FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Tue Nov 11 05:26:05 PST 1997
In keeping with my sullen, grey The-Sundays-Cancelled-last-Night attitude, can anyone tell me the point of the two new links at the House Of Figgy? Other than masturbating on the net, I mean.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Tue Nov 11 05:10:31 PST 1997
Chewing, if I can call you that, you are so right. I'm not gonna feel sad about it anymore. They've changed the date to 11 December so it's not like I'm never going to see them. I feel much more positive now. Bugger it, I've decided to go rash with the cash and buy a ticket for Robyn's Jazz Cafe gig next week. I wasn't going to go but then I heard Feels Like 1974 and I loved it!! It's not the same without Sleepy, is it? Oh, and I lost my hat last night too. Oh no, I'm slipping back into my depression....."I wear black on the outside cos black is how I feel on the inside."
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Nov 11 04:31:49 PST 1997
Gosh. That was a depressing string. MTS, you were so looking forward to The Sundays. Queenie, you get well soon please. Willybee, go stuff it and don't quit your day job. I'm off to work on location so I won't be around today either. Later-
FROM: Morrissy T. Smith
DATE: Tue Nov 11 04:25:26 PST 1997
Hello, everyone, I am with heavy heart today. I went to see the Sundays last night and they cancelled. I am forlorn.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Nov 11 02:57:49 PST 1997
Dear Chewing Wax, Myk et al
Just to let you know, Sleepy won't be around today. But, never fear, I reckon there will be a return to usual form tomorrow.
So now you know.
FROM: willybee
DATE: Tue Nov 11 02:11:07 PST 1997
Im off never to return,Satan won I just don't harbor the anger needed.Oh well,about the story I wrote that in about 10 minutes its rough but it has potential.Until we meet in hell.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Nov 11 00:11:52 PST 1997
I'm not supposed to fool around on the computer anymore. Doctors orders. I got into a car crash a few weeks ago and got really bad lateral whiplash. Anyway I'm not showing any improvement yet in my thrice-a-week visits to the chiropractor. So he says "No more typing!!" So I guess I won't be able to talk with you guys any more. But I'm still trying to figure out what that guy meant when he said "Is that you or is Freewilly wearing your jammies again?" Is that a fat joke?? I'm not THAT fat for chrissake. And even if I was, how would YOU know that? I don't know. I hope you enjoy saying more hurtful things about me in my absence that I can read later after I've recovered from my injury. It really makes you a big man.
Bye everybody.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 20:05:30 PST 1997
Boy that was funny.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 20:03:34 PST 1997
"ruth is stranger than richard"? i bet that's how Astro from the Jetsons would say if he tried to say "truth is stranger than fiction". just an observation.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 20:03:19 PST 1997
Willybee or won't he be.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 20:01:15 PST 1997
aw, damn, now don't i feel sheepish! i should have known better: there's no way you could have responded to my post in 9 seconds! hell, mavis beacon couldn't do it if she was loaded up on caffeine and pseudophedrine!
FROM: willybee
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:59:14 PST 1997
FROM: tiny
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:58:25 PST 1997
Ruth is stranger than Richard
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:54:06 PST 1997
Sorry Myk that wasnt meant for you.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:51:11 PST 1997
swans? cool. [insert meaningless remark 1 here]. we must have another chat soon. anyone should feel free to suggest an ideal time for this sort of thing. [insert meaningless remark 2 here]. i'm definitely figuring out the differences in anonymous posters! heh heh.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:33:47 PST 1997
Try the Swans,Soundtracks for the Blind.Good stuff!
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:29:45 PST 1997
You've provided nothing of interest on this page besides your meaningless little remarks.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:29:36 PST 1997
quit callin' me a stooge! heh heh. nice writing, but why is it always in my name? i'm no writer of provocative and lustful prose! i'd rather engage in that sort of behavior than write a book report about it! ah, no matter... at least it was lively, and not a bit dull, though that bit about the "ancestors" was a bit histrionic. i'm currently relaxing to lyle lovett's album "joshua judges ruth". any lyle fans here? speak up, don't be shy. wonderful talent coupled with wonderful audiophile-grade recording quality.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:28:04 PST 1997
I see them all lined up,like naked children at the wall/Their skin is hanging off in sheets,each face is painted like a whore/Their blood is shining in the sun, their wounds are covered with white salt/Their lips are shaping silent words,I see my name it spills out/I see them on their knees, led in chains by laughing girls/I see them sucking on the dirt,as if inhaling the whole world/and one by one their throats are cut/and each one sings his choking song, and each one sings his lullaby/and each one falls and then is gone,and I feel good and I feel fine/I finally got back what was always rightfully mine!
