DATE: Fri Oct 31 15:29:38 PST 1997
two of them?
DATE: Fri Oct 31 14:36:24 PST 1997
Hi Sleepy- just picked up the Sundays single "Summertime" - has two bonus unreleased trax that kick a-- on anything since blind. Why they were left off Static and Silence I can't imagine, but well.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 14:35:57 PST 1997
Hi Sleepy- just picked up the Sundays single "Summertime" - has two bonus unreleased trax that kick a-- on anything since blind. Why they were left off Static and Silence I can't imagine, but well.
FROM: mooch
DATE: Fri Oct 31 14:27:40 PST 1997
...Hello,it has been a strange time here at Majestic studios..Oct.21st,my computer downloaded a NaSty CraZinesS that scrambled my system and spit bits of it all over my boot up sys.(blowed up good..)AIEE!..I still dont have my cd rom working cant play my new cd's(can of bees,I often dream of trains,and Underwater moonlight.),but I still have ms comic chat.ha,I hope everyone is well,(strange scenes inside the gold mine)..Hello to Myk,Decoy,Pungo,WLA, Mr.wax,rOb,sleepy( and the Canadians if they're still there)and of course,in mute nostril agony,Mr.Voltaic..and all..I,m off to burn my bleeding retinas on the archives..later,cheers..
DATE: Fri Oct 31 13:47:22 PST 1997
Just popped in to say hello real fast.Having a very busy day. Miss you very much. I'll try later.........
FROM: willybee
DATE: Fri Oct 31 13:38:57 PST 1997
Satan , Squelchy and God knows who else. Please leave Chewing Wax alone the poor chump lives in or near Beefalo for Christs sake. Have you ever been to Buffalo???
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 13:30:53 PST 1997
Just thought Iwould stop by to take a survey- how many of you "like me" stand in front of the mirror naked while playing with yourself?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 13:25:31 PST 1997
Eat me
DATE: Fri Oct 31 13:24:21 PST 1997
The real anon wants to know where that poor guy, bq, is. He's the one that you guys thought was me. I thought he was harmless enough. But your paranoia got the better of you and now he's gone. Too bad he didn't have the inner-strength of phaedrus and simply stick it out. Of course this will be the last "the real" for a while 'cuz the Chew-Lemming will now begin posting as the "real anon" in order to build up his apparently burgeoning morals charge against me. Manufacturing evidence again, are we, stooges, tssk tssk. Goes against so many of your quaint little laws doesn't it?
FROM: willybee
DATE: Fri Oct 31 13:20:12 PST 1997
Mr. Smith we need you , bring back the love.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 13:19:02 PST 1997
Yes yes, Chewy's gone Voltaic on us.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:31:47 PST 1997
Hey! Where the hell is L.? She was turning me on big time yesterday.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:27:43 PST 1997
actually - that was pretty funny.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:26:09 PST 1997
that's because I'm making fun of you, you buffoon.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:24:31 PST 1997
You guys are probably christians, aren't you...the most universally hypocritical religion ever perpetrated on the masses.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:23:56 PST 1997
That's it. I'm out of here. Happy Halloween everybody and Myk, if you are still there, have a great party. I Love you all very very much.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:23:24 PST 1997
Ain't it funny how even though someone is posting without credit, like me, you can tell when I post because I am so much more brilliant and humble than the other person, who's probably Chew-bark.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:21:58 PST 1997
The scorned lover, Chewsox, goes Voltaic.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:11:52 PST 1997
oh phaedrus - that wasn't the real me - that as just chewboy pretending t be me and stealing my idea to post with no name. Oh phaedrus - don't go away mad. I want to have sincere and educated conversation with you about a whole bunch of stuff. Oh phaedrus -it wasn't me!
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:04:01 PST 1997
Yeh. Just like you managed to call them jock offs yesterday on your first try. Feeling uncharacteristically crude King of fat f--ts?
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:03:58 PST 1997
Mick Ronson: R.I.P. Got the Heaven or Hull album. Sad. He was so well-liked by everyone he'd played with.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 12:03:31 PST 1997
Boys - so damn eloquent...
