FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 09:04:24 PST 1998
Is everybody having an afternoon snooze?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 08:38:26 PST 1998
FROM: Mrs Resin Bagges
DATE: Thu Jan 29 08:37:24 PST 1998
Next Week : The Adventures of Billy in Cape Town!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 08:36:14 PST 1998
Ooh, Mrs Resin Bagges - it's always a pleasure to hear from you.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 08:22:08 PST 1998
i like the transcription idea, and i don't beleive anyone has done it yet. (no, i'm not volunteering!) love that bag o' resin!
FROM: Mrs. Resin Bagges
DATE: Thu Jan 29 08:19:19 PST 1998
Every Sat--day they tried to get Enid to go to the train museum to develop an appreciation for what had been good old fashioned industry. Every Sat--day she would escape to her fort in the old hay barn and produce another splendid 19th century epic. It was a complicated and dangerous eight hour trek to the fort. Only she and her best friend Billy knew the way. Billy and his family had moved to South Africa last autumn so now it was only Enid. Upon arrival she would sit inside her fort and play with the doll parts she had picked up at flea markets and garage sales and even the rubbish dump. She'd given them all names. They were all named Rebecca. When asked why they all had the same name she would shrug her tiny shoulders and look at the ground. On this particular hot summer day, Enid and her Rebeccas were staging a remake of the classic Wuthering Heights. All Enid knew was that Heathcliff was a beastly mean fellow just like her father. He was being played by Rebecca the troll doll's arm. After three long hours of drama using all of her doll parts and providing all of the voices, Enid arrived at the climatic ending in which there was much fire and broken glass. Heathcliff was catapulted into the air and landed somewhere out of site. Outside she heard them calling her name. Oh, hadn't they given up and left her behind yet? Perhaps she would go to the horrid train museum after all and look for doll parts in their rubbish bin. Next week Vanity Fair? That was one of her favorites.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 08:17:43 PST 1998
Yes, and maybe we could make a patchwork quilt out of all his album sleeves too........
DATE: Thu Jan 29 08:02:09 PST 1998
A good web project might be to transcribe as many of Robyn's monologues as are available. House of Figgy types, anybody interested?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 07:46:06 PST 1998
well, now it's been twice!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 07:37:36 PST 1998
Oh, dear boys. She teases you. Fear not.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 07:35:02 PST 1998
what is a punter, cushca? i have placed no midnight phone calls! i have only spoken to the ladies at their office, and only once!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 07:09:13 PST 1998
What midnight phone calls?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 07:01:24 PST 1998
That sounds a lot like a Scot I once knew.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:58:48 PST 1998
No of course you didn't mess up. The more punters I can get the better. Cushca - London - America - The World.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:58:44 PST 1998
Ooh, Croydon. Now that's glamorous!
FROM: Keith Maniac
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:52:46 PST 1998
Can't get a really good English breakfast over here in Guatamala But the
full Monte is my favorite day starter. 2eggs, rashers, sausage, fried
tomatoes and baked beans and sometimes chips. Now thats a breakfast. Oh and
of course sourdough toast with marmalade.and strong tea. Take me back to dear
old Croydon.urp.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:49:47 PST 1998
you folks make me smile, which makes my boss wonder what the hell i'm grinning at. (it's fun to end a sentence with a preposition. english teachers be damned!) cushca, that's so sweet of you... now i can tell you that i've spraypainted your name onto the side of a large monument here in town. the tall white obelisk one. unfortunately, i've spraypainted your real name, location, and phone number. did i mess up?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:44:20 PST 1998
Ooh, she's as weak as a kitten. Boom, boom.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:42:32 PST 1998
Ouch. Ambulance. Please........
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:40:54 PST 1998
why do i have a feeling that cushca is currently receiving a pummeling in her office?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:40:49 PST 1998
Cushca - you break my heart on a daily basis. Myk - don't worry. As I told you before, it's your name Cushca has carved into the tree outside.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:32:31 PST 1998
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:32:10 PST 1998
Now it all becomes clear; the clandestine meetings in chat rooms, midnight phone calls. I have been dumped for an older model.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:29:45 PST 1998
and why would cushca care? always droning on about some drunk scotsman or other... giggle.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:29:00 PST 1998
Cushca - would you please explain it to me then cause I haven't a clue. What's all this about kittens?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:25:03 PST 1998
Oh, now I see what's going on.......
