM: willybee
DATE: Tue Nov 25 19:43:35 PST 1997
WOW, it's quiet in here.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 19:41:39 PST 1997
FROM: Cherubini
DATE: Tue Nov 25 19:40:45 PST 1997
Hello my beautiful babies, are the joys of life bringing you happiness? I hope so, this world has so much to offer. All of your wildest fantsies can come true! The sun as it shimmers on the clear blue water, the green trees that sway in the wind, creating a most divine lullaby. The rouch of a loved one, a homeless man that jerks himself off in a publc park. This world definately has much to offer. You can take what you want or you can wallow in your own filth. Have a pleasent evening. I luv' U!
DATE: Tue Nov 25 19:27:14 PST 1997
Queenie I seen that show!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 17:43:16 PST 1997
Hey CW, no offense taken. I was just fooling around!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 17:42:54 PST 1997
If I had a rocket launcher...
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 17:40:09 PST 1997
Bruce c--kburn was a bit more mellow. I bet they won't let me say c.o.c.k.b.u.r.n.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 17:39:25 PST 1997
Once I saw The Ramones and Social Distortion at the same show. Now that was good clean fun!!
<carolina rules>
DATE: Tue Nov 25 17:21:26 PST 1997
The crowd was stellar, much better than I expected from them. Everyone stood for the show until
about five minutes into the Jam. Once again, Jimmy Frog selected his dancers with the rules, don't
touch us, don't touch our s--t. Billy trashed Creative Loafing, a local publication of the goings on of
Charlotte for calling him a whiner
DATE: Tue Nov 25 17:18:20 PST 1997
Tonight, I went to my first Smashing Pumpkins Concert, I'm a bit winded, so please excuse any
strange things I may say. :)
Lets start things off, Fountains of Wayne were great, I don't know where everyone gets off
trashing them, I found them to be great. They played their set, they were in a generally good mood,
no trashing of our town or anything .
FROM: Carol-Anne
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:15:37 PST 1997
They're here!
FROM: Mucky the Pig
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:14:26 PST 1997
Nough-Eay Bout-ay At-thay Oop-pay Unk-jay, Ope-days!
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:13:06 PST 1997
FROM: lodged rectal debris
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:12:05 PST 1997
FROM: Dr. Giggles, Proctologist
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:10:57 PST 1997
Aah, Anon2 has his panties in a wad. Poor little baby, goo-goo-dah-dah. The only children abused here have reached the age of consent, though they still go poopie-poopie in their di-dee-di-dees. Jazz Cafe was too far for my frog to swim, so I stayed in California.
FROM: Johnny Boy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:07:27 PST 1997
Anyone go to the Jazz Cafe last thursday? Since when has it been cool & Rock & Roll to make jokes about children being abused. Think again
FROM: Johnny Boy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:02:56 PST 1997
Anyone go to the Jazz Cafe last thursday? Since when has it been cool & Rock & Roll to make jokes about children being abused. Think again
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:01:51 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Nov 25 16:00:20 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Nov 25 15:59:19 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Nov 25 15:58:31 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Nov 25 15:55:04 PST 1997
FROM: Websters Book of Obscure Medical Terms
DATE: Tue Nov 25 14:50:54 PST 1997
Buck Mulligan: Buck Mulligan is a term used by emergency room personnel when referring to lodged rectal debris (peanut butter jars, car keys, spoons, or small mammals).
FROM: Be My Man, Make Me One
DATE: Tue Nov 25 14:44:29 PST 1997
Anon2, you are such a stu.d You made me drool in the Robatussen I had poored in,to my Buck Mulligan Memorial shot glass, a souvenir I buyed in dublin when I was their on leaf from the navy. later I, picked up a greek sailor and he dressed up just like you and we made it on Bloom's Day right there in the park, in front of a bunch of drunk stupid american english majors from cleveland ON a Mission to fin d landmarks from Ulisseas. Cool.
FROM: Verna Knoll-Rattle
DATE: Tue Nov 25 14:38:33 PST 1997
You oh you. . .
FROM: Juggs
DATE: Tue Nov 25 14:10:55 PST 1997
Cool, a Swans fan.