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:57:58 PST 1997
Back to important things...I've decided to go trick or treating dressed as....Ziggy Stardust!!! Unfortunately, I've only got one Spider from Mars...and he doesn't even want to be Mick Ronson!!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:56:00 PST 1997
Hey, Cav Toil, do you have nothing better to do than masturbate over pics of my ex? I've had her...several times. All you have is the pic.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:49:27 PST 1997
Acrostics are as fun as anagrams, but require a higher intelligence. Try one if you can.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:47:58 PST 1997
Not you, Sleepy. Chewbakaa
FROM: Cav Toil
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:47:30 PST 1997
I already down loaded Claire's pic. Oh she is so delicious. I have to keep cleaning my screen off.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:47:13 PST 1997
rOb - good idea. You've got to get Claire out of your head. Move on lad. You're still young. The tut tut wasn't for you, I might add. I'm really truly going now and I can a--ure you anonymous one that nothing untoward is happing in this building. Other than a tussle for the last biscuit, of course..... Until next time, I bid you farewell...
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:46:57 PST 1997
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:44:49 PST 1997
What the hell are you talking about? I only post as Chewing Wax. You are the self admitted multi poster.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:43:15 PST 1997
Tut, tut.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:40:17 PST 1997
OK....Claire is off the page. I've updated the hell out of it, though. Now, there are pics of me recording the album....oh, the vanity.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:39:06 PST 1997
If Myk were here he wouldn't be able to resist posting as himself. And the only other twerp here is Chewing Wax, so p, please remember that the real anonymouse likes you and respects you. But Chewing Wax is willing to create the illusion that you are unwelcome here just to be silly. Such a little twerp.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:36:00 PST 1997
You miss the point entirely, Chew. You're embarrassing the customers. Off your knees please. Really.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:34:19 PST 1997
Now you know how obvious that is, you stooges two: it's one of you: myk, chew. It ain't Sleepy, cus she's drinkin' and shaggin' herself rotten. But unlike you, I don't givas--t!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:33:16 PST 1997
Does that mean you really really like me?
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:31:11 PST 1997
toodles phaedrus, you idiot.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:30:53 PST 1997
or is it Fields, my Lexicon-savant?
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:30:24 PST 1997
Chewing Wacks: Ever heard of Sally Field?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:28:46 PST 1997
I wonder how much Bowie pulled in for those Microsoft adds?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:27:04 PST 1997
Glad to hear I made a point.
About Bowie nearly being a're a little late. He was recently named the richest man in Britain, with a net worth of 1.3 billion. He barely edged out Paul McCartney, who came in at 1.2 billion.
Ah, if only Carl Sagan were here, perhaps we could con him into saying what he never really said (except once in print)
"Billions and Billions"
FROM: phaedrus (really me this time)
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:26:58 PST 1997
Thanks to the false poster for revealing my true feelings...see you all much, much later....cheers
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:26:36 PST 1997
But Voltaic, I just want you to like me. That's all I've ever wanted.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:25:39 PST 1997
I'm really going now. Bye.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:23:47 PST 1997
rOb, I am late because I only read our local daily, which reported him as being worth 919 million. Oh well, what does it matter after your first 500 million. Sheesh. He could buy the Spice Girls and force them to retire.....
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:22:37 PST 1997
Darn. That was for CW.
FROM: Vico
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:21:54 PST 1997
Something about history repeating itself.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:21:45 PST 1997
Yes thanks. Someone's getting me more wine now. Bye again.
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:20:32 PST 1997
Glad to hear I made a point.
About Bowie nearly being a're a little late. He was recently named the richest man in Britain, with a net worth of 1.3 billion. He barely edged out Paul McCartney, who came in at 1.2 billion.
Ah, if only Carl Sagan were here, perhaps we could con him into saying what he never really said (except once in print)
"Billions and Billions"
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:20:28 PST 1997
Chewy: Eat me.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:20:03 PST 1997
Hey Sleepy. Good party? Plenty of wine?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:16:06 PST 1997
Hey CW. I've come back to observe, but I'm going now. I totally agree with you rOb.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:08:48 PST 1997
Hey rOb. I think you make excellent points. You even brought Voltaic back for a while. It's those rare moments when we realize how much we lost when he went insane. He could contribute so much if he would just take his medication. Instead he chooses to be a tool of evil and disruption.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:03:55 PST 1997
Ironically, it is I who wish to converse with a relative innocent, rOb, about non-Robyn music. Gee, quite funny. Anyway, rOb, check those out if you haven't already. Especially that Velvets cd.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:02:40 PST 1997
I love you guys: you are all so easily tempted.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:02:26 PST 1997
and the moment of clarity faded like charity does, sometimes...
