FROM: Silly
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:38:14 PST 1997
FROM: ††
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:36:52 PST 1997
FROM: -==\\(*0*)//==-
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:36:32 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:32:05 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:31:21 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:30:11 PST 1997
double posts suck!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:29:27 PST 1997
Is CW really Silly now? Wow....Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. Myk....Marie is the beautiful female who mouthed the words to 'Queen
Elvis' when I tried to perform it at my last show. She was married...but she's bringing her sister to meet me tonight at the show.
I'm NOT going to do 'Queen Elvis' tonight, by the way. I'm gonna bust out 'Raining Twilight Coast'.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:28:58 PST 1997
Is CW really Silly now? Wow....Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. Myk....Marie is the beautiful female who mouthed the words to 'Queen
Elvis' when I tried to perform it at my last show. She was married...but she's bringing her sister to meet me tonight at the show.
I'm NOT going to do 'Queen Elvis' tonight, by the way. I'm gonna bust out 'Raining Twilight Coast'.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:26:12 PST 1997
Joycetwit for real: Look how generous I am. Rattle.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:25:36 PST 1997
Rider on the Green Boogers Tour Contract: Pick out all the brown and yellow ones.
FROM: _______
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:24:28 PST 1997
Boogers all 'round! Boogers on me! SHHHHhhh! Gilligan's Wake is starting on the tv!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:23:26 PST 1997
Anon-Ersatz: ¸ Æ 0. Combing the old archives looking for P G's email address? Did you get all those archives indexed yet?
FROM: Brompton
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:21:11 PST 1997
Try my c.ocktail with Boogers!
FROM: Joycetwit
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:20:37 PST 1997
Too Fast For You All? This Is Quality S.h.i.t. Oh Well, where are you, Satan?
FROM: Silly!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:19:33 PST 1997
Nobody Likes Me. Nobody came to my Party! Boo Hoo Hoo!
FROM: Silly
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:19:01 PST 1997
I Am SillY! Call me Silly! Silly Silly Silly!
FROM: Booger Eaters Shrine
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:18:00 PST 1997
Try our Snack Bar/Refreshery!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:17:37 PST 1997
Cleveland: Home of the Booger Eaters Shrine
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:17:06 PST 1997
Anon2's Band Name in High School: Eaters of Green Booger Eaters' Excrete!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:16:19 PST 1997
Chewy's Band in High School: Green Booger Eaters
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:15:50 PST 1997
Buffalo, City of the Green Booger Statue
FROM: Manuel from Barcelona
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:15:06 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:14:31 PST 1997
Psst, hey dopey. Post as Silly now. Kay?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:14:06 PST 1997
Buffalo: Official Silly City
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:13:42 PST 1997
Buffalo, Processed Meat Byproduct Capital of the World!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:13:07 PST 1997
Buffalo, Andy Kaufman Never Rassled Here!
FROM: Silly (Used to be Chewing Wax)
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:12:33 PST 1997
Chewing Wax is now called Silly! [I won't be what Satan wanted me to be, Buffalo Chip]
FROM: Silly!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:11:31 PST 1997
I am silly. Silly silly silly. Silly! I am Silly!!!!!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:08:06 PST 1997
a name change is serious business, mr wax. one has to tread carefully when a--igning a new name to an identity. i'm not sure i
could take such a bold move. you're a bit too well-established to have a name change, in my humbl
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:30:11 PST 1997
double posts suck!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:29:27 PST 1997
Is CW really Silly now? Wow....Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes.
Myk....Marie is the beautiful female who mouthed the words to 'Queen Elvis' when I tried to perform it at my last show. She was married...but she's bringing her sister to meet me tonight at the show. I'm NOT going to do 'Queen Elvis' tonight, by the way. I'm gonna bust out 'Raining Twilight Coast'.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:28:58 PST 1997
Is CW really Silly now? Wow....Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes.
Myk....Marie is the beautiful female who mouthed the words to 'Queen Elvis' when I tried to perform it at my last show. She was married...but she's bringing her sister to meet me tonight at the show. I'm NOT going to do 'Queen Elvis' tonight, by the way. I'm gonna bust out 'Raining Twilight Coast'.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:26:12 PST 1997
Joycetwit for real: Look how generous I am. Rattle.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:25:36 PST 1997
Rider on the Green Boogers Tour Contract: Pick out all the brown and yellow ones.
