FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:32:53 PST 1997
My lucky boss is going to New York next week - a--uming she can push her way past the loom in her office. I hope she can get my CDs. Half of the audience at the concert I went to last night were American.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:14:00 PST 1997
yeah, mr wax, that's a serious occupational hazard! the UK should have laws preventing such reckless rotation in the workplace!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:12:35 PST 1997
another belated "bye", this time to mooch. enjoy another day in that paradise you ache to leave, vancouver. yeah, mr wax, joe is almost with us... and he never did explain how he got so connected that he could play that gig. hmmm... sleepy: oh, ok, now that makes a bit more sense. heh heh.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:12:16 PST 1997
I saw Sleepy's boss, sitting at her chair in her office spinning around on the wheels in a circle and blocking access to the stereo.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:09:43 PST 1997
Bye mooch. Thanks Sleepy. Who is Joe. I've just given up on that one. It's like he's reading and responding to a message board much like ours but in a different dimension.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:09:19 PST 1997
Myk - that made me scream with laughter! No - I just meant that she'll be spinning on her head, really busy.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:06:26 PST 1997
your boss will be "spinning" tomorrow? what does that mean? do you work in the textiles industry? the radio biz? please explain before i get a damn odd mental picture stuck in my head!
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:03:50 PST 1997
I guess we have settled the chat times ? Joe truly playing the Nick Drake thing??who is "Joe" ??I have to go into traffic soon so I'll say so long ..have a crisp autumn day..later..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 07:02:14 PST 1997
m - sounds strange... CW - I'll try to tape it. I don't know if I'll even be able to hear it myself, since the stereo is in my boss' room and she'll be spinning tomorrow afternoon. I'll have a go though.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:59:30 PST 1997
and if you find yourself in the baden-wurttenburg area of germany, i recommend "Hackers" cybercafe. high-speed connection, and if you're lucky, actual germans will be playing the "axis and allies" board game, reliving taboo past glories. yes, it was an odd experience.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:54:15 PST 1997
it's a bit of a blood test,that board.I hope everyone is well,not too pale,etc.this week has flown.Sleepy have tou tried Roadsharks' Tex mex and cybercafe??it sounds a bit bizzare..salsa and microchips..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:52:49 PST 1997
Tape it for me please.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:52:23 PST 1997
huh? he reviews records on the radio? you're pullin' my leg! as for kd lang, mooch... i don't think i need that experience this early in the morning.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:52:09 PST 1997
Yuk. It's illegible.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:47:53 PST 1997
Hello mooch. I haven't seen the k d lang sight I'll go and visit. I've got my tea. Feeling much better. Robyn's on the radio tomorrow, reviewing records.
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:41:31 PST 1997
good morning all..those boards are kind of creepy..the K.D.Lang one is creepy AND hard to use ..I hope warners dont ever change to that style or format on Robyns' board..but it would seriously cramp our pal satan..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:36:48 PST 1997
I heard that song for the first time the same day I heard Pink Floyd The Wall for the first time. That is a twisted nightmarish juxtaposition I will have to bear the rest of my life.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:31:34 PST 1997
Now I feel nervous. I'm going to make a cup of tea.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:30:26 PST 1997
That song is one of my colleague's favourite songs in the world. Tragic. Myk - you're a secret fan? I would never have guessed...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:29:20 PST 1997
ok ok, secret's out! silly wax. so, mr wax, did decoy tell you all the info he let slip? hmmm????
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:28:04 PST 1997
why, hello to you too! c'mon, sleepy, we'll all tell our ages! after all, swapping ages is still safer than swapping needles!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:27:46 PST 1997
Come on. If You Want My Body is a disco classic of monumental proportions. Decoy told me that Myk thinks Rod is dreamy.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:26:06 PST 1997
Hello Myk. I forgot to say hello.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:23:40 PST 1997
I thought that too. Rod Stewart? Purlease...
