DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:05:27 PST 1997
* We? Who is/are we, *?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:04:47 PST 1997
Anon, that's because he's playing them just for me :) I've tried every time to grab a set list but the same damn girl gets them everytime (It's funny when you see RObyn in Portland the same people are at every show. It never changes) but one time I did get his guitar pick from the stage. That's even better cause he sweat on it...
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:04:05 PST 1997
Queenie: I have read that he needed to get away from the band but he does miss it to the core, I saw the same energy in him last year and last summer. I think the band was too much "work" not related to music: schedules, money, Morris and Andy had other things going on.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:03:23 PST 1997
i'm probably the only one who's seen Robyn twice in the last week. There is nothing to report. We are biding our time.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:02:21 PST 1997
Mooch: I have been sharing all f--king morning. Speak to Myk about attacks and lobotomy's, clitus.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:02:14 PST 1997
Alas I've never seen The Egyptians at all. I came along too late. BUt I would LOVE to see Robyn perform with a group. Last time we saw him, he'd be playing something like "Kingdom of Love" and he'd throw his head back and start rocking out like a maniac, and my husband and I just looked at each other like "hmmm....what's wrong with this picture." There was no band! He was rocking out to music that wasn't there. I thought Hey if he wants to play with a rock & roll band that much, he should get one fer chrissake.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:01:31 PST 1997
I'm supposed to leave work now, but this is getting interesting... Queenie - keep going!
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:01:00 PST 1997
I noticed from a set list recently that Robyn orders songs sort of by t-tle and chronology: for instance he did Queen of Eyes, Queen Elvis and Beautiful Queen all in a row.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:00:10 PST 1997
I saw him in mid March for the third time and I thought it was the best show I'd seen. He played two fifty minute sets. Told lot of stories and played a wonderful mix of new and old songs. It was a joy.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 10:00:01 PST 1997
Hey listen ashole!! I'm not reclining at any ones feet .If all you can submit is mean spirited crap why not go to anouther board (perhaps Jeff foxworthy would find you amusing)...Robyns'info is shared here as soon as it's availlable,but to be fair,theres not a lot to report right now..if YOU have information please share it..otherwise get the lobotomy..arsehole
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:59:56 PST 1997
no, queenie, it's gonna be 8am on the west coast. a bit early... at least mooch got it moved from 7am! heh heh.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:59:35 PST 1997
12-bar shows?? What is that?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:59:35 PST 1997
Queenie: Did you ever get to hear the Egyptians perform Uncorrected Personality Traits? It was magic: harmonies and humor and just the greatest vibe. Robyn's songs allow people to discover the beauty in the strange, like a GOOD David Lynch movie can, sort of.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:59:32 PST 1997
double bluff then
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:58:30 PST 1997
Queenie - City of Roses? Everyone likes Portland! The 12-Bar shows were a reasonable length. About an hour and a quarter. They were just right. What's going on here?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:57:43 PST 1997
The attack becomes personal as soon as you see how right I am. I've been trying to contribute Robyn-related items here since Queenie tried to keep it on track and look what happens.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:56:46 PST 1997
Anon...The last two times I saw him he seemed real low-key and out of it. But the first time I saw him, when I barelly knew who he was, he put on one hell of a show. He played "the devil's coachman" and I was in love. He played for a long long time and did a couple of encores. I love Robyn H concerts too because they're so polite. No one knocking you over or getting on your nerves.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:56:38 PST 1997
There you go again, CW
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:56:13 PST 1997
anon and his feelings of persecution... reminds me of someone else we knew... who could that be??? hmm....
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:56:04 PST 1997
* : Yes, I thought they were interesting and welcome additions. By the way, *, you wouldn't be, say, Chewing Wax, would you? Just curious.
