DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:40:06 PST 1997
I have never seen a man abuse his reflection.
FROM: Kwee Knee
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:37:32 PST 1997
I lost my reputation long ago...along with my mind, my youthful idealism...What is it Tom Waits says? "I've lost my equilibrium, my car keys and my pride..."
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:36:17 PST 1997
Golly, is that a clue or is your nipple showing?
FROM: Mork Mindy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:35:25 PST 1997
Queenie, really, you are too nice to be here right now. The bouncer will show you out the back door so as to save your reputation.
FROM: The Real Satan Billywee..oops
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:35:15 PST 1997
Let's clean up our free. pathetic nice tired public toilet. sucking today.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:35:00 PST 1997
I'm not quite sure what's going on here...
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:34:32 PST 1997
Wow, yeah...I'm laughing my butt off.
FROM: Sure Real
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:34:12 PST 1997
Had a brain f--t, genius?
FROM: Myk Murphey
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:33:59 PST 1997
Hey Queenie. You have to show up earlier to get the friendly people. This crazy coot just takes over and insults everyone. Pretty funny huh? heh heh.
FROM: Sir Real
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:32:20 PST 1997
I am waiting for the living brain donor to rework it, girl
FROM: Miss Demeanor
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:32:10 PST 1997
Advice well taken, Sir Real.
FROM: Sir Real
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:31:34 PST 1997
But really, L., why doesn't everything you read become a sexual overture?
FROM: Volcanic stat
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:31:15 PST 1997
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:30:53 PST 1997
random re-work to follow. go ahead, midget mind
FROM: Sir Real
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:30:18 PST 1997
Queenie, back away from your computer. Dadaists with pistols are firing at the audience.
FROM: a slavonic tat
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:29:43 PST 1997
You certainly aren't a shy girl are you? man.
FROM: a calvic toast
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:27:43 PST 1997
It's a one man beautiful queen show, now girls.
FROM: a valiant scot
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:26:09 PST 1997
fer crying out loud.
FROM: a vatican slot
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:25:15 PST 1997
How is dear Derwood?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:23:04 PST 1997
Boy I tell ya, I was on here last night but the people were kinda mean.Somebody said something snotty about the "morning" people and I said, "Hey, at least their freindly" fer crying out loud.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:22:52 PST 1997
It's a one man show, now girls.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:21:35 PST 1997
I love that crazy pick.
FROM: _______
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:20:04 PST 1997
Now now everybody. There is a beautiful queen present. Let's clean up our acts lest we scare her away.
FROM: The Real Satan
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:18:14 PST 1997
Hi Queenie. Very very cool pick. Larger than life!
FROM: Hairy a--
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:17:33 PST 1997
baby come back give me fever cauterize this passion with a bag of crisps.
FROM: Nasta Cav Toil
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:16:19 PST 1997
How is dear Derwood?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:14:54 PST 1997
And what is this fetish about wiping -----? Does this turn you on?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:11:25 PST 1997
Whatever do you mean, S?? There's no naked pictures or anything on my site.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:10:27 PST 1997
Hey my husband was on TV this mornin! WOW!
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:10:22 PST 1997
Queenie! I love your web site. You certainly aren't a shy girl are you?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:08:25 PST 1997
You are evil today. And I've told you a thousand times not to use my name to post your messages.
FROM: Tanas Toil Cav
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:08:25 PST 1997
wiping a--es you scat queen
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:07:17 PST 1997
Hi everybody!!
FROM: The Real Satan pathetic chimp.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:05:49 PST 1997
If I go down just thinking I am not getting pathetic you probably wipe a--es for probably wipe a--es for free. pathetic nice tired public toilet. sucking today.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 12:05:23 PST 1997
And what would I be thinking about to get wet panties ?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:59:37 PST 1997
No, I'm not wet at all. Please tell me what you meant by "meaningful bitch" You are evil today.
FROM: Ah, *ohio
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:58:15 PST 1997
I'm getting japanese again just thinking about it.Pitiful really.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:57:47 PST 1997
If I go down I'm taking you with me, you pathetic chimp.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:56:31 PST 1997
So what is your definition for a "meaningful bitch". And I am not getting wet. You're not being very nice today.
FROM: old tired"pap"
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:53:38 PST 1997
oh good, i'm so happy to provide the entertainment here this evening, for my
next trick i will gnaw at Satans japanese ankle.....
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:52:35 PST 1997
very sad indeed. Pitiful really.