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:19:33 PST 1997
Myk slipped in. That last was to Sleepy. Yes I read that bit. I suspected she was one of ours. I laughed a lot.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:16:55 PST 1997
Like you would have told me.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:15:32 PST 1997
good morning, folks! so, sleepy, exactly how old is tim? heh heh. but seriously, i hope everyone is having a fine morning. rod's "lounge" was a gas, baby. there's a woman named leslie who is quite happy to describe all the things she'd like rod to do to her, with her, etc. but what i really wanna know is: does mr wax secretly NOTICE the photos and artwork on the cd covers? giggle.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:10:58 PST 1997
Now that would be his secret.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:07:26 PST 1997
I know. I was going to ask how old your chum Tim was.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 06:02:01 PST 1997
Hey - Like I said, we do pretty well considering there are about six people posting. Yes. That was me. I ran right out to buy it. I was going to say something else but I've forgotten.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 05:55:40 PST 1997
Did you get Invisible Hits when I asked about Wey Wey Hep Uh Hole? Was that you?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 05:47:32 PST 1997
Hello. I've been hopping around other Warners message boards. REM have about twice as many archives as us. I think we're doing quite well considering Robyn is probably less than half as well-known as them. I didn't leave any messages though.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Nov 6 05:38:13 PST 1997
Good morning Sleepy and MTS. Gosh. Look at the time. I got sucked in to doing some stupid work. I have Invisible Hits. I've never even noticed any picture on it. Not that there would be anything wrong with that. Ummm - the chicken/bacon and key down the back are just crying for comments but I haven't had enough coffee to be clever enough.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 05:24:25 PST 1997
CW - you're late!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 05:23:00 PST 1997
No, I haven't got a tape of it. I wasn't at THAT Jazz Cafe gig! Are you supposed to put a key down your back when your nose bleeds, or did I dream that?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Thu Nov 6 05:15:00 PST 1997
Sleepy - It was a good gig. Did you buy the tape of it? Where you at THAT Jazz Cafe gig? I was with Mr. Drunk and friend. s--t, my nose is bleeding! That hasn't happened since I was 14!!!!!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 05:05:53 PST 1997
That was a good gig. I don't remember anyone shouting out Matthew's name though. He obviously agreed to your request then! Chicken and bacon - no other meat, re: almost vegetarian comment.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Thu Nov 6 05:02:40 PST 1997
Sleepy - It was at the Soft Boys Reunion at The Astoria. We thought it would be amusing to shout out Matthews name all night and then we called on him to lower his head so we could place our unworthy hands on it. I am 29 years old.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 04:56:37 PST 1997
Why did you touch his head?!
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Thu Nov 6 04:51:37 PST 1997
Sleepy - MY GOD, MAN, YOU'RE A GIRL!!!! I never knew. Not that it makes any difference, but I just imagine all RH fans to be unhealthy, pale guys. What do you mean you're nearly vegetarian? You buy meat but don't eat it? Thank you for the good luck, the show went pretty well last night, not very well attended but it was fun. I would be very interested in seeing a picture of Matthew Selligman. I touched his head once.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 04:26:33 PST 1997
Joe - are you going to be attending/performing in the Nick Drake tribute on Sat--day?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 03:45:39 PST 1997
CW - That's not to suggest that you'd be remotely interested in looking at a picture of Matthew Seligman, of course. Luke - Tim is older than he looks! I'm 30 days younger than him. Ha!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Nov 6 03:19:31 PST 1997
Morning. Creatively invading other peoples' message boards, eh? Sounds like fun. Who can I pick on?... CW - I hope you bought Underwater Moonlight - it's a great album. (You'll have to get Invisible Hits for the yummy picture of Matthew Seligman though, or the Soft Boys box set!) Morrissey - it turns out that I do have the Sequel sampler - it still had the wrapping on. Um. £3.29. Bargain. Tracks selected by Robyn it says. I think I must have forgotten about it because I've got all the tracks anyway (apart from Statue). I agree that the cover picture is useless. This message board has inspired me to play more of Robyn's records, so that can only be a good thing.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 22:38:58 PST 1997
Who gets joy out of posting under other people's names? The last two postings with my name on it are not me. C'mon, people, grow up.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 21:14:24 PST 1997
Satan whats wrong you dont like us anymore? Why all the posters? Isnt there some medicated ointment that will clear this board of them?
DATE: Wed Nov 5 21:12:02 PST 1997
Hey anon. your a redneck if you cant spell probably
FROM: Bonnie
DATE: Wed Nov 5 21:08:41 PST 1997
I have a photograph that deserves the caption: "You might be a redneck if your bride's wedding
dress is held together with duct tape". If there is any interest by anyone in seeing this, please let me
know - I think it's a riot. The skirt part of the dress fits fine, but the back of the top didn't meet by
about 12 inches - but duct tape did a fine job of holding it on - it hurt like crazy coming off. Please
respond. Thanks!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Wed Nov 5 21:03:56 PST 1997
Tsk tsk: Mom's always the last to know.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 21:03:53 PST 1997
DATE: Wed Nov 5 21:00:55 PST 1997
I never realized how goofy he looked.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:59:58 PST 1997
As if by the grace of God I somehow manage to build up enough strength to type some silly message and this is the best that I come up with!