FROM: re; Yodelling Hoover-when?
DATE: Tue Nov 25 14:09:09 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Nov 25 14:06:06 PST 1997
no.on news.
FROM: verbose
DATE: Tue Nov 25 14:04:43 PST 1997
I leave my butt in the guacamole
dip, oh,I think I bruised her mom my spine my butt You should I fell I stumbled I went I cussed I felt I wrecked I think I bruised I go I always I'll take we'll get I talk I never I leave.
FROM: Isabella
DATE: Tue Nov 25 14:00:57 PST 1997
Hullo everyone.
I've been really out of touch with a lot of my favourite bands 'cept for The Swans. So what's the news on Robyn Hitchc--k? ANY new news?
DATE: Tue Nov 25 13:38:50 PST 1997
does Jonny polonsky ring a bell?
DATE: Tue Nov 25 13:35:56 PST 1997
You should have seen me last night, when I fell down laughing, and I stumbled down a flight of wooden stairs, I went crashing through the window at the VFW hall, and tumbled over a pile of metal chairs, then I cussed out my girlfriend, and I felt up her mom, I wrecked my car and I think I bruised my spine, oh you aught to go with me, when I go out drinking I always have myself a real good time, gonhne go out tonight and tie on a good one, does anyone wanna come with me? I'll take you to this biker bar where we can kick some a--, and a gay bar where we'll get our drinks for free, I talk dirty to the waitressess, I never leave a tip, but I leave my cigar butts in the guacamole dip, oh you..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 13:17:30 PST 1997
The Who, The Clash and Buster Poindexter er David Johansen. Next weekend there he was again playing in the commons of my college for Octobefest. Same set. Same pink pants. Ah, early 80's.
FROM: Video Killed the Radio Star
DATE: Tue Nov 25 13:10:13 PST 1997
Madness, Thompson Twins, The Police and The Fixx--all at one show, 1984 or 5. Stadium shows suck: I could see Stings lips move on the big screen before I heard him singing. Same stadium where I'd seen Led Zeppelin in 1977...
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:59:53 PST 1997
Here comes your man.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:58:52 PST 1997
heh heh. i once saw the sugarcubes, Public Image Ltd, and New Order all at one amphitheatre show. ah, the summer of 1989. i gotta go now. maybe i'll check in tonite. this is fun.
FROM: The good ol' Early '90s
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:47:38 PST 1997
Once saw Jane's Addiction, The Pixies and Primus all at the same glorious show. Someone tossed a discarded t-shirt on stage and it hit Kim Deal in the face.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:47:08 PST 1997
The Cars The Cars.
FROM: Summer oF 79
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:44:07 PST 1997
Pink Floyd: Animals, Wish You Were Here; Dark Side of the Moon; Meddle. Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti; Presence; The Song Remains the Same; IV, III, II, I, Houses of the Holy. The Beatles: White Album; Abbey Road; McCartney's Ram; John's Imagine and Mind Games. Elton John: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. The Rolling Stones: Some Girls; Love you Live. David Bowie: Diamond Dogs.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:32:54 PST 1997
Ah come on Myk, they're classics.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:26:10 PST 1997
yeah, mr wax, and both usually drive me nuts.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:22:55 PST 1997
Stairway to Heaven and American Pie, two of longest songs enjoying airplay on todays modern radio programs.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:16:08 PST 1997
zep 4 and mclean? wow, q, you WERE a redneck! heh heh, jes kiddin'. back in high school, my friends and me were fans of the smiths, the cure, the church, sting, echo & the bunnymen ....that sort of thing.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:12:07 PST 1997
Yes Myk. I really need a list. I never listen to the radio so I'm horribly out of touch. I want to learn and grow. Sorry if I upset you Queenie.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:05:12 PST 1997
That Fiona Apple song could have been my theme in high school if she hadn't been 12 then.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:04:19 PST 1997
If my senior year in high school would have had a theme album, it would have been Led Zeppelin 4 or Don MacLean. (Don't ask me why...We liked "classic rock" back then cause we were a bunch of hicks)
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:04:15 PST 1997
wow, queenie, i beat you by 5 seconds. besides the sleeplessness from Lucifer's daughter, how have you been? we never get to chat!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:01:10 PST 1997
Gee, now I REALLY want to stay and chat with you...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 12:01:05 PST 1997
