FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 07:17:41 PST 1998
I saw a moose once in Alaska. We swooped past it in a small plane. It didn't seem to care. In fact, I think it gave us the finger.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 07:17:19 PST 1998
good morning, a bit late! silly meetings impeding my ability to be social. ugh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 07:13:07 PST 1998
Bye m.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Feb 2 07:11:50 PST 1998
Most lake monster sightings turn out to be giant swimming moose.
DATE: Mon Feb 2 07:04:59 PST 1998
Sorry, I'm really not awake yet..and I have to go out in traffic now,..oh dear....later..
DATE: Mon Feb 2 07:02:20 PST 1998
Oh..yes..We have Ogopogo in Okanagan lake ....sort of a nessy...The Japanese tourists think it's wonderful...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 07:00:04 PST 1998
er, lochs, er... never mind...
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:59:52 PST 1998
The Guy across the street looks a bit monsterish..I think it's just the shoes though..
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:56:09 PST 1998
Monsters?? really..why?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:48:43 PST 1998
Hi m. Seen any monsters lately?
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:47:06 PST 1998
Hows it going?,Wax?..It is spookily warm winter yet...Hmmm.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:44:44 PST 1998
Hey m.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:44:04 PST 1998
beer stained floor. I get it. Took me a while. Funny. I looked up gotten and it's a perfectly legitimate word.
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:43:53 PST 1998
Good morning All..The chat was fun ,I hope you got some sleep,Sleepy and Mr. Wax...(yip?)...oh, I need a coffee...
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:34:39 PST 1998
It only has a beer stained floor (boom boom). The 12-Bar does have a speciality vodka bar though.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:27:11 PST 1998
Only after we've sung a solo spot in front of a stained glass window. Does the 12-Bar have stained glass windows? A pint of lager will do.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:25:20 PST 1998
Will we have to slump forward and dance around in a circle though?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:21:50 PST 1998
Ahm nut kerrrayyyyzzzayyy!!! Maybe we can do a duet tomorrow?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:19:56 PST 1998
I really want to go to the gig tomorrow. I can't stop singing the All Saints record now.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:15:24 PST 1998
CW - It's a My Life Story album, and it's coming on great.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:14:06 PST 1998
what's Mornington Crescent?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:13:00 PST 1998
Awwww, ain't no-one going to the 12-Bar tomorrow night? Do I smell that bad? sniff, Oh, I do.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:08:06 PST 1998
They say we're young and we don't know.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:06:04 PST 1998
Nothing, nothing, then a five second gap. Spooky.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Feb 2 06:05:57 PST 1998
I don't suppose there is any chance of getting an espresso or cappuccino?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 05:59:24 PST 1998
They're hicks Rita.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Mon Feb 2 05:56:16 PST 1998
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Mon Feb 2 05:56:11 PST 1998
Good morning. Cushca's got the afternoon off. News of Mornington Crescent has reached me by horse-drawn carriage. It pleases me greatly. I went to see David Byrne (or somebody) yesterday. He wore a pink fluffy suit. The show was magnificent.
FROM: Barbapapa A. Change
DATE: Mon Feb 2 05:12:53 PST 1998
Cushca, now that we have bonded in 70's kids TV heaven, are you going to see Robyn tomorrow night? I, sadly, all excited about going. I hope I don't get all drunk and miss it all!!
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 05:09:20 PST 1998
Jamie!! (guitar riff) Jamie!! (guitar riff) No two nights are the same! Life is just one glorious game with Jamie!! Jamie and the Magic Torch!!! (bass to fade) But was it as good as Chorlton and the Wheelies? Now, that WAS entertainment.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Mon Feb 2 04:57:49 PST 1998
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Mon Feb 2 04:55:52 PST 1998
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 04:55:04 PST 1998
Poor Cushca! Hot lemon n' honey is what you need my girl. And lie down on the sofa with a big duvet and watch Bagpuss. It used to work for me.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 04:52:38 PST 1998
Sleepy- It doesn't look like you're in today but I thought I'd leave this note anyway. Have you seen Mornington Crescent? Man, that's one baby that's gonna tear up this dusty old tube map once and for all! Are you a Northern Line kind of gal yourself?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Mon Feb 2 04:52:01 PST 1998
I have hidden them all. It's a party game. Also, I have a sore throat.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 04:43:43 PST 1998
Allo, Cushca, love. 'Ow are you then? Awright? Where is everyone today?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Mon Feb 2 04:22:55 PST 1998
Hello there dear.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Mon Feb 2 04:12:54 PST 1998
Hello?!?! Anyone there? Hmmmm... No-one around today. Now's my chance to come out of the closet. I'M THE ONE WITH THE BIG NOSE IN ALL SAINTS!!!! There, I've finally said it! Nevah Evah gunna fine mee sum peace uh miii-iiiend!