FROM: Mr. Self Important and painfully stupid
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:55:35 PST 1997
In the guise of me, you people chased away at least two people last week. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:54:52 PST 1997
Myk, you're ignoring me again. Is it because I don't treat you as the leader? Are you threatened by my independence? Of course I'm not you Queenie. But that's how Myk thinks.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:54:26 PST 1997
you like bq and phaedrus?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:54:25 PST 1997
11 EST would be 2 on the west coast, huh. since it's #glasshotel, does that mean no one will be throwing stones?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:53:29 PST 1997
Queenie: I agree he told fewer stories. That was the disappointing thing about the Warfield show last year (october) with Billy Bragg. Virtually NO stories, and he seemed down. Kind of low key and not into it. Deni Bonet was magic though, quite a spry lady and a great addition musically (I like her contributions to Beautiful Queen on Mossy Liquor)
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:52:54 PST 1997
If you were me, I'm sure I'd know.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:52:52 PST 1997
queenie: sorry to hear that robyn's shows are getting shorter. can anyone else corroborate this? or was it a one-time thing? tim robbins on sesame street sounds like a great thing. giggle. the chat will be on sunday @11am EST, at in the room #GlassHotel must download an IRC chat program. my advice is to go grab the MS chat program from ...lots of folks will be there. (i hope i can too)
FROM: The Executioner
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:52:20 PST 1997
Don't forget that this is Warner Bros. "Robyn Hitchock Fan Message Boards" . Funny how they omitted the second 'c' from one of their own artists.....I'm running out of living.....
FROM: Mr. Self Important and painfully stupid
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:51:17 PST 1997
In the guise of me, you people chased away at least two people last week. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me. In the guise of me.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:51:15 PST 1997
Case in point, here, fellas: Myk is insisting on pursuing my identity while at the same time I'm trying to converse with Queenie. Or, gee, Myk, am I Queenie, too?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:51:10 PST 1997
I don't think he likes Portland
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:50:53 PST 1997
He didn't even tell very many stories.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:50:14 PST 1997
Why was the show I saw this summer so damn short?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:49:48 PST 1997
Myk, read Philip K. d--k. Or his bio. You will be released from your pain and torture, because you aren't nearly as bad as him but you will relate.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:48:21 PST 1997
Queenie: the show I saw with in June was plenty long, but you gotta remember he's got over twenty years of valid and timely material. I remember him introing Way Way Heppa Hole (sp?) by mentioning it had been written in a train station in the early '70s. The show I saw was at least an hour and a half not including Tim's set.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:46:58 PST 1997
do you ever get the feeling that it's always the same person, but wearing a different cloak?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:46:43 PST 1997
Not to change the subject, but this is so weird. My daughter's watching Sesame Street, and I turned for a second to look at the TV and I saw Tim Robbins, of all people, curled up on a little bed while a bunch of puppets stood around the bed singing him to sleep. It was really really odd.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:46:17 PST 1997
Your Philip K. d--k paranoia is showing, Myk. I was never bq nor phaedrus. Both very qualified posters, if I may for a moment decide who's worthy and who's not (that's normally your job, I guess).
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:44:50 PST 1997
Queenie: Especially in guitar solos. He also throws his head back and to the side and waves his arms when he's telling one of his superb stories. Anybody ever see him at the Great American in San Francisco? He told a great stream of consciousness tale of what would happen if the coffee in his cup he'd just ordered would overflow and flood the city....