FROM: Cav Toil Tanas
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:50:04 PST 1997
Ah, * is back and up to his old tired tricks.
FROM: "parp"
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:48:44 PST 1997
ohio means good morning in japanese, but i don't think I spelled it right...
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:48:07 PST 1997
I'm getting wet again just thinking about it.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:46:39 PST 1997
and a big "parp", to you too kari!!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:45:58 PST 1997
Actually, you probably wipe a--es for free.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:45:47 PST 1997
I want to know who called me a "meaningful bitch". It does not amuse me. And if it's you, you have some explaining to do.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:43:35 PST 1997
you sad chimp.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:42:55 PST 1997
that wasn't me!!!!
FROM: Real Sat Flesh
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:39:55 PST 1997
I am so flattered that this person my
identity public toilet. sucking you in with my sickening bosom for a
dime?my little suicide sucking trog?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:27:25 PST 1997
i would absolutely love to hear "the main thing", and i would have no pitchfork to hold me up. robyn's love for Roxy Music is well-known and obvious, but i would love to hear a RM cover.
FROM: The Real Satan
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:26:57 PST 1997
The angryman. What do you do for a living, my little trog? Wipe a--es in the public toilets for a dime?
FROM: Satan
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:25:40 PST 1997
I am so flattered that this person has gone to such trouble. Cudos, he's absolutely taken over my identity. Funny. Have you finished composing your suicide note yet?
FROM: pleasant demeano
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:25:26 PST 1997
am I sucking you in with my sickening bosom of water?
FROM: Satan
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:24:11 PST 1997
You see? I try. I try so hard to get a nice intelligent, relevent discussion of Robyn's music and someone posts in my guise. Probably Mr. Wax as usual.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:21:35 PST 1997
Or perhaps I should bring back the original _______? An oldy but a goody so to speak.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:20:33 PST 1997
Have any of you heard Robyn's rendition of "The Main Thing" -- the Roxy Music/Avalon gem? When I first began to listen to it, I thought it was a new tune. And then the lyrics started and I about fell over. But I didn't because I was able to catch myself on my pitchfork (ha ha)
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:18:54 PST 1997
Just realized that there is another anonymous poster, and it resents my adopting its 'name.' Perhaps Satan will return....
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:11:48 PST 1997
cool, mr wax. what label is it on? thanks again for the info, griffith!
FROM: griffith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:04:09 PST 1997
sorry about the typos. That should read "the banana boat song". The one that Harry Belafonte made famous. It is another one of those acapella tunes from robyn & the egyptians. I found a copy at Tower Records. Good luck finding it.....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 11:03:43 PST 1997
Hey Myk and griffith. I'd never heard of it before and there it was. Cost a little more, but it was worth it.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:47:17 PST 1997
cool set list. i should pick that one up. i wonder how available that import is.... hmmm....
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:36:01 PST 1997
thank you griffith. I'll be there. I'll be there with bells on.
FROM: griffith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:35:08 PST 1997
Track list continued - 52 stations, Birds in Perspex, If You Were A Priest, Acid Bird, Arms Of Love, Superman, Tropical Flesh Mandala, Oceanside, Madonna of the Wasps, The Bananan Boat Song, Listening to the Higsons, & Heaven. An essential CD in the Robyn catalog - "a must"
FROM: griffith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:33:20 PST 1997
Re: Kershaw Sessions - I just happened to bring that one with me to work today. Here is the track list: Brenda's Iron Sledge, Veins of the Queen, Lady Waters and the Hooded One, So You Think You're in Love, Bass, Sleeping With Your Devil Mask, Open the Door Homer,
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:31:30 PST 1997
That wasn't me with the "Stately, plump Buck Mulligan held aloft Excaliber from the bosom of the water" either. Who is Buck Mulligan?
FROM: griffith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:31:30 PST 1997
The show at Largo for November 8 has been postponed. He will be playing there on Nov 15.