FROM: For rOb
DATE: Mon Feb 2 02:08:04 PST 1998
You should hear me when my siren's on baby.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Sun Feb 1 20:27:11 PST 1998
greetings and salivations! i hope your weekends were groovy like mine. RH fans in minnesota! countless archives ago, some guys who are friends or acquaintances of robyn mentioned that they had opened a guitar shop in the twin cities. too many archives to research it, but if you get bored...
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Sun Feb 1 20:10:52 PST 1998
I just want to be your friend. That's all. Please let me in.
FROM: rOb!
DATE: Sun Feb 1 19:57:11 PST 1998
Ah, Queenie, it's nice to see I can stull make you shake and shiver. See you fellas in the morning.
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Sun Feb 1 18:52:00 PST 1998
CW: Can we chat in the morning? We can talk about how great Robyn is!
DATE: Sun Feb 1 18:45:42 PST 1998
Sorry about the errors.
DATE: Sun Feb 1 18:44:59 PST 1998
Do I really make you feel like I'm hharrassing you, or are you teasing?
FROM: Emylie
DATE: Sun Feb 1 11:54:29 PST 1998
Hi rOb, hi Queenie! It's really nice to see you!
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Sun Feb 1 11:39:24 PST 1998
Ooohh...rOb....I'm all a-tingle...
FROM: rOb!
DATE: Sun Feb 1 10:33:05 PST 1998
The rOb Show is back on the air and better than ever! Armed with a new hard drive, rOb is able to go online and brighten the lives of all the fellow Hitchc--kian type whose very survival depends on rOb's happiness. Er...or something like that.
FROM: Welcome Robyn Fan in a State!
DATE: Sun Feb 1 09:48:51 PST 1998
Robyn fans are in numerous states, including Minnesota. Welcome! (How are David and the Spiders?)
FROM: Lady Stardust
DATE: Sun Feb 1 00:08:46 PST 1998
Are there Robyn fans in the state of Minnesota? Or is there only me? I feel so enlightened and alone.
FROM: Jess Hosearm
DATE: Sun Feb 1 00:04:03 PST 1998
You have me refused with some other else. I don't know it could have taken shape since you never use a name. I am glad you liked my counsel regarding commas (no apostrophe); suddenly it's clear to me: there are two of you. Or one with two sets of ear-nails. Or an eye floating nearly motionless in the sky never blinking, suddenly...suddenly I see is talking, to me. No, or perhaps not. Maybe. What time is it?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Sat Jan 31 23:11:26 PST 1998
Where's rOb been these days?
DATE: Sat Jan 31 21:41:42 PST 1998
You avoid me like the plague, but I really miss talking to you!
DATE: Sat Jan 31 18:45:32 PST 1998
It is not my intentions to harrass you. Have a nice sleep.
DATE: Sat Jan 31 18:40:16 PST 1998
...and I didn't even use the word "suddenly". Do you even know what you're talking about?
DATE: Sat Jan 31 18:30:28 PST 1998
I already have enough hobbies, but thank you for your concern. I don't need to practice hyperventilation, why don't you try it. Thank you also for the tips on comma's. I don't usually over-drink but when I do I feel very good. And I'm not trying to harrass other citizens. I'm a considerate person. The time is 18:23
FROM: Jess Hosearm
DATE: Sat Jan 31 18:15:09 PST 1998
I once lived in a separate world that was very close to another; I could hear toilets flush and baby's crying in the sky. I think a door existed between the two worlds, like the door between the two apartments in Rosemary's Baby. It was in a closet. I never found it. The other world moved away one day for better climes. I got a dog that barked all the time so I never would have heard anything in another world anyway. What time is it?
FROM: Tip of the Day to You
DATE: Sat Jan 31 18:12:27 PST 1998
Tip: Find a legal hobby that does not involve harrassing other citizens. Practice hyperventilation, over-drinking, and both at the same time. Do not use "suddenly" twice in the same paragraph and when in doubt leave a comma out.
FROM: A biochemist that s.u.c.k.s. at originality
DATE: Sat Jan 31 17:17:57 PST 1998
I'm not a great writer, I'm much better with microscopes and test tubes. My last posting was done very fast and sloppy. I'm sorry. But I did mean every word I said. I know you don't feel the same way I do, but I want to let you know that all our conversations, silly, or serious mean everyhing to me. All those sweet songs and passages you wrote me are all written down in my journal and tucked safely away. I chose YOU, and I am a very picky person. We live in two separate worlds very far apart from each other. I'm glad our lives touched each other, even though it was unique to say the least. Well R, I don't know what lies in the future. Who knows, maybe some day our lives will cross again in a different way. You can be sure that the next you are here, I won't miss seeing you. I've missed too many. I don't know what else to say. I love you.