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:18:44 PST 1998
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:15:01 PST 1998
meow, baby.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:13:51 PST 1998
Since you are the baddest kitten in the basket, I don't think you're in any position to comment, Myk m'lad! Ha, ha.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:04:47 PST 1998
hi sleepy. i hope you're feelin' groovy today. are you aware that you often make references to kittens? that's a good thing.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 06:02:14 PST 1998
Hi Myk. CW - I sent you an e:mail, but I forgot to sign it. Infinity pops.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:58:55 PST 1998
good morning! the sun has returned! someone get me a bagel!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:47:25 PST 1998
Formation dancing eh? That makes me very angry.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:42:23 PST 1998
CW:- That'd be Cushca's mum's attorney. Bye the way, I saw Underwater Moonlight last night. It was sitting on a shelf at the 12-Bar next to its friends, Respect and Invisible Hits. It was formation dancing, if my eyes weren't deceiving me. It was definitely having a good time.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:36:59 PST 1998
If your mum is just finding out about me now, who's attorney has been sending all those threatening letters I've been chucking into the bin?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:26:43 PST 1998
Hi hooded. Bye. I'm on the phone to my mum right now CW and I'm telling her all about you. She's alerting her attorneys.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:19:49 PST 1998
I inspire mum calling wherever I go. Hello and goodbye hooded.
FROM: hooded
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:10:11 PST 1998
what a crappy day, temp in the low 40's, foggy, and wet, wet ,wet. Melting snow is so depressing! Oh well, weekends almost here. Got one of those free e-mail thingies, Wax already sent me something. send me something! Off to work, see ya!
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:03:21 PST 1998
CW - That is a beautiful story, sniff. I think I'll just go and call my Mum. sniff.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:01:44 PST 1998
I wasn't going to mug them silly. I was going to hand them some pamphlets and speak to them about serious matters concerning the state of American ethical culture.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 05:00:12 PST 1998
Someone? Just anyone? Are you no longer choosy over who you mug???
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Thu Jan 29 04:56:54 PST 1998
Hey all - last night I listened to Airscape in the car while waiting for someone to come out of the store. That's something isn't it?
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Thu Jan 29 04:45:00 PST 1998
Awwwwwww, no fair! I don't want you to screw up your exams over the slim chance of hearing an acoustic Pigworker, but it would be cewler than cewl if you were there. actually, I don't even have a ticket yet, I hope it's not sold out!!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 04:38:18 PST 1998
Morning MTS. Nope. No mention of a release date - I think the soundtrack will be out later this year, and the new studio album, next. Too long to wait, no?! I'm not sure about next Tuesday, since I have a thrilling evening class leading to an exam soon (yawn - how dull) so I don't know whether I can miss it.
FROM: Morrissey T. Smith
DATE: Thu Jan 29 04:32:17 PST 1998
Good Morning to all!! Sleepy- You're such a lucky duck seeing Robyn last night. I know this is a waste of a good question mark but did he mention a release date for new material??? I don't really know these songs but I guess I'll hear them on tuesday, will you be there?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Thu Jan 29 02:53:36 PST 1998
Hello there. How are we today?
FROM: SleepY
DATE: Thu Jan 29 02:24:14 PST 1998
Missed out the 'y'.
FROM: Sleep
DATE: Thu Jan 29 02:23:52 PST 1998
Two mirrors make infinity. You know that don't you?!
FROM: mincemeat sleaze
DATE: Thu Jan 29 02:21:37 PST 1998
sorry - i think i meant lizard, not leopard. one of those animal songs, anyway....
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Thu Jan 29 01:56:04 PST 1998
Good morning! But did Tim like your hat, that is the burning question?! Maybe I'll get the nachos next week... Have a good birthday later.
FROM: mincemeat sleaze
DATE: Thu Jan 29 01:54:02 PST 1998
sorry - i think i meant lizard, not leopard. one of those animal songs, anyway....
FROM: the mincemeat seethes
DATE: Thu Jan 29 01:20:49 PST 1998
heh heh - so the jury found you guilty, sleepy! It's OK, it'll stay
in camera (no big hair there!). Good to see elaine in her rightful place again, anyway.
You're right, it was a good show last night - though I'm not sure that trading the polite clapping girl for the lady with the random cackle was an improvement over last week.
set list sthg like:
nature's (? maybe Nietsche ?) way, silver dagger, victorian squid, antowman, jewels, elizabeth j, queen elvis, one long pair, devil's radio, leopard, unsettled, satellite of lurve, goodnight i say, arnold layne, adoration, nick drake. (am I the only one who cares about all this ?).
hope timmy's cold gets better soon, though I did like the cute hat.
right, I'm off to look up "rumbled" in my anglo-american dictionary, to see if it's more fun over there!