FROM: Leslie
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:59:29 PST 1997
Hey who posted that? Are you saying I'm wobbly? Maybe you are but not me.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:54:26 PST 1997
Leaving myself a message..leavin' myself a message...
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:52:30 PST 1997
Whoda thunk plundering other message boards could be so much fun? Those Rod Stewart fans are real sex perverts, though. Even though I've listened to Mark Eitzel (and AMC) for a few years now, I never realized how goofy he looked.
FROM: nausea boy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:52:13 PST 1997
Cal, for the love of god, stop it.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:44:26 PST 1997
I care.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:41:11 PST 1997
Does anyone care that I am suffering a reduction in hair follicles?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:35:25 PST 1997
Hey, Myk, that's not such a bad idea! We'll be like message board pirates! Arrr, matey...
One question, we use our names, or do we come up with other aliases?
OK, Mr. No Name, you don't have to sign the guestbook...
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Nov 5 20:13:26 PST 1997
How come you can't say "hitchc--k" but you can say "satan"???
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 18:23:14 PST 1997
what fun... crashing the other message boards. well, let's be like the boy scouts: we'll leave their respective boards in better condition than when we found them! so please, write the oddest prose you can think up.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 18:19:28 PST 1997
rob...let's see: I have to promise to sign your guest book to get the address? maybe not.
FROM: maj.Jet bread J.Flyrabbits
DATE: Wed Nov 5 17:40:21 PST 1997
I have NOT worn lingerie for some time now..
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 17:21:07 PST 1997
It's pronounced Hand-ee.
To the person who asked if I have a webpage---well, yes I do. If you promise to sign the guestbook, I'll give you the address. Or, you can browse through the archives and find it yourself. Your choice.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 16:44:45 PST 1997
jack handey: Is that pronounced "hand-aye" or "hand-eee" or "hand-I"?
FROM: Ana Gram
DATE: Wed Nov 5 16:42:49 PST 1997
[jet bread . . . deej r bad; bret deja; teed bra; bra tee dj, brat deej] jet bread's mom, is he into disco music or anything? Or, putting it another way, have you noticed any personal items, such as lingerie, missing from your boudroir since he reached puberty?
DATE: Wed Nov 5 16:36:55 PST 1997
FROM: Bleak Poem
DATE: Wed Nov 5 16:22:13 PST 1997
Depression sounds like a flock of geese overhead, flying toward southern obilivions for the ice age to come. Sail on, sweet quackers, I will meet you in the time zone of the gods with a tear in my eye and a globe of lively frogs to feast upon, like, with you & stuff.
FROM: 96 Teardrops Exploding
DATE: Wed Nov 5 16:11:16 PST 1997
?! Wondered where you were, you one-hit wonder. Are the Mysterians now a consistenly-staffed group, or a revolving line-up, during your shows in Vegas?
FROM: Satan
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:59:40 PST 1997
Tsk tsk: Mom's always the last to know.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:46:09 PST 1997
American release? Perhaps that is why that person found it as an IMPORT?
FROM: Jet breads' mom
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:45:13 PST 1997
Jet bread has nothing to do with Satan,I a--ure you.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:31:12 PST 1997
rob, you have a webpage?
FROM: hmmm
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:28:54 PST 1997
what with the mention of foxworthy and rod stewert boards, i been exploring the boards from warners & i see some names that are familiar here, especially satan(!) and jetbread
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:22:32 PST 1997
Ok, since Sequel did the European release, who did the American? I'm an American, and we never get anything good. *Sigh*. We did have R.E.M. at one time, but now it's just a hollow shell....
Can I bribe anyone to make me a copy of the sampler?
FROM: Three
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:20:58 PST 1997
PS - I found mine at Tower Records, with an import tag on it..................................
FROM: Jack Handey
<Deep Thoughts 3: The New Beginning....>
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:20:29 PST 1997
One thing a computer can do that most humans can't is be sealed up in a cardboard box and sit at a warehouse.
FROM: Three
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:18:42 PST 1997
"Statue With A Walkman" is on the Sequel Records sampler of Robyn's songs when Rhino did all of those re-issues. I'm guessing that Sequel handles the european releases. The song is the last track on a 10 track CD. ID # is 023224-789921. Good luck tracking it down!
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:17:39 PST 199ofessor. Same stuff, diff'rnt board.
FROM: Message Board Tramp
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:15:06 PST 1997
Hey, you can say a--hole on the Tom Petty message boards. What gives?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:13:30 PST 1997
What happened? I was up this morning (a very early 7 AM for me), leaving messages with Sleepy (ironic he was the only one up, eh?), and after a solid 10 hours sleep, I come back to find Rod Stewart, Jeff Beck (By the way, the 'sample mad upstart' is OK in my book), and Jeff Foxworthy?