FROM: Emylie
DATE: Sat Jan 31 13:06:48 PST 1998
Oh, sorry I have to go. Bye Hooded and Heruka and everyone. See you tomorrow! ŸÓ Áý’Ú•ý!
FROM: Emylie
DATE: Sat Jan 31 13:00:57 PST 1998
It's fine that you've got my e-mail Hooded. It means that I can send them. Maybe you'll try to send me one to prove that it works. How are the Russian letters?
DATE: Sat Jan 31 12:59:48 PST 1998
some wave action for your week end beach party........
FROM: Blueish Resonating Human
DATE: Sat Jan 31 12:45:48 PST 1998
Paul Hayes was a nineteen year old computer operator. He was taking a walk from a Taco Bell near his home, when
he found himself suddenly surrounded by blue flames. Hayes thought that maybe he had some gasoline
poured on himself, and was then set on fire.Hmmmm.. The heat was very intense, and the flames were rising
from his waist up to his head. He dropped on the ground, in excrutiating pain. Then suddenly, the
fire simply died out. Hayes walked to a hospital that was nearby, and was treated for the burns he
received on his buttocks, upper torso and head. HHmmmmmmmm...
FROM: hooded
DATE: Sat Jan 31 12:30:29 PST 1998
Got your e-mail Emylie! sorry to hear about your computer.
FROM: hooded
DATE: Sat Jan 31 12:24:00 PST 1998
got your e-mail Heruka! sorry to hear about the boat. It was Grant Park you slept in.
FROM: McLuedt
DATE: Sat Jan 31 11:42:56 PST 1998
A'body hame?..
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Sat Jan 31 11:05:38 PST 1998
Before I FINALLY leave one last thought to remember my by. Cushca-Cuchca-Cushca!!! Until later days.
FROM: Mr. Lucky
DATE: Sat Jan 31 11:01:37 PST 1998
Hmm, how interesting.
DATE: Sat Jan 31 10:58:26 PST 1998
Hello Emylie. How are you doing 0on this fine day?
FROM: Emylie
DATE: Sat Jan 31 10:55:10 PST 1998
Hi Heruka!
FROM: Emylie
DATE: Sat Jan 31 10:53:15 PST 1998
ŸÓ·•šÈ ’—•! Hi Hooded! I've just sent you an e-mail with little Russian in it. I didn't know what to say to you, so, I just wrote "Hi" and "How are you?"...
DATE: Sat Jan 31 10:49:09 PST 1998
Heruka-Well I'm off. I demand another chat!!!!!!! lizzie-glad you enjoy Moss Elixer.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Sat Jan 31 10:37:29 PST 1998
I missed a chat, DOH!! That's it, I'm hooking myself back up. i CAN TAKE NO MORE. hooded-get my email? Ordered the Drake bio.
FROM: hooded
DATE: Sat Jan 31 08:28:51 PST 1998
Hi emylie, not many people stick around on weekends. Its rare to find anyone not related to the poster formerly known as Voltaic. Send me an email with some russian in it. I'll send you an email with some english in it. Hah! I kill me!
FROM: Emylie
DATE: Sat Jan 31 06:05:27 PST 1998
HELLO, EVERYONE! I had no time to post these days, but now I'm back.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 21:17:59 PST 1998
DATE: Fri Jan 30 20:34:12 PST 1998
"find a hobby"!?!?!! Back at ya, gonad breath
DATE: Fri Jan 30 19:21:57 PST 1998
find a hobby.
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Fri Jan 30 18:51:52 PST 1998
Well whatever the answer is, I know know that I'll always love you. A week ago I was hurting. As each day went by my heart would just start loving you harder every day. No matter what happens, I know now I'll never stop loving you. You are in my blood and you're allways going to stay there. MY love for you does not diminish over time away from you, it only grows stronger.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 18:46:33 PST 1998
Do you like to talk to me? Or am I driving you crazy?
DATE: Fri Jan 30 18:44:25 PST 1998
Are you there?
FROM: Drunk marmite eater
DATE: Fri Jan 30 17:38:02 PST 1998
Ya! Me went to Cambridge last autumn to visit a friend, and the local
A beautiful city. I spent part of every summer for 6 or 7 years there when I was a kid, with a mate
who had to move there so his mum could do an Egnlish degree.
pub sure had some fine brews. Can't remember names, too long ago, but
good, that it was. But still I kind of like the danish brews - like Guinnes Carlsberg.
They make a beer called coors Classic, also worth a shot. From a glass, well
tempered, well poured... Gut goof!
I cant say that its available here. To be honest I wouldn't try it if it
DATE: Fri Jan 30 16:09:50 PST 1998
Your gone.