FROM: the mincemeat seethes
DATE: Thu Jan 29 01:11:51 PST 1998
heh heh - so the jury found you guilty, sleepy! It's OK, it'll stay
in camera (no big hair there!). Good to see elaine in her rightful place again, anyway.
You're right, it was a good show last night - though I'm not sure that trading the polite clapping girl for the lady with the random cackle was an improvement over last week.
set list sthg like:
nature's (? maybe Nietsche ?) way, silver dagger, victorian squid, antowman, jewels, elizabeth j, queen elvis, one long pair, devil's radio, leopard, unsettled, satellite of lurve, goodnight i say, arnold layne, adoration, nick drake. (am I the only one who cares about all this ?).
hope timmy's cold gets better soon, though I did like the cute hat.
right, I'm off to look up "rumbled" in my anglo-american dictionary, to see if it's more fun over there!
FROM: Jerry Lee Lewis
DATE: Wed Jan 28 20:34:36 PST 1998
Bothered by Telephone Salespeople? Dinner time
interrupted? How does it make you feel about the people who
call you? Would they be surprised if you told them that Jesus loves
them as much as He loves you. Hey!! and maybe Jesus had them select
your phone number because He wanted YOU to tell them how
much He Loves them! They won't phone you back!
FROM: wp
DATE: Wed Jan 28 17:41:57 PST 1998
night then, i'll try to think of nice things... wine... beer, that's better I think I can carry on.
FROM: Sleepy
<oh, it's my friend - but this is the last one, really>
DATE: Wed Jan 28 17:38:47 PST 1998
Hi wp! - think of lovely things, er, like, er, little cats or bars of chocolate or something.... I'm running very fast towards my bed now. Goodnight.
FROM: Sleepy
<the last before bedtime>
DATE: Wed Jan 28 17:35:50 PST 1998
I forgot to say, hi Heruka! Now, goodnight I truly say.
FROM: wp
DATE: Wed Jan 28 17:35:02 PST 1998
hi sleepy, i'm v v bored
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 17:31:19 PST 1998
Just one thing: 'rumbled' means 'found out/exposed' in Britain. ( Just in case it has a different connotation in America ...) Goodnight.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 17:20:58 PST 1998
Hello. I've just got back from seeing Robyn at the 12-Bar. 'Twas an excellent show - both he and the Homer Lounge (new name!) were on top form. The new HL single is storming. CW - you would have loved the show tonight. He played Victorian Squid (!!!), I Saw Nick Drake, Arnold Layne (!), Unsettled and Jewels For Sophia amongst many other 'timeless classics'. His monologues were extremely funny - before playing 'Satellite of Love' he explained how his mother would sing this particular song whilst changing the car tyres when he was a boy, although the car didn't have regular wheels, but insect-type legs and so .... I think you get the picture. A fine show. Oh, yes. I've been rumbled by the juror, as well. Don't forget to keep it a secret number seven!
FROM: Old Rottencot
DATE: Wed Jan 28 16:17:15 PST 1998
Which brings my dribble cup to mind.
FROM: Chet Wrigley-Pock
DATE: Wed Jan 28 15:27:37 PST 1998
Who wants Gum!?!
FROM: Hmmm, how interesting
DATE: Wed Jan 28 15:19:29 PST 1998
The lack of obvious imposters this week might well be explained by the absense of the cleveland clod as well.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 15:13:57 PST 1998
I only scratch below the elastic band. Rectal Foreign Bodies would be a good band name for one of you here...........
FROM: rOb!
DATE: Wed Jan 28 15:12:53 PST 1998
Well, my hard drive crashed, so I'm posting from another computer. Hmmm....I like mine much better.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 15:12:20 PST 1998
Myk, you're right, I would advise you not to scratch below the surface. The ugly truth of the very near future might be overpowering for the average bumpkin.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Jan 28 15:03:24 PST 1998
Van the man. Hee hee.
FROM: Mr. Overly Refreshed
DATE: Wed Jan 28 14:45:42 PST 1998
Ish "Hairy Shpice" Third from the left?
Thish exshplains almosht nothing.
Sho tell me what you want. What you -really-, -really- want.
I'll tell you what I want. What I *REALLY* *REALLY* want.
Sho tel..AK!!.................................
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 14:16:15 PST 1998
"recommend" is how i should spell it. silly me.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 14:15:00 PST 1998
hello again, heruka! i hope your hiatus went well. yes, he still speaks of you.
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Wed Jan 28 14:03:47 PST 1998
I'm off, to pick up Van "the man" Morrisons box set!