yeah, mooch, the pixies were a godsend. if my freshman year of college had a theme album, it must have been "doolittle". sorry, queenie, i'm at work, and i can't respond quickly sometimes. damn, mr wax, i'm gonna have to send you to the record store with a long shopping list! heh heh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:56:16 PST 1997
Queenie, you so paranoid.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:55:16 PST 1997
It's like I told my friend with a two year old daughter. No one held a gun to your head and made you have children. He wasn't really amused.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:53:50 PST 1997
Once again, I arrive and clear the goddamn room. ALRIGHT! I'M LEAVING!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:53:33 PST 1997
Ah. That's so cute. Demon Spawn. They all are at that age.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:46:44 PST 1997
You guys would not BELEIVE what my demon-spawn daughter did to me last night. She stayed up all damn night and insisted that one of us sit by her bed or else she'd freak out and start hollering. I slept for about 30 seconds last night.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:45:20 PST 1997
Hey CW.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:44:41 PST 1997
I'm not black like Barry White but I am white like Frank Black is.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:44:07 PST 1997
Morning Queenie. Thanks m. I'm gonna get myself edumacated.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:43:07 PST 1997
heres's a Frank Black primer..
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:41:49 PST 1997
Hey, this honky's gone to heaven!!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:35:01 PST 1997
I know none of these bands. Pathetic he said, that's all it is.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:25:45 PST 1997
Right you are Myk!,also Pixies,Frank Black..this monkeys' going to heaven..
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:22:36 PST 1997
i should also include Sugar as part of that list. i dig them too.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:22:03 PST 1997
anyone here into Husker Du/Bob Mould? i bet mooch and wax dig 'em. i'm a big fan, i must say.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:20:38 PST 1997
not me, oh Waxotic one. only when sleepy mentions them, which she does quite a bit. clearly, she digs them mucho.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 11:01:35 PST 1997
Anyone else heard of Silver Sun before?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 10:41:38 PST 1997
go web weasel! mooch, always delighting us with his innovative approach! ...Freak Brothers! yes! god, it's been years since i've seen some of that fine work.
FROM: Keep On Sketchin'
DATE: Tue Nov 25 10:01:51 PST 1997
m: I work with a guy that used to print some of the Freak Brothers etc. stuff. He was in the trade for years as a journeyman printer. Come back later for more -- I used to know some lighting guys from the Sacto area too -- did Hendrix at Sac State, I think.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 10:01:07 PST 1997
here's a Crumb link from the web weasel.. ..hey Wax..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:58:24 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:56:53 PST 1997
Yeah..I'm going too..I just came in the lantern-room for coffee,..and saw the Crumb comment and had to babble..later
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:54:44 PST 1997
Good bye Sleepy. Have a wonderful evening.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:54:14 PST 1997
see ya later, sleepygirl. have fun tonite, whatever you do.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:54:00 PST 1997
Bye Sleepy..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:52:36 PST 1997
I'm going soon. Have a good afternoon/evening everyone. Bye.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:51:00 PST 1997
Keep on T,No,I wasn't there. I'm just a Huge fan of all things Crumb..I am a cartoonist/fan from the golden age of acid animation..Had liquid projection light shows....that sort of thing..
FROM: I am afraid of Ukranians
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:47:44 PST 1997
Figures. Grrrr. Guess I'll just have to buy the video.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:45:43 PST 1997
whoah, it's worse than i thought. $1.68 ...a great time to come visit the states, sleepy and cushca!
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:45:41 PST 1997
Melarkey's was Robyn's stop between Mill Valley and the Great American Music Hall in June, by the way...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:42:08 PST 1997
the anonymous one likes to type "cushca". it's fun to say, too. heh heh. i sent her an email, this time without a chaperone, sleepy! yeah, wax, with a credit card one gets the "wholesale" exchange rate. it's always cheaper. last i checked, the british pound sterling costs about $1.60. what a bargain!