FROM: Myk's and CW's butt
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:26:55 PST 1997
That was so bad it was funny.
FROM: Last time
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:17:57 PST 1997
You really should do something about your anger!
FROM: willybee/?/me/faux Myk/anon.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 19:14:24 PST 1997
Congratulations Satan you beat me, I will go now and never return. But just one thing,you now spit out words that you once criticized the stooges for.I just hope Myk's and CW's butt doesn't get sore from all the kissing.
Goodbye forever and suffer a slow painful death!
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:55:40 PST 1997
Don't need to hyphenate proof-read, midge. Proofread's fine. 'Kay?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:54:51 PST 1997
Mik: That was so bad it was funny. Haven't laughed that much since you misspelled "don't".
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:51:17 PST 1997
Myk, glad you saw the Tara prompt. So sad about Willybeen. He tries to be me, but cares too much. I think I've let him down by reining back on my p--s & vinegar side. We all have lots of different moods, Midgey. And Queenie, is that you or is Freewilly wearin' your jammies again? Do you paint, WB, with your ----? Take your ---- scribblings to a shrink (just photos, please); it might give rise to some poetry or primal truths.
FROM: Myke Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:25:36 PST 1997
On the story below I should proof-read things first.heh..heh
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:15:24 PST 1997
Bye y'all.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:15:00 PST 1997
If anyone else wants it let me know.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:14:16 PST 1997
To Chewing Wax...I just this minute sent that picture to you. I wish it was a big poster that I could frame and hang on my wall. It is just the neatest photo I've ever seen.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:13:45 PST 1997
Myk's gone nuts!!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:13:11 PST 1997
Sheesh...You nighttime fellas are pretty rough!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:12:24 PST 1997
What the hell is going on HERE??
FROM: Mik Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:09:16 PST 1997
Forgot to sign that last posting..heh.heh
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:07:47 PST 1997
Reaching over I gently caress her cheek, rubbing it softly she smiles and giggles. I know that she enjoys this, it makes me happy to see her so content. Pushing my lips against hers she pulls back but only for a second, quickly she replaces them. They're cold at first warming up only after prolonged contact with me. I feel myself wanting more of her, to be closer.Moving down her neck I start sucking her just below her chin.The first beads of sweat appear and her moans fill the room with whispers of pleasure. She is now topless her erect nipples being manipulated with the tip of my tongue. Her chest heaving in and out with every deepening breath.We are both naked, pure fleshed pressed up against one another.I am now penetrating her, as my ancestors did to their women, she's enjoying it now more than ever.With every thrust I find my self compelled to go deeper and deeper to become more of a part of her. I am now fu*king her harder and faster than ever before her pleasure is becoming less and less imprtant to me.The more I fu*k her the more I want to fu*k her.I feel the need to own her, to dominate her. I no longer a different person but a part of her, every pasisng moment I become a larger part of her. I am now inside of her growing like a cancer, eating her from the inside.She is dwindling soon there will be more of me than her.The more I consume her the more I am complete.Ther is very little left of her I have become her,soon I will die myself.Theres nothing left of her to sustain me.I am dead now I know this because the desire to destroy someone else isnno longer prevalent in me.Into the universe I sink as I always have. I am as I you are we are all the same.
FROM: willybee
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:07:00 PST 1997
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 18:06:35 PST 1997
for the record, i just enjoyed listening to "Avalon". way groovy. thanks for the "tara" reminder, volts... i'm listening to it now.
FROM: Midget Mind
DATE: Mon Nov 10 17:49:19 PST 1997
be loved. get elitism to work.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 17:39:38 PST 1997
heh heh.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 17:38:31 PST 1997
for the last time, there is no elitism here, and there is no leader! that having been said, get to work GODDAMMIT
FROM: Satan
DATE: Mon Nov 10 16:13:58 PST 1997
Willybee, my chickadee: That WAS you then -- I recognized your constant obsession with the a--. Tell you what: you can eat mine. I am SO sorry you feel so Robyn challenged. If there is one thing the stooges aren't it's elitist; and I don't feel that I am elitist either. a-- kissing? I'm not the one bowing to others' supposed leadership here. I kicked my little feet for weeks to a--ert my independence. But I do wish you would feel more comfortable with yourself. You can always get more albums; but you can't always be loved.