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:44:49 PST 1997
Myk, what is the Sunday chat everyone's talking about?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:43:57 PST 1997
I'll tell you what, though, the last show (with the Homer fellow) was the most expensive to date ($17.50) and he only performed for about an hour. I thought "maybe he's getting older and can't play as long" but part of me felt a little ripped off. I wanted more music for my money.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:43:57 PST 1997
why don't i have this video? everyone howls about it. oh well, i'll check the specialty shops around the city. queenie: you coming to the sunday chat? you should. and as for people "chased away", anon one, i'm a bit skeptical. very skeptical. join the sunday chat too, anon, but please choose a name by then... the chat won't let you leave it blank.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:42:59 PST 1997
Myk: Well said. Now the proof is in the pudding, as they say. You've taken control of this board (at least m is willing to recline at your feet and gaze up fawningly) so you can guide us with your great and powerful wisdom with regard to what this board was "designed" for. I've offered plenty to this board and * can kiss my hairy white a-- if it questions that fact.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:42:28 PST 1997
I'm always amused by that blinking thing he does while he's performing.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:40:44 PST 1997
Queenie, I thought the same! He's going grey and his face is showing a few years. But he's still got those dark deep eyes that penetrated. I've talked to him twice and noticed that while he's distracted by the nature of gigs and schedules, he has a photographic memory (almost) and really does listen if he has the time.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:40:30 PST 1997
I could talk about Robyn all day. Screw my everyday life. That's what I get on the Internet to escape. I only found this message board a few days ago, but everytime I've come here since with a certain topic to discuss, all I've done is bring it up and everyone's been more than happy to talk about it.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:38:38 PST 1997
ok, for the last time: this site is not a newswire. it is not designed for that, nor is it that in practice. it is a place for fans to message each other about various related and unrelated (to RH) topics. fegmania is a newswire. go there for facts or near facts. this place is for rumor, sub-rumor, innuendo, thoughts, memories, etc.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:38:21 PST 1997
I special ordered it from a record store. Pain an arm & a leg for it.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:38:11 PST 1997
Is that you? are you getting happier?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:38:10 PST 1997
If I were Myk and * said that to me, I would go through the postings recently that were very directly Robyn related which were ignored in favor of the drivel regarding canadians, tea and all else...again (he said for the fifteen time) it's not the unrelateds that are "bad"; it's their shear volume and the fact that Robyn-istic posting are ignored in favor of closed-circle-jerking. We all want a little, no? In the guise of me, you people chased away at least two people last week. That's not encouraging a dialogue. That is closing the circle.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:37:37 PST 1997
The last time I saw Robyn H. I felt a little shocked by how much older he'd gotten. And now after seeing this video, it really hit home that even absolutely brilliance and cleverness can't sustain youth. :(
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:37:36 PST 1997
Queen - where'd you pick that up? I'd love to have a copy.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:37:12 PST 1997
Anonymous - yes! I'd forgotten about that. Excellent.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:36:01 PST 1997
The whole thing is very funny and screamingly 80's.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:35:31 PST 1997
What's going on? Hi queenie. Glad you liked Gotta Let This Hen Out. I was going to go to that gig, but I didn't - drat.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:34:38 PST 1997
How about that part where Robyn is holding the veggie in front of him while that old lady walks by trying to figure it out. Very funny.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:34:13 PST 1997
Bye mooch. Rest a--ured I will boycott Bushnell products with a passion. Hmmm. Hey Myk. Hey Queen. Hey Sleepy. What's you guys doing?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:33:55 PST 1997
spice up your life! go on , do it, do it. Initiate a discussion. Now.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:33:39 PST 1997
Hey I got the "Gotta let this hen out" video recently. I like it a lot.
FROM: alex
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:32:56 PST 1997
myk, the boss here, seems to have gotten in cahoots with wbr so he can view all of your little numbers, hmmm? fascism lives on the 'net, my little drooges
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:31:51 PST 1997
* I tried that. For weeks. It was like a blip on the horizon. That went nuclear. Now I am the maud-dib of the desert planet. Give me spice!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:29:57 PST 1997
i see that the work-release program let you out a bit early today, v! well, good for you. go watch cartoons.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:27:14 PST 1997
Start a sensible discussion anon. Dare you.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:26:43 PST 1997
but,It hurts my eyes like Bushnell binoculars..I have to get busy, lovely speaking to you ALL..take care..later
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:26:09 PST 1997
"call-the-shots" nod? this isn't Realpolitik machinations, you loon, this is a sunday chat that all are invited to, even you, if you're civil. if you want conspiracy and paranoia, agents Mullder and Scully do it very well every sunday night.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:24:07 PST 1997
Boy, what did I walk in on??