DATE: Wed Jan 28 14:02:02 PST 1998
Oh hello CW, hows life in Robynland?
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Wed Jan 28 14:01:27 PST 1998
Well I'm leaving, I realize now why I don't visit here anymore. Besides the fact that I disconnected myself from almost every source of connection. Aroooooga!!!!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 14:01:09 PST 1998
Hello Patrick. You haunt Voltaic's soul. He's obsessed with you.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 13:46:55 PST 1998
I've been wandering through oblivian a week and you're still talking (typing) about me! I AM LOVED!!:-)
FROM: Heruka
DATE: Wed Jan 28 13:45:28 PST 1998
Hmm, how interesting.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 13:24:04 PST 1998
a corvair? groovy. infinity speakers are cool, but i have to recomment MB Quart. a little more cash, but since you probably got a good trade-in on your soul, you can afford it. an auto pc is a waste of money; put that toward more psychoactive pharmaceuticals. yes, it's true that most folks don't look too hard to see the truth in matters. they simply look to the simplest source, such as television, and they believe what they're told. the question is: would you want it any other way? does this country need 260 million political scientists/philosophers? no, it does not. let's keep enlightenment down to a minimum... it's not a good idea for most folks.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 12:44:34 PST 1998
Stop picking on poor Patrick.
FROM: Fred Extracto, Dr. of Rectal Foreign Bodies
DATE: Wed Jan 28 12:37:43 PST 1998
A patient of mine, somebody with the initials PW, asked me to let you all know that he is feeling fine today. The speakers still work, though they are a bit soiled.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 12:35:57 PST 1998
Everybody knows (by the way) that Polk has not manufactured shopping cart loudspeakers for years.
FROM: Fadge Pucker
DATE: Wed Jan 28 12:34:34 PST 1998
I have often wondered what you Xers really think about things deep in your souls. Now I have a pretty reliable theory: you don't have souls. They have been replaced with a hyperawareness of brand names, media sanctioned factoids and media formulatd political opinions. Sorry to generalize like this but it's absolutely clear to me now here in my corvair with my infinity speakers, my cd changer, my nokai cell phone and my auto pc. Please email me personally at sorryassloner@spy.nut.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Jan 28 12:30:02 PST 1998
Heh heh
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 12:07:53 PST 1998
go ahead and go, queenie. i just read a "review" of a recent stones show by a writer for stereophile, who never attends huge stadium shows. he had a great time, and it is truly a spectacle this time around. plus, it's fun to see how they animate that fake Keith Richards puppet... it looks so real from 10 rows back.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Jan 28 11:59:58 PST 1998
My husband still wants me to go just for the spectacle. I don't know. I think they may have crossed the line into excessive just a bit with their set. But it's weird that Mick Jagger and my father are the same age. My dad wouldn't look nearly as smashing in such tight trousers.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Wed Jan 28 11:57:32 PST 1998
Friday and Sat--day the Rolling Stones play in Portland.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 11:29:10 PST 1998
Thanks - my mail was acting funny. Ah, the good times have begun.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 11:01:28 PST 1998
sure thing, wax. i'll send it to your normal account.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 10:56:07 PST 1998
Not much to tell. Hey Myk - email me something would ya?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 10:49:21 PST 1998
scary, wax. sorry i had to split, bye girls. polk speakers sound great when properly positioned in a shopping cart, slightly toed-in. heh. tell us more, wax.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 10:36:58 PST 1998
Yes. I'm pretty sure there were in fact Polks.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 10:28:50 PST 1998
A homeless person has just strolled down the street with two large polk speakers?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 10:08:03 PST 1998
...and now everyone has gone. Is it lunchtime?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 10:05:20 PST 1998
Ta very muchly for the help Sleepy. I don't know what I'd do without her.....
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:59:01 PST 1998
Cushca - the 'k' needs to be more pronounced. Buy.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:55:08 PST 1998
Cushca really is wearing a green boiler suit. I'm playing with the zip right now. There are 28 of them to play with, mind... I'm going now. Bye.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:49:51 PST 1998
A homeless person has just strolled down the street with two large loud speakers and an entire set of wicker furniture towering out of his shopping cart.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:41:08 PST 1998
It's very much a black kind of clothing arrangement type thing (as usual). But the hair is smashing.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:35:23 PST 1998
heh heh, silly sak. sleepy is her busy self. so nice of you to keep us entertained, sweet cushca. you and your lively hair. c'mon, i don't buy the boiler suit bit...