FROM: _______
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:24:28 PST 1997
Boogers all 'round! Boogers on me! SHHHHhhh! Gilligan's Wake is starting on the tv!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:23:26 PST 1997
Anon-Ersatz: ¸ Æ 0. Combing the old archives looking for P G's email address? Did you get all those archives indexed yet?
FROM: Brompton
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:21:11 PST 1997
Try my c.ocktail with Boogers!
FROM: Joycetwit
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:20:37 PST 1997
Too Fast For You All? This Is Quality S.h.i.t. Oh Well, where are you, Satan?
FROM: Silly!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:19:33 PST 1997
Nobody Likes Me. Nobody came to my Party! Boo Hoo Hoo!
FROM: Silly
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:19:01 PST 1997
I Am SillY! Call me Silly! Silly Silly Silly!
FROM: Booger Eaters Shrine
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:18:00 PST 1997
Try our Snack Bar/Refreshery!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:17:37 PST 1997
Cleveland: Home of the Booger Eaters Shrine
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:17:06 PST 1997
Anon2's Band Name in High School: Eaters of Green Booger Eaters' Excrete!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:16:19 PST 1997
Chewy's Band in High School: Green Booger Eaters
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:15:50 PST 1997
Buffalo, City of the Green Booger Statue
FROM: Manuel from Barcelona
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:15:06 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:14:31 PST 1997
Psst, hey dopey. Post as Silly now. Kay?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:14:06 PST 1997
Buffalo: Official Silly City
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:13:42 PST 1997
Buffalo, Processed Meat Byproduct Capital of the World!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:13:07 PST 1997
Buffalo, Andy Kaufman Never Rassled Here!
FROM: Silly (Used to be Chewing Wax)
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:12:33 PST 1997
Chewing Wax is now called Silly! [I won't be what Satan wanted me to be, Buffalo Chip]
FROM: Silly!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:11:31 PST 1997
I am silly. Silly silly silly. Silly! I am Silly!!!!!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:08:06 PST 1997
a name change is serious business, mr wax. one has to tread carefully when a--igning a new name to an identity. i'm not sure i could take such a bold move. you're a bit too well-established to have a name change, in my humble opinion. but, if you feel you must, i will support it, no matter how silly. (unless it is simply TOO silly.)
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:04:11 PST 1997
Buffalo, Home of the Grease Pie!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:03:48 PST 1997
Buffalo, City of Buck Mulligans Anonymous
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:03:14 PST 1997
I told you before, Buck Mulligan is a golf term.
FROM: Polliana-Livia-Plurabelltbuckle
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:02:16 PST 1997
Honesty is the Best Policy!
FROM: Al Goldstein.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:00:52 PST 1997
Isn't Buck Mulligan the name of the guy who played James Joyce in that Hustler Does the Classics video you produced a few years ago, Larry?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 12:00:00 PST 1997
Buck Mulligan is the name of the man who raped you in jail. I learned about Brompton's c--ktail via the music scene where I live. Great band name, no?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:54:01 PST 1997
me thinks he admits too much. Hey pretentious one, how do you know about Brompton's c--ktail and how was it any sort of test? You still haven't told me who Buck Mulligan is.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:48:13 PST 1997
you've pointed out how difficult irony is to get across on this board. So is feigned anger apparently. None of this has been with any true anger. It's all been in good fun, at least on my part. Just mind games, taunting, laughing, joy, happiness, playfullness. I hope it's been taken in that way, but as you said, irony is hard to convey. Chewing Wax. You know you are me.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:45:41 PST 1997
Hey rOb. Yeh. I just got the Kershaw Sessions a couple weeks ago. It's wonderful. I hope you guys are having fun with my name. Hmmm. Maybe it's time for a change. What do you think Myk?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:42:10 PST 1997
cool, rob. who is marie? kitchens, due to the consistent use of anti-vibratory surfaces such as linoleum, are often ideal for live recording sessions. years ago, my "band" would practice in my parents' unfinished basement, totally surrounded by cinderblocks. not ideal, by any means, though one can easily attain a 60s UK trebly sound in that basement. too bad it wasn't the 60s, and too bad i wasn't in the UK.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:37:23 PST 1997
I think in my last posting I called that RH & The Egyptians CD 'The Krenshaw Sessions'.'s 'The Kershaw Sessions'. Robyn and the guys do most of the songs in this guys kitchen on a portable DAT. Few live songs. Really good. In fact, makes me hungry. My new gig is tonight. Get to meet Marie's single sister. Woo-Hoo!!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:25:13 PST 1997
Your Brompton's Victory is hollow, isn't it? You simply asked someone what it was didn't you. Pretentious? You bet, cuz that's how I got your goat. By the way, have you ever read any Umberto Eco? Just curious (I hope you have) Kiddies, here comes anger....!)