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:23:53 PST 1997
yes, mooch, if i can get a--istance. i just might be able to do it. hell, i might even get an IP block put on him, but that wouldn't be sporting, would it?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:23:47 PST 1997
But I am certain Myk's grinning with pride that you've given him the call-the-shots nod for this little coffee clutch.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:22:44 PST 1997
m: right, like one long post is any more abusive than the endless meaningless chatter Myk and what'is'name spew out daily hour after hour.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:20:22 PST 1997
FROM: emelda mckacansacker
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:48:32 PST 1997
Meet Alicia who shares her home with six feline companions and one log
bunny. Growing up, she was strictly a dog , but now she has come to
agree with Jean a French pot, who said, "I love cats because I can. and
little by little, they become visible ." Chat with the Author Sunday,
Nov. 8th 6:30 Pacific Time
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:19:27 PST 1997 that idiot traceable??
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:18:49 PST 1997
Hi Queenie. Nice frock.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:18:08 PST 1997
beaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacherbeaten that mean teacher
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:17:13 PST 1997
i'll take your advice on the bushnell binoculars, mooch! binoculars give me a headache. this looks like the work of the kid who always had to stay after class to write sentences on the board. if only he had access to a pc back then! then he could have beaten that mean teacher at her game!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:15:40 PST 1997
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:15:35 PST 1997
Who was it said, I can't miss you if you're still here?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:15:04 PST 1997
they were a Newfoundland comedy troup,sadly no more..Tommy sexsmith died a few years ago..and Greg malone has moved on to new things..there is a comedy show on C.B.C.this hour has 22 min. that has a couple of ex members..Cod co were absolutely hillarious..too bad..about Tommy he was brilliant...
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:14:27 PST 1997
Sleepy, I was listening to Chinese Bones just as you posted that.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:13:40 PST 1997
I have never seen a man so abuse his reflection.
FROM: Adolf
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:12:53 PST 1997
Admit it, you have Canadian blood in you somewhere, don't you, mein friend Chewing Vax?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:12:37 PST 1997
Who did that? Um. Let's do a lyric:- "And her eyeballs had rolled up so her pupils had vanished."
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:11:48 PST 1997
Gosh darnit, Did it agin.!
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:10:21 PST 1997
condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian...
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:09:20 PST 1997
dratted cut & paste. I was trying to create a shortcut to my modumb and accidentally spilled coffee on the keyboard, and look what happened. sorry.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:07:55 PST 1997
Mooch - who/what are Codco? Do you know?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:07:44 PST 1997
I have nothing but love for all beings,even the Swiss..and as for Bushnell,A division of Bausch and Lomb,they're welcome to repair the rubbish they import from Taiwan .dont buy it you'll go crosseyed..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:05:30 PST 1997
My favorite Canadian city will always be Yellow Knife.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:05:11 PST 1997
notice how no one ever mentions quebec? whether they officially secede or not, they already have, really. what a fun place to go. they aggresively despise americans only in the summer, when there are too many of them. quebec city is quite personable during the off season. autumn there is very nice.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:04:55 PST 1997
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FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:02:43 PST 1997
Did I mention my dog is Canadian? I love her anyhow. Well, there you go.
Enough of this international squabbling. I hope you all know I'm just
kidding. Mostly.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:02:03 PST 1997
the KIDS now live in the states..a new hall..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:00:20 PST 1997
Uh, Toronto is my favorite Canadian city - but only because of the Kids
in the Hall. How shallow! ..Sorry...
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:57:03 PST 1997
What you say about butt kissing is kind of true, but everything changes
when you reach the Rockies, a different globe of frogs..we love
the natural barricade the mountains afford us..most other Canadian
provices think B.C. is out of it's mind ..and they may be
right..however,nova scotia and newfound land are our pals..more in
common with them than the a-- kissing centralists..who take our taxes
and ignor us..the thig that unites Canada is it's mutual dislike for
Toronto,and Ottawa..where the true problem lives....