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:23:07 PST 1998
a pale sinewy frame, a mouth kisses by angels and eyes cut out from a bright summer sky
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:20:58 PST 1998
God bless you.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:16:12 PST 1998
He's really gone now. I saw him leave. It's all free.
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:11:08 PST 1998
Your gestures do nothing for me. We are the same age as I recall. Your adolescence transends mine.
"you really think I dont know my own way home"
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:06:55 PST 1998
Ooooohhhh (holds handbag aloft). Fancy (adopts Kenneth Williams pose). Such insolence from one so young.....
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:06:23 PST 1998
pure unbridled lust for subject with cats eyes
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:05:28 PST 1998
Bye sak.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:04:08 PST 1998
My favorite buildings still stand to this day, except for an abandoned Coast Guard radio station that we would go to (in high school) as a spot for girls and beer. ah, the old days. fare thee well, sak!
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:03:35 PST 1998
I knew that was coming so i waited to hear from you. What about the second date. Thats if he is interested still; in someone so critical.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 09:00:52 PST 1998
sak - I never fugure on a first date.
FROM: Relevance!
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:58:36 PST 1998
A lot of the buildings I remember as a child are now gone. It is a shame that someone so interested in
photography did not take more pictures. I suppose at the time I did not think they would be demolished.
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:57:53 PST 1998
Bye Myk, Wax, Sleep, Cush, and the rest of this consortium. HAve a jolly day. Cush you are one of a kind. I still cant fugure you out. But tske that in a good way. Wax you are a fat free cereal bar.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:52:26 PST 1998
Mines up on blocks in the front yard.
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:48:17 PST 1998
You never forget those crappy cars that get thru the tough times. They become part of your soul
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:44:43 PST 1998
rarely do i bond with a car, but i miss my crappy ol' 1980 toyota celica i had in college. what a car.
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:37:26 PST 1998
Chevette, any year
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:34:24 PST 1998
If I had to choose one it would be very difficult.
I think it would have to be the 63 corvette Stingray.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:32:32 PST 1998
I am not quite so interested in cars as I used to be as experience have shown me that material things (while nice) are
not the most important things in our lives. However there are a few cars I really like.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:32:12 PST 1998
It's the old favourite; the boiler suit and wellies combo once again. Sleepy goes all misty eyed when she sees it.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:29:38 PST 1998
I do not have any particular group I follow but have always liked most of Vangelis my favourite being 1492 as I find it very moving.
I like atmospheric and am into some of the New Age at present. I suppose I like listening to music as it can affect me quite strong emotionally and find it very relaxing and it also means that I can be doing other things while I am listening to it.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:28:44 PST 1998
don't listen to the bad, evil man! cushca is the most normal person on here! well, except for sleepy, and wax, and me, but still... what are you wearing today, cushca? i haven't asked in a while.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:27:13 PST 1998
My first camera was a Praktika Super TL. For quite a while I just had the
standard lens and later on bought a 200mm lens after trying out a friends
135mm. I used this equipment for a few years and as I was quite hooked
on photography decided to upgrade and bought a Cannon Ftb which at
the time had a few unique features and was within my budget.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:22:52 PST 1998
Cush you need to relax. Im thinking you have MPD(Multiple Personality Disorder) Are you Insane????Be honest
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:14:01 PST 1998
When I take a portrait I like to try and get to know the person and capture their character. With wildlife photography you need a lot of patience. I can take allday but as long as I only get one good shot then I am happy.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 08:05:50 PST 1998
I don't know what the HELL you are talking about. Seek help immediately. 'Run, run, as fast as you can; you can't catch him, he's a mental man.'
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:59:57 PST 1998
YOu mean he's sitting on you. Or other way around, you kinky deva
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:59:05 PST 1998
Cush I was like 7 years old. I had no ability to accomodate that kind of action. But when I turned 8, geez let me tell you.....!!!!!!!!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:58:44 PST 1998
....and Jabba the Hut is sitting next to me. Ha ha.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:58:20 PST 1998
ok, sleepygirl, have your televised fun. sorry about the hair, but it happens. i think you should go see robyn, and tell him i say "hi". sak, you shouldn't do that kind o' stuff. it sits in the synapses of your spine, comes out when you really don't want it to, 10 years later. ugh.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:57:29 PST 1998
Ooh, Cushca. You say the sweetest things.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:56:59 PST 1998
Do we really want to hear all about sak's five-knuckle-shuffle fodder???
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:56:38 PST 1998
Today Princess Leia is sitting right next to me.