FROM: wb
DATE: Mon Nov 10 15:10:30 PST 1997
On a general note I dont mind any of you.Goodnight
FROM: willybee
DATE: Mon Nov 10 15:07:36 PST 1997
P.S. You had so much more dignity when you weren't a*skissing!
FROM: willybee
DATE: Mon Nov 10 15:04:32 PST 1997
Satan I was one of many who posted as anon. last week. I was not the one you were referring to, besides that was nowhere near brilliant it was lame.As far as doubting me being a Robyn Hitchc--k fan your wrong,dead wrong. Just because I dont know every stinking little album and whisper"dont forget I'm not a groupy".
DATE: Mon Nov 10 13:12:28 PST 1997
Thank you m. Ollie passed away, right? That's what I heard.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 13:10:29 PST 1997
Thank you m. Ollie passed away, right? That's what I heard.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 13:05:28 PST 1997
I have one last couple of URLs If you dont think it's appropriate on Robyns' board, I apologize.but the talk of Ollie Halsall,and his great contribution to music, I had to post Ollies page and the Rutles home page: ..and.. .. really am going now..bye
DATE: Mon Nov 10 13:02:06 PST 1997
UCPT? Wouldn't that be UPT?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:56:39 PST 1997
No, you couldn't be, RH never put out Avalon...
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:56:00 PST 1997
Willybee: I will leave this once and for all if you clarify: you mean you were the brilliant fake anon last week who actually had me frightended? The malevolent one; the one I called Midget Mind?
FROM: willybee
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:54:26 PST 1997
I'm off I have a life to live, dont own Avalon perhaps my next RH purchase. Goodbye all even to you CW and Satan. xoxoxo
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:53:53 PST 1997
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:50:23 PST 1997
an aggressive approach, willybee. thanks for the travolta clarification, wb... not that there's anything wrong with it! heh heh. i like that instrumental that closed Avalon. can't recall the name...
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:47:52 PST 1997
I Often Dream of Trains-Nocturne-SIWIWAPG-Cathedral-UCPT-SGWYD-FON.......
FROM: willybee
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:45:12 PST 1997
Yes I do enjoy Robyn Hitchc--k's music.I do enjoy learning about him, I just dont care who seen his penis and how many times.I am not a groupy.I was the poster last week CW and V talking nicely never would have been achieved without it.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:42:41 PST 1997
Myk & CW, really didn't mean for that post to you about Roxy to sound so cranky. When I mean to sound cranky, you'll know.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:41:48 PST 1997
Ask "the other anon" the running order of something like, oh, Avalon or Eye.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:39:44 PST 1997
I also noted last week that Robyn did "The Main Thing" from Avalon too. But nobody responded to that post. It's got yet another Roxy inside of IT, from Flesh & Blood.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:37:48 PST 1997
CW: Yes I think the one who's been posting as me, having me say things to each of you as someone else, has never actually given you any Robyn info about him/her self. I on the other hand have...such as earlier today. The thing is, he just admitted to being the same poster as earlier, which makes me think he's not the good, really mean anon who posted last week. Today, fake-anon has been very weak.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:37:39 PST 1997
so much anonymity, so little time! well, voltboy is a RM fan, so he's ok in my book, in an "overly-prolific, occasionally abusive" sort of way. oh, just teasin' dr. satanjeaves! i noticed that "more than this" is on that U.S. release "greatest hits" RH cd i keep seeing. in general, it's a waste of cash, because it doesn't dig very deep into robyn's catalog. (did they need to put 5 songs from "perspex" onto the cd? c'mon, i have that one.)
FROM: willybee
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:31:03 PST 1997
Boy there is a fight brewing.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:29:55 PST 1997
Come on you guys. Just me and a whole bunch of anons? That's not fair. Voltaic, you think there is a non Robyn fan anon?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:28:16 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:28:09 PST 1997
Oh, that would be telling.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:27:56 PST 1997
We're all laughing.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:26:38 PST 1997
Ssame anon who posted earlier today? Just curious
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:25:23 PST 1997
What's great about this is, even though somebody posts as me (perhaps as punishment for my doing that kind of thing on occasion) you guys for the most part can tell the difference between the real me and the fake, non-Robyn fan me. It's so funny.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:24:36 PST 1997
I suspect CW is in on it to.