FROM: Keep On Truckin'
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:41:06 PST 1997
Re: Crumb: I only have second hand and movie info. Never met him. The Cheap Suit Serenaders with Mr. Crumb played at Melarkey's in Sacramento years ago. Were you there?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:34:34 PST 1997
Oh, I've found an address for The Supernaturals. Click on their name at and you can play The Day Before Yesterday's Man (if you want to!).
FROM: mooch
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:33:53 PST 1997
Hello Keep on trucking person, what else do you know of mr.Crumb?..I havent heard much since he moved..I know it's the south of France,do you know where? I heard he bought a new hat..Dixon calif. is the home of Robt. Armstrong, couch potato potentate (and cheap suit seranader).I am an original charter member(1977)..sic semper potatum reclinus.."sofa McCain"
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:32:16 PST 1997
Yes, I think they did letterbox it! CW: Trainspotting is excellent - brimming with life (and one death, I think). It has one of the most perfect opening scenes.
FROM: I am afraid of Ukranians
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:29:02 PST 1997
You Brits, get all the good television. I suppose they letterboxed it too.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:28:39 PST 1997
Regular broadcast television? That is extremely open minded.
FROM: Quizzmaster Trash
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:27:45 PST 1997
Which two stones did robyn mention in a single song, along with Mr. Iggy Osterberg?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:27:13 PST 1997
It's a date.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:25:49 PST 1997
Pulp Fiction was on TV here the other week - every expletive was kept in place and the film was all the better for it.
FROM: Yodelling Hoover
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:24:40 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:24:28 PST 1997
CW - should me, you and Robyn ever be in the same town at the same time and The Big Sleep was playing at the local cinema, we could all get some popcorn and watch a film together - after Robyn has played an exclusive concert for us featuring Glass Hotel, Jewels for Sophia and I Saw Nick Drake, of course.
FROM: Juggs
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:24:06 PST 1997
A-hole! I love a good a-hole! Where did you get those Pumps?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:23:17 PST 1997
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:21:41 PST 1997
They are showing Pulp Fiction in the US on mainstream tv this month. I think it's one complete overdub job, taking each "f" word and replacing it with "fudge," etc. They got some of the original actors to do the overdubs.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:20:49 PST 1997
CW, you'll be happy to know the best rate is recieved with a credtd card. I've done this several times.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:20:23 PST 1997
What tune should we sing that too?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:19:58 PST 1997
Sorry, should have been specific - that was for Myk.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:19:49 PST 1997
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:19:02 PST 1997
My goodness, you're easily pleased, aren't you?
FROM: ahole2..oops! anon2
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:16:05 PST 1997
I wish I had a rich young nymphomaniac, she can drive me around in her Cadillac, when she's not on her knees, she'll be on her back, a rich young nymphomaniac!......ER sorry
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:15:11 PST 1997
It's just that you are supposed to get the best exchange rates with your credit card. I don't know how much a £ is. I love the coins though. So thick and heavy. Is Trainspotting good then? I just want to point out that my favorite movie list overlapped with Sleepy and RH. I'm so happy.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:13:54 PST 1997
ah, my heart is thumping wildly... i have received emails i will cherish! heh heh, i'm so silly.
FROM: Ghosts in the Machine
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:09:29 PST 1997
Oh Dear, Chewing Wax, did you give your credit card number to somebody over the phone? Tsk tsk. Goodbye credit rating; hello collection demons.
FROM: Anon2
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:08:02 PST 1997
What's so strange about Crumb's family? Sure, they had issues, but they were pretty normal. Right? Hey, don't go away. Doesn't everybody date the publisher of "Juggs"?