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:01:27 PST 1997
play with yourself then - like you always do.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:01:07 PST 1997
Need I say more, p? THey are all doing me now (and it feels so good)
FROM: Cav Toil
DATE: Fri Oct 31 11:00:14 PST 1997
Oh it's like teasing a caged animal. So depressingly predicatable. I make up a bunch of names, pick on chewing wax, myk, and sleepy, and pee myself when I get too excited.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:59:31 PST 1997
rOb - you're making sense boy.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:58:18 PST 1997
rOb, if you like Before and After Science, you might like those early Harold Budd records--they are minimalist masterpieces ala the last three or four tracks on side one of B&AS. What do you think of Wrong Way Up? And have you heard the box Velvets collection with the long rehearsal CD? Absolutely precious--the making of a hugely influential band. Eno said that though not very many people got the Velvets when they were new, virtually everybody that did went on into music. . . Eno, Roxy, Bowie (now nearly a billionaire!), Iggy, etc....
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:57:54 PST 1997
want to post, musn't, musn't...
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:56:40 PST 1997
Allow me to butt into this conversation. I love all of Robyn's work, but he's not all I listen to. He's also not all I think about. If some posters here want to talk about different artists, or different topics other than Robyn, I'm all for it. Robyn's great (approaching God-like status even), but he's not all there is. I feel like a dork saying all that. Oh,'s not the first time.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:56:17 PST 1997
how can not using any name be stealing a name?
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:54:38 PST 1997
Come on. Do a Squelchy!
FROM: phaedrus
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:53:32 PST 1997
The blank one has a point! I rarely look at this site because I really don't give a s--t about most of the stuff that is posted here. You can tell by my superior attitude and tone not to mention drippingly pretentious posting name) that I think I'm infinately better than the common people who post all day every day on this site about the most tedious minutia of their boring, common-place day. I like to inform all of Robyn's fans including the lurkers who read the board, but do not post because I m such an incredibly wonderful guy.....
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:53:01 PST 1997
phaedrua, though I respect your detachment from the little war going on here (it is quite entertaining if you have a twisted black humor, which I do) I do want to let you know that the REAL anonymous poster thanks you for the gig info. That other anonymous poster was somebody who is usually indignant when someone adopts his nom d'bored, er board. Yet he/they are never hesitant to do the same when a tantrum boils up from an otherwise flat and lifeless existence. I for one applaud when I see they actually have a pulse. But I do not endorse insulting a by-stander. Apologies to you, phaedrus. [chew-spooge: you like these typos?]
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:45:40 PST 1997
Myk - have you ordered rOb's CD yet?
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:41:20 PST 1997
I'm just sitting here enjoying my Halloween with a little 'Imperial Bedroom' drifting through the speakers (She's just a shabby doll...just a shabby doll...). I actually have to give kudos to Satan for listing Eno. 'Before and After Science' is absolutely brilliant. Although I am listening to 'Here Come The Warm Jets' a little more than I used to.
On the MFB front, I have a local label who is interested in releasing my CD. I'm still gonna release it through my label, so you guys better snatch up the original before they get rare and I get famous.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:40:51 PST 1997
phaedrus we don't give a s--t if you don't give a s--t. f--k off.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:37:50 PST 1997
Hurm....since you cats like to play lyrical trivia so much, here's one.
'Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip Yip', never mind.
FROM: phaedrus
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:35:04 PST 1997
The blank one has a point. I rarely look at this site because I really don't give a s--t about most of the stuff that is posted here. I like to inform all of Robyn's fans including the lurkers who read the board, but do not post.....
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:34:31 PST 1997
What you say bounces off me and sticks on you! [Covering my ears...] "Blahblah-blah-blah-blah-blah......"
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:21:26 PST 1997
Myk, p discovered that stuff because he wasn't here posting messages every five seconds as people like "Satan", L, WLA, Chewing Wax, Voltaic, etc etc etc.
FROM: phaedrus
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:19:51 PST 1997
Myk, it is a tangled web we all live in. Someone mentioned a rumour to me, and I made a few phone calls. Very simple, nothing mystical. I'm still trying to find out if he will be on KCRW. Of course I will post a message stating one way or another.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:15:55 PST 1997
so, there's going to be an LA show after all! thanks, phaedrus, source of all that is good! oooohhhh, that's a friday and a sat--day! hey WLA, here's your show, and you have no excuse to miss!!! hell, i've never been to LA... this would be a nice excuse! how does phaedrus discover these things???
FROM: phaedrus
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:05:31 PST 1997
Just confirmed - Robyn is playing at Largo on November 14 & 15. Tickets are a whoppin' $10. The doors open at 8:30pm. For more info, contact Largo at 213-852-1073. I've contacted McCabe's Guitar shop, but haven't heard anything from them yet. Check out their website - it is pretty cool. ta
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:03:27 PST 1997
c'mon, satan, play fair. no using my name, and i won't take the name of the prince of dorkness. yeah, mr wax, i'll just get some work done too. actually, i have to leave the office soon. the other office is calling...