FROM: jetbread
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:24:18 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:23:35 PST 1997
jetbread, how's the Joan Jett board?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:22:58 PST 1997
bite me?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:22:00 PST 1997
CW: Ho! Not TODAY? TODYA?! What about other days, my chewy waxy friend. That is a bomb if there ever wuz one! I would really be happy to know you've been in on our little ANON fun. Please say you have if you have.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:21:57 PST 1997
That's always been up to you. I'm easy to get along with.
FROM: jetbread
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:21:49 PST 1997
whew, I was worried for a second
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:21:34 PST 1997
bite me
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:20:59 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:20:37 PST 1997
CW: We cool?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:20:30 PST 1997
You have Waaaaay too much time on your hands. All I know is it's not me. Not today anyhow.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:20:00 PST 1997
jetbread? no.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:19:43 PST 1997
"from the thirties(no delta blues fans here huh?" ... you should close that paranthesis.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:19:13 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:17:13 PST 1997
Myk, "another anonymous poster" is the same anonymous poster who is the real anonymous poster (snicker.) I have great taste, don't I. And I am freakin' humble as apple pie. once again, slowly with feeling (smicker.): anon=satan=voltaic=dr.redjeaves=squelchy=jackpallance=_________=pungo'sfriend=chewingwax'senemy(Iguess)...onewhoisperceivedasathreat=areweclearyet?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:16:24 PST 1997
Some of those lyrics are from the thirties(no delta blues fans here huh?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:14:28 PST 1997
I'm really dissapointed in you all, the anon was not r0b it should be real easy to figure out. pseudo-anon., ?, me,faux Myk,me are all the same person and I am not having a bad day.I just do my best work at night!
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:11:29 PST 1997
No no. You said Avalon, and I said, "So much music I have to buy". I am going to take your advise. Your knowledge of music is much more extensive then mine. I actually trust your opinions.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:07:39 PST 1997
Woke up this morning went out on the street -- sniffed a few flowers then I went back to sleep -- My head was cloudy but the sky was blue -- and I didn't feel lonely till I thought of you.... Later that evening I knocked on your door -- asked how you feelin'? You said you weren't sure -- Took off your costume and you lay on the bed and I came down beside you with the moon in my head. Solo by Ollie Hassel (Sp?) who, I believe, played lead in the Ruttles.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:04:22 PST 1997
CW: Myk tells you "Avalon" and you jump. I told you avalon earlier, remember?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:01:54 PST 1997
heh..hehheh,..see you all tomorrow..
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:01:50 PST 1997
Kevin Ayers! Now I know I love you, m. My favorite guitar solo of all time is on "Didn't Feel Lonely Til I Thought of You," on The Confessions of Dr. Dream. I actually have performed that song in bands (along with Meat and World Shut Your Mouth).
DATE: Mon Nov 10 12:00:13 PST 1997
I have a whole folder of bookmarks named mooch
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:58:43 PST 1997
Hey Queenie - did you get my e-mail?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:57:18 PST 1997
Myk,..I'm trying my new "web Weasel".. I built a search engine of monsterous girth!!it will root out decade long dead links..heh..heh.. thats it for todays links..tho'...
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:50:30 PST 1997
Stop stop, you're making me feel old.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:48:09 PST 1997
Hey Myk, that would make us the same age.
In 1982, when I was 10, Barbra Streisand was my big love. Funny Girl. Ahh....
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:48:04 PST 1997
mooch is full of URLs to peruse today! my productivity drops as we speak...