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Fri Jan 30 16:06:09 PST 1998
Who do you love?
DATE: Fri Jan 30 15:58:22 PST 1998
I tried to e-mail you but my computer said it doesn't exist. I'll look at it again. If it doesn't work can you leave it for me again?
DATE: Fri Jan 30 15:53:22 PST 1998
I tried to e-mail you but my computer said it doesn't exist. I'll look at it again. If it doesn't work can you leave it for me again?
DATE: Fri Jan 30 15:44:42 PST 1998
Can I send you a message at your new E-mail address?
DATE: Fri Jan 30 15:37:57 PST 1998
I:-( I miss you, and still dream about you. I must be psychotic.
FROM: Jim Horseass
DATE: Fri Jan 30 15:25:33 PST 1998
I am having trouble blinking. There are certain things that are almost impossible to do while nailing your side flaps to the desk. Oh well.
FROM: valentine
DATE: Fri Jan 30 14:57:39 PST 1998
Does anyone have any info on the new Robyn collection that is set to be released in the UK very soon?
FROM: web princess
DATE: Fri Jan 30 14:27:56 PST 1998
well, i'm fed up with trying to find you... see you Sunday
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 13:08:09 PST 1998
Hey Myk - you should be going home now.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 12:53:29 PST 1998
hmmm... how silly!
DATE: Fri Jan 30 12:37:16 PST 1998
and in the mean time, should that come to pass, you'll just have to learn to use one of those... what do you call them? Walkers. Yes.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 12:35:38 PST 1998
I have hundreds of dried hot thai dragon peppers from the summer before last which I will gladdly share.
FROM: Decoy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 12:32:34 PST 1998
Phat Thai - mmmmm delicious ... I will have spicy breath for the chat.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:39:23 PST 1998
I'm on my way out ..try to be around @ 2:00...later..
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:37:33 PST 1998
Email only far..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:33:23 PST 1998
Is it
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:29:51 PST 1998
I am wax man! Dun Dun
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:22:28 PST 1998
MOOOOOOOOOCCHHHHHH!!!!!! hey bud, glad you dropped in, now i don't have to email you about the chat. hope you make it. yeah, i've been watching the US dollar and the GB Pound beat up on everyone. even canadians aren't safe... Loony dollars rule.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:17:57 PST 1998
Oh yeah,..I got this mailbox ..
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:15:59 PST 1998
That's One Good Idea, Mr.Wax..Whats up? I should read the previous posts ..
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:13:40 PST 1998
Hey m - I'm seriously thinking of taking my honeymoon in Canada.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:12:29 PST 1998
Hi all...Chat today eh?..see if it can happen..The Canadian Dollar has been in a horrible accident..still in intensive care, but gaining strength.
Too much chinese food, the poor Looney got hooked on MSG...blurred the vision...Americans:come to Canada,$1.00=$1.47U.S.Joe, Come and buy from us. Cheap vacation, strong beer.heh..
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:07:41 PST 1998
Oh, is this the end of Zombie Shakespeare?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:06:34 PST 1998
Is that French?
FROM: Stanca
DATE: Fri Jan 30 11:00:03 PST 1998
Vado in palestra adesso. Parleremo piu tardi. Questo funziona!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:43:48 PST 1998
heh heh heh silly wax. decoy cracks me up, because he'll always appear to me as the tiki-masked face that appears on MS chat. anytime he writes something on this board, it's that silly mask i see.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:42:06 PST 1998
Thai food tidbit: Pahd Thai, basically, is peanut butter pasta.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:36:52 PST 1998
Oh yeh baby. That's the one. Fight fight fight for Washington State!
FROM: Decoy
<Tom Hanks>
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:31:44 PST 1998
Jesus h-christ we must be a mile from the sun.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:31:20 PST 1998
Yes, he's been through three wives and has four more children since then.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:24:01 PST 1998
one day i'd like to travel to southeast asia. that would be fun. don't forget the chat, decoy. decoy was my first chat pal from the RH world, so very long ago.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:13:49 PST 1998
I'd like Thai food if I liked that coconut milk. Oh dat coconut milk. Oh dat lemon grass. Oh dat Thai food. Did any of you see Volunteers? Oh yes... Thailand.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:11:45 PST 1998
Hey Decoy - remember the chat.