Anyhoo, where can I get the compilation with 'Statue with a Walkman'?
"For thine is the kingdom...mine is the other bit"
DATE: Wed Nov 5 15:07:05 PST 1997
an interesting site for old london(71)Pink fairy fans and era types(twink the drummer, worked with Syd Barrett on some band backing just as Syd was deciding whether to go mad or not)..
DATE: Wed Nov 5 14:44:37 PST 1997
quite probably, he was on everyones albums at one point.need a piano? call nicky.
FROM: Three
DATE: Wed Nov 5 14:40:55 PST 1997
Didn't Nicky Hopkins play piano/keyboards on some of The Who's records?
FROM: mooch
DATE: Wed Nov 5 14:39:05 PST 1997
Goofball,I agree,Shapes of things would be an excellent song to cover ..should Robyn choose to.the yardbirds were a very diverse band musically,over,under,sideways,down,is a great album.It's a shame about Keith Relf..Guitars and t.v.sometimes don't mix well,especially when your electric amp goes rogue as you reach to manually change channels,as happened to Keith.thank God for remote controls!!
FROM: Luke
DATE: Wed Nov 5 14:25:58 PST 1997
Robyn and Tim did Queen of Eyes on the little usa acoustic tour back in June. Was Tim even born when that one was recorded?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Nov 5 14:02:58 PST 1997
But I beleive it's "carapace SHELL and black lace THIGHS." Correct??
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Nov 5 14:02:00 PST 1997
Wow....delayed reaction to the carapace question
FROM: Sheriff Fatherbrother
DATE: Wed Nov 5 13:50:15 PST 1997
You skinny, tea-sippin' city slicksters stay outta Jeff Foxworthy's Spam Tin or we'll chuck cow pies at yer schoolbus. And you cun take that to da bank.
FROM: Goofball
DATE: Wed Nov 5 13:45:32 PST 1997
Hey m! I stumbled upon that myself -- Nicky Hopkins' solo album. It's very beat up and scratched, but interesting (I still have a turntable). The piece on the Jeff Beck albums credited to him, Girl from Mill Valley, is beautiful.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 13:13:00 PST 1997
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:50:45 PST 1997
I have Nicky Hopkins solo album Tin's great..
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:50:05 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:40:09 PST 1997
Thanks goofball. I'm outta here. Till tomorrow then. Everybody take care. I'm going to buy Underwater Moonlight now.
FROM: Goofball
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:39:48 PST 1997
Rod Stewert used to sing with Jeff Beck, and the albums to get are Truth and Beck-Ola. Especially Truth. So I was kind of talking about both of them. Ron Wood played bass (much better than his "lead" work with the Stones; and Nicky Hopkinds (R.I.P.) on the piano. Superb albums.
FROM: Goofball
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:35:37 PST 1997
Rod Stewert used to sing with Jeff Beck, and the albums to get are Truth and Beck-Ola. Especially Truth. So I was kind of talking about both of them. Ron Wood played bass (much better than his "lead" work with the Stones; and Nicky Hopkinds (R.I.P.) on the piano. Superb albums.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:29:42 PST 1997
oh, god help me, i just posted a message at rod's page. i tried not to be rude, but didn't the velvet-robed rod make you think that ODD things may be happening there?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:15:22 PST 1997
Goofball - are you talking about Jeff Beck or Rod Stewart?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:11:10 PST 1997
Hey. No. I wouldn't go back to Rod's Lounge ever ever again. It scared me. m - is that who that is in that chair? Ooh. That image is forever burnt into my brain. Oh woe is me. What a world, what a world. Everyone agree, Underwater Moonlight the one to buy?
FROM: Goofball
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:10:40 PST 1997
Well I'm back. That's not David Copperfield, that's Quentin Crisp on a bad day. Still, peel off the mold from Jeff Beck Group's Truth and Beck-Ola albums (a great guitarist, not the upstart sample-mad "beck" who's okay in small doses, like uranium) and you will find a singer with power to burn. Compare his "You Shook Me" with Bob Plant's and you'll find a sense of humor along with good pipes. And "Shapes of Things," well, a great song made to groove. What a great song for Robyn to cover! You guys remember that one, a Yardbirds number? Sorry I ramble. Too much jolt.