FROM: Hairy a--
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:30:30 PST 1997
L: You are a meaningful bitch.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:28:04 PST 1997
Not me, but pretty darn funny: "am I sucking you in with my sickeningly sweet and pleasant demeanor?" Yah baby.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 10:06:06 PST 1997
Myk - that's cool. Shout "hi" for me.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:59:21 PST 1997
on sat--day, i'll be down in the hampton, virginia area... right around where pungo is from! so while we won't be having a beer, i can shout "hello Pungo!" out the window on Interstate 64 and perhaps he'll hear. i'm betting against it, however.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:52:20 PST 1997
am I sucking you in with my sickeningly sweet and pleasant demeanor?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:49:42 PST 1997
Stately, plump Buck Mulligan held aloft Excaliber from the bosom of the water.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:42:18 PST 1997
You are still pining for the dearly departed pungo. The Voltaic name just brings back so many bitter sweet memories of when you and pungo chatted away about the weather and thus and such. He'll be back little Voltaic. When school lets out, pungo will be back.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:39:47 PST 1997
Back for a sec'. I am not V anymore, and Squelchy is everyman -- in that James Joycean/Here Comes Everybody sort of way. He is a primal character, Henry C Earwicker on the net. Anytime you feel the need for a to-the-bone, spiritual, universal hollar (sp?), go for it.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:37:08 PST 1997
Bye Sleepy - tea with honey. And stop smoking so much. Blue is good. She gets very excited when the Bills do something good (please, no obvious jabs).
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:36:04 PST 1997
that was supposed to say salt- water, and nothing more!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:35:14 PST 1997
bye sleepygirl! take care! have fun at the silly musical thing! gargle salt--ter.... trust me, it helps.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:34:12 PST 1997
how's the doggie? good ol' Blue. does he still watch football?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:33:49 PST 1997
I'm going now. My voice has reduced to a 60 cigarette a day smokey croak - very jazz musical - how appropriate. I hope to chat with you all on Sunday. Again, if it doesn't work, this time I should at least be able to get back to the board. Byeeee......
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:33:09 PST 1997
and to think... i though I was the only one who missed ol' squelch.... heh heh. i've never seen laurie live, but i've always wanted to. i would also like to catch a Residents show one day.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:24:52 PST 1997
Someone has had my Strange Angels for well over a year now. Amazing album. Bye Voltaic. I miss you already. Gosh - I wish he would bring out Squelchy more often.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:22:24 PST 1997
Ew. It's raining out. I still have no heat. Funny - but I love Laurie Anderson too. I saw her three years ago. She played her body suit.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:20:54 PST 1997
There is a point in A Thousand and One Nights where the story-within-a-story nearly collides on itself. If you've ever read it, you know what I mean. This series is becoming that kind of animal that swallows its own tail/tale. Gotta go. Bye.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:19:12 PST 1997
Not me "Not me: "as you say, or quoted, i am multitudes" "
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:18:53 PST 1997
sketch the show! yeah! what a brilliant lady. and a mid-show critique! too much! i needed to hear that.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:18:45 PST 1997
Notice that the imposter me will never directly attack *. Keeps up the impression that I'm both.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:18:10 PST 1997
Hmm, here are those short ones again. You are short, aren't you, *.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:17:30 PST 1997
Not me: "as you say, or quoted, i am multitudes"
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:16:47 PST 1997
yeah, their respective longevity was a bit surprising.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:16:32 PST 1997
Myk, actually, the imposter provided the quote from the LA album, as a response to my mention of WSB. But yah, I think Laurie's great. Got to see her in a small club a few years back, where she handed out butcher paper and drawing pencils so people could sketch the show (just like art class) because cameras weren't allowed. Mid-way through the show, she critiqued some of the audience's drawings (just like art class) was so cool.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:16:09 PST 1997
as you say, or quoted, i am multitudes
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:14:44 PST 1997
Ginsberg and Burroughs all in one year. Very sad, but then again, neither could possibly have expected to make it out of the 50's.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:13:41 PST 1997
yay! laurie anderson!!! someone the artist formerly known as Voltaic mentioned laurie! yeah! i wonder if she's still dating lou reed. don't even get me started about lou. on my planet, he is a deity.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:12:57 PST 1997
CW, I can see where you're going with that "wise, educated guess" business. Calm down Sherlock, I have a wide range of musical interests, including Laurie Anderson. And WSB is not exactly obscure. That does not make me *. But you know, yesterday * was posting those short, terse little jabs, and now this * as me is not following the same obvious track.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:11:56 PST 1997
* was not at war. Surely just joshing a little with you to smack your wrists for earlier misdemeanours. No-one wants to fight surely? This is a message board - a fun diversion.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:11:53 PST 1997