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:54:13 PST 1998
Sleepy, I actually had the biggest crush on carrie Fischer when Empire came out.(Actually the book - there was a real sexy picture of her on the front cover)
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:49:51 PST 1998
I still do. I pay homage to her with today's smashing hairdo.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:48:56 PST 1998
Out of interest, did anyone fancy Princess Leia?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:46:07 PST 1998
It's not big and it's not clever and as the Grange Hill kids would say 'just say no.'
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:44:00 PST 1998
Happy Chinese New Year everyone. Myk - Seinfeld was my one half hour of pleasure in a thus far dreadful week - please don't begrudge me it! This is not to imply that speaking to you before the show wasn't pleasurable, of course. Robyn tonight or not? Hmmm. We'll have to see. To make matters worse, my hair's doing a bit of a Lewinsky today. Eek.
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:37:18 PST 1998
Hmm, how interesting.
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:34:33 PST 1998
I was a bad boy. I took a trip, but never left my house. It was not what I intended to happen
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:28:01 PST 1998
So I guess I'm the fool who is going to ask where sak spent his horrible weekend then???
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:27:36 PST 1998
tell us about it, sak. as for sleepy, where is she? i haven't seen her since she dissed me for seinfeld last night. heh. doesn't she know that tv will rot her brain?
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:20:56 PST 1998
I took a horrible trip this weekend
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:18:21 PST 1998
cushca, you're so silly. you know i'll adore you no matter how many custard pies you encounter! ha! enjoy it, waxboy... good weather doesn't last in your city! howdy sak!
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:03:42 PST 1998
FROM: sak
DATE: Wed Jan 28 07:03:38 PST 1998
hi guys. Sorry about the abnoxious Pi yesterday. He has not quite evolved yet.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 06:59:32 PST 1998
The Queen of Custard Pies for making my arse so enormous.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 06:54:08 PST 1998
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 06:49:06 PST 1998
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 06:39:45 PST 1998
Hey Myk - it's startlingly beautiful here. Clear blue sky with temperatures climbing into the low 40's. I knew I didn't have to shovel the snow off the sidewalk in front of my house. I love this el Nino fellow.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Wed Jan 28 06:18:23 PST 1998
good morning, folks. heavy rains beat up on the capital of the Free World today. took me an extra 30 minutes just to get here. ugh. robyn plays tonite. clinton played last night.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Wed Jan 28 05:59:20 PST 1998
My head hurts. It will be a bad afternoon. I can feel it in my paperclips.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Wed Jan 28 05:31:39 PST 1998
LURKING. Sorry. And me such a stickler for details. That would never have happened on a good day. And the purple leaves are falling in a straight line from the sky.
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Jan 27 22:48:30 PST 1998
Would you care for a lump of steak?
FROM: Nice Gas
DATE: Tue Jan 27 21:11:24 PST 1998
Hi Patrick. Hee hee, giggle giggle, heh heh, tar tar, bah bah, ha ha, ca ca, caw caw, har har har har, giggle giggle tee hee tee hee hahahahaahahahaaahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahaahahaahahaahahahahah
FROM: richard the terd
DATE: Tue Jan 27 19:41:05 PST 1998
When you are love dancing you are able to have intimacy, eye contact,
breathe , kiss and hold hands. She is free of his weight on her pelvis.
Both can move their head, neck, and pelvis freely. You can exchange love
energies until you both are satisfied. Every man that can walk will be love
dancing in less than 5 minutes.
The LoveSwing is adjustable even while love dancing .
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:26:02 PST 1998
Seems a bit mean in retrospect! Sorry. Anyway, I'm going to log off simply because I'm really tired. No offence! Have a good evening. Bye!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:20:21 PST 1998
ah, my heart breaks, not once but twice. you leave me for seinfeld? ugh!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:18:12 PST 1998
Bye wp. I've gotta go too now, Myk. (pathetic slave to television!) Speak to you tomorrow. We should arrange a chat very soon! Bye.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:16:41 PST 1998
heh heh ok, wp.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:16:31 PST 1998
Let me tell you Myk, that wp is completely gorgeous. (how long can I have the laptop for now...?)
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:16:17 PST 1998
anonymity? nah... besides, that sleepygirl has MY pic, and it's no fair! giggle.
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:15:58 PST 1998
myk, seinfeld's on gotta sign off... talk soon
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:15:17 PST 1998
nah... you don't want a picture of me surely the fun of this chat thing is anonymity!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:14:22 PST 1998
Ooh! Seinfeld! Breakaway.