FROM: Goofball
DATE: Wed Nov 5 12:03:53 PST 1997
Did you guys go to Bunch o' cartoon stuff there. I didn't go to see Rod's Board, only nearly fell in sideways; but if you say it's safe for Robyn/Soft Boys fans, that's fine with me.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 11:57:48 PST 1997
I wonder why they have a picture of David Copperfield sitting in a chair at the Rod board?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 11:18:47 PST 1997
I'm back from Rod's lounge. It felt so foreign. I felt so alone. They have 55 archives. I'm a bit humbled by that. But they probably have more than six people posting too.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 11:03:48 PST 1997
CW- Yes he did 1974. Should be out on the single along with I remember Guildford. That should be coming out with the album that single.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 11:03:04 PST 1997
Thanks Joe, but Sleepy already answered both of those questions yesterday. I'm off to the Rod Stewart message board. Myk - let's invade!
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:58:58 PST 1997
CW- Yes he did 1974. Should be out on the single along with I remember Guildford
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:49:55 PST 1997
mr wax should be named "chewing Macs". heh heh. goofball: your offhand comment about rod stewart caused me to go check out his fan board. not half as odd as i'd guess, and quite a bit of chat regarding the passing of john denver. for the record, there was no mention of BOB denver or voltaic. snicker.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:41:13 PST 1997
Hey Goofball. Bill Gates is a god. Actually, I'm using Netscape. The last bastion of independence. And I'm using Mac OS. Not quite a bastion and not as independent as it used to be, but still, it sure ain't Windows 95.
FROM: Goofball
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:32:45 PST 1997
To twist the communist litany, Bill Gates will sell us the rope with which we will hang ourselves. And we'll smile all the way to the psyber gallows!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:29:03 PST 1997
i know! we work too hard at this! one of these days, bill gates will make it easy for us all. why, we won't have to put any thought into anything, soon!
FROM: Goofball
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:28:39 PST 1997
Whew! Nearly got funneled into the Rod Stewert Message Boards trying to get here. Fun stuff, though, can be found at the very front end of Warner ( like Looney Tunes music playing as the page builds. Greetings to all Robyn fans. How's the crab here? Any sign of a dwarf, the devil, or a lady with boils?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:21:19 PST 1997
I'm back. See ya Sleepy. All righty then. Sunday at 11:00am eastern time. Chat chat chat. What a build up. And it's only Wednesday.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:01:43 PST 1997
a belated adios, sleepy.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 10:01:11 PST 1997
that's a fine clock. as for me, i'll just add 5 hours, but if i ever need a graphical representation, i'm gonna load that groovy clock!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:58:08 PST 1997
I'm going now. Bye all.
FROM: clock guy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:51:57 PST 1997
for the current time in the UK try
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:48:49 PST 1997
i don't recall a giant plastic computer, but sometimes i'm not as observant as i should be. microphones work ok on the net, but cameras are a bit spottier, especially across the atlantic, i bet. (still, i'd like to know what she's got against cameras! there's nothing wrong with pc cameras, despite some of the odd uses found for them these days. heh heh.)
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:46:36 PST 1997
I just tried's not working..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:46:00 PST 1997
First comment was for Myk of course. Anyway, I'm going in a few minutes. Speak to you tomorrow. Good luck with your show Morrissey.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:43:26 PST 1997
m - I would never, ever, ever go to a cybercafe with a camera link up!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:42:08 PST 1997
No, sorry, I'm going to a different one. You can imagine the other one though. Was there a giant plastic computer there when you visited?
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:40:51 PST 1997
Sleepy,is that cybercafe in london the one with the camera link up?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:39:45 PST 1997
cool. you going to that cafe across from the toy museum? i hope you do, so that i can imagine everything more clearly.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:37:38 PST 1997
If the cybercafe can't do it, no-one can!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:34:54 PST 1997
ok ok, now how do i know that you'll be able to make your pc work this time, sleepy? heh heh.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:33:06 PST 1997
workable here..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:32:33 PST 1997
Oh, yes, this is going very well indeed!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:32:01 PST 1997
4.00 pm GMT. 11.00 am EST. 8.00 am PST? Is that cruel?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:31:48 PST 1997
i humbly suggest 4pm GMT, 11am EST, 8am PST. mooch was coherent at 8am his time, as i recall.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:31:35 PST 1997
8:am would work..with coffee.. ..
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:30:17 PST 1997
sorry, my network fell asleep for a bit. (must be the new puppies they hired as system administrators... hmm...) 10am sunday might be a bit of a stretch for me, as i'll be at my sister's place, a few hundred miles from here. however, i can simply use her dial-in and pc to get on. what the hell, right? or i'll requisition a laptop, perhaps by force! woohoo!