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:44:49 PST 1997
soft machine..whole world.. worth checking: .. frames!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:44:02 PST 1997
I'm still recovering from that so called football game yesterday. I suppose I'm not myself.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:41:08 PST 1997
m- haven't heard of him.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:37:30 PST 1997
Are any of you familiar with Kevin Ayers?(shooting at the moon)Britsh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:34:52 PST 1997
Hey Myk. Avalon eh? I still haven't purchased Underwater Moonlight.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:33:14 PST 1997
What do you mean? Am I being too quiet?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:32:09 PST 1997
another anonymous poster, but this one does a great Bryan Ferry. ah, what a fine album. it almost made 1982 an acceptable year, in retrospect. i was 10 at the time, so i don't feel personally responsible for the goofiness of the fashion and music of that time.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:27:32 PST 1997
Chewing Wax: you aren't yourself today are you? Somebody's been using your name.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:23:18 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:22:47 PST 1997
One more thing: Prized Robynalia: Signed litho from Rhino (we went over that last week...); Original promo pack from Twintone for Eye with a photo of Robyn holding a (angelpose?) lamp.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:16:21 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:16:14 PST 1997
oop, that's "Robyn Related," thank you.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:15:21 PST 1997
Computer related: been a fan since 1985. First album bought of RH: Fegmania. Second: IODOT. First show seen: Element of Light tour; Berkeley, CA, 1986(7?). Opening act: Fresh Young Fellows, who did a Soft Boys Medley. Have the Gotta Let This Hen Out vid. Have lots of 45 rpm 12" singles, like "Falling Leaves," "Brenda's Iron Sledge," etc., which is the only pre-cd way we could get those bonus tracks way back when. Favorite albums: Element; Mossy Liquor; Trains; Respect.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:11:28 PST 1997
Like catnip only for computers.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:09:06 PST 1997
what is computer nip?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:05:00 PST 1997
I'm really on this computer far too long today,..but I'm so glad to have it back,I'm going out to get it some computer nip....later
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:01:51 PST 1997
oh..I thought you were mrs.ResinBags, mistake, but please tell us all about your a Relative to Robyn Hitchc--k way..are you alright now?..
DATE: Mon Nov 10 11:01:15 PST 1997
CW: you're right, I am not Resin Bags, and I am not mailing resumes either, snicker.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:57:11 PST 1997
CW: Now now. That's a secret. If I told you I'd have to, well, never mind....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:56:22 PST 1997
What was in your special sauce again?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:55:40 PST 1997
no more banter from pseudo-anon who's actually a "regular" poster "so don't worry Myk" (whatever he has to do with it...)?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:55:11 PST 1997
m - that isn't Resin Bags.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:54:12 PST 1997
CW: My first job was at All-American Burgers. It's where I learned all of my people skills.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:53:18 PST 1997
m: their is more hear then meats the I
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:52:35 PST 1997
Not rOb's lyrics? Oh. I'm disappointed. So much music I really have to buy. I caught the Fast Times at Ridgemont High reference though.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:52:12 PST 1997
Bulletin: The anon. me knows that the anon. imposter of today is sub-par compared to the one who'd been posting over the weekend and late last week. It's an imposter of the imposter; or the original imposter is having a really bad day.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:52:03 PST 1997
please calm down,..write us a nice're very imaginative,and you write very well when you aren't nasty..c'mon try it.while you do that, here is anouther URL an interview in which Robyn proves his feet have no roots.. ..(please fix Robyns' last name in the url)..later
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:48:30 PST 1997
CW: roxy music. avalon. buy it; know it; live it
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:47:55 PST 1997
doh! punctuation
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:47:54 PST 1997
You can't get in trouble with me. I'm always wrong but I think this is rOb posting his lyrics.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:47:29 PST 1997
rhetorical question or another puncuation error(?)
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:47:14 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:46:41 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:44:41 PST 1997
annoying little pest aren't you
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:43:55 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:43:20 PST 1997
Just so I dont get you in trouble Myk, CW I am a regular poster and not another V personality.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:42:39 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:41:52 PST 1997
oh shut up?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:41:32 PST 1997
oh shut up.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:41:24 PST 1997
(it's 'til)
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:41:06 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:40:52 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:40:51 PST 1997
Till later days Satan!
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:40:07 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:39:44 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:39:13 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:38:36 PST 1997
now i'm leaving with my arms folded up and crying/ i'm gonna beat my woman 'till i gat satisfied
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:38:06 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:37:13 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:37:00 PST 1997
There are complications and compensations If you know the game / Agitated in Xenon nightly I'll take you home again
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:35:27 PST 1997
I could leave you as you were if I wanted to / Then I wonder is it fair / Now you're on your own / Who cares about you / Except me, God help me / when things go wrong
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:34:43 PST 1997
well enough of thi chit-chat I have resume's to send away
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:33:58 PST 1997
As they say, two can play / but keep that song away from me / In my time too much love / has made me sad for so long
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:33:15 PST 1997
You run through here with your words of sand / I can nearly understand The Main Thing
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:32:58 PST 1997
you may bury my body down by the highwayside/ so my old evil spirit can take a greyhound bus and ride
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:32:22 PST 1997
Where's it all leading / Walk on air / am I still dreaming / Words to spare / Lost in their meaning / I'd better be strong now / I'd better stop dreaming / My heart has flown away now / Will it never stop bleeding?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:30:46 PST 1997
Now the party's over / I'm so tired / then I see you coming / out of nowhere / Much communication in a motion / Without conversation or a notion
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:30:41 PST 1997
OK, forget it. Let me know if you want it later.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:30:02 PST 1997
Mother I've tried please believe me/ I'm doing the best that I can/ I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through/ I'm ashamed of the person Iam..