I think you are all doing it now. Sleepy - you did tape it. Thanks.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:11:08 PST 1997
Saw Laurie Anderson on her Mr. Heartbreak tour. Bill wasn't there, but it was a magickal show.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:10:15 PST 1997
My first instinct is to begin posting as *, but frankly, it's posting as me is very consistently not like me. It's really mad at me. I love that.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:09:49 PST 1997
That was a wise, educated guess.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:09:07 PST 1997
* knows Laurie Anderson and her WSB collaboration.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:08:35 PST 1997
Again, not me: "One finger cw"
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:07:53 PST 1997
Sun's goiing down like a big bald head. I can see two tiny pictures of myself and there's one of them in each of your eyes. It'driving me mad. It's driving me crazy.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:07:31 PST 1997
The bottom line: * is at war. I've come in from the cold but in it's opinion, it still wants to fight. I am always ready for a good fight. Just read the posts this morning. I come on and see a mention of me, not Robyn's music. So, oh well, here we go again. Thanks for noticing the sense of humour (!) Sleepy. *, go compose your suicide note.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:06:24 PST 1997
One finger cw
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:05:35 PST 1997
It is my firm belief that the real * has not posted this evening. Robyn's off the radio. Musn't forget to take the tape home.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:04:24 PST 1997
Hey Voltaic - if you can see me, how many fingers am I holding up. Hah! We have radiators. At last, I can relax.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:03:30 PST 1997
That was not the real * was it?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:03:07 PST 1997
* is much, much scarier than me. After chided me for being concerned about typos, it starts pointing them out, to get my goat no doubt. Now let's watch it obsess over phrases like "get my goat no doubt." This is the person who has been posting "cut-ups" of a William Burroughs nature, taking pieces of previous postings and making quite interesting, and emotionally heated performances...
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:01:25 PST 1997
Whatever. I give up.
FROM: analvent.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:01:21 PST 1997
I am looking at him through his heater vent like a complete retard.. Calm down, CW!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:00:57 PST 1997
until i meet you folks, i'm convinced that you're all part of a cool windows Artificial Intelligence program running on all the PCs i use. i chat, and you say clever things back to me!
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:00:31 PST 1997
Oh, and just to add to the confusion, there is now someone posting as me! That's who just called you an "a-hole," CW. Probably that's *. What a tangled web we weeze, eh *?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 09:00:13 PST 1997
CW - I like you a lot but please stop thinking I am anon. For one thing, I make far fewer typing mistakes and I seem to know how to spell much better than he does.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:58:49 PST 1997
let's discuss why everyone call me "spikey"! i'm very fond of my new t-tle. darn canadians adding the "u"...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:58:23 PST 1997
I have to say that I think * is someone different. Anon has a sense of humour though.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:57:46 PST 1997
CW - you idiotic a-hole. My God you are dim. Go back and read it again, slowly. Sound out the words with your mouth. I am not *. Oh you make me so mad I want to scream.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:55:24 PST 1997
Touche CW. I'm no match for you. What would you like to discuss today, how much people like or don't like you?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:55:22 PST 1997
Oh man. I hope someone is taping this. Canadians spell it like that too. See what I mean?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:53:28 PST 1997
It's another language completely...
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:53:12 PST 1997
That was fun. It's like teasing a caged animal. And I don't care what he says, he was *. Ah. The fun we have.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:52:04 PST 1997
I love how you Brits spell "humour." Awesome. Colour, too.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:51:10 PST 1997
Just caught 5 seconds - he's playing "Feels Like 1974".
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:49:30 PST 1997
Anon - as long as you have a sense of humour that's OK. Uncle Bobby is on the radio and I have to write a letter to someone. Life is cruel.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:47:26 PST 1997
hold on... i gotta check my heater vent.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:47:16 PST 1997
Myk, aren't you always freaked out? Ha ha, just fuking kidding okay?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:46:20 PST 1997
Oh, but to answer your question, Sleepy, even I have a job (satan does work days!) and I have to go to it now. I cruised by after checking email and was just going to say hello. The very last post was that paranoid bit of errant detective work by CW and so I had to chime in with both angry barrels. Bye.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:44:56 PST 1997
ok, now i'm a little freaked out.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:44:36 PST 1997
Sleepy, I don't go by that name anymore. Anybody posting as that is an imposter. Which is okay. But I think perhaps somewhere in the recent past I must have hit very close to home with CW, because he thinks I am looking at him through his heater vent. Calm down, CW!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:42:37 PST 1997
Voltaic - are you watching everything?