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:55:05 PST 1997
Any other countries we can rope into the tirade? Switzerland - what are
you staring at?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:52:32 PST 1997
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! mr wax, i love it! that's just the sort of thing
they expect of us, so let's give it to 'em! your story about a british
girl's misconception of you is startlingly familiar. i found out that,
again, you sometimes gotta give them what they expect. heh heh. some of
my time there i was busy apologizing for the misdeeds of my
countrymen.... gee, kinda like being german!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:52:24 PST 1997
Oh, dear. I've opened up a real can of worms (bees) haven't I? Calm,
calm, belong.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:51:13 PST 1997
Bausch and Lomb is an American company isn't it? Corporate headquarters
right down the road in Decoy's precious white collar infested Rochester.
Still sorry though mooch
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:50:18 PST 1997
I've only ever had good experiences with Americans (so to speak). I
spent some time studying abroad and the Americans on my course were so
much fun. I asked one of them whether he'd ever heard of Robyn Hitchc--k
and his reply was "Of course." He was the one I liked. Of course.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:46:40 PST 1997
Deep down, the Brits haven't forgiven Americans for The Revolution. The
Canadians still kiss British Butt. Good God, The Queen is on all their
money. So yes, it is all their fault. I'm going to get in trouble for
this one aren't I?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:45:50 PST 1997
I know very well of the free trade fiasco..I lost a long time Highly
paid optical repair technician job ,when my company(Bausch and Lomb,The
bastards!) went to Kansas..because of cheap labour....
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:44:55 PST 1997
"piles of money"? huh? i've looked around, and i can't seem to find my
piles of money! damn... yeah, canadians are very diverse, depending on
which province, i think. nova scotia canadians love americans, but the
rest politely look down on them. americans like everyone, sometimes even
the french! how the british feel about americans changes from person to
person, moment to moment.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:43:48 PST 1997
Some of my best friends are Canadians. Well. That's not true but it
could be. Decoy is fine by the way. He's just too busy moving his
offices to come and spend time with us.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:40:51 PST 1997
I'm back. I just got to send off a subtle but nasty e-mail reply to a
condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian. What with
NAFTA and all that, the Canadian products are just pouring over the
Buffalo/Southern Ontario boarder. Anyhow - glad you are back in one
piece mooch. I was at a night club in London, aw, what was it, something
feathers? Fellows. Goodfeathers? The high light was seeing the late
great Tiny Tim walking around with a group of incredibly attractive
women. Anyhow, I was reluctantly dancing with a girl who was surprised I
was American because I as so quiet. "I thought all American men were
loud, aggressive sexual carnivours" she said or something like that. I
just shrugged. I think she was disappointed with me.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:40:43 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:37:28 PST 1997
So it's all the Brits' fault!
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:34:09 PST 1997
Americans DO like Canadians and vice versa..But some Brits seem a bit
put off with the american "piles of money thing"..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:29:41 PST 1997
Saucer - a bootleg you have? OK, here's a question:- er, why don't
Americans like Canadians and vice versa? There's a prize for the most
succinct answer...
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:26:25 PST 1997
Yeah Myk I dont leave home without it!When I lived in London I was
always mistaken for an american I dont know why..I'm quite quiet..One
night a bus clippy shouted at my friends and me that our sort made her
sick!!,I asked her what she was on about ,and she shouted AMERICANS!!!I
told her I we were canadians and got a very large appology and she
proceeded to haunt us the whole way home talking about her sister in
Toronto Who's a nurse(just like the Bonzo Dog band song...