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:29:09 PST 1997
er..thats 7:00 a.m. over here.!!!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:27:26 PST 1997
Actually that's 7.00 am for West Coasters isn't it? Ouch. Myk, Decoy, mooch, WLA, rOb, Satan (rrahh), anyone else? Any good?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:24:11 PST 1997
3.00 pm. Sounds good.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:22:56 PST 1997
Sorry. It was no kind of answer at all was it? How about 10:00am EST and whatever the hell time that makes it GMT.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:22:38 PST 1997
Where is everybody? Satan has taken them all...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:15:59 PST 1997
I thought Satan was Morrissey. Have I got this all wrong?!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:13:17 PST 1997
By the way, anonymous isn't me. (gawd this is funny, huhuhu)
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 09:03:09 PST 1997
What kind of answer is that?!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:56:12 PST 1997
I'm ready for a nap.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:50:57 PST 1997
Eh? Thanks for the recipe CW. This Sunday would be fine for a chat. Early afternoon? Does that suit everyone? I'll go to the cybercafe.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:49:33 PST 1997
I get sumbunall of it..
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:47:07 PST 1997
thhat = the chat. Get it?
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:46:57 PST 1997
sorry I'm having trouble with my m key ..oh it's working now. excellent.. bye.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:46:18 PST 1997
McDonalds breakfast burritos. I could probably do thhat this weekend. The Bills game is at 4:00pm on Sunday so I wo't be leaving as early. Egg nog. It's got milk, and egg yolks, and nut meg, and rum? Is it rum? and sugar.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:43:12 PST 1997
uhh..that was me,Dave is flogging "fajitas" big time up north..vegeterian chili would be safe..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:42:28 PST 1997
Anonymous - why are you anonymous? What is your secret???
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:41:05 PST 1997
No, I've made up my mind (quite a feat, I can tell you), I'm having the chicken taco. I've just had a request in from a colleague, while its Cookery Hour and all, how do you make Egg Nog? I can only chat during the weekend. Can anybody do that?
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:39:26 PST 1997
Who said ".....Wendys'..??!!?? " and what does it mean?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:34:47 PST 1997
Sleepy - have you given up on trying to chat? Get the burrito.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:34:02 PST 1997
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:32:38 PST 1997
You slipped in there Sleepy. Yes. You are missing out on something.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:30:28 PST 1997
Yeh. It's not even Thanksgiving yet.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:30:12 PST 1997
I've never had a fajita in my life. Am I missing out on something?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:27:55 PST 1997
Mmmm guacamole. Fajita comes with guacamole. Decoy is a problem. I don't think I can allow this liability to continue much longer.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:25:54 PST 1997
we should set a time for the new chat..I'll leave it to you all to agree on the time..I'm easy going..I'm off to fire up the DAT..later..
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:25:19 PST 1997
oh, the things decoy said. yeah, he had mentioned he was drinking at the time. sleepy: how long does it take to prepare burritos that requires 2 months of leadtime? better be a damn good meal. when in doubt, i go with enchiladas.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:22:45 PST 1997
Not quite a vegetarian.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:21:43 PST 1997
I think I'm going for the guacamole and the chicken taco. That reminds me, Beck has a fantastic song called Satan Gave Me A Taco. It's very funny. I bet you'll be on the phone to Decoy tonight...
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:21:28 PST 1997
Oh, you mean the real heat. No. No it isn't but coffee beans were purchased.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:20:08 PST 1997
Oh yeh you're a veg aren't you? Hey mooch. Very hot indeed.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:19:02 PST 1997
That's what scares me. I can just imagine Decoy all drunk and chatting away about me. There is no telling what he could reveal. He never could hold his liquor. Get the chicken fajitas.
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:18:03 PST 1997
CW,fires of paranoia can keep one the heat on yet?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:15:45 PST 1997
I've now got to choose what I want from a Mexican menu for Christmas lunch. What a terrible chore.... CW - what have you got to hide then? Tee, hee.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:12:08 PST 1997
What the hell does that mean, "we also discussed mr wax, of course. heh heh. "? The fires of my paranoia are certainly being stoked this morning.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:07:53 PST 1997
Are you guys planning a chat again soon?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:06:39 PST 1997
Damn, I stumbled into the keyboard. So I'm the enigma.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:04:36 PST 1997
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 08:04:16 PST 1997
yes, i'm sure we'll discuss our respective occupations. i'm not sure if that's a word, but i get the gist. it's a very pleasant job, and every so often, i get to think. i've discussed my job with decoy, as i recall, in our first chat. we also discussed mr wax, of course. heh heh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:54:47 PST 1997
I'm intrigued as to what you do. You don't have to tell me. Maybe one day we'll chat and I'll find out. I hope you make use of your fine mediatory skills. (is that a word?)