FROM: Decoy
<not an imposter - just too much Thai>
DATE: Fri Jan 30 10:09:03 PST 1998
It is now 1.15 pm and I remembering now the chat to later. Then see, bye!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:57:48 PST 1998
bye sleepygirl. talk at ya soon.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:49:42 PST 1998
Chow bella
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:46:58 PST 1998
Face it darlings, you're all soulmates! Speak to some of you later, a--uming no technical difficulties, of course... Bye for now.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:43:12 PST 1998
boil water chain / like black rock feet / through a pedestrian forest
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:38:42 PST 1998
ok, now you guys are messing with that space-time continuum stuff they talked about on star trek. cut it out, my cerebrum is aching!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:35:21 PST 1998
I figured that out. Which means I can read your mind. Which scares me.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:34:21 PST 1998
To be honest, your Voltaic posting was not my original target. I noticed whilst catching up with the present board that there were quite a few uncharacteristic messages from regulars. While writing that Latin Lesson, your voltaic posting showed up. I didn't even see it until my message was already on board.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:31:45 PST 1998
Anybody go to the magnetic poetry page recommended yesterday? I noticed that on a slower computer it's not as easy to move around. But it is very cool.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:29:52 PST 1998
Dear Miss Pat - Imposter crap was referring to the charming latin lessons you do so well.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:29:42 PST 1998
oh, lighten up, mighty V. you can be so grumpy! c'mon, i'll buy you a beer at the chat tonite.
FROM: Fess Tup
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:29:23 PST 1998
I have never nor will I ever pose nude amongst the native tribes of Guatamala.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:26:46 PST 1998
Apology Accepted. Now behave.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:24:25 PST 1998
FROM: Miss Pat
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:23:46 PST 1998
Miss Pat advises.....To "GET GOING" with "THAT IMPOSTER CRAP" requires someone to be an imposter FIRST.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:23:43 PST 1998
Oh come on. I fessed up instantly.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:22:27 PST 1998
CW: I didn't know you were capable of being an imposter. I guess you learn something new every day. I guess I don't have to respect you after all.
FROM: Bob Booger's Tales of the Old West
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:20:42 PST 1998
I once saw Nick Adams skulking down a Denver street, looking desheveled and forlorn. He didn't see me; perhaps he would have seemed more at ease had he known a friend was nearby. He turned into a skidrow saloon. I followed into the smokey darkness and looked along the bar for him but I didn't see a familiar face among the scruffy shiny drunken mugs. I climbed over passed out Denver bums, making my way toward the back of the bar, where a flickering Olympia sign lit the way to the head in amber and pink. A leg stuck out of the restroom: Nick was on the floor, face down in the p--s, a needle sticking out of his arm. I went back to the bar, ordered a double, shoved it down, and walked back out into the icy streets of Denver.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:16:15 PST 1998
Goodness that was fast.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:15:52 PST 1998
Before you get going with the imposter crap, that was me. Sorry.
FROM: Latin Lesson for the New Imposters
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:15:42 PST 1998
Imposter, from the latin, "impostrillia," meaning, "To burrow one's nose into the a-- of a horse."
FROM: Voltaic
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:15:09 PST 1998
Last year I cycled to Canary Wharf and back with a group of freinds. It took us all day and was quite tiring but we were all gald
we did it. On the way back we had to make a detour which took us over what appeared to be an old railway line. I went back to
investigate and you may like to do the same.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:14:01 PST 1998
wot's a label debut album? is that like a cassette with stickers on it and the copy protect tabs left on?
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:10:44 PST 1998
Hmm, how interesting.
FROM: Trace
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:08:12 PST 1998
Sak, you apparently haven't recovered from last weekend. It'll take about 2 years to fully recover if you're lucky.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:06:33 PST 1998
don't forget, folks! chat today! fortunately, the chat has been timed so that it only screws up the evening of those poor british people! heh heh. 5pm EST, 2pm PST. be there or robyn's evil henchmen will come by and coat you with victorian squid. i'm serious. i don't joke about such things.
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:01:49 PST 1998
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver
DATE: Fri Jan 30 09:01:39 PST 1998
In this elegant chaos I stand to one side.
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:55:02 PST 1998
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:49:05 PST 1998
Hey it's all fun Myk. I barely have time for it right now, but im squezzing it in
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:46:37 PST 1998
not too much, sak. cool news about your imminent cd release. congratulations. a friend and i form a band when we get together, but usually it's about every 4 to 5 years. obviously, this strains our collaborative capabilities. i think he returns to the states in '99. a reunion tour is in order! giggle.
FROM: Lifetime
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:44:49 PST 1998
If you dont stop those looks, im gonna poke you in the eye. who are you anyway? You think your second to none. get your f--king eyes off of me, you f--king prick. Take your f--king hands out of my pockets you f--king thief.
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:40:04 PST 1998
Myk, whats up. This is easier than email.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:38:31 PST 1998
we're gettin' the band back together, man!
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:37:09 PST 1998
Trace, keep your remarks civil, sleepy is actually cool as s--t. If you want to come back, that is up to you, with in the next month. but no f--king around. be nice!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:34:48 PST 1998
sak - don't let Trace ruin your new record. Please. Think of the MUSIC!