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:13:50 PST 1998
mais ouis, tomorrow is big forum night for me again... still get to come in late on Thursday
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:13:42 PST 1998
hey sleepy! send me a picture of wp so i know who i'm chattin' at! heh heh, tell cushca that she still has my heart in a painful vice-like contraption!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:13:05 PST 1998
I did thanks. Are you free from forums tonight?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:12:28 PST 1998
heh heh sleepy! couldn't we all go to with our different chat programs? i bet we could!
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:12:06 PST 1998
actually think i might be going off to sleep in a minute its way past my bedtime... did you get the email tired one?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:11:04 PST 1998
I'm back. Are you two going to scamper off and chat?! MSChat roolz (cos it's all I've got - ta though wp!)
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:10:57 PST 1998
oh, heh heh, silly princess! yeah, wasn't sure if your wink was one of understanding!
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:10:53 PST 1998
don't know... does it?
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:10:02 PST 1998
sarcasm doesn't travel well on the web does it! :-)
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:09:49 PST 1998
wouldn't a standard IRC server support all 3?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:09:12 PST 1998
you haven't heard? i figured this was big news everywhere. a liaison with a 21 year old white house intern may very well end his presidency. this one is big, and it could be the end.
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:08:08 PST 1998
i haven't got mschat on this comp. i've only got mirc and sleepy doesn't have that
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:07:03 PST 1998
what's he been up to then... your president... ;-)
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:06:44 PST 1998
chat room, anyone?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:06:16 PST 1998
it's 6:10pm here on the US east coast. he won't be on tv for a couple hours.
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:05:56 PST 1998
taping seinfeld tonight seeing as i always manage to fall asleep in it!
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:04:59 PST 1998
I'm going to have a look at my e:mail as instructed. Seinfeld soon. Woo! Hi Myk!
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:04:42 PST 1998
what time is it there?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:03:59 PST 1998
oh, just waiting for our philandering president to give the "State of the Union" address tonite. should be interesting!
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:02:41 PST 1998
sleepy!! hi, check your mail. Myk yes thanks works treating me fine, just on here trying to find sleepy - what're you up to now then?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:01:38 PST 1998
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:00:58 PST 1998
oh, i'm just fine, wp. work treating you well, i hope? up until recently, you and i had similar jobs, i bet. anything on your mind?
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 15:00:48 PST 1998
wp! I've just got in!
FROM: daisybomb
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:58:28 PST 1998
LURKING. LURKING in the shadows, sort of like I do with this message board ("Oh her. She's been lurking""She looks a right lurker, doesn't she?"). Standing goes with "and I'm standing in my pocket". Sorry, it's just that that's one of my favorite lyrics (I especially like the way he says it "luhking") so I felt compelled to correct it, no offense meant :).
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:57:40 PST 1998
yes, its really me, i don't know where sleepy is though, how are you myk?
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:56:23 PST 1998
wp, is that really you? heh heh, if you're here, will sleepy be?
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:48:38 PST 1998
if you are... i've just mailed you
FROM: wp
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:47:51 PST 1998
tired one... are you here
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:26:58 PST 1998
where is sleepy tonite? sleepy, if you show up and don't see me, email my normal address (not the public one) to alert me!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:25:33 PST 1998
no, i a--ure you, this is the real myk. i felt that a 2nd, public email address was a good idea, if a bit inconvenient.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:15:10 PST 1998
Hmm, how interesting.
FROM: Jacko the Spike
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:14:39 PST 1998
Myk, you're right. As a matter of fact, your message is nothing like anything you've every posted before! All you guys sending him notes best rename your return addresses in your email setups. Otherwise, you never know who the "myk" character might really be --- somebody like, er, patrick wel...
FROM: lorraineeniarrol
DATE: Tue Jan 27 14:05:35 PST 1998
Are you there CW?
FROM: Blue
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:58:55 PST 1998
Leave him alone bitch!
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:58:20 PST 1998
bye v, er... L. it's funny how one gets used to the grammatical traits of individuals. half the time, it's unnecessary to post a name, because the spelling, misspellings, structure, etc. all stay the same. just an observation. by the way, i've created a public mailbox if anyone needs to send me a note, listed above.
FROM: ceiling crax
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:57:43 PST 1998
Please come back lorraine you all I luffa. Kemosabe.
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:13:55 PST 1998
Your silence has answered all my questions. goodbye.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:12:01 PST 1998
Why is it so hard for you to talk to me. I don't bite.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:09:17 PST 1998
Don't leave me hanging here like this, please.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:06:46 PST 1998
Why won't you answer me?
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:05:43 PST 1998
Just tell me. I'm a big girl, I can handle being rejected.