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:39:06 PST 1997
CW: Please please please give it up. You are so wrong you sound like a complete retard. You are wrong, you idiot. Give it up and get on with your pathetic life. For the last f--king time, I am not the star of anal hairs, *.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:29:24 PST 1997
* and Voltaic are the same. They argued with one voice, they posted too quickly together to be different people composing, and he went out of his way to post almost simultaniously with two browser windows just like with bq to show he was two different people. It's only a theory.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:25:16 PST 1997
Sleepy - let us know when it happens. God's speed little computer. I realy am not in the mood to work. Hey - why are Fridays relevent to being sued?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:22:30 PST 1997
What was going on with the * person?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:19:36 PST 1997
i'll pray for that pc, mooch!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:19:00 PST 1997
for some reason, mr wax, he always points the majority of his ire at you. you must have said something to him to really make him angry. one day i'll check the logs for that fateful moment!
FROM: mooch
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:18:34 PST 1997
well,I'm back.. and just about to pull the plug on old yeller..see you all when I can get back online..have a fine natter sunday,I'll join if I can..(codeine Sleepy)...mooch later..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:13:53 PST 1997
Did I mention I think voltaic is very very stupid?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:13:47 PST 1997
Actually, there's about half an hour to go yet, but it will be very relevant when it happens!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:08:25 PST 1997
you said it, wax! our work is done here!
DATE: Fri Nov 7 08:04:34 PST 1997
Sleepy is huddled by the radio listening to Robyn. Wow. What could be more relevant then that?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:57:52 PST 1997
darn that wax, he slipped right past me, mooting my point!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:57:22 PST 1997
those damn people and their petty lawsuits won't stop you from listening to robyn review records! give 'em hell! mr wax must be doing real work... were you serious about a euro-trip, alternity? if you are, i know some places to scare up super cheap tix.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:56:12 PST 1997
I guess I don't want to be spikey after all. Are you seeing Cats again? What is that the eighth time? God I love Andrew Lloyd Webber. Hello alternity. The check is in the mail.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:49:00 PST 1997
Yep. I'm ready to storm in. Fridays are usually terrible here. People keep trying to sue us....
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:44:27 PST 1997
yeah, sleepy, how much work on a spinning wheel can she do on a leisurely friday? heh heh. i hope you have that cassette ready, girl!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:34:43 PST 1997
After some conferring, I conclude that spikey also means a sort of sharpness a--ociated with grump! So you could have a spikey comment, for example. But you're not grumpy, so it doesn't matter! Oh, it's Friday. Hoorah. I hope my boss gets out of her office, Robyn's on the radio soon...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:25:58 PST 1997
i a--ure you, sleepy, i'm not grumpy, and you may feel free to confirm this with Snow White. giggle. actually, i'm in a fine mood, despite the foul weather! still, being "spikey" is kinda fun. when are you going to europe, alternity? have you been before?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:18:46 PST 1997
Thanks mooch. I'd better get me some codeine then... Tetchy is a tiny bit grumpy. CW - are you still sure you want to be spikey?!
FROM: alternity
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:18:13 PST 1997
Hi mr mooch.Whats going on this weekend? Please keep those donations comming in ..I still need approximately $2,000 us dollars to see me thru on my Vacation to europe. (although any excess of that amount would do)
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:13:40 PST 1997
hmmmm..yeah..I sill have a few hours of comp. time before the brain swap..but right now I have to slip into spinning wheels and finger a bit when I return..Sleepy take care of the nasty cough..(codeine is the only truly known cough stopper,unfortunatly,it stops nearly everything..but at a musical, that might not be a bad thing..heh,heh)..later
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:12:28 PST 1997
ha ha, i'm spikey! (is it good to be spikey? what does "tetchy" mean?) so many questions, none of them important! yeah, mr wax, the acid bit was a fraud, a sham, a fib!
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:11:09 PST 1997
I wanted to be spikey.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:09:48 PST 1997
CW - jealous of Spikey or jealous of acid?!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:09:07 PST 1997
Hi mooch!
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:08:35 PST 1997
Aw, now I'm jealous
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:07:30 PST 1997
I mean about the acid.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:07:10 PST 1997
Spikey was referring to Myk seeming a bit tetchy. That's all. No offence intended!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:06:12 PST 1997
Call me a skeptic but I didn't believe a word of it.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:03:53 PST 1997
happy early morning, mooch! i laughed for an extended period o' time when i read that marsha brady story! "it's always 'marsha, marsha, marsha!'" ...too much! yeah, that 90/30 bit was scary.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 07:01:30 PST 1997
Hey mooch. I think I'm Spikey boy.