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 10:00:47 PST 1997
Oooh, baby.
FROM: Satan's Playlist
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:59:37 PST 1997
Guess who I am: on the CD-ROM right now I have a little Van Morrison, Too Long in Exile. Next up: Prince and the NPG; then a little Pink Floyd-Animals and Wish You Were Here. How 'bout a little Shane M & the Popes after that. Roy Orbison's Greatest Hits. And the Passengers Original Soundtracks 1. Robyn's in the car: Moss Elixir; Element of Light. A little Derek & the Dominoes. Eno's Before & After Science and (w/Budd) Plateau of Mirror. Ciao, baby.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:56:00 PST 1997
Cool. I'll watch you watching it. Kinky, huh?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:48:21 PST 1997
Hey Myk - I'm still here. I think I'll just sit back and watch the chaos for a while. Or work.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:46:08 PST 1997
I know you are but what am I?
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:45:08 PST 1997
Are you there yet? I'm wearing your favoite outfit.
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:44:48 PST 1997
Yah, Sleepy, drive around too, chug and drive!
FROM: I Am the d--kman
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:44:11 PST 1997
I like how all of you jump in and adopt identities whilst protesting the act. Cool!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:43:35 PST 1997
Party on. Have a great weekend.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:43:27 PST 1997
see ya later, sleepy. have fun at the party and the gig. i'll let you know how the party went on sunday. you still there, mr wax?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:41:19 PST 1997
Woah! I've gotta go now. Sorry about that Satan (happy with the capitalisation?!) Bye Myk and CW. Have good parties. See you at the appointed hour. Byeeeeee!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:39:16 PST 1997
wow, i missed dorkboy by only 3 seconds. nice intro, by the way.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:38:26 PST 1997
i did NOT write that!!! (the binge drunk one)
FROM: Satan
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:38:23 PST 1997
It Begins Again.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:34:37 PST 1997
Sleepy, it appears that you might be a binge drunk. Do you binge like this often?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:32:30 PST 1997
no, i don't believe i've ever seen a witch's hat with the cork things on it. that must be quite a silly sight! what parts of the world will this traveler travel to?
FROM: Frog
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:31:10 PST 1997
WLA: the Gotta Let This Hen Out Video, if you can find it, is very good. It's Fegmania-era Hitchc--k and the Egyptians (with the keyboardist in tow). Nothing from Element of Light or later. You get live versions of songs just like the album of the same name, plus some video/home-made filmsã"Man with the Lightbulb Head," "Heaven," a close-up of Robyn's mouth while he's singing "Surgery," and interesting performance with roots on a street in front of the welfare office. Audio is not great, but when it's all you've got, it's a treasure.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:30:25 PST 1997
Yabba dabba doooo!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:27:42 PST 1997
Ooh, the cold beers are out of the fridge. The person leaving is wearing a pointy witches hat with corks on it as she's going to Austrialia. Robyn has a fantastic song called "Eerie Green Storm Latern" that would be a perfect backdrop song for Halloween. The opening line is: "By an eerie green storm lantern, three ghouls were playing whist...", if I remember correctly.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:20:30 PST 1997
That was in answer to Myk's comment. Yes, CW - someone's leaving to travel the world, ahh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:15:42 PST 1997
No, I still don't know.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 09:13:37 PST 1997
Sorry. All work and no play makes CW a crazy boy. Hey Myk - I don't hve the time zone benefit, but a flight to Dulles takes about forty minutes. I'll be the guy with the terrifying fat bald head bursting out through his stomach. I'll ask. Whats a leaving party? For someones last day of work?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:56:44 PST 1997
what gig are you catching? can you remember that american band's name?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:44:37 PST 1997
i don't know where he has taken off to, but he better have a note from his mother to explain his whereabouts! heh heh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:36:01 PST 1997
I'll let you off since it's Halloween and all. Where's that CW gone?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:32:57 PST 1997
oh no! homework! research!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:26:49 PST 1997
Myk - Maybe I should set you some homework like CW did to me... It's "Kingdom of Love".