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Tue Jan 27 13:02:15 PST 1998
Please be kind and just tell me. I won't bother you anymore after that.
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:59:53 PST 1998
Please tell me, so I know whether to leave or stay.
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:58:01 PST 1998
You didn't answer my question. Who are you apologizing to? Is it me? Just tell me in plain English.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:54:50 PST 1998
Bill has enough problems right now as it is. You shouldn't be complicating matters.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:53:07 PST 1998
You're not telling the truth. It's not Bill.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:51:29 PST 1998
Are you there?
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:51:09 PST 1998
I love Bill. He's the president of the US of A. He told me to be quiet about it but I can't help it.
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:49:55 PST 1998
It's Sleepy who is your love, isn't it?
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:47:25 PST 1998
Are you there CW?
FROM: Conundrum Wipe Down
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:43:46 PST 1998
Is it more important to cram every old record into a category devised years later than it is to apply clover honey to your armpits?
FROM: Beenie
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:42:20 PST 1998
The "Head" record, then, is the Monkees' punk album, right?
FROM: lorraine
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:41:43 PST 1998
...and who is it that you love?
FROM: Queenie
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:40:46 PST 1998
Hey rOb...Myk keeps making fun of you cause you called the Monkees a punk band. Clearly he's never heard the "Head" record.
FROM: drawn to you like a magnet.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 12:27:09 PST 1998
CW: Who are you apologizing to? sleepy? lorraine? Cushca?
FROM: Elasticine Pantigrate
DATE: Tue Jan 27 11:53:10 PST 1998
I will not be posting tomorrow as I will be in hospital in surgery. Although I cannot go into details, be it known that the rumor stating that I am having a Polk Audio speaker removed from my posterior are largely untrue.
FROM: Grillwork
DATE: Tue Jan 27 11:15:11 PST 1998
Phasten yer photon belts, everyone -- Dr. Heruka's at it again! We
all knew this was coming but it turned out even funnier than I could
have imagined! WooHoo Jeez! -- this guy's now gone fully coocoo for
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Jan 27 11:11:36 PST 1998
Feels the same to me still. Even more so perhaps. Hi Myk. Tricks are good again.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 11:08:37 PST 1998
i can't comment, except to say that tricks are for kids.
FROM: Colonial Spiggut
DATE: Tue Jan 27 11:05:15 PST 1998
Who's Tricks?
FROM: Taco Bomb
DATE: Tue Jan 27 11:03:26 PST 1998
ca-ca is poo-poo. The first message in that archive (which is actually the last message, right) is about eating three days in a row at Taco Bomb.
DATE: Tue Jan 27 11:02:32 PST 1998
Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton....
FROM: rubber boots
DATE: Tue Jan 27 11:00:00 PST 1998
who was ca-ca? RE: First one in the new archive is a ca-ca.
FROM: Myk Murphy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:44:41 PST 1998
a belated bye to my sweet cushca! so glad to see that sleepy is indoctrinating you into the wonderful world of RH. that's a good thing. so, wax, how's tricks?
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:37:01 PST 1998
Good bye Cushca.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:31:27 PST 1998
Oops. Didn't realise the time. I'm afraid I have to go. See you later dear. Be good.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:29:51 PST 1998
I could, but it would look kind of strange at the under 18's disco.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:28:45 PST 1998
Now you understand. Voices are a big thing for me. The wrong one can send me running for the hills. Fortunately Robyn doesn't do the slow groaning thing very often.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:27:46 PST 1998
You could listen up until he says those words and then quick put your fingers in your ears and shreek.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:26:09 PST 1998
Bye Sleepy. Oh its the WAY he says it, not the imagery or anything like that. I see.
FROM: Sleepy
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:24:23 PST 1998
I'm still here but I'm going now. One of Robyn's best lyrics though Cushy m'dear. Bye!
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:23:34 PST 1998
Er no. I just don't like the way he says 'grey'. Or 'yet' either. Very odd.
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:22:29 PST 1998
Powerful disturbing little song isn't it?
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:19:56 PST 1998
I'm afraid that I can't listen to that one as the way he says grey really gets to me. Can't explain it.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:19:19 PST 1998
FROM: Chewing Wax
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:17:44 PST 1998
Looks the same to me. And I'm standing in the shadows cause it hasn't happened yet.
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:15:18 PST 1998
I AM THE VICTOR!!!!! Do I win the tumble dryer and boating holiday in the Norfolk Broads????
FROM: Cushca
DATE: Tue Jan 27 10:14:23 PST 1998
Nice try. Ha ha ha.