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ONE DAY'S POSTINGS: 5/19/2024 - FIRST TO LAST 5 Posts Total BACK

Morning bastards.
(5/19/2024 4:26:45 AM ET)

I have no off switch when it comes to granola. I never learn. Every single time I have it, my eyes are bigger than my tummy and I end up chomping down about a kilo of the fucking stuff and I then spend the rest of the day feeling MEGAFULL. I'm a granola greedy guzzleguts.
(5/19/2024 4:29:41 AM ET)

I should start Granola Anonymous.
(5/19/2024 4:30:14 AM ET)

Night bastards.
(5/19/2024 5:13:36 PM ET)

Myk Murphy:
Yes, but it's good for you, right? Granola for all!

Hello from the beach. I came into town to tear out an old deck railing and put in a new PVC system. What a royal pain in the ass. It looks good, but my mistakes are plentiful and it has taken all damn day to get one third done, and the deck isn't all that big. I am covered with PVC shavings and I'm having the best beer ever brewed, as my entire body is sore and the double IPA is on the case. Do your magic!

(5/19/2024 7:20:08 PM ET)