FROM: Rattle
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:22:57 PST 1997
I win with original material every time. I have given you weeks of material here to work with. Rattle. All you can do is cut and paste. Or commit horrific typos (which are your best function here. rattle). Rattle.
FROM: Rodney King
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:21:09 PST 1997
Can't We All Just... ... Hey, you m----r f----r!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:19:16 PST 1997
Cleveland: "C'mon, It's Our Turn!" (Proposed World's Fair Selection Bid Whine)
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:18:22 PST 1997
Buffalo: Damn Fine Grease! (Possible Theme for World's Fair Selection Bid)
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:17:20 PST 1997
Buffalo, Home of The Elvis Toenail Clipping's Collection
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:16:46 PST 1997
Cleveland: If You're Buttplug Doesn't Say "Cleveland," You Have the Wrong Buttplug!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:15:43 PST 1997
Buffalo: If Your Lard isn't From Buffalo, Then You Don't Have the Right Lard.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:14:15 PST 1997
Cleveland: Home of the Vampiric Inadvertantly Hilarious Identity Adopter with a Heretofore Unimagined but Quite Considerable Fixation on Other Humans Even Thinking Much Less Mentioning Irish Saint James Tiberious Joyce. Rattle
FROM: Yozty Jerrwillicker's Buttplugs
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:13:47 PST 1997
And thank you Willybee for keeping us in business with your constant purchases.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:12:26 PST 1997
Buffalo: Birthplace of Yozty Jerrwillickers, Inventor of the Modern Rubber Butt Plug
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:11:49 PST 1997
Here's what I will expect from you next because you are so predictable: Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:11:40 PST 1997
You only know two things: Either you got the answer or someone else got the answer. My guess is that you did, oh Joycean buttplug.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:10:39 PST 1997
Yummy painful pretention c--ktail obvious Joyce rATTLE
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:09:29 PST 1997
Cleveland: Home of the First Commercially Available Over the Counter Brompton's c--ktail. Serve it with Buffalo Chips!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:08:41 PST 1997
So obvious. It was painful it was so obvious. Obviously painful. Best get me some of that delicious Brompton's c--ktail. Only the occasional James Joyce quoter would toss out a quiz about Brompton's c--ktail. Yummy pretention. And then mock some one for getting the answer.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:08:38 PST 1997
Clevenland, Wearing It's Smarts Like a Badge of Honor
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:08:06 PST 1997
Buffalo: Home of the Three-Legged Stallion Breeding Ranch
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:07:33 PST 1997
Buffalo Chips: That's a Good Chip!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:07:06 PST 1997
Well there you go. Any idiot could see that. Baby's on fire!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:06:55 PST 1997
Hey! I never post as an anon.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:05:42 PST 1997
Oh you are too smart for me. I've been leaving hints constantly that I'm Chewing Wax. Any idiot could have figured it out. It was so painfully obvious.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:05:25 PST 1997
Buffalo, Where Women are Men, Men are Women, and the Proctologists are Booked Through Next Year
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:04:44 PST 1997
Cleveland, Home of the Deep-Fried Hoagie!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:04:16 PST 1997
You are so clever. Buffalo, "City Where JFK Screwed a Hooker!"
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:03:37 PST 1997
Here's what I will expect from you next because you are so predictable: fingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brainsfingerprints on their brains
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:02:43 PST 1997
That's right, Chewing Wax. You are the anon2 aren't you? Should have know with all that silly James Joyce squabble. Pretty handy having that Hospital reference library next to your day room, no? Don't drop your thermometer into the bedpan again, though. The nurses will make you lick it clean again.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:01:04 PST 1997
Kung Foo Fighting was originally released in 1974. Buffalo, City of Obtuse Angles.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:00:27 PST 1997
I play you. I get you going any time I want. I put out the bait and you come gobble it up. I'm always here first and you come stumbling along. I play you. You know it.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 11:00:06 PST 1997
Thank you, Doctor Reference Citation. Not exactly the in the trenches response, but I didn't expect anything more from a Joyce fanatic.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:58:54 PST 1997
I play you every day. And sometimes on Sunday. I play you so much you're keys are worn and the hammers are flat. I play you so much, the neighbors are starting to hum my tunes in their sleep. I play you so much, you're rugrats will be born with my fingerprints on their brains.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:58:21 PST 1997
It is most often used for short-term treatment of heroin withdrawal , long-term maintenance therapy of opioid addiction,
and analgesia in cancer patients. Propoxyphene hydrochloride 65 mg has central-type analgesic activity
equivalent to 650 mg of aspirin, and 100 mg of propoxyphene napsylate is equivalent to 65 mg.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:57:25 PST 1997
Go ahead, Willbeet, take credit for it now that it's out there...