FROM: Trace
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:33:50 PST 1998
Sleepy, you have no clue, so keep quiet until spoken to. hey that ryhmes
FROM: Trace
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:32:12 PST 1998
Did anybody catch the Robyn Hitchock show in Palo Alto wed night? He opened up for NOFX. They blew him off the stage in a way only a punk band could. Sak, give the dates and I'll definitely fly back to record some stuff. No messin around this time. Did you send the chord progressions with the tape? I can probably learn them on my own. Lets see, if Chuck wrote it, it goes G then C the D or vice-vera. I'll figure it out. What studio? Is is the same one Robyn Hitchc--k records at?
FROM: Wish you were here
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:30:31 PST 1998
So. So you think you can tell Heaven from Hell. Blue skys from pain. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell? And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze. Cold comfort for change? And did you exchange a walk on part in your war for a lead role in a cage?
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:25:42 PST 1998
Why must we stay where dont belong? So eat the meek, and lick thier chops
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:20:31 PST 1998
Sleepy, your knowledge of equipment makes me tingle inside.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:19:27 PST 1998
Hey you pi hole - e-mail sak for private correspondance. This message board is for RH fans only.
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:19:23 PST 1998
Trace, if you want to come in to record that would make every thing easier on us. I would appreciate a tab write up of all your fills and s--t. Please do this for me. No joke
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:18:59 PST 1998
Trace - you're that little green fellow who sits in the top corner of those buzzy things on the stage, aren't you?
FROM: Trace
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:16:49 PST 1998
Sak are you there? Do you have your recording dates set yet? You must allow me a guest appearance on the album. I'll fly back to record a solo for "Krugers Grave".
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:16:23 PST 1998
Sleepy, i have no clue why my toe is swollen, but i cant wear my favorite sneakers and it makes me p--sy.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:16:14 PST 1998
Hello Sleepy - I talked to Decoy last night and he said he could chat from work for a little while right at 5:00pm. He also asked me to e-mail him to remind him. Please remind me to e-mail him.
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:14:10 PST 1998
Trace, as in elliot????????
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:12:40 PST 1998
Voltaic - will you be at the chat tonight?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:11:09 PST 1998
I was referring to your toe, but your general health is also important to me, of course. :o)
FROM: Trace
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:10:23 PST 1998
Hey sak, did you get your beta version of my new arcade game yet? I sent it to your msn account. You might need a 3-D ultra-boosted holographic video card to get the full effect. Anybody else want a beta version? Post your email address and a message with your qualifications and I'll consider you for my beta testers program.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:10:07 PST 1998
CW - will Decoy be chatting today?
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:09:48 PST 1998
Well sleepy, I am taking an active role in making sure my body remails healthy into my later years. The time do do it is now, cuz it dont get any easier down the line.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:06:44 PST 1998
Any reason for that, sak?
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 08:04:57 PST 1998
Sleepy i have not had coffe in a month, but i have recently ingested my body with multiple natural herbs and vitamins. I feel good. But my toe is swollen.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:59:00 PST 1998
Hi sak. I just posted something and it was eaten up by cyberspace. I was going to say that I just spoke to a colleague here who saw Robyn on Tuesday and really enjoyed the show. It's very satisfying when that happens. Are they putting happy beans in your coffee, CW and sak? You both sound very perky.
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:58:57 PST 1998
Please excuse this plug. mY band, sak, will be releasing it's label debut album in the next three months. If anyone is interested in buying a copy they can visit our web site ( and order a copy directly thru us. We appreciate your support. (Cusch, lay off)
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:54:37 PST 1998
Kasey, Robyn has come for your sister....
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:44:29 PST 1998
Cushca - I'm better than a chewing wax has a right to be and thanks for asking.
FROM: sak
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:39:20 PST 1998
Hi guys. how are everybody's toes today?
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:26:45 PST 1998
FROM: shemp
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:17:08 PST 1998
just the usual swine flu, skunks under the house, And The crips painted my car.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:11:23 PST 1998
You are forgiven. How are you today?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:08:18 PST 1998
Just messing around with my Cushca voodoo doll and got carried away. I'm truly sorry.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 30 07:03:54 PST 1998
Why are you sorry? Did you wish a bad throat curse on me? Bad boy.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 06:16:48 PST 1998
That hasn't happened to me in years. Hi Cushca. Sorry about your throat.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 06:05:53 PST 1998
I just went out for a coffee and came back with a nightshirt. Don't you hate it when that happens?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 06:02:17 PST 1998
gotta go. hi cushca, my sweet. be back later.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 06:01:49 PST 1998
"love to boogie"... giggle. i understand your concerns, Kasey. near as we can tell, Robyn is the fictitious creation of Warner Brothers record execs, bent on creating chaos for the industry. apparently, they're not happy with the status spice quo.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Fri Jan 30 05:58:24 PST 1998
Hello. I have a sore throat, and so I will have to whisper. Can you hear me?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 05:51:35 PST 1998
The road to hell is paved with discarded and misinterpreted fortune cookie messages.