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:29:39 PST 1997
The way I see it / this relationship ain't right / The space between us / better close up tonight
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:28:18 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:28:14 PST 1997
It was fun for awhile / There was no way of knowing / Like a dream in the night / Who can say where we're going / No care in the world / Maybe I'm learning / Why the sea on the tide / Has no way of turning / More than this / There is nothing
FROM: QUeenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:27:22 PST 1997
You know mine already.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:27:05 PST 1997
Send an email to me and I will reply. No need to post it here.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:26:37 PST 1997
Yes CW tell us your address!!!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:25:48 PST 1997
I'm waiting around here so you can tell me so I can send you this photo.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:25:22 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:25:19 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:25:01 PST 1997
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:24:31 PST 1997
No Myk that was not Ex-V, it was I the many fces of me.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:24:30 PST 1997
Nothing? Not even a whimper?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:24:19 PST 1997
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:24:09 PST 1997
YOu crunchy little superman, you.
FROM: QUeenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:23:41 PST 1997
Hey CW. What's your email??
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:23:17 PST 1997
You daytime posters are a wild bunch,yes
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:22:34 PST 1997
thats sweet!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:21:19 PST 1997
One more bit of useless information before I go. On me and my husband's wedding invitation it said "Somewhere in the autumn sky, cross my heart and swear to die, I chose you." Isn't that sweet.
FROM: queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:19:37 PST 1997
Oh, OK. It's from that Rolling stone cover...I scanned it and erased all the words that were over top. Did a damn fine job. I made it so my husband could use it as his windows wallpaper.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:18:33 PST 1997
Don't know password. Must have picture.
FROM: queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:18:14 PST 1997
Bye y'all
FROM: queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:18:01 PST 1997
Email me and I'll email it back!!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:17:12 PST 1997
Not to belabor this non robyn-related stuff, but if anyone knows the answer to what is Mulder's password, please let me know. And also let me know if anyone wants an AMAZING picture of GIllian Anderson that I have. Shoulda been David Byrne or somebody!!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:16:19 PST 1997
That was a good idea. That smoking guy is bad. Didn't you see the episode that showed that he was the one who really killed Kennedy and Martin Luther King? But what made him really evil, he wouldn't allow The Bills to win the Superbowl.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:14:48 PST 1997
no... wait... i think that's robyn.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:14:27 PST 1997
yeah, there's no way he's out of the show. notice it was skinner who gave mullder the info on the death... can skinner be trusted? as for jacob, i don't know who he is either, queenie. i loved those pages that mooch told us about. by the way, sleepy is the one in the photos playing the guitar, i think.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:12:12 PST 1997
Did an internet search on the name Jacob Lurch and was pointed to this interview with RH: in which he states that Jacob Lurch is from the future. That's helpful I guess...
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:07:42 PST 1997
CW-Maybe it's an old friend or something
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:05:53 PST 1997
I think the smoking man will show up again..he has a contract.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:05:03 PST 1997
From Wax Doll. I asked that before and nobody knew, not even our favorite British corrspondant.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:04:52 PST 1997
I've been trying to find out forever.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 10:04:18 PST 1997
Since they didn't find a body, I bet they take it to some lab and have him cloned or something. I mean, SOMEONE'S gonna get cloned. They kept eluding to it all night, and I think Skinner knows about it. And is he a good guy or a bad guy??
OK, for the big X-files fan, What is agent Mulder's FBI computer password??
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:59:43 PST 1997
I'm back. Nothing ever on the first try. That's amazing. Hey Queenie - I saw X Files. Never miss it. Is the smoking man really dead. I don't think so. I'm going to check out those pictures and try to guess who Sleepy is.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:57:12 PST 1997
Talkin to meself...Who's Jacob Lurch?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:56:01 PST 1997
this is the link I meant to send..the boat cruise..