FROM: Saucer
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:21:10 PST 1997
Quick: What has 20-odd songs and stories in-between and was recorded in
summertime and features Robyn and a chum chatting about "merch" and
includes the irritating intermittent sound of a cash register in the
background every 15 seconds ringing up bar sales? I Don't Remember
Gilford....I Saw Nick Drake...Don't Talk to Me About Gene
Hackman....Queen of Eyes...Madonna of the Wasps. Hey, is Queen of Eyes
about Television? Just curious, that carabace shell and black lace
thighs, sounds like a sexy tv if you ask me....She switches on, doesn't
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:17:26 PST 1997
have you ever covered yourself in maple leaf patches, mooch? well, if
you move to the US, you're simply not allowed to do that anymore!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:14:32 PST 1997
yeah, they must have been americans, because any canadian on that side
of the atlantic wouldn't be caught dead without a red maple leaf tatooed
to his forehead to make damn sure no one thought he was american. the
phenomenon is funny as hell. not some, not most, but ALL canadian
backpackers wear canadian flags, sometimes similar in size to a car
license plate. and when not backpacking, my favorite accessory is the
maple leaf flag lapel pin.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:13:45 PST 1997
yes ..the paint peeling window..heh,no sign of the rainbow socks?...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:09:24 PST 1997
I think I was gripped by fever and fatigue and heat and kept imagining
how crap it would be if I fainted and by imagining it, I made myself
worse. So, I just stood by the side and stared out of the window over
Camden Lock and watched a few fireworks zooming into the night sky. I'm
alright now though. Hooray!
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:08:56 PST 1997
Hey,yow! I'm back in one piece!..bad Hong Kong traffic
today..hydroplaning,hundais..BIG vehical swallowing
puddles..ahh,paradise!!Myk,have you got your pipes fixed yet??and your
pugnatious friend has he seen the err of his ways?I just rcieved acall
from my comp. tech.,he has my new cdrom unithe ordered has come in,so I
may be compless yet if I disappear from the board for a
while,that's the cause.Mr.wax what has become of mr.Decoy I miss his
insightful he well?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:06:27 PST 1997
My reply was for CW, of course. The Americans just had American voices.
I didn't evesdrop, I was swirling.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:05:57 PST 1997
why, exactly, did you swoon, sleepy? when in doubt, ingest more vitamin
C! good to see you, alternity. yeah, wb's irc is lame, but the server
itself is quite functional and often empty, so hopefully the "babylon 5"
crowd won't crash us (like we crashed rod's lounge)!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:02:11 PST 1997
Aw, thanks.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:02:09 PST 1997
son volt is a fine band. the music press had a love affair with tupelo,
and so now it does with son volt. they are quite deserving, however. did
the americans say "american" things or did they just sound american?
when i was in london, everyone thought i was canadian. apparently, one
has to sound like john wayne to be american! heh heh heh!
FROM: alternity
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:01:27 PST 1997
Hey , I'm back..I leave for a gew days and I have so much to read my
eyes hurt.Slllowww it down.hhahah. I will show up at the #glasshotel
sunday.But seriously, I am speaking from experience, Warner Brothers irc
net is lame...,there are much better irc nets to chat across.Trust me.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:00:00 PST 1997
You should take better care of yourself. I worry about you.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:57:40 PST 1997
The band was Son Volt. The singer was in Uncle Tupelo and the guy who is
now in Wilco was also in Uncle Tupelo. Interesting huh?! I heard the
audience talking before the show, that's how I know they were American.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. I like Americans! I did have
to leave early because I almost keeled over. Scary.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:56:15 PST 1997
Roger's father was killed at Anzio and Robyn's father was injured at
Normandy in Black '44. I don't know.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:45:20 PST 1997
yet another archive... look out REM, here we come! oh, such petty
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:39:49 PST 1997
which show was loaded with americans? just curious. going to new york,
is she? well, i hope you get the CDs you want.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:39:17 PST 1997
The world is just crawling with Americans. How did you know they were
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:02:43 PST 1997
Did I mention my dog is Canadian? I love her anyhow. Well, there you go. Enough of this international squabbling. I hope you all know I'm just kidding. Mostly.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:02:03 PST 1997
the KIDS now live in the states..a new hall..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 09:00:20 PST 1997
Uh, Toronto is my favorite Canadian city - but only because of the Kids in the Hall. How shallow! ..Sorry...