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:56:44 PST 1997
The ultimate pain killing combination for those really bad terminal cases. That's what a Brompton's c--ktail is, Nurse Rectalprobe.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:56:28 PST 1997
you play me? You play me? You Play me?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:55:45 PST 1997
you are so chic. bye
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:55:37 PST 1997
heroine? now you are baiting me. But I PLAY you like a piano. Out of tune.
FROM: rattler
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:54:53 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:54:49 PST 1997
Another try to get you off of the heroine. Alas. It almost always fails.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:54:21 PST 1997
Cleveland's official color: mustard
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:53:09 PST 1997
I'll wait for you to look it up...
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:52:46 PST 1997
That's a very clinical answer. What is it used for?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:52:10 PST 1997
Buffalo once gave the keys to the city to funnyman Frank Gorshin.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:52:05 PST 1997
DPT (Meperidine, Promethazine, and Chlorpromazine)
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:51:18 PST 1997
City Emblem of Buffalo: scrawl based on a Mercedes-Benz hood medallion
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:49:50 PST 1997
ä That's where CW's offering is ä
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:49:32 PST 1997
Cleveland has the Poop Museum Annex.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:48:53 PST 1997
Buffalo: Home of the Poop Museum, where is housed the world's most extensive collection of some of the largest poops ever. On the list of benefactors: Platinum Sponsor: Chewing Wax (he almost withdrew his sponsorship when they rejected his little offering).
FROM: ääääääääääääääääääääääää ÄÄ:::===---\\(†ê†)//---===:::ÄÄ
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:46:14 PST 1997
FROM: Willbedamned
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:45:13 PST 1997
Hey, wot's The Black Page? Back to the Term Paper....
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:44:36 PST 1997
Official City Slogan for Cleveland: "We coulda been Buffalo, but That Name was Taken!"
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:43:41 PST 1997
Chewing Wax: Close the dictionary. Unless you have a medical reference or can call your nurse in from the reception area and ask her, you won't find it.
FROM: †ê†
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:42:46 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:42:02 PST 1997
Buffalo and Clevelend: Tied for highest per-capita sperm-bank inventories in the country. Also, tied for least-in-demand gene pool (that is, nobody wants their sperm, dopey).
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:40:23 PST 1997
Willybee didn't know what a Brompton's c--ktail was? Oh well. Guess you can't take credit for all those great Buffalo jokes huh?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:39:27 PST 1997
Clevelend and Buffalo, Siamese Twin Sister Cities
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:38:59 PST 1997
Clevelend, where the Doll that p--ses Itself was Invented
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:38:30 PST 1997
Buffalo: City of Intellectually Challenged Angrymen
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:38:11 PST 1997
I'm ignoring you.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:37:39 PST 1997
You can prove you're the great poster, really quick, if you post the answer within thirty seconds. We're waiting....
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:36:58 PST 1997
Willybee: What's a Brompton's c--ktail. No really, I want to know.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:36:25 PST 1997
Official Beverage of Buffalo: Brompton's c--ktail (look it up, retard).
FROM: Willybee
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:36:12 PST 1997
Oh I'm peeing my pants my Buffalo jokes are so funny. Oh well.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:35:32 PST 1997
Honorary Citizen: Hitler
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:35:30 PST 1997
A ten year old boy who can run faster than his father.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:35:11 PST 1997
What's the definition of a Buffalo virgin?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:35:09 PST 1997
Official Comedian: Phyllis Diller
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:34:35 PST 1997
City Flower: The dandelion
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:34:34 PST 1997
Buffalo is a holeBuffalo is a holeBuffalo is a holeBuffalo is a holeBuffalo is a holeBuffalo is a holeBuffalo is a holeBuffalo is a holeBuffalo is a holeBuffalo is a hole
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:34:08 PST 1997
City Motto: "Nothing Goes Wrong Until It Goes Wrong in Buffalo"
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:33:36 PST 1997
Buffalo, the "Lick Me City"
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:33:04 PST 1997
I thought you were ignoring me? Buffalo: Gateway to Canada.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:32:41 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:27:17 PST 1997
I know you are but what am I?