FROM: mooch
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:59:01 PST 1997
good morning ..what a day!!..comp. surgery,so we'll see about sunday..Sleepy I hope you're feeling better..I'm still shaking my head about yesterdays posts..(but the Marsha Brady near miss was true.)I hope the acid trip worked out..Myk, willy spent 90 days in tied down??..explains a lot.hi Wax ,mr.Smith,and Alt,...I find it strange my old pal has a chat board..who'd a thought...I'm heading off soon ...later
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:58:12 PST 1997
i suppose i'm spikey boy! a fine t-tle, and it does rhyme with mikey! yeah, i'll likely be at the sunday chat, especially since it appears that i'll be able to return home sat. nite after sat--day's activities.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:54:09 PST 1997
Yeh - who is spikey boy? And uh , I am planning to chat. V frustrates me because there's just no reasoning with him. He's so damned preachy. I was stressed yesterday. I'm much better now.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:53:15 PST 1997
Good. So are you coming to the chat then? Anyone else want to answer?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:45:39 PST 1997
hey, who is spikey boy? v no longer can annoy me, because i've built up an immunity. usually, i secretly enjoy him!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:38:07 PST 1997
Yes, it is. Spikey boy what's wrong with you? Are you coming to the chat on Sunday? I hope you are. What about everyone else? I hope V didn't p--s anyone off yesterday. I am convinced he is barking up the wrong tree.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:32:50 PST 1997
isn't the nick drake show tomorrow? i think it is.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:30:26 PST 1997
yeah, mr wax, they play the heck outta eastenders on pbs. the rule for US tv is as follows: if all the actors in a television show speak with a british accent, it can't be on commercial tv. likewise, public tv (pbs) will not tolerate programming with american actors.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:30:16 PST 1997
CW - Oh, yes.....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:24:13 PST 1997
Hey isn't The Eastenders a PBS fixture? I wonder if there is a delay. Did you guys ever have a show called Lovejoy about that divvy antique dealer?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:22:30 PST 1997
Morrissey - why? Huh? Tell me.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:16:02 PST 1997
can i get a tax deduction on a donation to Alternity?
FROM: alternity
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:13:28 PST 1997
I wanna go to London and see Robyn and also see Jullian Cope. Please send donations to Alternity , Indianapolis Indiana 46032
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:12:49 PST 1997
yeah, you bastard! what did you say to her!!!! heh heh, jes kiddin'.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:09:56 PST 1997
Morrissey - why did she start crying?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:08:49 PST 1997
CW: Yes. I just did a spoken word impersonation to my boss and she was amazed.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:08:10 PST 1997
I met her about 2 weeks ago at MTV. About 5 minutes after we spoke she burst into tears. I don't know if it's a proper role she has but as long as she's there, I'm watching!!! I will pay you good money to come to my house to do your impression.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:08:07 PST 1997
yeah, mr wax, i'm in a damn strange mood. i love it when sleepy points out how small london really is! you can mention an actress or musician, and she can put a personal spin on it. i really must live there sometime in my life.
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:07:17 PST 1997
I knew that happen. Thanks. You mean singing?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:05:16 PST 1997
Just ignore me. Just ignore me.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:05:07 PST 1997
Clare Grogan used to be in an early 80's band called Altered Images. I used to do a blistering Clare Grogan impersonation. I saw her in Universal Love School a few years back though and I have to admit it was fairly horrible. She kept looking flirtatiously at my friend as well!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 06:00:37 PST 1997
Myk - you are in a strange mood this morning aren't you.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:59:33 PST 1997
Oooh Who is Clare Grogan?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:56:26 PST 1997
well, if this clare grogan is so hot, how about an "improper role" for her on Eastenders. just a thought.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:52:32 PST 1997
Clare Grogan on Eastenders?! You're joking?! She has a proper role and everything?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:49:04 PST 1997
now i get to guess. on the kershaw sessions: alot of songs by robyn, with the possibility of some songs NOT by him. there. was i close?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:47:19 PST 1997
I see Clare Grogan is in Eastenders now. sigh, I love her......
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:45:20 PST 1997
Hey Myk - I'm listening, I'm just very very slow this morning. I'll take a stab at the songs. You've got Acid Bird, Listening To The Higsons, The Bananna Boat Song, Tropical Flesh Mendalla, Superman, The Hooded One, Oceanside, Fifty-two Stations, I think The Yip Song, and a whole lot more but my brain no working this morning.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:44:58 PST 1997
sorry to hear of your coughing fit, sleepy. i hope you don't have to cough too much at the musical. (sleepy is going to a musical? it's not exactly VF or son volt, but whatever....)