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:57:03 PST 1997
What you say about butt kissing is kind of true, but everything changes when you reach the Rockies, a different globe of frogs..we love the natural barricade the mountains afford us..most other Canadian provices think B.C. is out of it's mind ..and they may be right..however,nova scotia and newfound land are our pals..more in common with them than the a-- kissing centralists..who take our taxes and ignor us..the thig that unites Canada is it's mutual dislike for Toronto,and Ottawa..where the true problem lives....
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:55:05 PST 1997
Any other countries we can rope into the tirade? Switzerland - what are you staring at?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:52:32 PST 1997
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! mr wax, i love it! that's just the sort of thing they expect of us, so let's give it to 'em! your story about a british girl's misconception of you is startlingly familiar. i found out that, again, you sometimes gotta give them what they expect. heh heh. some of my time there i was busy apologizing for the misdeeds of my countrymen.... gee, kinda like being german!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:52:24 PST 1997
Oh, dear. I've opened up a real can of worms (bees) haven't I? Calm, calm, belong.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:51:13 PST 1997
Bausch and Lomb is an American company isn't it? Corporate headquarters right down the road in Decoy's precious white collar infested Rochester. Still sorry though mooch
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:50:18 PST 1997
I've only ever had good experiences with Americans (so to speak). I spent some time studying abroad and the Americans on my course were so much fun. I asked one of them whether he'd ever heard of Robyn Hitchc--k and his reply was "Of course." He was the one I liked. Of course.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:46:40 PST 1997
Deep down, the Brits haven't forgiven Americans for The Revolution. The Canadians still kiss British Butt. Good God, The Queen is on all their money. So yes, it is all their fault. I'm going to get in trouble for this one aren't I?
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:45:50 PST 1997
I know very well of the free trade fiasco..I lost a long time Highly paid optical repair technician job ,when my company(Bausch and Lomb,The bastards!) went to Kansas..because of cheap labour....
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:44:55 PST 1997
"piles of money"? huh? i've looked around, and i can't seem to find my piles of money! damn... yeah, canadians are very diverse, depending on which province, i think. nova scotia canadians love americans, but the rest politely look down on them. americans like everyone, sometimes even the french! how the british feel about americans changes from person to person, moment to moment.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:43:48 PST 1997
Some of my best friends are Canadians. Well. That's not true but it could be. Decoy is fine by the way. He's just too busy moving his offices to come and spend time with us.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:40:51 PST 1997
I'm back. I just got to send off a subtle but nasty e-mail reply to a condescending f--k face a-- wipe who happens to be Canadian. What with NAFTA and all that, the Canadian products are just pouring over the Buffalo/Southern Ontario boarder. Anyhow - glad you are back in one piece mooch. I was at a night club in London, aw, what was it, something feathers? Fellows. Goodfeathers? The high light was seeing the late great Tiny Tim walking around with a group of incredibly attractive women. Anyhow, I was reluctantly dancing with a girl who was surprised I was American because I as so quiet. "I thought all American men were loud, aggressive sexual carnivours" she said or something like that. I just shrugged. I think she was disappointed with me.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:40:43 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:37:28 PST 1997
So it's all the Brits' fault!
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:34:09 PST 1997
Americans DO like Canadians and vice versa..But some Brits seem a bit put off with the american "piles of money thing"..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:29:41 PST 1997
Saucer - a bootleg you have? OK, here's a question:- er, why don't Americans like Canadians and vice versa? There's a prize for the most succinct answer...
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:26:25 PST 1997
Yeah Myk I dont leave home without it!When I lived in London I was always mistaken for an american I dont know why..I'm quite quiet..One night a bus clippy shouted at my friends and me that our sort made her sick!!,I asked her what she was on about ,and she shouted AMERICANS!!!I told her I we were canadians and got a very large appology and she proceeded to haunt us the whole way home talking about her sister in Toronto Who's a nurse(just like the Bonzo Dog band song...