FROM: Bulletin (yah, right)
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:26:09 PST 1997
Chewing Wax is a total hose-bag. He will fight with anybody. He is a message board slut.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:25:57 PST 1997
Oh. Backwards. Back words. Ha. I get it. You idiot.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:25:26 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:25:03 PST 1997
Only idiots from Cleveland try to insult Buffalo because they are jealous. The real Satan wouldn't pretend to be you. He's constantly trying to point out he isn't you. I can understand and respect that.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:24:39 PST 1997
Backwords? Ha! It's "wards" you fat dope.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:23:39 PST 1997
Isn't Buffalo the site of the first male rape by Europeans in the continental United States?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:23:14 PST 1997
Ha! Backwords typos. That's funny.
FROM: Willybee
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:22:43 PST 1997
Doh! I thought you thought I was him! Doh! Back to the paper....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:22:34 PST 1997
Don't you have a paper to write?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:22:01 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:21:27 PST 1997
Ignore him in a different way, Chewy, like, REALLY ignore him the way they do in places outside Buffalo.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:20:30 PST 1997
tsal ta now evah I tsla ta
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:19:02 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:15:17 PST 1997
You even died in a horrible plane crash and came back. Please don't leave us alone with the rantings of Willybee. Please come back.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:13:29 PST 1997
Oh you'll be back. You've promised to leave before. Many times in fact. You'll be back.
FROM: Satan's Farewell.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:12:35 PST 1997
What's great is the stuff _____ chose to keep in. I know my work is done here. Look to Saturn, my little t--ds. Watch the skies and be bad. Good bye.
FROM: ___________
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:07:18 PST 1997
I should really be happy that while I rarely post as me anymore, but post constantly as other names, the seeds of my discontent have spawned (I stole that from Chewing Wax) at least two
(possibly more) wannabes who carry on my work of destruction even as I move on to other interests, like sorting my collection of Larry Flint's wonderful publications. The part of me that
resists accepting the work of my minions is really twofold: 1) My penis. I have not yet reached the state of being to allow my
penis to get errect, and hence when I see my anal sphincter used other than by me, I grow angry. I am working on getting an implant. 2) Their lack of
talent. They are weak still; they have not acquired the necessary writing skills (Willybee has been working on some term
paper or something for weeks--god help the T.A. who has to mark that paper will look like Zappa's Black Page....)
and obsessive-compulsive fixations. The problem with my talent pool--the criminals of the world--is that they lack
self-discipline. Ah well, I will now retreat into obscurity, working very hard at trying to allow my children their place on this
silly board without interfering. Ciao, baby.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:05:59 PST 1997
star sun moonbeam sand water love shimmer
DATE: Fri Nov 21 10:03:53 PST 1997
stopped 9.41
FROM: ôßô
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:57:33 PST 1997
very nice
FROM: crisp flax squeeks tall reeds
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:54:15 PST 1997
on a distant shore,miles from land,stood the ebony totem. in ebony sand.a dream in a mist of gray..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:50:12 PST 1997
Bye Cushca. Voltaic. You are so full of it. Where the hell do you put it all? Oh yeh. it = whatever disgusting foul substance you want to insert for the pronoun.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:47:03 PST 1997
..try to keep the crap alive,oh yea!..
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:41:18 PST 1997
... you can dance, you can jive...
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:41:13 PST 1997
... oh yeah...
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:40:37 PST 1997
...dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine...
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:40:31 PST 1997
.... only seventeen...
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:39:33 PST 1997
It's all gone a bit pear-shaped for me too.
See ya. Be good.