FROM: Keep On Truckin'
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:03:58 PST 1997
Crumb lived, until he moved to France, about 20 miles from Davis, California, home of the Couch Potato. He lived so close to the Garlic Capitol of the World (Italy notwithstanding) he prob'ly had garlic growing in his yard. Used to hang out at a bar in Davis, a college town, where the ignorant drunk frat boys would laugh at his hat while he sketch their pudgy spoiled faces.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 09:00:16 PST 1997
heh heh... very subtle, sleepy!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:59:05 PST 1997
I meant I gave my Mastercard number to someone purporting to be running the Silver Sun Fan Club. They seemed very polite. It's at it's limit anyhow so Ha Ha on them.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:39:48 PST 1997
CW - what, someone's been using it? What did they buy? Trainspotting is on TV tomorrow. I'm very happy about that. My, that was a subtle change of subject matter, wasn't it? I can't even see the joins.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:35:58 PST 1997
Son of a bitch. Somebody took my Mastercard number. I want to see Crumb. I've heard very good things about it.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:35:40 PST 1997
Bye m!
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:34:21 PST 1997
Thanks Myk,I'll give it a try..take care everyone, talk to you later..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:33:27 PST 1997
CW - tragically, the fan club is no more! Keep hold of your £8!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:31:21 PST 1997
The snow stopped. Only a dusting, but thanks for the advise mooch. Sleepy - I am now an official member of the Silver Sun fan club. For only £8 how could I go wrong?
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:30:55 PST 1997
Sleepy, Oh yes!!what a feeling it left me with...sad ..poor Charles.but what a talented lot of crazies..but moving to ..France?? as Frank Zappa said "there is no Hell,There is only France."
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:28:51 PST 1997
i don't know about the FTP program you're using now, mooch, but i heartily recommend "Cute FTP", a shareware program. rather simple layout compared to others. sorry, sleepy, no sound card on the work pc. i'll check it out at home, i suppose.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:27:30 PST 1997
Hey Mr.Wax,careful shovelling those sidewalks..bend at the a back..oooohhooh...see ya..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:23:46 PST 1997
m - did you see the film Crumb? I only saw about three quarters of it, but I thought it was remarkable. What a strange family...
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:22:29 PST 1997
Hey Myk, Sailor page is almost ready a virtual toyland of manga faces..(I'm more into R.Crumb,but sailor moon is my daughters trip.. I now get a linked page!!)I need to get a scanner now to put up photos..drunken gigs a--orted dementia.I got to figure out how to use WS_ftp program I downloaded..keep you er..posted,.. later..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:14:54 PST 1997
m - I haven't seen any around for a long time. I think the name has changed to something less jarring. It's Scope now, or something. Myk - I agree, no bad ballads! I found a link to Silver Sun. There's a 5-second burst of intro to a song called "Golden Skin" at Ignore the rest of the guff on the page. They sound like complete idiots.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:11:19 PST 1997
hi again, mooch! tell APEC not to panic now that all the currencies are in a tumble. it could always be worse.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:08:26 PST 1997
finally, this laggy webpage has cleared up. i was having a devil of a time getting in here up until a minute ago.
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:08:21 PST 1997
Hello,I'm back..I had to step out into the driving rain and, city is shut down in aid of this stupid APEC thing..a waste of time, money and resources..but the streets are kept clear of maple syrup addled residents,and cars,so driving is a treat...or at least bearable.Sleepy, do they still have the "save the spastics"cast iron figures out on the street?it's a memory of London I have.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:05:50 PST 1997
sleepy... you must be stopped!!! bad music be gone! sappy ballads be gone!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 08:01:59 PST 1997
I thought, "What the hell did I do Sunday morning? What is she talking about? She's gone insane!"
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 07:59:09 PST 1997
CW:- I bet you were wondering what the hell I was talking about!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 25 07:55:37 PST 1997
Much to my credit, I didn't know that was a song. Myk did, and now Lionel Richie is singing in my head. I'm singing Glass Hotel aloud to stop it.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 07:47:10 PST 1997
Hello... is it me you're look..... aghh, no, no, no.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 07:46:43 PST 1997
sleepy: i sent cushca an email, but i made sure to "CC" you on it. you can be a sort of chaperone! heh heh. she's only 20, after all!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 07:44:59 PST 1997
ugh, i started an archive with a mention of "lionel richie"! this does not bode well for future archive 46.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 07:44:31 PST 1997
Damn overlap...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 07:43:51 PST 1997
That's a song. You know that don't you?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Nov 25 07:43:34 PST 1997
woah, let's just keep Lionel Richie out of this, ok?! heh heh.