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:25:01 PST 1997
A Halloween party would be good - although we've amassed loads of alcohol for the leaving do here. I'm staying to drink and then going to the gig and someone else will tape the TV shows. Got the whole lot covered!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:20:44 PST 1997
c'mon, girl, ya know you always lose me on those ol' soft boy tunes.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:18:25 PST 1997
I bet CW's working or something... Yes, Heliotrope. Mmm, let's have another one. "I would ramble all through time and space..." (Soft Boys)
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 08:14:49 PST 1997
ya know, sleepy, if you caught a flight out of heathrow within the hour and landed at Washington-Dulles, you could easily make my party tonite! heh heh, just a thought. as for you, mr wax, you could pull off something similar, although you don't get the time zone benefits.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:52:35 PST 1997
yeah, wherefore hath mooch forsaken us? come back! hey mr wax: i hear the game was called off! no NFL games at all this sunday in observance of Arbor Day! good news! you can chat instead!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:49:51 PST 1997
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:44:57 PST 1997
Here's an easy lyric (can you tell that my boss is not around at the moment?!):- "And when the cat's head grins, she's ready for dinner."
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:41:24 PST 1997
I wonder what mooch is up to these days? It's a shame you won't be chatting too CW.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:37:47 PST 1997
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:33:02 PST 1997
yes and no, sleepy. you can "whisper" directly to another chatter and NO ONE else will see it. however, you cannot exclude one chatter and have everyone else read what you typed.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:24:42 PST 1997
Thank-y you Myk. Out of interest, I a--ume you can't stop "muted" people from seeing the chat though? You alright CW?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:16:20 PST 1997
oh, i'm glad to see you're already testing it. as for who will set up the room, it's whoever is there first. i'll try to set up the room (there might still be a room there with an underscore between Glass and Hotel, i.e., #Glass_Hotel). as long as you can use the "room list" feature, you can find a suitable spot. i'll try to show up a little early and set it up. also, if our bored and disruptive friend shows up, you can "mute" him, as can anyone in the room, to keep from listening to him! i'll be MykMurphy, since it worked before.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:13:23 PST 1997
and I will inadvertantly say it twice...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:12:05 PST 1997
One thing - there's already a sleepy somewhere, so I will be sleepy2.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:10:11 PST 1997
One thing - there's already a sleepy somewhere, so I will be sleepy2.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 07:09:01 PST 1997
Thanks - it all appears to be working then. Who's setting the room up?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:52:39 PST 1997
well, first, did your friend follow the installation instructions first? MS chat installs quite easily, just answer the yes/no questions. if it is installed, then just Open the program and type in then... there is a line to type in the room, so type in #GlassHotel, and it should work. also, up in the pulldown menus above, there is an option to show all rooms and users. this is a very useful set of options, because you can check to see if there are 2 rooms there of a similar name, and you can check for lost chatters!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:45:22 PST 1997
Myk - be ready for many questions, starting now:- 1) Friend has download MSChat. er, what now? Type in
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:26:12 PST 1997
as a technical matter, there is a service called "ricochet" in most major cities (i think) that has an antenna on the side of the laptop pc. it gives one about 28.8 speed. wireless net connection might be groovy.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:24:08 PST 1997
yes, mr wax, but the redskins don't play in the farm league, but rather, the NFC. snicker.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:12:47 PST 1997
How are the Red Skins doing again?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:11:09 PST 1997
I'm just kidding about being angry. I mean, I'm going to see my beloved Bills demolish the most ultra hated Miami Dolphins. What kind of antenna do I need again?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:07:22 PST 1997
mr wax: you tell decoy to quit squirming... it's unseemly for a man of his advanced age! heh heh. but yes, i'm glad he'll be chatting, and not running off to go watch a 2nd-rate team play football! (that insult is lobbed at the bills, because i have no idea who the visiting team is this week)
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:03:07 PST 1997
sunday? what happens on sunday? heh heh heh. yes, we'll muddle through just fine!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 06:02:17 PST 1997
Whoop, whoop.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:59:55 PST 1997
Oh sure. Rub it in. Well whoop it up chat girl. I talked to Decoy last night and he was squirming in his seat in anticipation.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:59:23 PST 1997
Oh, it's working!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:51:21 PST 1997
OK - sigh. I typed this baby in by hand because for some reason I'm am completely inept and can't copy and past. I still can't get the site. Why? Is the squiggle a proper squiggle or a dash? Hey, Myk, I bet you can't wait until Sunday can you?!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:45:59 PST 1997
All right. I got it to work, but it really wasn't wroking before. Thanks for the URL Myk.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:39:38 PST 1997
Me neither. You get King of the Hill. I'm impressed. I vote for television.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:39:03 PST 1997
c'mon, folks, you can do this! copy and paste from the "http" part to the "html" part at the end, then go up and correct robyn's last name! c'mon!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:37:51 PST 1997
yes, there's nothing wrong with alabaster skin... that's much different than PALE! heh heh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:37:03 PST 1997
Copy and paste. I've never done that on here. I should try it.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:35:42 PST 1997
I did that and I still can't get it. Boo.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:34:54 PST 1997
i figured out the problem... after you copy and paste it up to the address line, add in the "censored" letters from robyn's name! hehe hehhehehe!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:33:24 PST 1997
Thanks Myk. Well CW - TV is as follows: Friends, Cybill, Fraser, Shooting Stars, TFI Friday, King of the Hill. And the gig is some obscure American band, the name of whom I can't remember, but the support band is supposed to be good. I think alabaster is more flattering than pale actually. Yes, that's what I'll be today.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:32:32 PST 1997
sorry, guys, i just cut and pasted that URL. lemme see...