FROM: Satan--Voltaic's Aetheric Aspect--and his Second Confession
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:39:16 PST 1997
I should really be happy that while I rarely post as me anymore, the seeds of my discontent have spawned at least two (possibly more) wannabes who carry on my work of destruction even as I move on to other interests. The part of me that resists accepting the work of my minions is really twofold: 1) My ego. I have not yet reached the state of being to allow my ego to fade, and hence when I see my name used other than by me, I grow angry. I am working on that. 2) Their lack of talent. They are weak still; they have not acquired the necessary writing skills (Willybee has been working on some term paper or something for weeks--god help the T.A. who has to mark that paper will look like Zappa's Black Page....) and obsessive-compulsive fixations. The problem with my talent pool--the criminals of the world--is that they lack self-discipline. Ah well, I will now retreat into obscurity, working very hard at trying to allow my children their place on this silly board without interfering. Ciao, baby.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:39:02 PST 1997
Bye Sleepy. Thanks! I'll have a glass for you.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:38:29 PST 1997
Cool!!! the Mean fiddler is a great venue, I think. CW, book your flight and Go! Go ! Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:37:34 PST 1997
It must really be satan, because I cannot see his feet. When trying to interpret appartiions, one of the ways to tell if the apparition is true or satan in disguise is by looking at the feet. If the feet are not revealed, it is satan. I don't see any feet.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:37:32 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:37:29 PST 1997
I've got to go now. Have a fab weekend everyone. Have a great party CW! I'll be there in spirit. I'm not posting anything this weekend, so don't believe anyone posting as me! Bye all. xxx
FROM: ôßô
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:37:00 PST 1997
Abba rears their lovely heads again. That's a give away. Voltaic loves Abba. Clear enough for you? Any questions?
FROM: willybee
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:36:58 PST 1997
Well I'm off...not that anybodt cares.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:35:27 PST 1997
O.K....don't worry pos has been paper trained.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:35:05 PST 1997
Hey Sleepy. I shouldn't be talking to them should I? I want to stop, but I can't.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:34:37 PST 1997
... and when you get the chance...
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:34:37 PST 1997
... you are the dancing queen, young and sweet...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:33:12 PST 1997
My private security guard will be patrolling the area.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:32:38 PST 1997're in the mood for dance....
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:32:31 PST 1997
... where they play the right music, everything is fine..
FROM: ôßô
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:32:24 PST 1997
.diputs yrev s'eH .uoy saw I thguoht eh ,nataS
FROM: //:(†ê†):\\
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:32:07 PST 1997
FROM: pos
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:31:57 PST 1997
Sleepy at the HYATT..hmmmm it may be worth the trip.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:30:37 PST 1997
Friday night and the lights are low...
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:30:37 PST 1997
...looking out for a place to go...
FROM: Philosi-Volt
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:30:28 PST 1997
Chewing Wax, I see. Great. Is that like when you went celibate and became The Great Masturbator? That's what's wrong with the world today: we ignore the real issues and qualify, justify and rationalize the flushing of our souls down the toilet of mediocrity and decay.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:30:04 PST 1997
Got the e:mails CW. Thanks!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:29:08 PST 1997
Volts waggin rattle porche it!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:28:15 PST 1997
"Volts" made no sanctioned appearances yesterday, P[icking] O[ff] S[cabs]. You have rather poor taste for a scab eater.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:28:11 PST 1997
I can easily ignore you and post messages to you at the same time.
FROM: ê†
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:26:41 PST 1997
FROM: pos
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:26:29 PST 1997
Just an opinion but I liked Volts better yesterday.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:26:29 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:26:04 PST 1997
Chewing Wax: How's it going now that you are ignoring me by posting all of these messages telling me how much you are ignoring me?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:25:30 PST 1997
And to all those who care, thank you.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:25:00 PST 1997
re "poor, fat, paranoid, snot eating Voltaic. That might explain it." Sign of a careful reader. Good boy.
FROM: Allan Smithee
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:23:45 PST 1997
Don't Stop Fighting Yet! I haven't finished my research.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:22:58 PST 1997
No. That was really me. I misinterpreted one of your earlier postings, so you are right, it made little sense, or is it since?
FROM: Ru Paul, Pat Boone, Quentin Crisp, Rush Limbaugh
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:22:52 PST 1997
We Care, Chewing Wax!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:22:20 PST 1997
FROM: James Joyboy bee
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:22:07 PST 1997
poor, fat, paranoid, snot eating Voltaic. That might explain it.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:21:41 PST 1997
Is anyone else tired of the petty squabbling?
FROM: Boo Hoo Hooo, You're Too Tough For Me, Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:21:39 PST 1997
It that what going to the trouble of posting a message to me is: ignoring me? Quit that, Chewing Wax [I see you through the vent] you will go blind. Is that a picture of the Olson Twins on your wall? Gross.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:19:19 PST 1997
Hello, SLEEPY.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:19:18 PST 1997
I forgot you watched me through the heating vent. Hmmm. Oh well. I'm ignoring you right now.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:18:49 PST 1997
Don't they?