FROM: Kasey
DATE: Fri Jan 30 05:47:16 PST 1998
WHO IS ROBYN??????????
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 05:44:21 PST 1998
I think the underlying subtext is: "You will spend an inappropriate number of evenings lurking around London's rock 'n' roll dives watching a man with a crustacea fixation."
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 05:37:43 PST 1998
It means you love to boogie.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 05:33:13 PST 1998
Hi CW, hi Myk. My fortune cookie says: "The nightlife is for you". What's that supposed to mean?!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 05:30:53 PST 1998
yum, chinese food! i went to a chinese restaurant yesterday, and the hot 'n sour soup was good, the kung pao chicken was ok. not the best, but certainly not the worst. oh yeah.... good morning!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Fri Jan 30 04:54:46 PST 1998
You've got to be kidding. Well then, I'll have a quart of hot and sour soup, a quart of the house fried rice and an order of beef with snow peas please.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Fri Jan 30 04:30:03 PST 1998
Good morning. Speciality Chinese chef will apparently be cooking for us in the staff restaurant today. Anyone ready for some chinese bones? Something Shakespeare never said was 'chicken chow mein' (probably).
FROM: juror7
DATE: Fri Jan 30 01:21:21 PST 1998
CW - no, not me who got drunk at the jazz cafe (I was up in the balcony, and managed not to fall off, so there's proof!). Patrick Humphries was at the 12 bar last week, though the night before Robyn played... and Sleepy, please don't cry, it'll ruin my weekend!
FROM: juror7
DATE: Fri Jan 30 01:09:07 PST 1998
CW - no, not me who got drunk at the jazz cafe (I was up in the balcony, and managed not to fall off, so there's proof!). Patrick Humphries was at the 12 bar last week, though the night before Robyn played... and Sleepy, please don't cry, it'll ruin my weekend!
FROM: CHAT TIME! ....Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 20:44:08 PST 1998
ok, folks, listen up! (heh, it's fun to say that.) another chat has been created, built with ancient stone tools, and all who feel the urge are welcome to attend. it will be "freestyle australian-rules" chat, so all topics are groovy, though (to paraphrase Orwell) "some are more groovy than others". heh heh. i suppose you're wondering the date and time. tomorrow, it shall commence at 2pm Los Angeles time, 5pm New York time, and 10pm London time. that's right, ladies and gents, we're talking friday afternoon/evening. the location? none other than our favorite: "" and the room is "#GlassHotel" (ignore the quotes, obviously). the chat time i quoted is simply a guideline. i suspect chatter may begin a bit earlier than that. feel free to brings snacks and drinks.
FROM: Uncle Jed
DATE: Thu Jan 29 19:57:53 PST 1998
Jethro, that isn't Ellie May, that's Honker the Mule. Now get away from that animal right now!
FROM: Jethro Bodine!
DATE: Thu Jan 29 19:56:23 PST 1998
Unca Jed! Unca Jed! Ellie May's takin' her bloomers off agin! Unca Jed Unca Jed! Ellie May's takin' her bloomers off agin!
FROM: (*o*)/....Oops, I mean Heruka
DATE: Thu Jan 29 16:53:28 PST 1998
Thanx Sleepy!!! xoxoxo The bio. shall be ordered tomorrow.:-) Soft Boys purchase this weekend.:-) That double cd thingy, I thinks me spending waaaaaaaaay too much greenbacks on music. Catch ya'll later (to be said in a Ellie Clampett sort of way)! OOOOOOH Ellie Campett!
DATE: Thu Jan 29 16:30:40 PST 1998
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 16:15:33 PST 1998
H - the biographer is Patrick Humphries. Published by Bloomsbury. The home recordings CD is not in the Fruit Tree box set, but Time of No Reply is (that contains a few home recordings though). Goodnight.
DATE: Thu Jan 29 16:11:51 PST 1998
Couple -o- questions. Fruit Tree, does that contain Nicks unreleased cd? The one his father took from him? What is the aurthor or publisher from the bio. on Nick? Either will do of course. Worthwhile read is "U2- At The End Of The World" (I hope that's right). Can't seem to find a Roy Harper cd anywhere, may have to order it.:-(
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 16:10:59 PST 1998
Boo! Ha, ha! I have this habit of logging on just as someone is talking about me! Gotta go now. Bye H.
DATE: Thu Jan 29 16:08:20 PST 1998
I thought she was pisces.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Thu Jan 29 16:06:53 PST 1998
Hello. Sleepy an Aquarius also!? Groovy!