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:31:04 PST 1997
Nope. Can't get to that site either.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:28:48 PST 1997
It's your moist British climate. Two of the palest human beings I've ever seen were two guys from England sunning themselves on the Ferry from Athens to Mykanos. Disturbingly pale. All right. What's on television and what gigs are there?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:27:47 PST 1997
Can anyone access that address Myk gave? (I'm having lunch, which accounts for my being here when I said I wouldn't be!) Computer just says 'error' to me. I would have thought that Tim would have had a Swedish girlfriend at some point.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:26:45 PST 1997
oh, by the way: good morning/afternoon, and happy Halloween!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:26:01 PST 1997
i know that feeling. as for bill berry... ugh! this is terrible! it can't be the same. they were a team. oh well. sleepy: option 1 - stay at work and drink, drink, drink yourself to a better YOU! bq is not a real person, folks. in general, let's no longer discuss those outbursts.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:09:11 PST 1997
I don't know whether to stay at work and drink tonight or go home and watch TV or go to a gig. I feel transparently pale today.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 05:02:26 PST 1997
"It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!" is on tonight.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 04:45:38 PST 1997
I'm drowning in work today, so I'll sneak back here when I can. Cheerio air - sounds nice. MTSmith - I don't think I can make the new Sundays date.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Oct 31 04:30:18 PST 1997
Happy Halloween. I felt so violated when I saw that bastard used my name. I cried tears of pure hatred. Ah, but I'm feeling better now. The peace of early morning. A nice warm breeze is blowing from the south. Whenever that happens the whole city smells of Cherios. Sorry to hear that about REM.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 04:08:10 PST 1997
Oooh, nooo. Bill Berry's left REM.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Oct 31 04:05:06 PST 1997
Hello all. Happy Halloween. What on earth was going on on this board last night?! I've never seen such lunacy - and so much of it. Someone must be listening to too much Chris Morris - although I don't thing anyone can listen to enough Chris Morris quite frankly. Maybe Harlequin was Chris Morris... I think bq was a real person, but I've no idea who. I'm going to trawl through the archives for clues.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Fri Oct 31 00:18:17 PST 1997
Harlequin - Where is you, homeboy??? A comedian from London, that's cool. How long have you been doing that? I did stand-up for about a year myself but now I currently reside every Wednesday night at Londons funkiest Improv show SCRIPTEASE, Tristran Bates Theatre, !a Tower St, WC1. It's just across the road from Les Miserables. There, that was a nice plug for me lil ol show! Hello to everyone else this fine morning. Good to see I finally got a proper insult from someone, Twerp! That's a delightfully old fashioned word! Sleepy, you spoke of the Sundays gig, are you going? I am. Did you know that the date had been changed to 10th Nov??? Bummer.Anyways, I should be back on here about 12-ish GMT. Rock on, Daddio's!
FROM: rOb.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 22:07:57 PST 1997
Sorry I haven't posted in a while....that whole little bit with Satan and all those stange people....sends shivers down my spine.
I dunno....
FROM: WLA One More Time
DATE: Thu Oct 30 21:48:03 PST 1997
So Sleepy, are you going to be able to join us for the chat? I don't remember if that was settled. Have a great time at Jazz Cafe, anyway! Wow, I haven't been to London in an AGE. Would be great to see RH there, too.
FROM: Woman Out In West L.A. With No More Time
DATE: Thu Oct 30 21:43:11 PST 1997
. . . . so, hub's going to research Eleusis, and I'm going to sleep. . . . LATER!
DATE: Thu Oct 30 21:38:48 PST 1997
------Quick, before hubby kicks me off the machine!