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:55:46 PST 1997
no, the URLs are just fine, mooch, but one has to rewrite robyn's last name on one of them. yes, the censor will happily censor a URL if given half a chance. see ya later sleepy.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:54:25 PST 1997
Mooch - the cough is slowly improving. Thanks! Bye.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:53:59 PST 1997
If he treats you horribly he's probably a scorpio. Were truer words ever spoken????
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:53:36 PST 1997
I've got to go now. Bye all. I can see me in the bus shot. Hee, hee. Until tomorrow....
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:53:17 PST 1997
The Devil's Coachman was the first RH song I ever loved...
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:50:15 PST 1997
HI Sleepy! hows the cough/ cold?(did the codeine work?)still you came to work,what a trooper..heh.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:49:56 PST 1997
Ahhh....I put in Queen Elvis & all is right with the world...
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:46:37 PST 1997
Hey MYK!,..ER THE URLS are bogus something screwed up with the post..I'll sort it out
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:45:19 PST 1997
Oops...Not Robyn related. Hmmm...That David Duchovny really turns me on like light. Wow. One Long Pair of Eyes. What a great song!!
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:44:56 PST 1997
I did. new uses for computer chips...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:43:51 PST 1997
greetings to queenie and mooch! thanks for the URLs, mooch, i'll give them a look in a sec. if that was ex-V asking "how's life" to me, i respond "it's bitchin' camaro, volt, et tu?"
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:43:48 PST 1997
Hi mooch, hi queenie! Mooch - I was very very close to being in the first boat shot. Phew! In the second picture of Robyn and Jake, there was a little black centipede near Robyn's foot. I watched it's tireless journey throughout the station set. Someone almost trod on it later, but it was obviously having a lucky day!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:43:21 PST 1997
Did anyone see X-files last night?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:42:51 PST 1997
hi Wax and Queenie!and all..How is it ?Anything new on the Robyn front??I am loving this new cd-rom they put in under warranty..I'm playing Can of bees right now as the sun floods the kitchen..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:36:10 PST 1997
I've been away so none of this my doing. I've got to unplug my computer now, move it to a new office and plug it back in to test the network. Wow!. Hey mooch.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:32:39 PST 1997
hey..something is wrong!! I've been edited!! that was only part of what I posted/ it makes no/very little sense..strange...
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:32:33 PST 1997
Hey kids!!
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:31:28 PST 1997
What you do want.
FROM: Apres Ferry
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:30:26 PST 1997
And the Wind Whispers, "Mary..."
FROM: Caroline Says
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:28:05 PST 1997
It could be lethal but it's fun . . . Your paranoia makes her smile
FROM: mooch
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:24:56 PST 1997
lets see..push in this plug...and..hey,..hello!..I have lift-off!'s up!...sun's out!..MOST files intact!..(got the email Myk,thanks.)a new cd rom!..everything working!!!..a bit o' Robyn Anyone?.. are you in any of the photos??)...later..
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:16:57 PST 1997
So Myk hows life?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:15:59 PST 1997
? is dead! spectacular accident involveng a bicycle a skateboard and some muffins.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:13:21 PST 1997
i'm here, sleepy, though a bit busy. where's mr wax?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:11:28 PST 1997
Satan, anon was a real poster at one time.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:10:09 PST 1997
Its lunch, for the working
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 09:07:10 PST 1997
Where is everyone?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:57:35 PST 1997
Me? What have I done?!
FROM: A Message Of Love
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:56:56 PST 1997
I'll trace my finger up your spine, Your hips, your lips, they will be mine. Your eyes can see inside my soul, They flame and spark and burn like coal. Your skin it feels as soft as silk, I'll drink you like a glass of milk. Until I'm full and cannot run, Away from you, my only one.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:55:43 PST 1997
Satan! shoulda' figured and here I suspected Sleepy. Sorry Sleepy.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:52:11 PST 1997
Another thing: I posted a single time since Friday, a Confession. That's it. Anon, Voltaic and Satan have been very busy. Have a nice day, and ?, you didn't teach me anything I didn't already know, but if you feel like Saint George today, go ahead and feel good. It's contagious.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:50:10 PST 1997
One simple, "What do you want?" from me started all that other stuff, kids. Talk about rattling a cage.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:38:29 PST 1997
Surely the Scorpio moon must have hovered as you were extruded from your mothers womb or perhaps it was the ultimate cosmic orgasm that shot you here. Lucky us, as cosmic dust you could have been sucked up into the orbit of a passing gallactic bird and deposited deeper into the good, dark night.