DATE: Thu Jan 29 15:59:29 PST 1998
"I was so drunk, I just kept staring at this guy, and he thought I was nuts and walked away. He had looked me in the eyes and said, "You know what you've got? You've got cats' eyes. You've got cats' eyes, and I'm not going to mess with you!" I guess I was so drunk and p--sed off, I must have been glaring at him like a maniac. He just got scared - it was very peculiar."
FROM: The Double Poster
DATE: Thu Jan 29 14:27:09 PST 1998
Hey, IE Sucks!
FROM: The Double Poster
DATE: Thu Jan 29 14:27:06 PST 1998
Hey, IE Sucks!
DATE: Thu Jan 29 13:11:31 PST 1998
cool site! thanks very much.
DATE: Thu Jan 29 12:58:22 PST 1998
If you guys are fans of magnetic poetry boards, check out this cool java site:
DATE: Thu Jan 29 12:54:13 PST 1998
I've gotta lovely bunch of cocanuts.... dum-tee dum-tee do-dee-doh.
DATE: Thu Jan 29 12:14:29 PST 1998
I saw it written and I saw it say
Pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get you all
It's a pink moon
It's a pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 11:40:43 PST 1998
Pinka Moon.
FROM: lizzie
DATE: Thu Jan 29 11:25:00 PST 1998
Just thought you should know... :)
FROM: lizzie
DATE: Thu Jan 29 11:24:13 PST 1998
YAY! I managed to get Moss Elixir - haven't stopped listening to it since yesterday evening - I haven't even listened to any REM I've been so overwhelmed *gasp*
DATE: Thu Jan 29 11:08:56 PST 1998
I am the parasite who hangs from the sky. . .
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 10:49:27 PST 1998
Oh, that sounds so pathetic. A spin of Pink Moon should see me straight. Good night!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 10:36:46 PST 1998
I'm scuttling off home now, all cross-eyed and tearful. Speak to you tomorrow! Bye.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 10:09:04 PST 1998
E. That's E.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 10:05:54 PST 1998
I'm sure you'll be forgiven. You're find God fearing folk.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:52:48 PST 1998
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:50:42 PST 1998
I doubt it, CW. Juror7 is a fine, upstanding member of society. He has heard Mossy Liquor - all praise him!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:48:41 PST 1998
No. That was me.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:46:07 PST 1998
Hey juror7 - was that you would got really drunk at the Jazz Cafe gig last year?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:45:31 PST 1998
Aarrrghh too much work. I can't remember what the horoscope said. I think it was quite bad - which is turning out to be true so far! Ha!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:45:17 PST 1998
I didn't touch her. Honest.
FROM: juror7
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:44:11 PST 1998
it looked like Robyn was careful to use a different mic to Tim. I guess it's important not to share mics - there's probably a used mic exchange in Denmark St (a new-for-old type thing) to counteract acute nasopharyngitis amongst popular vocalists. I hope Tim's voice held up for the recording session! How good was your horoscope, Sleepy ? I've not had a chance to say "No" all day!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:43:02 PST 1998
Whatsamatter Sleepy?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:41:34 PST 1998
Ew. Bye Myk. I've just woken up. What did I miss?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:41:26 PST 1998
I want to cry.
FROM: Sanitation Shuffle
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:22:54 PST 1998
I hope Robyn didn't get Tim's microphone after Tim coughed his germs all over it!
FROM: Baddah-Bing!
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:21:24 PST 1998
I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a prefrontal lobotomy!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:20:46 PST 1998
Hello juror7. It's funny - I didn't even realise he had a cold until he mention various remedies. He was singing better than ever! Thank you for the birthday wishes too. I've got a few more weeks to go yet.
FROM: Dr. Iggy Fried
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:19:55 PST 1998
Myk, you're letting your deeply repressed slip show!
FROM: Bill J. C.
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:19:04 PST 1998
I often need a Night Nurse myself!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:18:18 PST 1998
sleepy, please email me and let me know about this "7" thing. i still think that "night nurse" sounds sinister, like a film about a nocturnal angel of death. i gotta split now, goodbye to the english ladies who will be long gone when i return.
FROM: juror7
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:13:06 PST 1998
thanks for the birthday wishes, Sleepy - you have a good one too!
TIm didn't see my hat, but it was no competition for his anyway. I hope he
got a reasonably early night and dosed himself up with Night Nurse or something - he looked like he needed it!
FROM: Moscow doll parts
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:05:45 PST 1998
I would like to see Cleveland have its own paper doll club like its sister states of Michigan and the other one. It would be
nice to have small Paper Doll parties to attend in between the boat conventions. There are at least 64,326
paper dolls here in Cleveland, and a fair number of tiny "Dollups" as well. This is something that will require too much planning. Myk you can do it.