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:44:01 PST 1997
Sleepy - BBC sessions of Arms of Love, The Veins of the Queen, The Face of Death, there's 2 live songs, Brenda's Iron Sledge and Someotherone plus covers of all The Spice Girls songs. ahem.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:42:24 PST 1997
Morrissey - I've no idea which musical. But I do know that I don't want to go. Excuse me while I put on a cloak and dark glasses...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:40:41 PST 1997
Hi Myk. Well that all backfired horribly on me. I'm going out to find a tape from somewhere.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:40:08 PST 1997
Sleepy - Poor you. Which Musical? You can't say where you work or you'll get fired??? Do you work for the Mafia then? I post from home. No-one would ever employ the likes of me.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:39:34 PST 1997
Oh! A response. I don't know Morrissey. What's on the Kershaw Sessions please?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:39:02 PST 1997
rainy morning in my city, baby! good morning to you fine folks. let me know if robyn says anything wacky!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:38:30 PST 1997
There are songs spanning the era from Black Snake through Perspex Island. It's a long CD, about 66 minutes. The really cool intoduction to Madonna of the Wasps is on there. I'm pleased with my purchase.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:38:09 PST 1997
Since no-one is listening to me, I'm going to go out now.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:37:56 PST 1997
The Kershaw Sessions is a great album. One of RH's best, I think. Is there another place where you can find a studio version of Listening To The Higsons?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:34:47 PST 1997
CW - I bet you're not as tired as I am. I had about 3 hours sleep thanks to the cough monster and I've got to go to a musical tonight! Lucky me....
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:32:42 PST 1997
Morrissey - Do you post from home or from work?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:31:29 PST 1997
I can't give out too much information - I'll be tracked down and fired. I have a supercool boss though. She's a Tom Waits fan and she likes the Liz Phair CD I bought her. Since I'm the only one here from London, I can confirm that I'm not going to see Ween!
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:26:27 PST 1997
Sleepy - Where do you work? How come you're allowed to be on the RH chat thingy??? You must have hip employers. I remember hearing Robyn on Janice Long's XFM show. I listen to that occasionally but they've never played so much as a Brenda's Iron Sledge. Is anyone going to see Ween in London next week?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:22:17 PST 1997
Morrissey - the people I work with listen to GLR in the morning and it was announced on the air. I never listen to the radio. I don't think I ever got over Richard Skinner leaving the Radio 1 evening show!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:20:14 PST 1997
Hey CW. I've never done acid either - watching it's effects on Julian Cope during the 80's was enough for me. Which songs are on the Kershaw Sessions? I wonder if I've got that. I think I might have it on vinyl. I think I remember listening to the session itself actually.
FROM: Morriissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:17:35 PST 1997
Sllepy - Shake it to the left if you know that it right, Shake it to the right if you know that you feel fine. People of the world! Spice up yer life! Every boy and....Awww, I can't keep this up. I have no idea which singer as I'm totally ignorant of that band but I hear they're very good. Cool, the big R on da radio! Whatever next?? Er...How do you know this?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:11:39 PST 1997
Oh yes. Good morning everybody. I went to the record store to purchase Underwater Moonlight and all they had was Invisible Hits (I looked and still didn't see any dreamy pictures. Must not work on me), Can of Bees and that huge compilation which I wasn't in the mood for. So I went to the Robyn section. Did you know there was a "Greatest Hits" album? I bought The Kershaw Sessions and sat and listened to it very loudly with my headphones on. I had a lot of fun. I don't think I'm going to make it through the day. I'm awfully tired. I've never done acid by the way. I don't think it would go well with my personality.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:07:06 PST 1997
Which singer of Uncle Tupelo? Jay Farrer or Jeff Tweedy? I shook Jeff Tweedy's hand, if that counts for anything.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 05:04:16 PST 1997
Oh, no, I'm losing my voice. It sounds really good at the moment as well. Shame.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Nov 7 04:56:00 PST 1997
I said whoooooo do you think you are? Some kind of superstar? Ha, ha! Robyn is on GLR some time this afternoon - between 4pm and 5pm, I think. He's now just doing a song and not reviewing the records.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 04:53:20 PST 1997
Sleepy - When is Robyn on the radio and what's the station???