As a longtime fan, age peer & very recent onliner - I enjoyed your "word from Robyn" segment, which reminded me much of a series of great hallucinations I encountered circa 1969. We have eerily similar cinematic leanings in both word & vision & my own stream-of-consciousness cinematic ventures have attained somewhat of a cult following amongst the aged & disenfranchised who rose up among the thorny spikes of the true one & only counterculture. I continue despite only having only a single engorged brain cell that I claim, jokingly, remains remarkably functional.
Naturally, I suspect a kindly a--istant paid by your recording exec kahunas actually tend to this site, but nevertheless it amuses me to think that the long ghostly arm of the new cyber-deity could, in fact and reality, deliver this message to you.
Best regards from the once & forever New Emerald City - Vesta460
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:38:05 PST 1997
Surely the Scorpio moon must have hovered as you were extruded from your mothers womb or perhaps it was the ultimate cosmic orgasm that shot you here. Lucky us, as cosmic dust you could have been sucked up into the orbit of a passing gallactic bird and deposited deeper into the good, dark night.
As a longtime fan, age peer & very recent onliner - I enjoyed your "word from Robyn" segment, which reminded me much of a series of great hallucinations I encountered circa 1969. We have eerily similar cinematic leanings in both word & vision & my own stream-of-consciousness cinematic ventures have attained somewhat of a cult following amongst the aged & disenfranchised who rose up among the thorny spikes of the true one & only counterculture. I continue despite only having only a single engorged brain cell that I claim, jokingly, remains remarkably functional.
Naturally, I suspect a kindly a--istant paid by your recording exec kahunas actually tend to this site, but nevertheless it amuses me to think that the long ghostly arm of the new cyber-deity could, in fact and reality, deliver this message to you.
Best regards from the once & forever New Emerald City - Vesta460
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:30:48 PST 1997
i enjoyed that webpage mentioned below. now everything is so much clearer. throwing in the pic of the captain was a nice touch.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:28:50 PST 1997
Myk - done. Anon - hope you feel better.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:27:25 PST 1997
check yer email, sleepy!
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:26:57 PST 1997
Well I must be off, Im sure all of you will be HAPPY to know that. Before I leave I will give you an address, not just any ordinary address. An address that will answer all your deepest question" WHY AM I HERE ". So with out further I do hope you will visit and be enlightened as I was.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:26:20 PST 1997
It was supposed to be tonight. But that's OK, 'cos I'm still sick as well. Self, self, self. Hee, hee.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:24:12 PST 1997
tim is sick? that's a bummer. what night was the show?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:19:30 PST 1997
i don't know, sleepy, but i would prescribe some Prozac/V8 c--ktails to alleviate this gloom.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:11:40 PST 1997
I've got generations of Irishmen and G.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:11:19 PST 1997
Who's sending these unhappy postings?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:09:30 PST 1997
Damn. The Homer gig is off. Tim's sick.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:08:46 PST 1997
it's a challenge. That's for sure.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:07:14 PST 1997
yeah, mr wax, i got it.. gimme a second, i'm in the weeds at work.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:06:05 PST 1997
The world is a vile place, everyday I struggle to survive to keep myself going. I dont believe its worth it at times
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:05:13 PST 1997
I think it went through. You get everything working perfectly, and then somone has to change it and screw everything up.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:04:15 PST 1997
Wuh? Who's doing this?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:03:36 PST 1997
can I a--ume you're not getting what you want? I hope you do.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:02:50 PST 1997
Sleepy go undercover?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:02:38 PST 1997
Don't say where I work.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:02:00 PST 1997
What do I want? I want to feel the sun against my face, I want to fell the wet grass beneath my feet, I want to feel the soft, gentle touch of the woman I love against my skin. I just want to be content. Thats what I want!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:01:44 PST 1997
I'm having a miserable time with my mail server. I'm trying.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:00:33 PST 1997
ok ok, email me and i'll give you her email... yeah, that'll work.
DATE: Mon Nov 10 08:00:10 PST 1997
who are you talking to?
DATE: Mon Nov 10 07:55:54 PST 1997
what do you want?