FROM: Commentator
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:18:38 PST 1997
"That Might Explain It" is not the real Chewing Wax. It's one of those vague references that only the Evil One -- who can't express himself clearly but has a psychopathetic affinity to James Joyce -- would write.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:18:32 PST 1997
Cushca and I care!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:18:01 PST 1997
I have been instructed by my master to say something nice. So, er, "Sleepy's is a top bird. And she makes nice tea as well."
Will that do???
FROM: Rattle Rattle - - who Rattles Who, one who ignores me not?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:16:47 PST 1997
Ah, we've disappointed the poor, fat, paranoid, snot eating Chewing Wax again! Chewing Wax's tombstone: "Nobody Cares." :(
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:16:41 PST 1997
How unfortunate.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:15:23 PST 1997
That might explain it. And Voltaic, I've admitted nothing. I could simply be throwing you off, confusing you, double backing on my tracks. You will never ever really know for sure.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:14:09 PST 1997
I've been here all along diklik.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:12:53 PST 1997
Since the electricity has failed twice here today, do you think that could be the reason for no e:mail? Did the words suddenly stop and run back home? MTS - Mean Fiddler Acoustic Room. Someone send me an e:mail please, just to see if it's working. Thanks.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:12:14 PST 1997
I knew you would burst out of the woodwork.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:11:55 PST 1997
If you are the real Voltaic, then I've overestimated you as well. In fact, based on that last idiotic posting, I think you are just Willybee trying to pretend to be the real Voltaic. I hope so because otherwise I am very disappointed.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:11:52 PST 1997
ä Or Paul Greco ä
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:11:17 PST 1997
Don't bother trying to figure out my "REAL NAME AND EMAIL" because it's an outdated email address, you Archivist fanatic you. You are more likely to have fun by sending mail to D. Metzger.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:10:25 PST 1997
i should be afraid, cushca? i doubt that. i'm delighted to be the recipient of such a nice addition to the tape! it's very kind of you to send it. so, how dominant is Master Sleepy? giggle. sleepy: still no email! heh heh.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:09:40 PST 1997
Hello my children!
FROM: Voltaic, who wishes Pungo were here and Chewing Wax were elsewhere
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:08:05 PST 1997
I gotta hand it to Willbedamned: He's actually inadvertantly gotten credit for postings he is totally incapable of creating. Christ, the guy can't even put spaces after his commas, and you think he's got what it takes to create the finely tuned. material I've given you for FREE? And the nameless one, the third and most evil of the triumvirus, remains completely anonmyous. Let me give you all a hint, I have posted numerous times with my REAL name. YUP: My REAL NAME AND EMAIL. To think that you would lump me in with angryman and anonymouse2 causes me to tear up and weep. It's like putting a hand-crank drill and bit in my brain and twisting it around really fast.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:07:11 PST 1997
I feel like no fan of Robyn's at all. I dunno any of these new songs. sob.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:05:06 PST 1997
Sleepy - What venuew is the Robster playing at in London. I'm already making a new false head!!!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:04:37 PST 1997
My merciful master Sleepy has allowed me to post a message. Actually, I'm somewhat reluctant to say anything seeing as it's all gone a bit fruitcakey. Nevertheless, I shall perservere.
Myk-my fine features will soon be winging their way to you. Be afraid, be very afraid.....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:04:20 PST 1997
Ages ago. Hmm. I'll try to resend it but it won't really be appropriate any more. Here's a clue Willybee. Don't try to painstakingly read the backwards postings. Get a mirror. It will save you hours of your valuable time.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:02:55 PST 1997
CW - no, when did you send it?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:01:24 PST 1997
Hey Sleepy. No. I was just saying that to bate him. It's endless fun. Did you get my e-mail?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 09:00:15 PST 1997
Hi Myk. How are you? I sent you an e:mail. The gig was really good. I posted some things about it earlier, so I won't bore anyone with it again. You and Oblivion is a fine, fine song. CW - he played The Lizard - quiet appropriate considering yesterday's postings, no? Was I wrong to have chatted (sensibly) with wb this morning?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:59:11 PST 1997
Ah, poor fat little baby.
FROM: Dennis Rodman
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:55:57 PST 1997
I Care, Chewing Wax!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:55:28 PST 1997
I now know you are not Satan. He's much smarter than you. I've shot out all sorts of things that have flown right over you miniscule head that he would have gotten instantly.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:54:32 PST 1997
I can tell.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:54:16 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:53:58 PST 1997
Oh no. I'm ignoring you now.
FROM: (†ê†)
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:53:44 PST 1997
(†ê†) Ós Ò¯ð sÂðÂÒ°°°°°°°°°°°
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:52:12 PST 1997
Hey Chewing Wax - I think for the most part you've not ignored me.