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:50:07 PST 1997
yeah, working hard, and waiting for that special day when they hand me my walking papers and hire some adorable puppy. i'll take it gracefully. i'll understand.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:36:34 PST 1997
Urgh. Just picked up the old cold tea instead of the hot cup. I hate that. Everyone working hard this afternoon then?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:15:38 PST 1997
what gives you that idea, sleepy? heh heh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:12:01 PST 1997
Bye m. Myk - do I sense a lack of respect for your co-workers?!
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:11:28 PST 1997 Myk..and CW...later
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:10:07 PST 1997
hello Sleepy,..I'm not handing out canabis products these days,however..I have to go into traffic now I got up late ..later all...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:08:09 PST 1997
great story, mooch! i don't believe i've ever given pot to a famous person! so beautiful, it brings a tear to my eye. a dog that drinks labatt's and watches football is ok in my book! yeah, mr wax, door-to-door puppies is unethical, but damn effective! our office could use a dog, but he'd likely inspire a bit of jealousy, since he might be one of the sharper members of the organization.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 07:00:56 PST 1997
Hey, I'm impressed!
FROM: mooch
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:57:33 PST 1997
Good morning all,..Steve Martin,eh?..I have a brush with steve Martin story..Before he was famous he appeared at a small club in Vancouver (since gone)The sister inlaw worked there and was worried the audience was very small,so she phoned me up to come down and laugh at the right we went ,and he was hillarious,half way through his act he came around to the tables giving everyone a rebate on their ticket of ten cents..I explained I'd got in for free ,and gave him his dime back..and included a small canabis present..he said he wouldnt smoke it, but sell it to recoup the loss of my ticket I say this was 76 or so...different days indeed...heh heh..
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:51:54 PST 1997
Morrissey - has something happened to the First-Class stamp? There's a rectangular landcape stamp on a letter I've just got from Scotland. It's the right colour, with the same design, just the wrong way up.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:47:01 PST 1997
CW - sounds like fun. We need an office cat, although it probably wouldn't move much.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:34:07 PST 1997
Dog is a four year old black lab named Blue. My friend barged into my house with two fat little puppies. A sales tactic which should be illegal. The puppy I chose knocked over a bottle of Labatt Blue, lapped it up and then sat in front of the television and watched football. Cat is a thirteen year old Siamese named Rocko for absolutely no reason other than that's what struck me. He swats at the dog who takes halariously exaggerated prat falls making him feel quite powerful and dominant.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:28:23 PST 1997
I've decided that I don't want to work today, just chat. My boss isn't here. Maybe I could hide the work...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:26:29 PST 1997
I want a cat. My boss named one of her many cats Figgy. I was slightly envious. Getting into a sad domain now, I know, but what's your cat called? Oh, yeah, and the dog - don't want it to get jealous...
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:25:44 PST 1997
i am enjoying this alot! mr wax brings rover to work! sleepy's femininity is called into question yet again by her attendance of a steve martin film festival! by the way, mr wax, what's your pup's name?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:23:27 PST 1997
I have a cat too. I will always have a cat.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:22:16 PST 1997
Morrissey - yes, the Scala was great. They had a cat. What more could a person ask for? Well, probably a lot more, but you know, that's OK to be getting on with...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:16:24 PST 1997
I'm absolutely not a guy.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:14:38 PST 1997
I'm going to quit this message board if Sleepy turns out to be a guy after all. I don't need my brain twisted like that. But really - I do bring my dog. My Blue Heaven is on of my favorites, along with The Jerk and The Man with Two Brains.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:12:50 PST 1997
Sleepy - Hurrumph! OK, I'll accept that. The Scala was great though, eh? It is sorely missed.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:12:08 PST 1997
I will admit that this is a fairly creepy coincidence though...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:11:08 PST 1997
Hi Myk. Morrissey - no, honestly, I'm really not Lol and I barely know him. Everyone loves Steve Martin! I'd be suspicious of anyone who didn't! And I know several people who went to the film all-nighter.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:10:20 PST 1997
Sleepy - This is way too much!!! Lol told me he went to the SM all-nighter at the Scala too?? 'Fess up, Dude.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:08:28 PST 1997
CW - Awwww, Baby, you've got me in the mood for a noogle myself! Woof! Woof!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:08:06 PST 1997