FROM: Saucer
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:21:10 PST 1997
Quick: What has 20-odd songs and stories in-between and was recorded in summertime and features Robyn and a chum chatting about "merch" and includes the irritating intermittent sound of a cash register in the background every 15 seconds ringing up bar sales? I Don't Remember Gilford....I Saw Nick Drake...Don't Talk to Me About Gene Hackman....Queen of Eyes...Madonna of the Wasps. Hey, is Queen of Eyes about Television? Just curious, that carabace shell and black lace thighs, sounds like a sexy tv if you ask me....She switches on, doesn't she?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:17:26 PST 1997
have you ever covered yourself in maple leaf patches, mooch? well, if you move to the US, you're simply not allowed to do that anymore!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:14:32 PST 1997
yeah, they must have been americans, because any canadian on that side of the atlantic wouldn't be caught dead without a red maple leaf tatooed to his forehead to make damn sure no one thought he was american. the phenomenon is funny as hell. not some, not most, but ALL canadian backpackers wear canadian flags, sometimes similar in size to a car license plate. and when not backpacking, my favorite accessory is the maple leaf flag lapel pin.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:13:45 PST 1997
yes ..the paint peeling window..heh,no sign of the rainbow socks?...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:09:24 PST 1997
I think I was gripped by fever and fatigue and heat and kept imagining how crap it would be if I fainted and by imagining it, I made myself worse. So, I just stood by the side and stared out of the window over Camden Lock and watched a few fireworks zooming into the night sky. I'm alright now though. Hooray!
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:08:56 PST 1997
Hey,yow! I'm back in one piece!..bad Hong Kong traffic today..hydroplaning,hundais..BIG vehical swallowing puddles..ahh,paradise!!Myk,have you got your pipes fixed yet??and your pugnatious friend has he seen the err of his ways?I just rcieved acall from my comp. tech.,he has my new cdrom unithe ordered has come in,so I may be compless yet if I disappear from the board for a while,that's the cause.Mr.wax what has become of mr.Decoy I miss his insightful he well?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:06:27 PST 1997
My reply was for CW, of course. The Americans just had American voices. I didn't evesdrop, I was swirling.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:05:57 PST 1997
why, exactly, did you swoon, sleepy? when in doubt, ingest more vitamin C! good to see you, alternity. yeah, wb's irc is lame, but the server itself is quite functional and often empty, so hopefully the "babylon 5" crowd won't crash us (like we crashed rod's lounge)!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:02:11 PST 1997
Aw, thanks.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:02:09 PST 1997
son volt is a fine band. the music press had a love affair with tupelo, and so now it does with son volt. they are quite deserving, however. did the americans say "american" things or did they just sound american? when i was in london, everyone thought i was canadian. apparently, one has to sound like john wayne to be american! heh heh heh!
FROM: alternity
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:01:27 PST 1997
Hey , I'm back..I leave for a gew days and I have so much to read my eyes hurt.Slllowww it down.hhahah. I will show up at the #glasshotel sunday.But seriously, I am speaking from experience, Warner Brothers irc net is lame...,there are much better irc nets to chat across.Trust me. ~~later~~
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 08:00:00 PST 1997
You should take better care of yourself. I worry about you.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:57:40 PST 1997
The band was Son Volt. The singer was in Uncle Tupelo and the guy who is now in Wilco was also in Uncle Tupelo. Interesting huh?! I heard the audience talking before the show, that's how I know they were American. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I like Americans! I did have to leave early because I almost keeled over. Scary.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:56:15 PST 1997
Roger's father was killed at Anzio and Robyn's father was injured at Normandy in Black '44. I don't know.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:45:20 PST 1997
yet another archive... look out REM, here we come! oh, such petty rivalry.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:39:49 PST 1997
which show was loaded with americans? just curious. going to new york, is she? well, i hope you get the CDs you want.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:39:17 PST 1997
The world is just crawling with Americans. How did you know they were Americans?