FROM: Satan's Personal Archivist
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:51:25 PST 1997
Has Anybody PDF'd these archives as per my request of a few evenings ago? I'd like to have them on hand for a special presentation to the Smithsonian in February. A word search capability is absolutely necessary.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:50:24 PST 1997
Hey Myk. Willybee - I think for the most part I've ignored you.
FROM: Unguent Puncture Salve
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:50:06 PST 1997
Ah, poor fat little baby.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:49:15 PST 1997
Nobody cares.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:49:03 PST 1997
sorry i'm late, folks.... endless meetings and craziness this morning. quite a bit of drama around here. sleepy: i skimmed the postings, but i didn't see how you liked the show last night! tell me!
FROM: !°!°!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:48:40 PST 1997
But you always try and finish it. You always attack second.
FROM: Spauly Hore
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:47:52 PST 1997
Note to Archive Archivist Who Spends Days and Nights Reading Every Silly Word: ü = F. Ö can be W or M. Have at it you silly cream corn fetishist.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:46:55 PST 1997
But you always start it. You always attack first.
FROM: Mohamatma freakin' Ghandi, Patchango!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:45:52 PST 1997
What the hell is my problem? Live in peace, my brother, and my problem disappears.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:44:45 PST 1997
Before, you said I was beautiful.
FROM: Chilly Cheese
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:43:51 PST 1997
Loosen up, you stuck up dorks.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:43:25 PST 1997
What the hell is your problem?
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:43:12 PST 1997
It's, like, Duh-fect
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:42:42 PST 1997
Hi Sleepy,..Don't encourage him..gotta go...have a good one..later.
FROM: The One and Only True and Original, Highest Quality Anonymous
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:42:13 PST 1997
Chewing Wax's effect on fruit is much like his effect on this board. Is it effect or affect, Grammar-Penis?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:41:29 PST 1997
Hey. Yes, it's started. It's Willybee/plain ole stupid. Time for another tie down in the state hospital.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:40:38 PST 1997
¢††) = Satan has a little dinky doo! Doilies? Pa-leeeeze!
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:40:09 PST 1997
Willy, the tiny insects are showing through..(and you know the rest)...take care..go to bed...
FROM: ôßô
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:39:58 PST 1997
.kaerf elttil gnikcuf uoy nwod uoy dewols tahT
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:38:53 PST 1997
Oh, hi and bye mooch. Sorry, got very busy for a moment. So, is this willybee or satan mucking about now? Rod Steward isn't even a contender any more....
FROM: ôßô
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:37:03 PST 1997
.uoy llik ot gnimoc er'ew dna evil uoy erehw wonk eW
FROM: äääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääääää†ê†
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:36:36 PST 1997
FROM: ääääääääääääääääää†ê†
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:36:12 PST 1997
FROM: ääää†ê†
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:36:00 PST 1997
FROM: ä†ê†
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:35:41 PST 1997
FROM: †ê†
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:35:28 PST 1997
FROM: ê†
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:35:20 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:34:42 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:32:56 PST 1997
well,I'm off to work...have a good weekend, too to you later ..Willybee,stop drinking'll go blind and wont be able to type...bye..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:26:01 PST 1997
Still snow on the ground, but it's melting today. It's in the forty's or something. Feels like Spring is here. Only four months away! Yes, our insane friend seems to have taken a real shine to Sleepy. And then she encourages him by talking to him this morning. She should know better.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:21:33 PST 1997
Hi Wax Myk?.hmmm..We're piling up the archives,no doilies today I the snow gone where you are?It's scarily warm here for nov.not even window scraping in the morning..Hi Sleepy, you seem to be the object of someones obsession..(yikes!)..oh I feel achey today I've picked up an "Apec" bug..damn pacific rim....later
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:11:07 PST 1997
Hey m - that's why I asked. No London gig on that list. Sleepy is an invaluable resource.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:09:40 PST 1997
Thanks. It's your archive now. Whatca going to do with it? We're crushing those idiots over in the Rod Stewart Lounge. Soon we'll over take them.
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:09:36 PST 1997
Hello all, are some Robyn gig dates off of the weasel:
Jazz Cafe
Concorde Club
Boat Race
Princess Charlotte
see you..later..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 21 08:02:12 PST 1997
The December show is on the 9th. It's not worth anyone coming over for though. The venue is the size of my kitchen (and that's very, very small indeed!)