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Nov 7 04:44:01 PST 1997
Good Afternoon, Sleepy, how are you? Great result for The Spice Girls last night, eh? I am, in my own small way, joking. The MTV Awards is the biggest pile of industry c--k suck I have ever witnessed. Sad. I saw you mentioning Uncle Tupelo, cool! My girlfriend is friends with the singer, who of course doesn't sing with them anymore. They went to college together. Who is the weirdo who is screwing with everyones heads especially canadians? Who cares? It's Friday and I'm ready to rock!
FROM: Sleepy
<coughing all night>
DATE: Fri Nov 7 03:38:03 PST 1997
Yes, let's, she needs all the help she can get. Morning. I think one of my postings collided with another one last night because the top half of the typing was mine and the bottom half wasn't. Weird, huh?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:42:51 PST 1997
lets pray for jane
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:39:56 PST 1997
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:38:56 PST 1997
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:23:58 PST 1997
Myk hello..yeah surgery..I hope I get my machine back before sun..I found this radio "virtual canadian" Its a laugh I cant say much about it yet..but it's worth a laugh..
FROM: wb
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:20:39 PST 1997
FROM: wb
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:19:34 PST 1997
did 5 good stuff...90 days in the psycho ward 30 in tie down brought me back
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:17:26 PST 1997
As I said earlier, the most I ever did was 9....I came back, though I feared I wouldn't.
FROM: wb
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:15:05 PST 1997
neither I
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:10:41 PST 1997
heh heh. yeah, mooch, it was me on ultravox. had to take a look. the "Mykk" before this posting was a faux Myk, of course. the rest on this archive are me, too. the surgery awaits, mooch!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:10:20 PST 1997
Then again, I may not know what in the hell I'm talking about.....
FROM: wb
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:09:37 PST 1997
17 hits the boy would mnot be coming back
FROM: wb
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:08:27 PST 1997
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:05:09 PST 1997
are you talkin sunday?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:04:59 PST 1997
Just to help out 17 hit can't die from LSD..he might go crazy, and jump off a bridge, but LSD is not fatal. EVER. I've done my homework.
FROM: wb
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:03:57 PST 1997
not so good I got fired today for the third and final time
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:01:29 PST 1997
hi willy hows it going?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:00:29 PST 1997
dum dum dum dum dum dum
FROM: Mykk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 20:00:06 PST 1997
of course its me you dom jackass!
FROM: wb
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:58:51 PST 1997
go west young man everythings bigger out there
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:58:40 PST 1997
Myk it is you..was that you on the ult vox thing?I stopped by to try to catch a pal.. surprise ..surprise..I'm very wary of posts now..
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:57:44 PST 1997
17 hits and you would either be dead or braindead! please dont insult my intelligence.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:56:52 PST 1997
I'd love to come out west...I'm supposed to move out to San Fran this December....
FROM: willybee
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:55:59 PST 1997
17 hits my arse! as an experienced "tripper" I
FROM: Oh, s--t.....
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:55:54 PST 1997
I'm losin it, guys.....imay nto come back
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:55:48 PST 1997
one of the great skits that was, rob. phaedrus and westLA are gonna catch the LA show, but who else will? anyone headed west?
FROM: 17 hit man....
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:54:31 PST 1997
"Won't you miss me, wouldn't oyu miss me at all?"
im listening to syd, now......
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:54:22 PST 1997
i'm an "alltimer"! (isn't that a disease? ....ugh) i've been known to post at some damn odd hours, especially on a weekend, after the conclusion of the night's foolishness.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:52:34 PST 1997
..this archive is new..and so shiny
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:52:28 PST 1997
Can I try to 'talk you down' like Jimmy Carter (Dan Aykroyd) on that old SNL skit?
"You took Orange Sunshine, William."
"Thank you, Mr. President..."
FROM: willybee
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:51:13 PST 1997
aaaaah a daytimer in the our midst, KILL HIM...actually I have not a thing to say.
FROM: I.J.D.17.H.o.A
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:50:54 PST 1997 answer yor ?, roB, yes, i jsut did dose 17 hits,,,,,it's all gone 'wobbly'....
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:50:13 PST 1997
lemme quote from the book of Floyd: "careful with that acid, eugene". close enough for jazz, as they say.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:49:06 PST 1997
Did you really take 17 hits? Wow, the most I ever dosed was 9, and I became catatonic, and incredibly paranoid that the world was floating away and leaving me floating in limbo...which it was.
FROM: I just dosed seventeen hits of acid....
DATE: Thu Nov 6 19:47:31 PST 1997