i'm poking in between meetings. ugh. damn, mr wax, i don't enjoy my victory so much, now that i know that you've had a hellday. yeah, what's with the dog? "underwater personality traits" would be a cool double-album t-tle, i think. heh heh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:07:09 PST 1997
CW - no?! Really?! You bring your dog to work? You're not teasing me? I think that The Man With Two Brains is excellent, although All Of Me is wonderful too. About 10 years ago I went to a Steve Martin film all-nighter at a now defunct cinema in Kings Cross. It was amazing. People turned up with joke arrows-through-the-head and really got into the spirit of the thing. Ah, happy days. I don't think I could ever do that now.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:05:28 PST 1997
No - that was funny though. It was to MTS's dirty word challenge. Grup, slunge, phrap, noogle, dingle, f--k up the a-- with a ponted stick.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:03:31 PST 1997
Sleepy - Are you sure you're not Lol? The Steve Martin thing is a bit of a coincidence. My Fave SM movie is The Jerk, but Man With Two Brains is a damn close second.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 06:01:35 PST 1997
I bring my dog to work because I can. It's a casual setting. What's your favorite Steve Martin movie?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:59:49 PST 1997
CW - was that an answer for me? ie water?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:59:30 PST 1997
Sleepy - The cover is a crap photo of Robyn, but the back cover shows the same picture as the back of Moss Elixer. It was quite a good compilation, it had City Of Shame, Listening To The Higsons, Nightride To Trinidad, Airscape etc.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:58:04 PST 1997
CW - are you at work or home? Why is there a dog in your office. Or are you like Steve Martin in "All of Me"? I'm not really obsessed with Steve Martin, but I could understand how it could seem like it...
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:56:13 PST 1997
I started to but honestly I'm too tired.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:55:46 PST 1997
Morrissey - What's the cover like on the Sequel record? I think I've got it in a very scary pile of Robyn CD's in the bedroom. Have to check that tonight. CW - so, lad, you've got a hangover! Shame on you. You need water, not coffee.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:55:21 PST 1997
It's the $ sign. Speaking of $'s has anyone seen the Louise Woodward page?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:53:56 PST 1997
Hey, 4 out of 5, not bad. Can anyone beat that?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:53:05 PST 1997
Hey - do your British keyboards have the $ above the 4 or the pound symbol?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:52:54 PST 1997
What is wrong with this thing??? I can write Wank but not Jarvis c--ker??? Please excuse me while I experiment : Minge, Flaps, Shag, Arse, c--t.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:51:18 PST 1997
Sleepy - not really. Still cold, no fresh coffee and I'm beginnig to suspect I drank too much wine last night. But - enough of my problems.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:49:52 PST 1997
Sleepy - THE EGYPTIANS ARE DEAD??????? Aww, who cares!?! Actually, I was talking about that other compilation that Sequel records brought out with Statue on it. It was going for something like £3:99, I bought 2 copies but gave one to Jarvis c--ker (Strange/very drunk but true).
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:49:03 PST 1997
Ah, Underwater Moonlight is my very next musical purchase (sorry rOb). And Decoy still has my Black Snake Diamond Roll and Five Leaves Left. A terrible moment of drunken generosity that. Oh well. My poor wet dog wants to be pet. I have nothing to towel her off. Oh - the Rottweiler is outside. She just wanted to be let out to play.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:42:41 PST 1997
Morrissey - are you talking about "Uncorrected Personality Traits"? You can get it in HMV on import for megabucks. Or you could get your boss to get it for you when she goes to the US - I'm taking that option! The Egyptians no longer exist. CW - are you alright yet?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:38:33 PST 1997
Sleepy - Sorry, I guess I picked it up wrong about The Sundays thing. I'm not a fan of Guy Fawkes Night, fireworks scare me. I saw people talking about Statue With A Walkman, that's a pretty good song. Is that compilation still available? Does anyone know what The Egyptians are doing these days?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:34:24 PST 1997
CW - Guy Fawkes' night is alternatively known as Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night. It's an old history thing - Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. Or something like that. Lots of fireworks and tense cats.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:31:38 PST 1997
I just went to get some food. Queen of Eyes is on Underwater Moonlight. Morrissey - I don't think I'm going to the Sundays. But if I were to partake in your ghoulish suggestion, then I'd be Audrey Hepburn!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:25:57 PST 1997
Just ignore me.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:25:04 PST 1997
And no coffee beans to grind.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:21:01 PST 1997
Oh yeh - there seems to be no heat this morning. I'm not getting you down am I?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Nov 5 05:19:43 PST 1997
What's Guy Fawles Night and what album is Queen of Eyes on?