DATE: Thu Oct 30 21:36:55 PST 1997
Myk, it's LATE out there! I'm off to bed mah-self, soon. . . Have you seen the "Gotta Let This Hen Out" video?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Oct 30 21:06:58 PST 1997
upon closer inspection, all 3 are german. now you know.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Oct 30 20:56:39 PST 1997
very amusing Robyn (& Tim) interview i found. 2 germans and a brit, i think, interview robyn in october 96. funny stuff: ...i now know that tim never had a swedish girlfriend.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Oct 30 20:08:36 PST 1997
did you hear something again, mr wax? that far off sound i can't localize... hmm... well, no matter. getting any closer to airline tickets, mr wax? let me know if you get killer tix for london. sleepy: get psyched for that chat, and as a reminder for (most) everyone - join us 11am Sunday EST for this thing. rob: how's the ex-girlfriend therapy going? heh heh. in all seriousness, careful what you post, there could be legal repercussions if she doesn't like it!
FROM: publicenemygonemad
DATE: Thu Oct 30 19:58:34 PST 1997
Lies. Scandalisin. Basin. Traits of hate. Who's celebratin wit Satan? I rope-a-dope the evil with righteous bobbin and weavin and let the good get even.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 19:21:33 PST 1997
FROM: me
DATE: Thu Oct 30 16:14:55 PST 1997
And yet life goes on............
DATE: Thu Oct 30 15:32:14 PST 1997
Got the message darling, and have a nice sleep!
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Thu Oct 30 15:09:52 PST 1997
Satan what you need is a little luvin'. Stick around and I'll show you what it feels like to be in ecstasy.
FROM: me
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:58:19 PST 1997
Satan do you everfind your mother sitting alone, weeping while holding pictures of you as a child?
FROM: me
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:56:40 PST 1997
Satan do you everfind your mother sitting alone, weeping while holding pictures of you as a child?
FROM: Think Tank
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:54:06 PST 1997
Stop that you mean mean mean person!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:52:42 PST 1997
L, my darling scarlett woman, please read the message I sent you at the very end of archive 23. It's longish and explains a lot. By the way, all you conspiracy theorists, paranoids: notice the number of that most recent archive. Very significant number, my dim-but-A=-in-spelling scidoos. Yes indeed, 23 is a very lovely number. One of my favorites in fact. And all of your psi-energy is captured within it. Yes, my worthless little pimples, you are all mine now. Yes, this is the real Satan. Hi Myk! Hi Chewshisownscrotum: Nice to see you in mens clothing again!
FROM: Satan/willybee
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:49:14 PST 1997
OOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooppp, darned tipoos: Sataon, willbee (you'd think I'd be able to spell my own name! oops! not really!)
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:48:12 PST 1997
I am going to make a t-shirt that say in big bold bloody letters: willbee's mantra: "Sataon You Suck Me and I Like It!"
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:47:08 PST 1997
willybee really hates being ignored. It's Myk in drag, isn't it?
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:46:25 PST 1997
Ah! Impersonating Satan now, are we! There is anger here not even the real Voltaic hid in his trousers. Tee hee. I've really gotten you now, haven't I Chewyourownboogers!
FROM: willybee
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:04:40 PST 1997
ooops tipoooo (abandoned). Satan U suck!!
FROM: willybee
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:03:06 PST 1997
WOW! I've been abandened """"again"""
DATE: Thu Oct 30 14:02:23 PST 1997
L. my love. Anywhere you desire all night long. You are right. I deserve to be spanked. I miss you already but alas, I must leave you until tomorrow.
FROM: willybee
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:59:19 PST 1997
Doesnt felching involve gerbils? It was the word of the day at work a few months ago I could swear it does
FROM: willybee
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:56:13 PST 1997
Doesnt felching involve gerbils? It was the word of the day at work a few months ago I could swear it does
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:52:13 PST 1997
Have to go pick up my daughter from school, and I need time to compose myself first. Talk later.......
FROM: willybee
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:52:03 PST 1997
Hello fake reality!
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:50:19 PST 1997
We better stop talking like this or I'm going to have wet silk panties.And the tingling thing is starting.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:47:29 PST 1997
You are a very bad boy for saying "All over your face, baby" You are the one that needs to be spanked. And I like it more on those two round,pink perfect things on my chest.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:44:19 PST 1997
Yes, and I am sexier than I sound. I am a very passionate person. I bet you can't guess what kind of mood I'm in.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:41:28 PST 1997
all over your face baby. I mean ALL OVER!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:40:45 PST 1997
Happy Halloween everybody! Even to you three stooges who ruin this board with your unwitty banter which is like ersantzt monty python and make my very existance a living hell. Get it? Hell? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. I have evil to tend to.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:40:18 PST 1997
Very explicit about that ejaculating stuff. You must be very good at it!!!!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:39:26 PST 1997
Happy Halloween everybody! Even to you three stooges who ruin this board with your unwitty banter which is like ersantzt monty python and make my very existance a living hell. Get it? Hell? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. I have evil to tend to.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:36:26 PST 1997
Your see to be overflowing with true passion.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:35:14 PST 1997
Oh so sorry. I have to go now. Play time is over. L. Are you as sexy as you sound?
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:34:31 PST 1997
Wish I could spend more time here. This is very addicting. Don't worry I'm not leaving yet.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:33:22 PST 1997
Those typoes were just for you chewtoy boy.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:32:24 PST 1997
Ah. Now I'm refreshed. You ar fooling yourself. We're living in an dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autaucrac in which te working classes just sit around chatting about the weather and pumpkins and broing stuff aand drive me mad! That's kind of from Monty Python. You'd have to be an expert on them like me to really appreciate the humor here.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:29:48 PST 1997
No, you will not spank me good. You will just get in between the sheets with me......
FROM: bq
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:28:19 PST 1997
Oh Daddy! These horrible men are scaring me.
FROM: Dr. Redjeaves
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:26:57 PST 1997
I think these attacks on the homosexual life style are an indication of a truly paranoid and pathetic mind. We have the right to suck our ejaculate out of each other's sphincters with out being harrassed by you phobes! What we do in our own bed room is our own business.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:25:59 PST 1997
Just wanted you to know I do laugh out loud when reading this board. Especially that person who uses all those pseudo-names.
FROM: Squelchy
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:24:22 PST 1997
Oop. Oop. Oop. Oop. Oop. Felching is fun. It's my only hobby. My chosen partner is a gerbel named Phil. He loves me almost as much as his wheel.
FROM: Thought Policeman
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:22:25 PST 1997
It's the only way I can get my two thoughts in you know.
FROM: _______
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:21:39 PST 1997
But Satan, I thought you loved me?
FROM: Cat I Love
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:21:06 PST 1997
Ew. That's too sick for even me. I'll find you and I'll spank you good!
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:19:59 PST 1997
Would love to have been here this morning, but I have to work in the morning. And darling, what takes practice. Why don't you just zip on over here so we could press our bodies together for about 3 hours.
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:19:57 PST 1997
I'm back from my sponge bath! And in my book Satan is the main character. He pops out of Robyn's scrambled eggs and bites off the limbs of L. Such lovely limbs she has. And he bites off Myk's head, and Sleepy's arms, and Chewing Wax's bottom. He has a yummy bottom. Oh, I've done it again thinking of felching with Chewing Wax. He can suck it out of my bum any day! Yummy. Back to the sponges.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:16:11 PST 1997
All right. You posted using my name. That is a sacred pig. THIS MEANS WAR
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:14:15 PST 1997
Real love does exist. And the need for one person's flesh to be pressed up against another's sounds very inviting.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:09:06 PST 1997
Satan: Stop ignoring me. You're hurting my feelings.
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:07:06 PST 1997
I posted two messages that are not appearing on the board. Is this thing eating my messages?
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:02:52 PST 1997
I didn't know you still wet the bed. I could probably help you with that problem. And I'd love to play with you since none of the others will. We could play a lot of fun games. Don't you think so?
FROM: Clean Steve
DATE: Thu Oct 30 13:01:54 PST 1997
Does anyone ever talk about Robyn here these days?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Oct 30 12:58:59 PST 1997
Ok, Satan, I am yours! Tell me what to do next!
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 12:55:20 PST 1997
At least I've broken the chain of Myk/Sleepy/Chewing Wax for a few brief, shining moments today. Back to the devil's work now. See you all soon enough, heh heh.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 12:53:51 PST 1997
And to what do you refer, Chewsuphisownboogers, when you say you're better at "this" .... Hmm, childish sparring? petty turf wars? Hmmm?
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 12:52:28 PST 1997
Shame you think it's a "sad fact," Chewseymotherschoosejiff. I'd be proud. Pride in hate is good! Er, bad! And that's ... good!
FROM: Tango
DATE: Thu Oct 30 12:51:08 PST 1997
Robyn's loading the rifle.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 12:50:27 PST 1997
Chewtoy, that's it, feel the hate, feel the agression, go with it. That's right, I let you win, so that your hate can grow. Soon you too will be mine. Heh heh.
FROM: Satan
DATE: Thu Oct 30 12:49:04 PST 1997
bq, thank you ever so much for damning me but, you sweet lil' child, it's already been taken care of.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Oct 30 12:48:15 PST 1997
The sad fact is, I'm much better at this than he is and he knows it. He loses every time but keeps coming back. Talk about teasing a caged animal. Come on. Come on boy. Give us a squelchy. You can do it boy!